ACC Receives Award by Jackie Timm Alpena Community College was one of three colleges in the coun- try to receive a Business/Industry award at a recent presentation to which credits ACC with exemplary cooperation with the Besser Com-| (pany, anda check for $2,000. At the same time a plaque was also presented to the Besser Com- pany president James Park for exemplary cooperation with ACC. Through an agreement with the Besser Company, Alpena Commu- nity College has offered blockma- kers training courses since 1967. Funded by students’ material fees and tuitions, the program uses training manuels, classrooms and laboratories, and supportive mater- ials provided by the college. Besser Company: leases blockmaking e- quipment to the college for a dollar |a year, and Besser personnel, paid on a part-time basis by the college are responsible for most of the in- struction. Both the college. and Besser are involved in recruitment. More than 4,000 students, most of whom are from outside Michi rom foreig! icipated in the training courses during the last sixteen years. Roger Bauer, chairman of the College Board of Trustees, Sally Park, member of the board, and CAMPUS UPDATE April 12, 1984 Coaches Hired For 84- 85 Athletic Program The men’s cross-country team d. Possible expansion of the pro- 356-2523 will be coached by Tom Bennett. gram. : A - Mr. Bennett has been a teacher at = r ay DONT ORDERSTAY: one Youre Alpena High Schoo! for 24 years. 4.To develop a system of opera- GuyW Houston COMPLAINING ABOUT. iN THE His educational background con- tional policies and. procedures William N. Houston = SMOKING Eee oe Know ! sists of a B.A. degree at Albion Col- which will make the operation Dispensing Opticians Page 2 -by Tim Grulke The sports program for 1984-85 at ACC will consist of five differ- ent individuals who will coach the enrolled players in each specific the American Association of Com-| sport port. " The 1984-85 men’s basketball Dyke was chosen by Athletic Co- ordinator, Frank McCourt, to lead the team because of his athletic experience. Van Dyke attended Hope College where he received a B.A degree. During his educational pursuit, Van Dyke played varsity basketball for Hope College from 1974-78. He is currently a teacher at Hillman High School, and was the Tigers’ head basketball coach for six years from 1978-84, and ass- istant football coach from 1978-84. He lives with his wife Pam who re- side at 1344 Golf Course Rd. in Alpena. The woman's basketball team will be coached by Cindy DeRocher and Sheila Parkinson, two former starters for the ACC squad, who played under head coach Frank McCourt. Both girls have had coaching experience. -DeRocher was a graduate from Alcona High School and an All Oacn an if arsity g) basketball coach at Alcona. While she played for the ACC women’s team, DeRocher was- the career assist leader and 7th all-time lead- ing scorer at ACC as a two year both girls have “the ability some | day to coach for a major school.” lege, and a M.S. degree at the Uni- versity of Michigan. Bennett’s ath- letic experience varies from the track and football coach at Alpena High School for 24 years. With his years of experience, Mr. Benentt will be of valuable help to the new 441 Jefferson in Alpena. The women’s — cross-country coach is a very competitive man. His name is Joe Gentry. He attehd-| ed Michigan State University where he received a B.A. degree. Gentry’s athletic experience is one of sig- nificant importance. He was a play- er for the men’s baseball and bas- ketball teams at ACC from 1970- 71. He was also. on the Competi- tive Runner Road Racing team. But probably his biggest achievement was that he qualified. for the Bos- ton Marathon in 1984. He resides at - 7398 North Point Shores in Alpena. The final sport that is offered next year at ACC will be golf. This sport is growing in popularity and is coached by Bill Peterson. Mr. Peterson attended Alpena Comm- unity College where he was an All Conference golfer in 1976. He also attended Michigan Tech and Olivet Colleges. Peterson was.a golf medal- sides e 2379 Lake Winyah Road in Alpen Ae Goals of the Ath- letic Program: 4. Recruit competitive athletes and of the athletic program: a. Compatible with the goals and objectives of ACC. b. Responsive to the needs of the community of Alpena — and more specifically, to the stu- dent body of ACC. ulty, and the student body can be proud of. Review “Police Acedemy” by Julie Taylor _ Steve Guttenberg — contributes| greatly to Hugh Wilson’s comedy “Police Academy”. Guttenberg portrays a parking attendant named Kari Mahoney. After he destroys private prop-| erty, Mahoney is offered an ulti- matum by a police captain - either be join a nearby police academy or| receive a jail sentence for his crime. Mahoney becomes a cadet at the academy. Although Mahoney Bese, an in-|} teresting array of cadets, includ- ing a firearms fanatic anda bulky 6'5” male florist, he spends most of his training period attempting to be| expelled from the institution. Because Steve Guttenberg deli- ol a rats it bears a striking re- semblance to the preceding com- edy “Stripes”, should prove to be quite successful. b. A team transportation vehicle. ¢. Scholarships. Lucas Pfeiffenberger, Besser Re-| Starter. - establish a ichedule — search and Training Center Mana- Parkinson, a graduate from Gay- for each sport. Recruitment as ger, were also present at the award | lord High School, was also an All- much as possible will be in the ceremony with Donnelly and Park. | Stater. She was a junior high school Northeastern Michigan area. ‘ coach. Her achievements on the 3 ACC women’s team was an All- 3. Establish a Booster Club which | Conference player and the 4th all will help with program promo* time_leading scorer in ACC history. tion and financial support. Both are: attending ACC and have A.A. degrees, but are majoring in 3. Attempt to raise money for each company a 3 + 1 program in Recreation possible project: Management at Lake Superior State a. New uniforms and warm-ups College. According to McCourt, for each team.- 205 West Chisholm St. Alpena, Michigan 49707 Phone:517-356-0688 munity and Junior Colleges in ; Washington, D.C. Dr. Charles| season will be coached by first year team next year. He resides with his _¢. A program which the Board of Donnelly accepted the plaque] man, Wayne Van Dyke. Mr. Van wife Laura and two children at Trustees, Administration, Fac- ig CAMPUS UPDATE is a communications medium of Alpena Community College, and is pupiisned Bimonthly-September through May--except during vacations and examination periods, by the students of Alpena Community College—Alpena, Michigan. All articles published are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and the opinion (s) expressed in such articles do not necessarily express the views of the editor(s), the advisor, or the College. Campus Update is printed by the Alpena News. ssistant: Brandy Bloomer ‘ eee Meese Kathy. Lazerowicz Advisor: Dr. L. Aufderheid Photographer: Kris Fritz Assistant Editor: Scott Fowler Editor: Steve Wright Layout Manager Jim Sanders Sports Editor: Anthony Terry Reporters: Jim Baker, Ann Dost, Tim Grulke, Jacqueline Grzeskowiak, Michelle Hamilton, Mike Huggler, Martha Hurford Monica. Jahnke, Renee Kaschner, Beatrice Kunath, Julianne Michaels, Kevin Schalkofski, Sandra Suszek, Julie Taylor, Donna Waltz