CAMPUS UPDATE March 28, 1984 Page 3 Former Student Makes Presentation by Beatrice Kunath The Journalism Department at ACC was fortunate to have Mary Kelly of WBKB, channel 11, as guest speaker. Kelley came highly qualified to speak with the reporters and staff of the Campus Update, herself the editor in 1979. - Looking back at her education at AGC, Kelley recalled the classes that were helpful in developing her skills in broadcasting. Some of the classes she mentioned were speech, theatre, political science, English and journalism. Ms. Kelley enthu- siastically commented that classes dike these allow a person to gain selfconfidence, as well as acquiring leadership abilities. She was quick to add that students need independ- ent characteristics even though teamwork is important. Kelley, who makes commonplace things come alive, encourages stu- dents to “care about the world they live in.” She believes that a wide range of interest is important. Ms. Kelley’s communicative skills came from a.good educational background, She graduated from ACC in 1979 as an O which is second nature to her, she responded quickly, ‘‘people are im- portant, the most important part of my job.” In a caring way she said, “Vm not out to get people, but to get the best out of people.” Goals? Kelley has many: teach- ing part-time ata college, creating a talkshow, not to mention writing and pt Community College Student and re- cipient of the Anna Besser Award, has a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Broadcasting from CMU in 1981, D-J ‘and reporter with WHSB, and ever 300 hours as an intern through CMU. Concerning her communica- tive skills, Kelley adds, “I’m con- stantly learning and trying to en- ‘ gineer out new techniques.’’ When talking about interviewing Placement Office Schedules Workshops Alpena Community College has recently reinstated the Career Guidance Placement . Office. {ts -main objective is to help students of ACC find part-time jobs. and graduates “of ACC ‘find full-time as in the area ror Bee ls The employers. Frank MeCourt, Placement Coordinator, will super- vise all operations of the career office. Presently Ms. Kinn and Mr. McCourt are working on projects to inform students and employers of the new placement office. They will be teaching workshops to stu- dents on how to write resumes, how to prepare for an interview, Salsas : : The first workshop scheduled for college students is April 5, 1984 from 8:00am until 10:00am. There will be another workshop on: April 16, 1984 from 4:00pm until 6:00 pm. Both of these workshops will be Jocated in NRC 150. A portion of these workshops will involve filling out employment credential forms so the students will be regis- tered in our placement office. To sign up for one. of these: sessions, contact Debbie Kinn in the BTC lobby or at 356-9021 Ext. 240. : Also, tentatively scheduled for Thursday May 3, 1984 is a Campus/ Career Day. This day will be sche- duled in conjunction with the Ad- “ministrations Office at the college both for college students and for perspective college students still ~ finishing:high school. __ Any student who needs mete in- formation about their employment goals should contact Debbie Kinn. cian to work with fulene: ed as to go through a MOIS (Michigan Occupational Information System) test with students that matches: their aptitude and interests to an employment area. MOIS also assists students in getting more information on opportunities in a Debbie Kinn at 356-9021 Ext. 240 or Frank McCourt at Ext. 263 be- tween the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. — /ATTENTION ) The ee Community oo hold- ing a ae ca on Aa ie Tickets can be purchased from any IR:H.A. member. Buy your tickets he Student Affairs Office. ———————— ALPENA[MISAVINGS| PHONE: 356-2131 OFFICES IN: Alpena Hubbard Lake Lincoln. Harrisville ob ‘ tion of the ‘placement Office, call Inow! For more information ask at} “Her presentation to ACC's Jour- nalism class was 4 prepared tape of “bloopers,” proving that reporters are human, too. = AUTO PARTS AT A USED PRICE CATHRO aura : ie CRB MECHANICS — AND BODY PARTS We Buy Used &Wrecked Cars — 517 356 - 1305 5436 CATHRO RD. = ALPENA . ACT Presents « “The Shadow Box” _by Kevin Schalkofski Free student tickets will soon be available for the. Alpena Civic Theatre production ‘The Shadow Box”, a poignant Tony award and Pulitzer prize winning drama to be x presented:April 11-15 at the Alpena ~ Civic Theatre. Directed by Charmain Washburn;. “The Shadow Box’ is a story of inspiring determination and courage about three terminally ill people in a hospice setting, who when faced .with death manage to teach: ‘§ a lesson about living. Shirley Weaver; Ron Ross, Barb ElHot, Bill Dillworth, Chris Town- send, Keith Webb, Bob Dickenson, Don Elliot Ill, and Glenda Hall, round out an excellent cast of sea- soned ACT veterans and aspiring newcomers, each of whom provide electrifying portraits in a show ~ -@ where humor and cynicism are - @ intricately interwoven with the frankness of raw human emotion. ’ “The Shadow Box” does contain “some frank language and themes — ‘that may not be suitable to all ation about “The Shad Hae weaiai yy. the 201 fiver St, between the hours of 12-2 and 4-9, Monday through Saturday. 3 Campus pac Staff Delves Into Apathy The obvious apathy towards such activities as. Homecoming: has caused the Campus Update staff to try and answer the question; Why?. Along with the following survey, ” we will be submitting a questionnaire -to the faculty and do some ran- dom interviewing. Hopefully, . by using these three vehicles we will be able to accurately analyze the cam- _pus mood. On Campus. So while you’ are waiting for “your turn at the pool table, or have a few minutes. between classes, we _ would appreciate’ your filling out this survey and dropping ‘it off at the Student Services desk in the lobby of BTC. « We will be reporting our find- ings in a future: edition of Cam- pus Update. () ice, ‘located at Age. Oe 1, What activities have you particip 2. Which of the following activities are important: é a. social b. educational Fili In, tear off and return. to -c, athletic ss “the Student Affairs Office. d. none Thank Youf ae Status. Residen Are you a full-time, ora part- time student, § | Attend evening day. 3. Check the following reasons why you do not Participate | in activit- ies: schedule eseiiee! family. obligations not enough time . hot informed hot interested 4. Where do you-obtain informa- tion for campus activities? a. Splinter — b. Campus Update c. Word of mouth aos” 5