Persn tetives Paue4 April 27, 2005 "So eniov lite, and live it to the fullest." Editors note: The follow- ing article was printed in memorial of Trista Standen, -- with permission of Trista's family. Trista originally wrote this article for her college Englzsh Class on February 8, 2005. Trista passed away less than a week later on February 14, as a result of injuries sus- tained in a car accident. It seems as if it was only yesterday that Danielle, Billy, Kirk and I 'Yere two- tracking in Kirk's Moun- taineer. While we were get- ting ready to leave, Kirk, Danielle and I were pla_n- ning our trip to the casino in Traverse City for that coming Friday. We were psyched; it was our first trip out of town together. Dave, my boyfriend at the time, Danielle and Kirk and I were ge;tting a room at the Grand Traverse Hotel. Thursday night, Kirk called to tell us that he couldn't go because he got called in to work on Friday evening. Danielle and I were bummed, so we started thinking of things we could do ipstead. Friday rolled around and Danielle, Dave, and I decided to go to the bar and shoot pool. We had another friend of ours, Dave, come too, so we could play on teams. When Kirk got out of work he called and said that he was taking Rachel and Leafa two-tracking in the Mountaineer, so he would be home .later. Around 8:30 pm, my boyfriend received a phone call. He walked outside, which was unlike him be- cause we usually pass-the phone around and all of us take turns talking to who- ever had called. Fifteen minutes passed by, and Dave walked bflck in with a horrifying look on his face. From the look and tone of voice he had, I knew he had to be pissed at me. We walked outside and ICC ·Events Calendar April /Mav 2005 27 Drive mis 29 phy 30 2-4 4 5 ets The Rocky Horror Picture Show, ACC In Theater in the main parking lot, 9 p.m. Ad sion is free, and the community is welcome. An Evening with the Arts, 7-9 p.m., East Campus. Exhibits by fine arts and photogra- students 14th Annual Staff Retirement/Recognition Dinner at the Alpena Country Club. Tickets available from Kathy Momrik in Campus Se vices and Joan Misiak in the Bookstore. AC employees, $10; guests $15. Final Exams RN Pinning, 7 p.m., Granum The~tre Honors Breakfast, 9 a.m. Holiday Inn. Tick available in Campus Services for $6.50. Gl."<!1111-s, Dn.irns, Amplifier,,, Ct111ti~.Pllll1'111s Efi!l:itro \fcic!t W11U1!m1t hmia!! • A»m,o P.A.. Sy,;:e1n;, JNu:um>'l-'a-Jli.: ()scat Sdh!imitl· (9-89} 354-2750 lmS • OOM Cory Hoeberting ·,~1ww.w-c1rc reektrN.115tc.oom CD Rentals Available! Free Consignment! WAL*MART® MWAYS LOW PRICES. 1180 M-32 West Alpena, Ml Open 24 Hours Meet the Bondwell There it is. We hope it provides great hope and inspiration to everybody who sees it and gets to know it. Dave took me off to the couldn't be dead. He just got died. He also used to side and told me he needed hurt. After I told Danielle, come and see her at to talk to me. "Oh, my she staggered back and fell whatever time she god! What happened?" into the seat of the car. We · called if she was was all I could mumble. sat there and held each other having a bad day "Kirk, Leafa, and Rachel as the tears poured onto each and she needed to were in a car accident other's shoulders. I went in- get out and talk to tonight ar.ound 8 p.m. ," side to call my mom to tell someone. We all was all he managed to say. her that we all were going to went inside and He paused and looked at Dave'shousebecausenoone Danielle and I lay Dave and Danielle stand- wanted to be alone. I picked down on the bed ing by the car waiting up the phone, barely able to together with our impatiently. "Leafa and dial because I was shaking heads buried in the Rachel are ok, but are in so badly, and could barely pillows, sobbing. ICU right now. Leafa was see through my tears. "I'll be back in . thrown from the truck "Mo-om," was all I was able a few minutes," I and has broken fingers, to get out as I started cry- said . as I lifteo. my head broken toes, and other ing hysterically. I couldn't off the tear-soaked pillow. various injuries. Rachel manage to get another. word I went outside and sat on has a broken pelvis," he out. the porch while I gasped for said, in a shaky voice as "What's wrong? What hap- air. I couldn't sit there but his lips quavered. pened? Are YO';l ok? Damn for a minute because I was "What happened to Kirk? it, Trista, tell me what hap- shaking so badly, stumbling Is he ok?" I demanded in a pened!" Mom said it in a around in the dark as-memo- peared when the tears started to emerge from my already blood-shot eyes. I couldn't hold it in any longer and started bawling once again. Kirk's mothet asked us to go sign his cross that a few mu- tual friends had made for him sharp voice. I could barely demanding voice, trying ries of Kirk flooded my head. at the site of the accident. breathe and couldn't even· to find answers to why her My sniffles echoed in the move a muscle. daughter was hysterical. complete silence. The door ':Well", he started to say "Kirk died, Mom! Kirk creaked open and closed. I "Along with