CAMPUS UPDATE, October 8, 1980, Page 2 1980-81 Staff Shifts into Gear A new staff has been assembled for the 1980-81 edition of the Campus Update newspaper, and is prepared to work hard’ to pro- duce a pertinent and informative newspaper for all ACC students. Editor Pat Bedore, assistant ed- itor Dave Talbot, advertising manager Eric Thompson, and photographer Pat Collins have spent many hours in the prep- aration of this first issue, and are~ looking forward to a successful and productive year of publish- ing the Campus Update. If you are interested in being a vital part of this hard-working and informative on-campus news- paper staff, contact the editor through the Campus Update mail- box located in the business office of V.L.H. or call 356-9021 (ext. 222) for more details. By Dave Talbot An ACC flag football game be- tween 12-Pack and Spu-Kcufs kicked off the 1980-81 Intra total of seven teams competing in this year’s flag football pro- gram, it looks like another active year for the 1M sports Program fs by a score of -|n the second game, which was played at 5:00 p.m., the Mad Merr-Odders beat Flying High by a score of 26 to 0. Results of some of the other games are: Sept. a. Thirteen demolished the Ani- mals by a score of 26 to 0. Sept. 23 -- Flying High squeaked by the Animals by a score of 14 to 13. Tim Roeske ran two 25-yard touchdown plays for Flying High, who also succeeded with a two point -extra-point conversion. For the Animals, Scott Green ran two 30-yard td’s, but the ex- tra point was good on only one attempt, making the score 14 to 13. With time running out, Fly- ing High held the Animals on the One foot line and goal to go, and In the 4:00 p,m. game, 12-Pack t K Increase your knowledge -- Read the CAMPUS UPDATE! eae ee ee SS | Flag Football Kicks-Off I1.M. Sports Season puiled out the victory. In the second game, which was Ma Mer 0. Jim Straley with two td’s, Gary Dodd with two td’s, and Paul Gil- met with two td’s. Bissonette. “pass and ran for 45 yards before he laterally handed off to Jolly, who went in for the TD. Then in the second half, Jolly ran a 50 yard punt return for another TD. The other TD came on a pass from Janson to Bissonette. All _ three attempts at extra points failed. The lone score for the Lions came in the final minutes of play as Brown hit Denomme with an end-zone pass. The extra point try failed. Sept. 30 - The Lions man-handled Flying High in the first game by a score of 50 to 13. Scoring for the Lions were: Brown with a pass to.Szymanski for 6 points-extra point was good; Brown ran for 30 yards apleyed at 5:00 p.m., the 12-Pack ~ ed and 6 points--extra point no good; Brown passed to Woron for 6 points--extra point no good. In the secon tra.point was good. .|n the sec- ond half, Brown ran the kick-off back for 6 points, but the extra point was missed. Later, Brown ran for two more td’s and also ~ passed to Szymanski for 6 more points. Scoring for Flying High was for a td and threw to Fox for the extra point. Leask ran again in the second half for 6 more, but the extra point failed. * In the second game, the Spu- Keufs clobbered the Thirteen by _the score of 40 to 14. Continued on page 3,-column 3 * make every effort to clearly label ter, Brown a- =| editorial, com done by Leask, who ran 35 yards. Varsity Sports Approach The 1980-81 varsity sports sea- son is rapidly approaching here at ‘ACC, and there are a total of five teams that will be filled up by ACC students. First on the varsity sporting calendar is the basketball season, which includes both the men’s and women’s basketball teams. After that will be men’s and wo- men’s bowling which begins-in January. Last but not least will medium of Alpena Community College, and is published bimonthly--September through May-- | \ except during vacations and Bcianation: periods, by the students of Alpena Community College-Alpena, Michigan. All articles published are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and the opinion(s) expressed in such articles do not necessarily express the views of the editor(s), the advisor, | or the administration of Alpena Community College. Campus Update is printed by the Alpena News. EDITORIAL “hk RELEVANT PAPER” - This is the 1st issue of Volume 3 of the Campus Update--the offi- cial student newspaper of Alpena Community College for 1980-81. Following are a few of the goals which this year’s staff hopes to attain. The first and most important goal is to be able to look back at year’s end and know that we have made a lasting, worthwhile con- tribution to the lives and affairs . of ACC students. We feel that we = can best accomplish this through SS the use of interesting and infor- mative articles, along with dec- isive and relevant editorial com- ments. We want to deal with the issues that are of interest to the majority of 1980-81 ACC stu- dents, and we want to deal with - them in as objective a manner as we can, rather than subiective, as our main responsibility is to discover, determine, and publish news. This does not mean, how- - ever, that we will not print edi- 2 torial. comments, as this surely wouldn’t be much of a student : 3 newspaper without them. While ~ we will make no effort to stifle = our subjective opinions, we will cy, or as close to it as is humanly possible. Incorrect facts, incom- plete and shallow articles, punc- tuation and spelling errors, etc... are bad news for any newspaper, as these things tend to decrease dependability and therefore read- er interest--in direct proportion to the amount and severity of the mistakes. You can help us to make this a more accurate, relevant, and in- formative newspaper simply by taking the time to contribute ar- ticles and/or suggestions about the things which you feel strong- ly about. If the mood ever strikes you, Campus Update may be reached through our mailbox in the Business Office of Van Lare Hall during regular business hours, in room 101 of the East Campus building, or call 356-9021, ext. 222 — 1981 be the women’s softball season, which will begin in April of At this time it is still a little early to be printing schedules or in depth sporting articles, but watch future issues of the Campus Update for full cover- age of ACC varsity sporting events. = _—— SS Assistant Editor: Dave Talbot Assistant to Editor: Beth Anderson athy Bruske © Advertising Manager: Eric Thompson oe ~ Composer: Shari Raz Photographer: Pat Collins — a <a i Editor: Pat Bedore | Headline: we ee ae ae eee ee