CAMPUS UPDATE DECEMBER 16, vee Share a Ride ‘n Save by Nancy LaFramboise Do you have transportation for ACC’s Spring semester? The Northeastern Michigan Community Service Agency may. have your solution with their “Share a Ride’n Save” program. This program is a responsible car pooling system which services, elev- en counties in northeast Michigan. Workers, students and volunteer personel can all participate in this “Share a Ride’n Save’’ program. After a person applies for the “Share a Ride’’ program, that per- son will receive a list of car pool names. It will usually take one week for the application to be pro- cessed by Community Services. The applicant will have @ choice from the car pools named on the list. Interested persons can pick up a Community Service application form called “Don’t Go It Alone’: These “Don't Go It Alone” forms are located in Van Lare Hall, the Volunteer Office and in Chuck Wiesen’s office at BTC 110. These: forms are recognizable by their black, white and yellow colors, The “Don't Go It Alone” forms are to be returned -to Wiesen’s off- ~ ice or to NE Michigan Community Services. On January 6 and 7, mem- bers of NE Michigan Community Services will be helping students in the registration line at ACC. These forms can be returned then. 'f anyone has any questions con- cerning the “Share a Ride’n Save” program, they can contact Chuck Weisen’s office (BTC 110) or call Jane Ann. Zadow Comat Services) at 356-3474, This program has been running for two years and is helping Amer- icans with their energy saving pro- grams. Toys for Needy: Children by Tom Talaski : Some of the local businesses have been collecting items, to make Christmas happier, for everyone. The McDonald’s restaurant of Alpena has been collecting toys for local children. If you are interested in getting rid of some of your old toys that you no longer play with, just drop them off at McDonald's and they will make sure they get to the needy children: Luds and Big Boy have a project going called. “can-do.” In which you may drop off canned foods at any three of the restaurants and they will see that the food gets to the people that need it. Both of these projects are in 7 cooperation with Salvation Army and St. Vincent De Paul. PAGE KALAKA “car Pool in Babylonian) If you're interested in ridesharing in many d £ill out the form below and send it to: — ifferent forms c RIDESHARE 2373 Gordon Road Alpena, MI 49707 iasisizisisisisisiaislals| all 356-3474 and/or oly _COATINUED FR OM. PAGE 1 .. Because | too was once a child, this question began to make me feel very, very guilty, so | one likes quilt. However, once more | began to. ponder the thought of this man Santa Claus. What happens when these children grow up to be- come adults? What happens to their interpetation of this toy giver. Then the answer came to me when | saw the jolly little man giving a little girl a candy cane and a hug with the assurance that she would get her doll on Christmas Eve. | felt a very warm feeling inside myself and real- ized that the man they call ‘Santa Claus’ was different things to dif- ferent people. To the young he is a symbol of joy, the joy that comes along with the excitement of seeing all those toys on Christmas morn- ing. And to the old, he is a symbol of love, peace, and warmth that still exists in this hellish, harsh world. MUSEUM HIGHLIGHTS FOR 1982 by Joel Reeves The Jesse Besser Museum has a full slate of exciting and new exhib- its as well as a number of entertain- ing and informative sky theater pro- grams coming in the weeks ahead. Staring January 10 and lasting until February 7 a traveling art show called the National Associa- tion of Women Artists, will exhibit about 40 paintings at the museum. quickly — erased it from my mind because no * NAME: 5 HOME PHONE: : (Last) (First) (area code) { . ADDRESS: (Street) (City) (Zip) NEAREST INTERSECTION TO YOUR HOME: T EMPLOYER: WORK PHONE: . (Name) (area code) ADDRESS: © | (Street) (City) (Zip) WORK HOURS: Starting time-- - AM PM End time-- AM PM : (Hour) (cirele one) (Hour) (circle one) I AM INTERESTED IN RECEIVING INFORMATION ON: (circle) CARPOOLING VANPOOLING PUB. .TRANSIT I PRESENTLY GET TO WORK THE FOLLOWING WAY(S):* (circle) DRIVE ALONE ‘CARPOOL WALK PUBLIC TRANSIT. VANPOOL OTHER aE ENE RG PAM TIE HOLIDAY HAMS HOME-GROWN, HOME-CURED, HOME-SMOKED Also: Slab Bacon Link Sausage Pork Roasts Pork Loins ORDER EARLY ! Spare Ribs HILL FARM (Don Leeand Family , Spruce, Michigan/48762 (517) 727-2216 The NAWA is the oldest and largest national organization. of women professional fine artists and exhibits nationally and internationally. Beginning February 14 and con- tinuing through March 28 an exhi- bition traveling from the Detroit Institute of Art called ‘European and American Sculpture from 1830 to 1930’‘will be on‘display. The pur- pose of this exhibition, which will include 27 sculptures from, 10 countries, is to demonstrate the richness and variety of European and American sculpture styles, sub- jects, materials and techniques used between 1830 and 1930. “Planets of Doom’ is the title of the sky theater program which will :be opening January 3 and closing February 21. This show will take a close look at the ‘Jupiter Effect’, which is the term for the Gribbin- Plagemann hypothesis of catas- trophic environmental events of the earth resulting from an ‘alignment’ of the planets in March of 1982.” Aa@A FOLLETT ACC BOOKSTORE © Designed with the Student in mind 20% Discount on All Supplies & Clothing thru December! Located at Besser Tech Ao A & s % : : 1A S FROM THE CAMPUS UPDA TE STAFF 2 4 A (GB) MERRY CHR ISTM, fags A