Leafa, Kirk died!" I bellowed into the knew it was Dave to come was also thrown from the phone. That's all I man- see if I was oj_c. As we stood vehicle and he died at the aged to say for the first few there, I could tell he was scene." "Who told you minutes until I had calmed frantically trying to think of this?" I demanded with a down some. something to talk about. He shuddering voice. "I'm not coming home to- . started making small talk, "Amanda is the one who night. Dave is taking us to trying desperately to get my called me and told me," he his house," I told her between mind off of the death of one said hesitantly, because he sniffles. My head fell into of my best friends. knew I didn't like her. my arms as I listened to her "It is freezing out here, even "She's wrong! He didn't answer. if you can't tell. So please, die. He just got hurt! " I "Ok, that's fine. Just don't come inside!" he pleaded as argued, in denial. "A pain drive if you are crying because he shivered in his shorts and shot through my heart e don't need you to get in an T-shirt. We walked in, arm- as I stood there, com- acc·dent, too," she complied in in-arm, with my head laying pletely paralyzed from nderstanding voice. on his shoulder because my head to toe. I couldn't he entire ride home we sat neck was too limp to hold cry, I couldn't speak, and silence, everyone was awe- it up. All of us lay down on I couldn't do anything but ruck as we let it all sink in the bed and held each other stand there and stare into and actually realized what had as we drifted off into our Dave's eyes. My stomach appened that night. When memory logged dreams of was tying itself into we got to Dave's house, we our great friend, Kirk. knots; it was making me all stood outside exchanging The following week, we feel like I was going to hugs. went to see Kirk at his fu- throw up. My heart sank Danielle was in complete neral. I have never in my life as I felt the tears start shock because the man of her felt so sad and heart-broken, to flood my eyes. I was dreams, the guy that would until I saw him lying there, in complete denial. He do anything for her, had just totally lifeless in his casket. In my mind, I kept telling myself that that wasn't him lying there. As I stood there starting at him, I could feel . this ball in the back of my throat getting bigger and bigger, but then his mom came up to us and thanked Danielle and I for being such good friends to Kirk, and that she appreciated it. When I heard those words, I lost it; that ball in the back of my throat was no longer there. I had disap- Afterwards, we did as she asked and went to the scene of the accident. It was hor- rible . There was glass and miscellaneous items, such as his chewing tobacco contain- er, beer bottles, and cigarette packs that had fallen out of his truck when it rolled ap- pFOximately 7 times. There was the 7-foot-tall cross that had burned in the cross, across the top, "Keebler," his nickname. We took the black marker and stood there, not know- ing what to write. Our minds were blank; we had so much to say but we didn't know what really meant the most . Finally, the perfect saying came to our mnd, and we thanked him for all the good times we had. When it is raining, I also take extra care and go slower than normal on dirt roads because that is how Kirk lost control of his vehicle , although he was going too extremely fast where the road had many sharp turns. I also make sure I let my friends know how much they mean to me all the time because you never know when their your life or theirs will end. I also make sure I enjoy life, because I don't want to miss out on the times I could be having fun.and enjoying the time I have here. Kirk was the same age as !Ile, 19. So it just goes to prove that you never know when your time here is done. So enjoy life, and live it to the fullest. All Columbia Spring Sports ear Alpena Community College and Northwood University Partner to bring you a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree & Sandals 20% Off UKII :~:,,::~.:°"°,:'.: ER s IT y Lee'sA::ri· ALPENA Ml 49707 USA Department Store . PHONE: (989) 358-7302 FAX: (989) 358-7560 EMAIL: Managing/Sports: Dominick Miller Managing/News: De Maramed Sports/ A&E: Chris Engle A&E/Perspectives: Glenn Lenard Photo Editor: Kara McDonald Advisor: Ann Kitalong-Will Contributors: Shane Eiseler, John Garavaglia, Nick Jarrnuzewski, Volume 7, Issue 8. The spring, 2005 Lumberjack is printed on February 1, March 15, April 5 and April 27. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the writers and are not endorsed by Alpena Community College or by the entire Lumberjack.staff. Letters to the Editor can be sent to our e-mail address:, mailed to: The Lumberjack, Alpena Community College, 666 'Johnson St., Alpena, MI 49707, or dropped off at the Besser Tech Center, room 106. All letters to the editor must include valid contact information for veri- fication purposes. The Lumberjack reserves the right not to publish any letter that does not contain contact information or what we deem inappropriate in any way.