VOLUME 1, ISSUE/8 CAMPUS UPDATE Alpena Community College, Alpena, MI MARCH 8, 1979 SENATE PLANS MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY DANCE Student athletes team up with student government members to win the fight against muscular dystrophy with a special money-raising dance. Earl Buckingham (left) and Mary Ellen Sermack are members of the ACC Varsity Basketball Teams. Tom Kane (right) and Paul Meyers are student senate members. Dwindles Budg By Rick Sterling There’s a certain four-lettered word drifting around the campus of Alpena Community College that has many members of the college ad- ministration staff in afrenzy. Al- though it is one of many of these types of words, this one undoubted- ly won‘t be banned by the P.T.A. or the F.C.C. The word is SNOW. Each year this college is forced to pay a price equivalent to. nearly six years of school tuition in order to finance the clearing of snow from parking lots, drives and walkways. Dale IIsley, director of buildings and grounds, states that with the snow- fall this year it will cost his depart- ment) well over $5,700. This is a phenomenal, yet very necessary cost to pay for the convenience of staff and students. © At the onset of every school year, the buildings and grounds depart- ment accepts bids to find the com- pany or group that will move snow for. the least amount of money. This year, as in years past, the job has been given to an Alpena ‘com- pany—Losinski Excavating and Sep- tic Tank Company. Their bid was to do the job at a rate of $18 per hour for their trucks and $30 per hour for the use of their front-end loader. This again, according to Ilsley, is well below the local aver- en at first glance, it is hard to comprehend that an ieee of $5,000 could ac- cumulate in one season. However, if you consider that they must begin early enough in the morning to fin- ish before the school opens and that the Losinski Company handles all four sections of the campus (East Campus, Main Campus, Wilson Dormitory and the old Student Center) it’s easy to see where the cost comes from. In fact, Losinski’s men must start their plowing at 3 .m. and eel work straight through till seven. ) Continued on page 2 By Mary Kelley The annual Muscular Dystrophy drive is going strong in the area and has been for the past three years. With telethons, radiothons, variety shows, softball tournaments, : etc., the contributions have increased considerably. Alpena Community College is in the process of helping with the drive by organizing a basketball game between the Women’s and Men‘s Varsity teams and a disco dance with a DJ from WHSB, Friday, March 16 at East Campus Gym. The: evening will begin at 7:00 p.m. with a basketball game. Ac- cording to Dick Miles, the two teams have never before played gainst er. By Elizabeth Littler Dr. Robert Ramsey, a consultant for the National for The ‘Shamrocks for Dystrophy Dance” is set for 9:00 p.m. in the 1,000 green and white balloon- adorned “festive hall’. Dancers are requested to dress themselves in green and white clothing. The Student Senate, Owen Whitkopf, director of community relations and Steve Schray, admis- sions counselor, have invited seniors and their guests from area high schools. Because the dance and game is staged as an effort to raise contri- butions for the Muscular Dystrophy Drive, entrance to the game and dance will be by donation only. Refreshments will be available, as well as “Il love Jerry’s kids,” staff four or five times this year. When asked what the college hoped to gain from the consultation, Terry Hall, i the Humanities, (NEH), will meet March 8 and 9 with college admin- istrators and the fine arts faculty to study the humanities program at Alpena Community College. Ramsey’s presence on campus is the outcome of a grant written by the NEH Consultant Committee. Members of the committee include Dr. Charles Donnelly, John Heimnick, Lawrence Boyer, Terry Hall, Wesley Law, Terry Quinn and Gary Sparks. Ramsey will meet with the college Coffeehouse entertainment scheduled for next week By Mary Kelley As one newspaper put it about Connie Huber, a performer with a wealth of talent,’”... her songs con- tain moments of genuine inspira- tion...”. Next week, this inspirator will visit the campus for the coffee- house concerts scheduled on Tues- day and Wednesday by the Student Activities Office. Huber will perform in the dorm Tuesday, March 13, from 7:00 to 7:45 p.m.; in the VLH lounge Wed- nesday, March 14, from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; and in The Hut(BTC lounge) from 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. Huber can sing music all the way from rock’ to ballad. Without limit- ing herself to her own fine songs, she adds a seasoned interpretation to the great songs of artists like David Buskin and Jackson Browne. Her performances have taken her all over the country, sharing the stage with such people as Don McLean and Bob Gibson. But, it’s through her own work that audiences know her best. instructor, replied that it will possible lead to the establishment of a new interdisci- plinary program. Also involved in the talks are Alpena High School teachers of the humanities and Terry Meeder, super- intendent of schools. Plan Detroit Trip for Fine Arts By Elizabeth Littler An exciting new travel-and-study humanities course, which includes: visiting the famous Detroit Institute of Art and the ultra-modern Renais- sance Center and attending selected plays, concerts and movies, is plan- ned for the ‘79 summer semester. Students enrolled in the four-hour credit course spend one week on the Alpena campus then move to the Wayne State University campus in Detroit. The total cost of about includes housing, tuition, trans- portation, food and ticket fees. The early scheduling of the course, which begins May 21 and ends June 2, will suit summer jab hunters. No prerequisite is neces- sary, but enrollment is limited to 20 students. = “If you a “interested, contact Terry Hall, instructor, — ani room 13 in eis or exte 286.