MARCH 29, 1988 Editors' note: The purpose of the article concerning the Paperworks in the last issue of the Lumberjack was not to destroy the'bookstore. The article simply stated the opinions of students and faculty in a poll conducted by the Lumberjack staff. The time has come for this administration to take action on icomplaints made by student and faculty alike about the bookstore. This call to action is in no “|way a personal attack on Mr. Dickinson _as._ some assume jour articles on the Paperworks to ibe, but based on a legitimate need Dickenson, and to his staff members, and realize that they are in business to make money, as a business must if it is to survive. And on paper their 50% refund policy, for books to be used next semester, looks fair as fair can be. But this does not excuse the foccasional rude treatment of students, or the attempted selling lof microwaves to students with The Conflict Is Devided _of our problems. Scott Beach Pell Grants. The Pell Grant is there so that students can get an education, not so they can heat up. their Stouffer's microwave pizza. > But the entire weight of this conflict does not weigh on Mr. Dickinsons shoulders alone . For the staff members of this institution myst make a positive effort to maintain level-headed communication with the Paperworks. As hard as that can be at times, it must be done to insure that everyone is kept happy. Hopefully the positive efforts of Mr. Wiesen, the school’s new liason between the school and the bookstore, will insure that communication is continuously maintained and improved, For I believe that inthe past poor communication has been the root And as soon as this is taken care of we shall all live happily ever after. n fe last issue of the ticle regardin; Wersy lead dy of alternative sacs locations for ithe college. This study revealed that Waldenbooks, located in the Alpena Mall, has been aware of the continuing problem involving the Paper-Works. During a itelephone interview with them, it was revealed that due toa contract clause, Waldenbooks is prohibited to handle textbooks. However, it was discovered that in light of the serious problem with the Paper-Works, Waldenbooks would review their contract along with the possibility eee Alternatives located on State Street. They wi were Mary Bartz “olege for the sale of textbooks. The ond ees ates also notified by telephone and are equally aware of the poblene the ee te bee havi between Adam's and the college. Both of these bookstores indicated that they would be willing to discuss a possible Opportunity to work with the college if there is not a contract Tenewal with the Paperworks. This article is not officially Student Senate Needs Participation Dear ACC Students, During the Spring Semester the ACC Student Senate has their elections for the officers. petitions have. been out and all Students were welcome to participate in this election. For some unknown reason there has been a_ limited participation in this election. In the past years it has always been hard to get students involved in the Student Senate. I was hoping that this year it would be different. _ At the begining of the year the Student Senate's big goal was to overcome. student -apathy. Reflecting back on the activities that have been sponsored through the Senate there appears to-be a great increase in’ student involvement, aking down the types of = Bre: activities held, there has been fun events and educational events; students only seem to be interested in the ‘fun events’. Granted, everyone likes to participate in ‘fun’, but at the same time why shun an event that will be benificial to you? Student Senate does benefit everyone. What the Senate does is for the students and their best interest. Hopefully at this point the question of, "How do they know what my best interest is?", has entered into your mind. If so, this is a valid question. This is why the Student Senate needs your participation, I am not blind to the fact that most students are taking a full load of classes and working and perhaps. have families. But of thé 2480 students enrolled at ACC there has to be a great number of students. who will be willing to represent -their student body. For the people who feel that they are the best complainers on campus, why don't you get involved and heip solve the problems you are complaining about? Most everyone would like to see a successful Student Senate but this does not occur if there is little participation. We need your help to continue. Respectfully, Ann Marie Meldrum Student Senate President Oh let this great flag fly on high; Let it fly with dignity and pride. Let no man belittle this. flag; It's the greatest man ever had. Better yet, if we love it dear; Let it fly throughout the year. And let no man tear it down; Or try to stomp it into the ground. So accept this flag for It promises freedom to every man. This flag has never brought us shame; ae the world it has won its what it stands; Upon its great glory, We can dwell; This great nation, Together it held. Tthas crossed oceans and seas; To promote freedom, Where ever it To love it should be right from the This ae we ve should behold with pride; of a clause change that would When we think of those who under it enable them to handle textbooks. Waldenbooks will submit their tecommending that either one of the two bookstores will become start; the sew ROCUR SS Re oie Te te And instilled in every childs heart. died. From every house let Old Glory fly; From them, today, Free men we stand; {discussion to the college, but this loes not mean a contract change would occur or that Waldenbooks would have a contract with the merely a study to prove that the college does have alternatives if the existing problems with the Paperworks does not stop. There has been a recent action on campus to investigate the established to look into the charges against the Paperworks. Newport emphasizes that this is an independent body and they will. be utilizing whatever resources that are available at the college to accomplish its charges. The purpose of this group is to * providea vehicle for our entire — Recent Action On Campus A. Meldrum college to consider our needs in the area of a college bookstore» downtown ookstore The members of this committe {Paperworks). According to — include:Chuck Wiesen, Chairman; President Newport there has beena-. Dean McCormack, Terry Hall, special task force committee instructor; Dick matteson, instructor; Bill Yule, instructor; Donna Cochrane, President- -Business Club; Ronald Hall, President- Law Enforcement Club; Student Senate President. ~ Any students or faculty holding concerns for this issue should feel free to contact these committee members. Memorial, Labor Day, of July. and the Fourth may be. Under Old Glory, In a glorious land. In memory,