Page 4 STUDENT SERVICES A LIBRARY PLUS The library begins the new school year with changes and additions. The library staff would like to welcome their new staff member, Kelly Brilinski. Kelly was a work study student in the library for two years prior to being hired as library technician. Mr. Tetzlaff, the director of the library, asks that any student needing help in the library should feel free to ask the new library technician or himself .The library has new audio visual equipment, and a computer generated card catalog is in the works for the audio visuals. Students and faculty can borrow software for use on HH Ht eee caucasian male,{H Hl na age 42, HHH ATH Ht desires correspondence } nannn i eh ether male or femalel PH |students. Wants to LAUT We formfaH friendly relationship a Ly I college campus. Service Groups can also borrow software but are liable for any damage to the software. Transpearances for the overhead projector are priced at .25. Students and faculty can have transpearances made if they desire t The library has twenty-one new soft chairs to make studying more comfortable, and the library also provides a silent room for quiet studying. Library hours: Monday thru Thursday 8 am. to 8 pm. Firdays 8 am. to 4 pm., and beginning Sept.18th thru Dec.18th the library will be open Sundays Spm. to 9 pm.. USé ALL OF ACC's FACILITIES DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING? AC rovides career information and job placement service to assist students. This year the Career Planning and Placement office has been moved to rm 100 BTC, ext. 240. Services available include, job placement assistance, this assistance is for full-time, part-time, and summer placement, computerized quidance information, college and university information and applications. the Office also offers resume and cover letter writing assistance. These services are offered to all students, current and qraduates, looking for employment are encouraged to register with the job placement services. For those students who are uncertain about their career goals should also seek out the placement office to explore their options. Let's Talk About Aids NEED A HAND The Learning Skills Center offers tutoring at NO COST, to any student currently enrolled at ACC. The tutoral program consists of, indivdual appointments, arrange for one or more sessions as needed, and drop-in tutoring, when tutors are available. Study groups are available for students who have the same class and would benefit from studing together. Study skills workshops are offered each month, Octobers' are, listening and notetaking 4th-6th, improving test-taking ability, CREDIT essay and multiple choice 11th-13th, getting the most from your textbook 18th-20th, college reading skills 24th-26th, also directed studies in basic skills, and diagonstic testing are available. Tutoring is provided on a first-come first serve basis. Staff tutors are available in all subject areas, accounting, business, computers, and so on. To get tutoring just drop by the LSC rm 253 NRC, ext. 270. The program is funded by the special needs fund, student support grant, and the institution. THROUGH EXPERIENCE Alpena Community College students are now able to gain college credit through work experience with internships. Internships are actual jobs for students who want to explore career and interest areas. Students experience interviews, professional guidance, individual counseling, on-the-job training, report writing and evaluations. One to four credits are earned towards Associate Degrees at Intern Laura Madsen with Mitch Irwin “"!° and his Coordinator Todd Main regular college tuition fees. Thrity-two hours of actual work is required for one credit hour. Internships can be developed in all areas, for example, the following are just some of the on-the-job training offered in Liberal Arts and occupational areas, business, graphic arts, law enforcement, education, and secretarial work. Internships must be planned in advance of registration. For more ormation contact Vernie ethercut, AVC ext. 271. a free pamphlet can be yours if \ you send a business-sized stamped, self-addresses envelope to: The American Society of Internal Medicine 1101 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005-3457