CAMPUS UPDATE, Dec. 13, 1978, 197 Page 2 EDITORIA SPECIAL THANKS Season’s greetings and a special thank you to the many people at ACC for their assistance and encour- agement in the often frustrating and frantic moments coupled with the| tedious digging around that it takes to put a four-pager together. Thanks first to our vigilant advisor who always has one more idea when we've run dry and thanks to the Graphics department for their ma- chines, time and tolerance, to Mr. Bonfoey of The Alpena News for his patience and expertise, to Alpena Printing for help with composer problems, to the Publications Board for giving us their support and Phyllis, to the many instructors, ad- ministrators, business persons and _ students, too numerous to mention individually, who gave information and advice, to Shelby and Co. for our creature comforts and to the people in the community services office for-acting liason — they must have thought we had a “thing” going with the IBM repairmen who dropped _ in at least once per issue. Finally, thanks to our staff who kept the flow of news, pictures and ads coming, took the editing and put up with the nagging. Thank you all and to all a Merry White is Right For Christmas Let's make it a white Christmas this year. 1f anyone is giving or receiving outdoor SecttiA at Christ- mas time, please consider a garment that is readily seen at night. Clothing made of fabric that re- flects light (luminous) is preferred though white or light shades of any color are also visible to motorists driving after sunset or just before nrise. : Now that winter has arrived, the daylight period is shorter. In addi- tion, quite often sidewalks and walkways are buried deep in snow, making the road the only means of travel. It is necessary, therefore, to take extra precautions when walk- ing at the side of the road after dark. Whether a person is out jogging for several miles or just visiting a neighbor, it is wise to be seen. So, when the “Dear Santa‘ letter is written, let it say, ‘‘Please make it white, bright and visible.” “CAR EATER eles SPEAKING OF THE WEATHER by Mary Kelley Don‘t look now folks, but there’s snow on the ground. When the first snow arrived, | looked out the indow and mentally kicked my- self because | hadn‘t bought those cross-country skis that were on sale last spring. My next thought was, “| wish | had spare time, I‘d make a snowman, better’ yet, a snowoman; | believe i in equal rights. That. | | got hit with the answer. Suddenly bad memories of preceding winters flashed before my cold-struck eyes. As | sit, scratching this on a war- mer than-l-am: sheet of paper, | am wearing. leather boots, furry knit socks, long underwear, turtleneck sweater, bibbed overalls, a hat, scarf, vest, and mittens, my nose reads... ats 50 Naa av0U WiTrter? = opened the outside door and WHAM! my barely idling car and attempted to scrape the frost off the windows. Two strokes with my arm and | rea- lized that the frost was not on the exterior of the window, but on the interior. Now | could look at this in one of two ways: what a pain, or gee aren’‘t | lucky, others can freeze out in the weather, | get to freeze in my car. Think of what we’d miss if we lived in an area that didn’t have snow. Did | say live? Do you call freezing to death living? Do you call crying ice cubes when your car has mysteriously dashed into a six foot drift, living? Do you call fight- ing against 30 mile-an-hour winds, waddling through the cruel snow to get from a class in VLH to another in NRC, living? Let's not even think of that...that...wait a minute, I’m trying to think of a nice, clean way © put it...AHA!...challenging inte- gration. INTEGRATION? That's what | said; by it | mean that we can have wind and still have it bear- able, and we can have snow and not curse it, but when some dumb jerk combines the two, we end up with a monsterous relationship. Alright, alright, | admit, there is a nice side to snow. One can have al- most,...notice, | said almost, much fun in the winter as he can in the summer. Actually, compar- ing and contrasting the two seasons is like comparing and contrasting owever, | still prefer dri- notes or ay essay. ving in the summer to driving in the winter; | doubt if I’m unique in that preference. Think of those poor, deprived stu- dents who study in a geographic lo- cation that does not receive the white stuff. They don’t get to ex- perience a school day called off be- cause of the deep snow; they don’t get to experience having a snowball gracefully bash their nose in; they don’t appreciate summer as much as we do; they don’t have the same opportunity to explain to their in- structor that their essay is late be- cause they slipped on the ice on their way to class two weeks ago and the swiftly drifting snow relieved them from the burden of carrying 10 hours worth of notes; or that they‘re late because the :snowplow that only plows the road when it gets lost got lost and conveniently plugged the just-hand-shoveled drive- way. Hey! Look, we've got it made compared to those warm-climated creeps. If nothing else, I've benefitted from this article in one way; I’‘mso jealous of anyone who could possib- ly have a body temperature above freezing that my blood pressure has risen to the point that finally the crystalized blood is beginning to cir- culate throughout my. body again. Now maybe my eyes can follow my hand as | attempt to replenish my Survey Yields Federal Funds s Hunts forget it, my talented, sensitive nose is numb — I’m c-c-c- cold. : fast food restaurants yesterday wear- my warmest clothing. | ordered my usual—hamburger and white milk— sat in a booth, removed the top layers of clothing so as to avoid decorating my red vest with yellow mustard, ate my nice, warm ham- burger, drank my c-c-c-cold but good-for-me milk and then proceded to leave. A lady with two, too- young-for-me sons kindly inquired in which direction | was headed. | pointed my mittened hand south, towards downtown. She said, ‘’Oh. If you were going the other way, I’d give you a ride.” Startled, replied, ‘“‘Thanks, but I‘ve got a car. It just doesn‘t have heat.” HEAT! You lucky car owners with luxuries. This morning | climbed out of | walked into one of our local. by Monday, December 11, selected students filled out a form called the Federal Student Survey. The form consisted of a page of questions per- taining to race, goals, physical disa- bilities, and as one student put it, “A lot of red tape.” Students were generally annoyed with the Survey. One student com- plained, “It says journalism at the top of the page, but the questions ask nothing about journalism’.’“An- other disgruntled student remarked “They ask a lot of boring questions that are none of their business.’’ Many were nothappy with the sur- vey, but it is required of ACC if we are to receive federal aid money in the coming year. The federal aid received by ACC this year totaled $85,000, which, according to Presi- dent Donnelly “‘... is not much, but we can’t get along without it.’ DORM NEWS FREEMAN NEW R.A. by Margaret Boyea -H.A. is sponsoring an arm wrest- ling contest this afternoon in the center section of the dorm. A iprize of $5.00 is-being offered for the winners of the men and women. On Dec. 8, Doug Freeman was chosen for the position of resident advisor replacing Tom Ruedisuel who will not be returning next se- mester. S Some of the more fun-loving stu- dents held a football game Tues., Nov. 28 behind the dorm. There were only a couple of casualties while slipping around in the snow and ice, They all had a-cold, wet, fun time. An all-dorm meeting was held Nov. 29. Among topics discussed wes the change of age for drink- ing. the East Campus on the ACC campus. Printed by The Al. Editor, Mary Kelley Business Manager, Ch Assistant Editor, Elizabeth Littler ery! Beasley - Photographer, Denny Heine. Sports Editor, Rene’ Johnson Advertising Manager, Alana Fau medium of Alpena Community College published bimonthly, September thru May, except during vacations and once periods, = the students of Alpena Community College, Alpena, Michigan. The office is located in Ipena News. - Assistant Coordinator, Phyllis Druckman Headliner, Arthur -Kniep Photo- acting: Noel Skiba’.