By Jon Londo Iron Maiden, one of Eng- metal bands are unintelligent, uncreative, no-talents that just try to play as loud and.-as fast as they can with no. other objectives in mind, lron Maiden has always been extremely creative and unique, - drawing their inspiration main- a ly from horror novels, Greek myths and the Book of Rev- . elations as well as illustrating their themes on every. album with their mascot, Eddie, but now they have taken: a drastic turn to. preserve-their original- ity. Eddie has been retired on “Powerslave” in favor of the Egyptian god of death, Maiden has adopted the use of special effects and spending the entire album on a concept as well as altering their trademark guitar sound somewhat to another creative avenue which is best shown on the Opening of . ig evident on what can be refer- red to as the two best tracks on the album; “Powerslave” and their adaptation of Sam- uel Coleridge’s ‘Rime Of The Ancient Mariner’ which util- izes some lines from the actual poem asa part of the lyrics. The title track is musically dif- ferent from Iron Maiden’s usual style and helps explain the concept of “Powerslave” which is that every empire and dictator becomes a slave of their own power and falls to ruin.: : : No matter how dismal Iron Maiden’s material seems to be, they still show they have-a sense of humor by having an exceptionally long list of credits in the special thanks department (which still don't © know where he is’) and’ end- ing it by saying “Buy usapint . - and you too will be on here — next year!” “Powerslave” is Byer iron Maiden‘s best Lp: and is def- inately worth. the time and money!” _ Alpena Volunteer Center Offers Internship By Tracy Urban One of the programs offered through the Alpena Volunteer Center is. Internship 290, where a person. may earn col- lege credit through work ex- ‘perience. The internship coordinator. is Vernie Nethercut,- who is also the.founder and director of the Volunteer Genter. The center is located at East Cam- pus, on Walnut Street. A student may earn one to four elective credits that may be applied toward an asso- ciate degree, while receiving on-the-job experience in: one of 36 different occupational and liberal arts areas. Before starting an internship the student must develop an Special Day Planned By Connie Allen A glimpse into an era your great-grandmother knew will be presented at the Jesse Bes- ser Museum Saturday, Oct. 6 during’ its 13th Annual Fall Harvest Day from 10 am to pm. This year has a special offer- ing. Thunder Bay Theater will stage Early American Theater, of the 1880’s and 90's. The skills of these actors will tran- sport those present to simpler times with two performances, 11:30 am and 2 pm. including skits, song, and dance rou- ines. Old time favorites returning, to mention’ a few: Spinning with Mrs. Willis Ross and Carla ~ Benson, bobbin ‘lace with Emily Brooks, Blacksmith Gary Smith, bee-keeping with Bob Bobola and Kermit Rey- nolds, the renown _ basket- ~making of Edith Bondie, Joni Kahn, and newcomer Dorothy Roberts, duck decoys with Jon Gunderson, Stained glass with Max and Nina Austin and many more pioneer skills. Journey back with a stroll to the Avenue of Shops, the Toga Tango At Dorm By Mike Boucard Last Saturday night; the members of Wilson Dormitory and students of ACC stepped back in time and attended a Roman Toga Dance. The cafeteria was perfectly adorned in ancient Rome de- cor, which was accomplished by many hours: of work by a few devoted members of. the dorm. By 8:30 pm, the cafe- teria was being filled by would be Romans. The music. was playing and the sheets were flying. Snacks and punch were: provided by RHA (Resident Hall Association), and: the Ragin’ Cagun -and the Crazy Canuck supplied the lights and music. By 10:00 pm, the joint was jumping. The cafeteria was packed with “Romans”. The punch was flowing and snacks were running low. This fun and frolic kept up until: late into the night and early morn: ing. Sandals were wearing down and sheets were getting tired, so the Roman Empire By Keith Webb “Ghostbusters”, produced by Ivan Reitman is far from being a great film. It’s not a movie that will -win many new fans with Dan Ackroyd and Bill Murray. ‘Bill Murray was the typical Bill Murray but neither Murray nor Ackroyd’ had a real character devel- opment. Segourney Weaver, the only ~ survivor in Alien, could not survive. the ' poorly ‘written script’ despite her super acting abilities. Viewal effects artist, lvan Ed- lund, attempting to save the show made the movie even: more ridiculous although ef- forts were made. The movie is relaxing with a s-l-o-w plot development. The dialogue, easy, with hardly any vulgar language. | would. ~ not recommend it for anyone under 13 because of adult humor and it’s definitely a drag for plot-seekers. — credit and the cost is the same as the college’s regular tuition ee. As part of the Community Services Department of Al- pena Community College, the _ Volunteer Center distributes a Loan Directory and Free Ser- vices Listing for people who need to borrow sickroom. sup- plies and equipment. On this list a person may locate infor- mation on how to find’ items and services ranging from beds. to glasses and hearing aids, and family planning to health information. They also dis- tribute a list of program ideas for groups and Classrooms. The Volunteer Center, whieh has been operating for seven years, also offers place- ment of volunteers, informa- tion, opportunities to serve; expertise and contacts, re- source materials, volunteer help for clubs and agencies, and various workshops. Once a person decides to become a volunteer the Vol- unteer Center will match hi or her to an agency or indi-- vidual that needs the kind of help that volunteer is interest- ed in and is capable of doing. work required for each college The sound of nostalgia would surely be described as that produced by musicians in- cluding Autoharpist Carol Spicer and Carol Witherbee on the Duleimer. A Fall Harvest. Day. Sky. Theater presentation will be “Stars of the Harvest’ shown at 11 am, 1 pm,, and 3 pm with an admission of 50 cents for adults and children. Other exhibits of interest are “Alpena: 1900 to 1920” a photographic essay with. sel- ected photographs. from the Fred Trelfa and Arthur Linke collections. _ Of special interest is the watercolor and poster exhibit from the Peoples Republic of China - organized by Robert Barlick of Scottsdale, Arizona. “Since the end of the cultural. revolution the arts have rapid- ly changed to the.old classical traditions of China” Garlick explained, “this exhibit graph- ically illustrates the stereotype art which jis still common in some of the Communist coun- tries today.” This is a true rep- resentation .of art that is popular in China today. NS and Green ~ “eyes the dance was a total suecess and | encourage more students to attend the activ- ities at the Wilson Empire. 4 Bless you, boys sovcovooocoooooooonooooooooeoeee WANTED: a cartocnist for the Campus -Update. Centact Dr. Aufdertieide at: °354-5043- Ext, 250 SERVING NORTHEAST MICHIGAN ea Member FDIC: