CAMPUS UPDATE FEBUARY 17, 1982 PAGE 2 EDITORIAL PAGE It appears at least one judge has read our last editorial. Congratula- tions Judge Charles M. Foster (of Leelanau County Circuit Court) on sentencing a vicious criminal to 1% to 15 years in jail for probably the most heinous crime of the century. This vicious criminal is a 73 year old-grandmother and was convicted by Judge Foster, on Feb. 9, 1982, for “one of the most serious offenses on the books”, according to the Honorable Judge Foster. Mrs. Lucille White.of Bingham Township lied under oath in a very serious. crime of owing the Leelanau Memorial Hospital a wooping $7.50. The big lie that Mr. White told was about having a checking account. Keep up the good work Judge Foster. Protect us from these vicious criminals! We have to ponder over this situation for a great deal of time! A 73 year old grandmother goes to jail for up to. 15 years over a $7.50 civil suit while drug pushers go free on a technicality (see the Campus ~ Update, 10 Feb. 82, page 2). A down state Michigan State Police officer was shot and killed by a man with an extensive police record. When will the members of the bench and the bar wake up and see what is happen- ing? Maybe the Judges and Lawyers should step back and take a long hard look at things? We feel Judge Foster’s feelings were hurt because someone dared to lie to him, being a met of the bench and all, and the sentence was more of a vendetta rat! an justice. We must also give credit to the Leelanau Memorial Hospital for their it must hi $2,000.00 i Each year hundreds of thousands of people are killed or seriously injured in automobile accidents. If the people who drive them would only realize that their car is a dangerous weapon and can easily kill, maybe less people would perish because of them. Last week two local residents were killed when one person, not realizing that his car was also a deadly weapon, tried to pass on a curve in a four-wheel-drive truck and struck an oncoming small car. Two people in the prime of their lives were killed in a senseless accident. Nowadays drivers licenses are given to anybody who can answer a few common sense questions about driving. More care should be given as to who gets to use thess machineries of death. Because of one person who didn’t use his common sense two people aren’t alive today! If one knew the grief and tremendous-hurt experienced in the tragic death of loved ones maybe more people would realize the essen- tial need to drive extra careful before it’s too late for someone else. The latest two victims of careless driving were from the same family. Try to explain to their families that a car is not a deadly weapon. PLEASE remember when you get-into your car, you are behind a weapon that can kill. A mistake can i flict ‘Thuch pain and grief, always remember this: Also, appreciate those around you because you never know when they may become a part of one of these tragedies, and after _it happens it will be too late! # \f this article saves one life or makes one person be more careful, then it will have done what it was intended and have been worth the paper and ink used to print it. : my. first column, Whispers From the Outside by Greg Reeves Due to the incredible response to I've decided to write another. In all honesty, there was no response at all. Some would take this as a sign that no one read the column and the student popu- lace remains in its typical state of lethargy. However, | feel that in- stead of this, your mass silence is an unanimous vote of approval for all that | said. Thus, | am encouraged. Kitt Peak National Observatory is saved! Official word has been re- ceived that the Air Force will con- duct their operations elsewhere and leave the observatory alone. ‘In other news of cosmic importance, : ier a years or so and is due-in 1986.1f Congress. does not fund a probe mis- sion in its 1982 Federal budget no- thing can be done until the comet's return visit in 2061, and personally { can’t wait that long. The Ameri- cans have asked to help out on the European Space Agency probe, Giotto, that will be going out to in- tercept the comet. It’s a sad state ~ we’re in when we have to hitchhike on a forgeign mission so that Wein- berger can have a bigger bomber. So the Soviets are threating to ‘boycott the Olympics in 1984. Something about lack of. security. What are they afraid of, that all their people will defect? Is it just me or does it seem like there’s an awfully lot of airplanes landing in the water lately? ! hope you didn’t miss channel 11’s indepth man_on the street re- port on the creationist versus ev- olutionist teaching in our high schools. Three were for creation, one neither, and one that couldn't pronounce evolution but religion played a big part in her life anyway. | wish Newscenter 11 would leave the comedy to Steve Martin. Our public broadcasting station has a good run of programming go- ing on right now so don’t go sour on television yet. Life On Earth, American Playhouse, and Dr. Who are all extremely entertaining, for young and old alike. The old stand- bys are still superb, Masterpiece Theater with the “Flame Trees of Thika’” and Great Performances with “Brideshead Revisited.” We pay for these shows with our taxes, donations, and since most of these shows get money from the big oil companies, at the gas pump too. So what's new at ACC. Our new theater group, the Alpena Com- munity College Players, is working on Godspell for a March 17th open- ing. | shall be on hand for that and will report back. Did anyone notice how many times Campus Update gets scooped by Jackie Timm and her ACC Connection. It doesn’t bother me all that much but it should bother someone around here. In the last issue of the Campus Update we inadvertenly listed sev- eral students in the Students of Distinction category rather than the Students of Great Distinction list. They are as follows: eamnetie. ae Licavoli Lori Light Pamela ae ave Ann D. McLean Michael J. Molony Michael V. Murray Paulette A. Pupard Jane Stepanski Therese M. Townsend Marjorie Vanalstine Carla L. Viezbicke - Coreen J, Washburn William R. Weinkauf Mary B. West Barbara L. Whitcomb (CAMPUS UPDATE is a communications medium of Alpena Community College, and is published bimonthly—September through May—except during vacations and examination periods, by the students of Alpena Community College—Alpena, Michigan. All articles” published are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and the opinion(s) expressed in such articles do not necessarily express the views of the: editor(s), the advisor, or the administration of Alpena Community College. Campus Update is printed by the Alpena News. Editor: Ed Teckman Sports Editor: Assistant Editor: Greg Hurd Administrative Assistant: Janice Wade Advertising Manager: Leonard Bromund, James Stevens Reporters: Sharyn Owens, Georgia Wheeler, Joel Reeves, Deb Ferriter, Nancy La Framboise, Greg Reeves Photographer: Pat Collins Advisor: Dr. L. Aufderheide