Page 2 1. Why is being held? Voters are being asked to approve a 1-mill property tax levy for a period of five years to provide necessary operating funds for Alpena Community College. the election 2. What's so important about Alpena Community College? ACC is of great importance because of the services and opportunities it provides, but also has great value as a community asset and contributor to the local economy.Most people are aware of: ‘variety of transfer and occupational programs *community services and outreach activities *partnerships with local business and industry to provide employee training Another side, however, it is that because ACC is here doing all these things, this community becomes more attractive. There is also ACC's economic impact as an institution. Direct and indirect expenditures of ACC create: * 12.8 million local business _ volume * ne * 5.2 million earned by local households as personal income. Those factors together combine to make a crucial of the Alpena area and a benefit not just to students, but to everyone. 3. Doesn't ACC already get property tax funds? Yes, a 1.5-mill charter levy was approved in 1979. That amount has never been increased during the past 10 years, and a benefit and the Operating funds generated by that tax - $597,644 in 1988 - provided only 11 percent of ACC's revenue this year, 4. Then where does the rest lof ACC's revenue come from? *11.4% comes from property tax. The average among Michigan community colleges Colleges is 26% *Tuition and fees account for 31%. The state average is 29%. *State appropriations are 52%. The state average is 40%. *Other revenue equals 5%, which is the state average. Also stated are the average percentages of support from those sources among all 29 Michigan community colleges. It is important to point out that the percentage of property tax support for ACC has been declining since 1983. 5. Is there any difference between this millage request and _ previous requests which were not approved? Yes, a very important difference. At the May 2 election, voters will be asked to approve a 1-mill levy for five years only. This is not a request for a charter (permanent) millage. If approved, it will expire in five 6. Will any of my tax dollars go to support athletics? No. Athletics at Alpena Community College are funded Studer 7. How much money will be generated by the 1-mill levy, and. how will it be used? Alpena Community College would receive about $380,000 in additional money for operational use. Those funds would enable the college to: *accommodate critical job training and retraining for an enrollment that has increased 29% since 1985 and expected to increase another 15% by 1992. *begin to update obsolete instructional equipment in technical and business courses, a serious need that will cost an estimated $812,000 or more over the next five years. entirely separate athletic fee of $2 sin pe Questions & Answers About Our Millage Election *implement maintenance and renovation projects needed on ACC's aging and much used facilities to bring them into code compliance and to better meet the needs of students. 8. Won't the college have additional tuition revenue to use as enrollment goes While it is true that more students bring more tuition revenue, remember that they also represent added costs for the added instructional and support services required. ACC tuition rates have increased 120% in the past 10 years; there has been no tax increase during all that time in the tax rate. An estimated $4,000 per full time student is needed to provide services; the combination of tuition and state aid produce only about $2,000 per student - only half that amount. 9. What will 1-mill cost me? The request for 1-mill means $1 per $1,000 of state equalized value (SEV). Following are examples of how to determine the amount it would cost. If your property value is $25,000 then your SEV is 12,500 the added nill would 2.50. State eee (52.6%) S Financial Facts To Consider 1. ACC currently ranks 26th out of 29 Michigan community colleges in the amount of revenue available to support its activities. 2. ACC ranks 27th (out of 29) in its level of expenditure/student to accomplish its mission. 3. ACC's purchasing power for goods and services has consistently declined due to inflation over the past 10 years. Today's dollars buy the college 15% less than could be purchased in 1979. 4, Tuition has been increased in 8 out of the last ten years; resulting in a 120% increase over this period. (22.2% in 1988-89) 5. State support for ACC activities provides 53% of all funds compared to a statewide average of 40% for all community colleges. 6. Local property tax support has remained at 1.5 mills since the college became an independent institution and produces less actual dollars than was provided in 1984. A total of 11% of the budget is supported by local property tax funds. 7. At 11% support from the local property tax, ACC ranks 28th among the 29 community colleges in revenue from this source. The Statewide average is 26%. 8. Headcount enrollment has increased 29% since 1985-86. 9. A 15% increase in headcount enrollment is projected over the next five years. 10. 76% of ACC facilities were built prior to 1968. The newest facility, Besser Tech Annex, opened in 1977. 1988 ACC Revenue Sources Property Tax (11.4%) [Average among Michigan community colleges is 26% ] ($597,644) Werage among ‘community sicfeet $5 40% ($2,763,375) Tuition and Fees (31.0%) [Average among Michigan community colleges is 29% } ($1,626,477) If your property value is $30,000, then your SEV $15,000 and the cost would be $15.00. If your property value is $40,000 then your SEV is $20,000 and the cost would be $20.00. 10. How does ACC rank among the state's 29 community colleges in financial matters? ACC ranks: *14th in tuition support per student. *11th in state aid per student. *28th in local tax support per student. *27th in expenditures per student. Remember To [ Average among Michigan community seo: is 5%] ($260,717) EDITOR Mary Bartz faa, COMPLETE Teenie eae John Pines Chuck Witt POLLING PLACES Information Consultant City of Alpena: #1 ACC East Campus Carlene Przykucki #2 McRae Park #3 Presbyterian Church Photography #4 Alpena Housing Nick Barraco _ #5 1st United Methodist Angela Orlowski #6 St. Bernard Church Alpena Township: The Lumberjack is a #1 Hinks School communications medium of #2 Township Building Alpena Community College. It is #3 South Firestation published monthly September #4 Pied Piper School through May--except during #5 Gordon School vacations and examination District Areas: periods--by the students of Alpena Green Township Community College. All articles Long Rapids Published are the sole Maple Ridge responsibility of the author(s), and Ossineke the opinions expressed in such Sanborn articles do not necessarily reflect Wellington the views of the editor, advisor or Wilson administration of Alpena Krakow Community College. Presque Isle Lumberjack ©1989