By Tracy Urban Dear. Santa, Every year at Christmas time SAH do you think you could find a way to stop the terrorists in Iran and other places from hurting anyone else. | know this is a tall order, but with these things you would not only make me, but a world full of others, happier. MERRY CHRISTMAS yet Bet “The ACC cheerleaders “for one night. (The other six nights are for the women’s | poasietall teal Randy Darnell “Rh i bright red Firebird!!!” > Linda Wozniak any wo HON oe a pewel xo me) All! Want For Christmas|s... By Ursula McClendon Christmas is a time where-we have the opportunity to give others & ies ett = RSs presents. It also is a time to receive gifts. Recently, the following SS % members of the ACC student body were asked, “What would x RS you like for Christmas?” : Ge Or na my & xo ‘lle; pecause | al nse Wa sk up plue tone $Y alpen é ik FS nt to drive up % = fee ae * ay grew ook wat fy-girl at fe i 901 AN wis gndcaive StS aa er prinale next No red cS and 2 we aioe oF np red © convert i \ re jd)" e vie zu al os sev juscu! 10 Ve Si Co! a ain es oe ay chaffeur em patti Hallam oe ye ME By Tracy Urban C is for Children everywhere H is for Happiness we can share R is for Reindeer prancing and pawing with each little hoof Lis for Icicles dripping down from the roof Jewish Festival of Lights By Connie Allen In. the Jewish religion the holiday time, between No- vember and December, is the Festival of Lights or Dedica- tion,- called Hanukkah or Chanuckah. Jewish history re- lates that in 165 BC a large force of Jews led by Mattathi- as vanquished an army of Syr- ians. The Jews were fighting against being forced to wor- ship the Greek gods. They wished to pray to their one God, Jehovah, from the time of Moses. Mattathias and his sons were called the Macca- bees, Maccabee means “ham- mer’ in Hebrew. Hanukkah begins on the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev. On the Ro- man calendar this day falls at the end of November or some- time during December. The holidays last eight days to cel- ebrated the eight days the sac- red oil lasted after the Mac- oN ete amp of old; was used to burn the oil in nine cups, the first cup being the Shamos or servant. Most modern Menorah’s hold candies and one is lit for each of the eight days, beginning with one and adding another each night. Each night the Shamos is lit first and then used to light the others. Small gifts. are exchanged during this time, special foods served, games played, and other traditions observed. “All Jewish families remem- ber their fight for freedom to worship “as they chose, with- out fear. They share the spirit of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, with all people who love freedom. S is for Santa, the spirit of giving T is for the Tree we all help trimming M is for Mother who works hardest of all A is for Angels we hang on the wall wal . - | ick. : : Cedars to come ‘ba oe eae . - - ord gi Ri Arist Rove yO my want unde’ Se ae ee al ° as wee © — ¢4o own the whole ¥ s “want - : ow Yo country of ae suet : om po : cin <0 ments to be paid é “my cat coe ip 8 California. pee for, and a tf ee oe , wel jissa oes a — ae Ss & ws c 128 - one nigh SRK ie wane AC scat fol diet” = eS oo Ske a8 uid ner gana Sa? ge pa! \ cole nike ® Say — a eo ae jg DAN" «vo Mortis i 2 er ipo dress Bee chand = ane ennisty Brin! LW pren’ ane John Webbe "q like @ gift s for me, i fone bunch of hustle, = ‘ could be quicker at basketba ee Ursula McClendon To Dr. L. Aufderheide and the Journalism staff: | would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, and | would like to thank you for a good semester. Renee ‘Kaschner