CAMPUS UPDATE MARCH 3, 1982 PAGE 4 A Night in Las Vegas Alpena- style by Joni Theisen “Casino night may be compared to the Las Vagas situation’’, stated Jeff Zielke, president of R.H.A., which is sponsoring the event. Scheduled to take place at 9:00 p.m., March 25, at Russell Wilson Residence Hall, the croupier will take their positions at tables, play- ing poker, black jack, roulette, keno, and craps. Refreshments will also be served. Upon entering the dorm you can buy $15,000 worth of chips for $1.50. A person is allowed to buy 3 lots, which is $45,000. At the end of the evening, the people with chips left get to bid for prizes, which include, a cassette headphone, camera, his and her watches, records, and gift certif- icates. The event, held yearly, is going western. Volunteer croupier will be wearing cowboy hats, boots and other western attire. New Classes Day array: er tasa ACC's curriculum committee has agreed on certain new classes for A Childcare Development Pro- gram will be offering six classes in the childcare area. This program will help certify students to teach nursery. school. ACC is also trying to set up a transfer program for these classes to a four year college for a Preschool Nursing License. The classes involve childcare devel- opment assistance, preschool, Social Services procedure, program planning, group management and parent final assessment preparation. These classes will be held on Fri- day nights and Saturdays beginning in March or April. = Introduction to Theater-Contem- porary American Theater, will also. be scheduled. This class will work jn conjunction with the summer Humanities class and their summer trip to New York. Also, Introduction to Computer Software Usage will be the first of eight ‘classes in the commercial micro-computer series. ANSWERS TO MYSTERY PHOTOS : The mystery. people in our last issue were Dean Peg Lee and Dr. Lawrence Aufderheide. FINANCIAL AID ( Continued from page one ) Michigan simply does not have the population base to draw from. One of the basic goals of finan- cial aid is providing access—allowing students to choose a college based on factors other than dollars. Should the proposed budget cuts take effect, this goal will probably become inoperable. Students wishing to make their views heard on this important issue may do so by writing to the follow- ing legislators: The Honorable Donald W. Riegle, Jr. 1207 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Carl Levin 140 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Robert W. Davis 11th District Michigan 1224 Longworth House Office Building » Washington, D.C. 20515 MANIFESTATIONS ( Continued from page two ) And now, here’s everybody's good friend Loni Anderson with a message. ta eVeS- a Marrone q you'll be able to proteet little me. In the past, young men had to visit. their local draft board, but today all you have to do is go to your local post office. Wasn't that nice of the Justice Department to make registering so convenient for you. \ Of course, I’ve already registered myself, It's really kind of a shame that they won't draft women. | had so hoped: |‘d get a chance to try out my new. two-piece camouflaged bikini and army helmet.” If, after hearing all of these commercials your mind still isn’t entirely at ‘ease, the Selective Service has hired two concerned Canadians to do a commercial which should help you make the right decision. “Okay, do it.” “Ku-oo-ku-ku, ku-oo-ku-ku. Ku- 0o-ku-ku, ku-00-ku-ku.”” “Good. Hi there. I’m. Bob McKenzie and this is my brother Doug.” “Yeah, how are ya?”’ “Yunno, just because you regis- ter doesn’t mean you hose-heads / can't take off to the Great White North when things get:too hot at home.” “Yeah, like maybe you could _ come up and have some beer and back bacon with us,” “So that’s our topic for today. ‘Good day.” — : “Yeah, eh, good day.”” Law Enforcement Class Plans Field Trip by Debbie Meggert Friday April 2, students will tour Michigan State Police Crime Lab, ACC Law Enforcement students which is the central biggest modern are planning a field trip to Lansing crime lab in Michigan. Later that area law enforcement agencies day, students will visit M.S.U. Crim- March 31, April 1, and 2. inal Justice program, where they According to Herm Bordewyk, will meet with the instructors, and law enforcement instructor, the answer any questions for students purpose of the field trip is to enrich planning to transfer to M.S.U. the student's educational exper- The field trip is open to all law ience. It gives the student an oppor: enforcement students. Law En- tunity to observe the agencies first forcement Club members raise hand, and that is something that money through raffles, dances, cannot be learned in the classroom. bake sales, newspaper drives, and Thursday, April 1, students will selling lightbulbs to help cover the visit Lansing Police. Department.. cost of the bi-annual field trip. Any After that, they will tour the Cap- law enforcément students interest- ital Building and will meet State ed in attending the field trip, Representative Steve Andrews. should contact Herm Bordewyk. Students will have the privilege of sitting in on a house or senate meet- ing. Later that day they will visit Michigan State Police Training On Thursday, February 25, Complex, where they will be ob- Lynette Anderson was elected the serving a class in session. 1982-83 Alpena Community Col- lege Student Senate President. Four candidates were interviewed for the position. Lynette is currently serv- ing as Secretary of the Student Sen- ate and is an honor student in the pre-engineering curriculum. Lynette lists skiing. as her. favorite sport a: eclu Student Senate News A aOR DErALY arse! based on the Gospel Seats to St. Matthew Directed by Sonya Titus March 17th- 21st Admission $3.50 Alpena Civic Theatre Reservations necessary