Wildlife Artist Named LANSING--For the second year in a row, an Upper Pen- insula painter has been named Michigan Wildlife Artist of the Year. Dietmar Krumrey. 36, of Manistique took top honors in the fifth annual competition sponsored by the Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC). His painting of a pair of pheasants in winter was the first-place choice of a panel of judges headed by noted wild- life artist Guy Coheleach of Jensen Beach, Florida. Krumrey, a native of Ger- many who emigrated to the United States with his family as a child, will receive a check for: $1,000 from MUCC and will have his prize-winning painting reproduced on the cover of the December issue of Michigan . Outof-Doors, the monthly magazine published “Winter and pheasants, the noted combination that took first place for Dietmar’ Krumrey of, Manistique in the fifth annual by MUCC. MUCC will issue a limited edition of 750 prints of Krum- rey’s painting signed and numbered by the artist. These will be offered at a special prepublication price of $55, plus $7 for tax, handling, and shipping, until December 1, , when the price will be increas- ed to $70, plus the $7 handl- ing charge. All proceeds from the print sales will be used by MUCC for its conservation and educa- tion programs. Orders for the prints may be placed by writ- ing MUCC, Box 30235, Lan- sing, Mich. 48909. Second place in the compe- tition went to Catherine Mc- Clung of Dexter; third, Law- rence E. Cory, Jr., Birming- ham; fourth, Michael A. Hughey, Jackson; and fifth, Sharon Prins Schuitman, Newaygo. competition for Michigan Wild life Artist of the Year. POOPOOOOO ODD OOO OOOO ODDO ODOOO OO WPOOODOOOOOO OOOO OOOOODDODIIODOOD WANTED: Student spring break Representatives for Col- legiate Tour and Travel. Earn Comp. trips and cash. Call right now for more informa- tion, (612)645-4727 /-1-800- 328-5897 or write to Paula , 2111 University Ave., St. Paul, “MIN 55114. Alpena Volunteer Center-- there’s something for everyone ’ The Alpena Volunteer Cen- ter offers many opportunities for college students to become volunteers, several of which need only two to four hours a week. : For the volunteer interested in the elderly there are the Friendly visitor and the Adopt a Grandparent programs. In the former the volunteer visits a couple of different people r the ent” once a week. If volunteers want to work _ with children they can become tutors for elementary school students or join Big Brothers/~ Big Sisters. There is also DEEP, aninth-grade computer career exploration that does not require any previous ex- perience. Then for the volunteer who would rather work with ani- mals there is the Humane Soci- ety, where help is needed in feeding the animals. If the volunteer is interested in theater there is the Civic Theater and the Thunder Bay Theater. Some of the areas here include answering phones typingy maintenance, and ush- ering. By Tracy Urban: ~A.C.C. Ski Club Ready To Give lt Another Try By Jackie Sommerfeld An exceptional turnout of 15 interested college students attended the first meeting of the reorganized Alpena Com- munity College Ski Club, Oc- tober 1. The ACC Ski Club went downhill in 1980, because of a lack of interest and snow. The meeting was open to all college students interested in downhill and cross-country skiing. Those who attended .were informed of the club’s future goals and were intro- duced to the club supervisor, Dr. Dunckel. Later it was voted by mem- bers to charge a membership fee of $5. The fee will go to- “ward a membership activities fund and include a coupon book for each member for dis- count rates at many ski re- Officers were also elected. They include: President, Bill Hood; Vice President, Matt eS Secretary, Chris rer, Ba e SAVINGS PHONE: 356-2131 OFFICES IN: Ipena Hubbard Lake Lincoln Harrisville A Cabin’s View By Connie Allen There is a gentle, winding path with a border of tiny pebbles leading to a diminu- tive log structure. An atmos- phere surrounds this special place with peace. Take time to step into the clearing sur- rounding the cabin, or better yet, venture into the rustling, a = aati eres Dan Janssen. The ACC Ski Club is hoping for an exciting winter of social skiing and competition. Any interested college student is encouraged to attend, the next meeting will be held October 22, at 7:00 p.m. in the Natural Resource Center, room 450. "OOPS The Campus Update staff wishes to apologize to Mr. Chuck Wiesen for the incor-— -rect spelling of his name in our first edition of the newspaper. By Sienna Samp Many areas can be explored here, and. at this time of the autumnal equinox the splen- dor of the forest, edged with red and gold, calls you in for awalk. We are lucky in Alpena County to have forests so near that anyone can walk in a small piece of solitary wild- ness. There you can refresh your spirit just as the passing, swirling river nourishes the trees. Forests, no matter the size, share a common magic: the power to weld the separate: element of the nature of humans to the indestructible cycle of life. A forest is more than a land- scape. In this realm, this self- renewing kingdom of plants and creatures, we see we be- long; we are related. ACC Campus Update is a:communications medium of Alpena Community College; and is published bimonthly--September through May-- except during vacations and examination periods, by the students of Alpena Community College-Alpena, Michigan. All articles published are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and the Opinion(s) expressed in such articles do not necessarily express the views of the editor(s), the advisor, or the administration of Alpena Community College. Campus Update is printed by the Alpena News. Editor: Sienna Samp. Assistant Editor: Monica Wozniak Photographers: car Wheelwright & Mitch Repke Reporters: Advertising Manager: Darrin poe Advisor: Dr. L. Aufderheide Sports Editors: Sherry Clark & Ursula McClendon Composition: Renee Kaschne! Monica Jahnke; Gregg “Robertson, Connie Allen, Keith Webb, Tracy Urban, Jackie Sommerfield, Kevin Moors, Kevin Anderson, Todd ono, Kevin Schalkofski, Agatha Sytek, James Webber.