Page 7 Say happy healthy holidays Christmas with Christmas Seals: AMERICAN LING ASSOCIATION Ga SEASON'S GREETINGS-:1968, It's a matter of life and breath’ AMERICAN . ASSOCIATION The Christmas Seal People ® Christmas Trees An oversupply in some areas of the Christmas tree industry will mean a good selection for the consumer this holiday season and good opportunities for the tree framers. The Christmas tree industry is one that takes pride on quality products.The oversupply will now help growers to better understand how to merchandise and advertise ir trees. F + )Corn Mold Giggs ( Laboratory tests performed by Michigan State University on 109 samples of corn collected in \ Michigan revealed only one case of y aflatoxin contamination. Farmers can send samples of eir corn to MSU if they suspect Na latoxin mold contamination. The I esting at MSU costs $10 per psample. How the corn sample is obtained is crucial for test results. ‘ollect at least 12 samples from a Y moving stream of corn. If using a probe in a bin of corn, probe at least 12 sites and collect 10 pounds of grain mix thoroughly and use 5 pounds for the testing. The sample must be dried | to less than 15 percent moisture; if necessary put sample in oven set ( at 150 degrees overnight to get the ‘corn porperly dried. ( The sample is then placed in a () Paper bag and boxed up along with the $10 testing fee and sent to Mycotoxin Analysis, Diagnostic Clinic, 138 Plant Biology, MSU, East Lansing, \) Mich. 48824-1312. Holiday Update:National Seal ‘ampaign in Michigan Miss America of 1988 has been named the 1988 Christmas Seal campaign chairwoman by the American Lung Association (ALA) in Michigan. The campaign goal for this year is $4 million, statewide. The Christmas seal campaign is the oldest direct mail operation that is run through the voluntary health agency, and is the most important fund rasing event of the year. Ninety percent of the funds raised remain in Michigan, and are spent on health education and In Michigan Christmas tree growers have created a marketing and advertising program based on the slogan, "Snow Fresh." The trees are graded and have a tag guaranteeing the EM Z ° Farmers in Michigan can now teceive up to the minute marketing information and AgiVisor marketing advise through their home satellite. A descrambler and display device are provided by ACRES with their subscription. Marketing information available in the basic satellite package includes price quotes on most futures commodities, local and national weather forecasts, cash grain and livestock bids for major Michigan | and Midwestern markets, and the Washington legislative news. The cost of the basic package is $20 a month or the enhanced package which includes all of the basic package options plus 40 daily screens of market device and analysis of AgiVisor; one of the top rated agricultural advisory services in the country. The enhanced package is $450 a year. The ARCES satellite service is being marketed by Ohio Ag Marketing Association and local farm /dealers or call 614-249-2427 for more information. and options | research programs to fight lung diseases. The ALA in Michigan provides preventions such as: stop smoking programs, Lungs are for Life kits to elementary schools, leadership for policies to protect clean air and to prevent occupational lung disease. The ALA was originally founded in 1908 and now is dedicated to the prevention, cure and control of lung disease and, its related causes including smoking, air pollution, and occupational hazards. This year Miss Kaye Lani Rae Rafko will assist in the fight against lung disease. The campaign runs from now through December. The Smother's brothers are serving as chairmen of the campaign with other celebrities around the country volunteering to help through the fund raising season. Rafko was the first nurse to be crowned Miss America, and even though her reign has ended she continues to speak out in favor of public health campaigns such as: aids, lung cancer and other life and breath threats. Rafko was choosen as the Christmas seal chairwoman because of her background in onoclogy nursing and her deep commitment to health care. The ALA is honored to have Rafko as chairwoman. They hope that her role will help popularize Christmas seals and inspire the public to contribute to the Christmas seal campaign. ACC students can take part in the Christmas seal campaign by using Christmas seals this holiday season. A good inspiration for those willing to donate could simply be to think of those suffering with lung diseases and other life threatening illnesses during this holiday season. Just imagine how your contribution could add to the efforts of so many other caring people throughout this nation. This could be your chance to give the gift of love during the holiday season. Alcohol On Campus The Alcoholic Beverage policy this year is the same as last year. At all college sponsored activities where alcoholic beverages are consumed on campus, there must be advanced approval by The Alcoholic Beverage Committee. The committee will act in an advisory capacity to the college administration. They also review all requests to serve alcoholic beverages on campus. The serving of alcoholic The 1989 Spring registration is | on the agenda for most returning Students. Early registration started on Nov. 28 and will remain open until Dec. 22. Early registration is open to all currently enrolled, returning (full and part-time) and ni all new part-time students. Students with a financial obligation (parking tickets, library fines, ect.) will not be allowed to register until they clear it up. Payment of tuition is required by Dec. 22, no later than 3:30 pm. ALL UNPAID REGISTRATIONS WILL BE CANCELLED. Class schedules will be issued upon 4 tuition payment. ACC offices will be closed Dec 23-27, Dec 30 and Jan. 2 for the holidays. beverages must be incidental to the nature of the event, whether the program is to be social, cultural or educational. At all events, food of some kind and non-alcoholic beverages must be available. Anybody who is not of legal drinking age will not be allowed to serve or consume alcoholic beverages. No one is allowed to leave the building or area with unconsumed alcohol. NURSING STUDENTS WIN STATE AWARD Alpena Community College's nursing students came home from Flint, MI with a first place trophy for thier banner in the Student Practical Nurse Day, held November 9, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The Michigan Liquor Control Commission regulation prohibits anyone from bringing his or her own alcoholic beverages to any event where a 24 hour license has been issued. Alcoholic beverages may be served by an organization affiliated with the college under circumstances that do not require a permanent liquor license but fully meet regulations as set forth by the Liquor Control Commission. Collette Born of Mio and a first year practical nursing student, sewed the award-winning satin banner that introduced ACC at the annual event. Last year's students carried home a second prize in the banner competition, That banner can be viewed in the HSC building along with this years banner and trophy. t Prepare for a Career ae Send for a free brochure School of Forestry & Wood Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI 49931 at Michigan Technological University’s School of Forestry and Wood Products 100 Percent Placement for Wood Products Majors 90 Percent Placement for Forestry Majors Financial Aid to ALL Freshmen and Transfer Students CO-OPs/ Internships in Private end Public Agencies Forest Management Science Forest Business Forest Vegetation Management Forest Soi Forest Wildlife Management Wood Utilization Products Wood Products Biology Business Industrial Production lechanics Wood Chemistry A BS., M.S., and Ph.D. Prograras Available