Page 5 BTC PATIO COMPLETED STUDENT SENATE The Student Senate election is almost here. Nominations for secretary and representatives were turned into Student Senate. Elections will be held soon so be looking for ballot boxes to cast your vote. Positions in the Student Senate consist of: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, which are the Executive Board members. Two Freshman and two Sophmore representatives as well as fourteen representatives from clubs at ACC, serve as part of the Student Senate. Although it's too late to be nominated, the Student Senate is always interested in student ideas. Students are welcome to attend the Senate meetings which are held on Mondays from 12:00pm-l:00pm. at the BTC conference room, room 100. Student Senate Pres. Mike Fournier & Tres. Dan Hanks IT'S MONTY PYTHON'S.... ps. "The Student Senates' main goal is to represent the students" according to Mike Fournier, Student Senate President. "The Student Senate is organized to form a represenative government to bring about a closer cooperation between the administration, the faculty, and further student cultural and social which is stated in the Student Senate Constitution. There are three Executive Board Members in the student Senate currently. The names of the Executive Board Members are: Mike Fournier; President, Brent Voss; Vice-President, Daniel Hanks; Treasurer. President included the idea of bringing Foreign language back to ACC, a designated smoking area to solve the cigarette butt tepresentives of other Community Colleges in Michigan, to discuss issues at hand at a state level. dances and casino night. There is also talk of forming a pep band and pep club to support the basketball team. goes Do you like Monty Python ? If so, the Circle K club has good news for you. Club President Laura Madsen is announcing the return of the monthly film festival. This year's first feature is Monty Python, and will be held on Friday, Sept 30th. in rm 450 4 Ideas discussed by Senate Activities being planned are: Work was completed early this summer on the Besser Technical Center patio, according to Don Witt, Director of Buildings and Grounds. The patio was built to replace a storage area, which had become unsightly and to provide a Here at ACC we have a club for law students and those interested in law. The law enforcement club has 15 members presently and are always happy to welcome anyone interested. The club meets in rm 120 of VLH every Tuesday at 11am. There is a small membership fee of 5 dollars once a year. The club utilizes various fund raising projects. The money is then used for scholarship programs and field trip expenses for club members. Jesse. Besser iuseum Planetarium PRESENTS FALL SKY Stars, constellations and planets of the fall sky Every Sunday in October at 2:00 & 4:00 p.m. Plus a special presentation on Saturdaay October Ist CAMPUS COPS nice clean area for student use. Also built this summer on campus, from VanLare Hall to Besser Tech, was the goose fence. " I believe the goose fence has solved the problem of keeping our sidewalks clean. " said Witt. Other plans for the year are The club has five officers, the President,John Putkamer, Vice President, Mark Bluck, Secretary, Sherri Samp and Treasurer, Brenda Olsen. New this year is the office of Sheriff, which is held by Ken Allen. His purpose is to provide “comic relief* for the club. Anyone interested in joining should contact a club officer or Herm Bordewyk , rm 120 VLH. few. "No construction is planned for this year, we're going to be doing our best to keep up ". explained Witt. This is due to a shortage of work study helpers, resulting in understaffing. Poetry Contest!!!!! Grand Prize : First Prize: $1,000 Contest entry is free Poets may send up to five Poems, no more than 20 lines each, with name and address on each page to: American Poetry Association, Dept. CN-74 P.O. Box 1803 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Poems are judged on originality and s by December 31 to be eligible to win. Prizes will be awarded by February 28, 1989, A trip to Hawaii for two: SS incerity and must be postmarked