CAMPUS UPDATE, February 18, 1981, Page 2 EDITORIAL By: Dave Talbot Oh the joys of driving a car. Traveling the highways and. by ways touring and observing nature and her iahabiiante The interior is warm and protecting as you look outside and see snowflakes swirl- ing around the hood of the car. A little shiver travels up your spine as you remember the outside temp- erature is -10 degrees. You are also comfortable in your auto. But wait —, what's that noise? Why is the engine clinking? Why are my lights going dim? Oil and temperature gauges aren’t sup- posed to be lit, are they? Three days later your auto sits in the shop being repaired. But can you really be sure that every- thing which was wrong with it is being {ied proper! picking your car up, you decide te time to give it the old road test and see if everything is in proper working order. You throttle the accelerater, stomp on the brakes and twist the steering wheel. You test the tightness of the lug nuts by flaming down the quarter mile. Then when you think everything is ship-shape, you go for a nice drive and your car quits again. So who do you blame? The incompetent mechanic? Or does the blame lie within yourself for treating your car to the road test? Maybe you. didn’t give it the road test and it just failed on you a quar- ter of a mile from the workshop. If you gave your car the road test, then you should accept re- sponsibility, for the result. ever, if the car fails a quarter of a mile from the shop, its time to have a discussion with the mechanic. Inquire as to what was done with the car, every little detail, and find out who it was that worked on your auto. The next time it needs fixing, make‘sure you have a writ- ten statement about what needs fixing and one pertaining to what was fixed. Double check the list before taking your car out of the lot. If you do not know anything about cars, take a friend or another mechanic with you and check out the car. Mechanics aren’t mechanical beings, they do make mistakes. You do have your rights to check the auto out before removing it from the lot. It’s your life that’s behind the wheel. MID-WINTER BREATHER Spring Break is now only a few days away. Is that a unani- mous sigh of relief we hear, or the Mes wind in training? been a long, cold winter, but are of the area predict that the worst is still to come. If that is the case, one could wonder why - this little vacation is called Spring Break and not Mid-Winter Breather. Whatever it’s called, though, it’s a well-deserved and much anticipated week$ rest. students have expres- sed ‘an intention to travel for the week. Other plans include skiing, studying, reading just for pleasure, snowmobiling, ice skating, and sleep. The time will be available and, weather permitting, faculty and students alike will be free to Saris their various interests. Things you can occupy your- self with during spring break: By: J. S. MacDonald 1. Count up to a million 2 ty to Texas and buy a cowboy jat. 3. Read War and. Peace. Take notes. 4. Have unnecessary surgery on your spleen. 5. Ride your bike on the lake, Watch out for puddles. 6. Go on an around-the -world cruise and cut it short, 7. Shovel Sonya Titus’ driveway with a plastic kiddie shovel and: bucket. 8. Wash, elcnt and starch all your 10. Learn to play ‘Handel’ 's Messiah on the spoons. Wash behind your ears. 12. Board a space flight to Posen. 13. Learn the alphabet. 14. Send out Christmas cai 15. Hire a helicopter ond fly back and forth over Alpena. Give your cat an inferiority complex. Write a complete biography of every person living or dead. 18. Think of number 18. 19. While you’re at it, number 19. 20. Write one of these stupid lists. Perper reeceeeeeeeee ty 16. lita continued from page 1 column 4 experience here and tell his family and friends. A community college, ich as ours, gives the student a ae to get his feet wet before going on to a university. Another reason for selecting a community college is that the student may have family in a nearby university. So they may choose a community college nearby with the intentions of transferring to the same univer- sity.” Fr i A Res BE iS: $ Es ES T K near ea Tey. 3, Malet its Prfolelofc elalety uv ple [wie Ete Gn ss cen a Re BS N ste lr] u “ale Fale|iiniels Pole tela |e Po ln Peels fu "5 [a fe Mo lw oles rc es Valele la Milslelololofe ty folole lu Pealelolal"s] R a ee eS 1 Folaicia lw iim aM cl cl], [ole ls “pte lm loli] s Pe lula N H teal 2 2 ra letaAl te PN ale Pal u | K Cn : i o|RIAlGloIN slHliljv B SIE sts Me Lon Me lutte Pet ee. D "x |"a Lalo ly Tale le ie ‘NIV IA a a Mel Ri elo ree [Oo a Molwlels re| aie rst i lel ule NW S ralolols [ris re |b} o fe Pet. Mes Phe tw Pa PATA SISaEN ee Paw lz ta Conliw ee eal CATES TB olals n [AN WPA] s [ar A NOL RIR ele a ie ra ee a H. TS lAlR MBS le lolalslolaly BS lelete fe |S fe N PLLA re ls |r U. ek A eS ts ee ts fo ts ale |S |'6 Fle A z ALS Rlol|7cle (ee LA Mélajlal[N [ole COMPANY WRITE & By: ie . ae M. R. Hohmann Hi! My name is !. M. Cramped and | represent Write & R’s Bloc and here are 40 reasons that we have formulated just for you to put off going, your homework: 1. 1'm 2. The a ate my book. 3. M*A*S*H ison TV. 4.1 got sick on my notebook. 5. There's plenty of time. 6. There's a ee pales te ~ morrow and I’m 7. My fish died. 8. | sprained my hi 9. My typewriter aoe all used up and | can’t write. 10.1 know i'm going to get an A nyway. 11. My teacher hates me. 12. | never learned to read. 13. | did it, but | lost it. 14. Somebody stole it out of my locker. I'll do it in class. . | accidentally used my note- book to start the fire. . | don’t understand the instru- ctions. 18. | don’t have any paper. 5 19. | have to mow the lawn. 20.1 left my book on the dial-a- ride. There are all-night Clint East- wood movies on cable. 22. My cat had puppies. 23.1 ate some bad tuna for dinner Pale OFFERS EXCUSES . | ran out of gas in Gaylord and BLOC and had to go to the hospital to get my stomach pumped. had to walk home. . It’s due today?! . | can’t do’ hing until {get my Cast off. . The cat threw up in my book: and the pages are stuck to- gether. . | lapsed into the fourth dimen- sion. 1 tried to open my book and my hand went through it. . My book fell prey to spontane: ous combustion. I i a it ee after Johnny My heroeboe advised against Es | ‘have gone insane and will be in this little ae room for at least two yea I'm protedce) the attendance policy. 34.1'm going to change majors. re) i) Ww a 40. _dumb list because we needed . My . (’m never going to use this in the real world. . 'm going to drop out and join the army. They'll make a man out of me. cat was run over by a ie Bit ! found this out after | looked for her for nine hours. . | froze to we car while scraping my windsl It’s rainin | stayed up all night writing this filler material for Campus Update. Editor: Beth Anderson Assistant Editor: Dave Talbot Sports Editor: Bill Garant medium of Alpena Community College, and is published bimonthly-September through May-- except during vacations and examination periods, by the students of Alpena Community College--Alpena, Michigan. All articles published are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and the opinion(s) expressed in such articles do not necessarily express the views of the editor(s), the advisor, or the administration of Alpena Community College. Campus Update is printed by the Alpena News. Business Manager: Cathy Bruske Photographer: Pat Collins ; Advertising Manager: Eric Thompson Advisor: Dr. L. Aufderheide Reporters: Rosa Morrison, Sharyn Owens, Don Elliot, Diana Flakes, Georgia Wheeler, Janet Peters, Greg Hurd, JoAnn Boguth J.) Nh) Ghia