Page 2 Student Senate Corner The Student Senate's election for the next president and vice-president is now over. Elected to the position of president was Jeff Hanson and to the position of vice-president, Mike Rhea. Their term of office will start at the beginning of the 1989-90 fall/winter semester. The positions of secretary and treasurer are still open. Any student who is interested in either position can pick up a nomination petition at the Student Senate office. The office is located near students, 4 faculty members and the candidate's advisor. Deadline for all petitions is March 27, 1989 with the election being held on March 31, 1989. Seven members of the Senate recently attended a consortium at Delta Community College in Saginaw. The consortium consisted of a series of seminars on such topics as assertiveness, financial aspects, and the power that student goverments can attain. Among those colleges in attendance were Mott, Kalamazoo, the lobby in BTC. Kirtland, Lansing, and Oakland Nie see ieee 5 : ell signatures of 25 presently enrolled | ACC. By Tracey Barrco Clubs Provide Student Activities Clubs at ACC have been busy organizing activities to involve students. The Ski Club has offered many discounted ski trips to students, but due to lack of student interest, only a few trips were actually taken. The most recent trip was to Searchmont, Canada. Twelve students participated in the event and now have many memories (as well as photographs) to press into their memory books. The Ski Club is also planning a 50/50 raffle in the near future. The Concrete Club has just completed making fenceposts for the city golf course and are also planning a 50/50 raffle on April 7, 1989. The Business Club is in the midst of preparing a trip to Chicago, Ill. On this trip, they plan to visit the local stock exchange, art museums and stores. Club trips are as much fun as they are educational. They are created for the student's benefit. Student interest is at an all-time low, therefore clubs haven't been able to do as much as they are capable . Student involvement is vital to club survival. by Tracey Barraco Lampel's Oo: Owners Lampel's Computer House Where both professionals and amateurs feel right at HOME! %* New and Used Computer Systems %* Business and Entertainment Software * Consultation and Training %& Computer Supplies Wayne and Carrie Lampel 2579-A US-23 South: Alpena, MI 49707 (517) 354-2345 Events seen at the Science Olympiad included students demonstrating the use of a home -made astrolabe in measuring the altitude and azimuth of a high fixed object. Also students took part in the Bio Process Lab event. There the competition evolved around the science processes of biology. Traditions of Easter Easter Sunday is a principle feature of the Christian Church year which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ after the crucifixion. Easter is believed to have taken its English name from Eostur, the Teutonic festival celebrating the return of spring each year, — eae customs associated with Easter time come in a variety of forms. One of the best known symbols of the season is the egg, which has symbolized renewed life since the beginning of civilization. The Ukraine is known for its elaborately decorated Easter eggs and have a folk tale of a chained monster who lurks under a cliff and becomes enraged if too few Easter eggs are created. The traditional Ukranian egg is made with a complex melted beeswax process; however charming homemade eggs can be created by using waterproof markers and covering the designs with shellac or varnish. This idea was found in ypular ladies magazine. Other agazine clippings, available at the Alpena County Library, include designs with pasta, comic strip characters, balloons, thread, fabric and spackle. Popular egg symbols include the sun, which represents good fortune, the rooster, fufillment of wishes, the deer, good health; and flowers, love and. charity. By Lori Nash Volunteers Get Recognition "Volunteers Light Up Our Lives" is this year's theme. With the cooperation of the Alpena Mall and over 300 organizations this year's National Volunteer Week, April 9-15, should be exciting. All participating organizations are asked to design a poster listing all their volunteers ( “Honor Roll"). The poster can be plain or decorative, in celebration of "Salute to Volunteers". The organization's posters displaying their volunteer, ("Honor Rolls"), is their way of saying thanks. Each night throughout volunteer week will carry a different theme-- teen night, kids’ night, etc., that will ensure excitement and fun the whole week rough. The Leaders of Volunteer Efforts (L.0.V.E.) is sponsoring the event. To join the celebration, simply design a poster out of posterboard no larger than 32" x 48". All posters are to be delivered to the Alpena Mall office before 3 pm, Saturday April 1. The rest is up to the mall. If you wish to keep your poster after the event it should be picked up by 5 pm on Sunday, April 16, or it will be thrown away. If you are interested in recruiting new members or volunteers, a contact person and phone number on the posters is a suggestion. ACC will be designing a poster of the volunteers who have hepled out in so many ways throughout the year which will be on display in the mall for this event, by Mary Bartz EDITOR Mary Bartz Assistant Editor Trina Redding Technical Advisor | Chuck Witt Staff Gayle Ayres Tracey Barraco Deborah Filarski Robert Marlatt Lori Nash John Pines Staci Radke Michael Rhea Photography Nick Barraco Athena Olsen Angela Orlowski Entertainment John Pines Advertising Marielle Morrison Advisor Paul Rabiteau The Lumberjack is a i medium of Alpena Community College. It is published monthly September t hrough May--except during vacations and examination periods--by the students of Alpena Community College. All articles published are the sole of the author(s), and the opinions expressed in such articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, advisor or administration of Alpena Community College. Lumberjack©1989