Issue 4 TRE EUMBERJACK f of Alpena Community College blished by the P i December 1989 Stibitz, Hansen Returned to ACC Board Hart, Donajkowski Retire Formal Ceremonies to seat re-elected trustees was the highlight of the December 7 meeting of the ACC Board of Trustees. Also on the agenda were ee ORG Donajakowski, Director of the Concrete Technology program since 1969, was commended for his personal interest in the success of his students and his diligence and leadership, through which “a _ fledgling i to the concrete of app co) retiring staff members and authorization for a “memorandum of under- ~ standing" between ACC and Wurtsmith Air Force Base. aeeeeleinaanione eaten Judge ~~ Joseph Swallow was on , hand to administer the oath of | office to Trustees Florence Stibitz and Harvey Hansen, Officially seating them to begin their six-year terms. Both ran unopposed in the November 7, 1989 election. Also on the agenda, retiring staff members Jim Donajkowski and Carol Hart were recognized by the Board with resolutions expressing appreciation for eir-service to ACC. Both begin retirement January 1, 1990. industry has blossomed into a national program for private and _ public partnershipping." Florence Stibitz Also noted was the programs national recognition in 1984 when it earned an AACIC College and Industry Partnership Appreciation from Board Chairman Roger Bauer. Award Hart has been a member of the Nursing program faculty since 1975 and was a member of the planning team whose work expanded ACC's one-year LPN to include a two-year Associate Degree RN. She was recognized as "a constantly positive role model as both a person and a professional" and credited for the honor and benefit received by ACC because of ie achievement and success of her graduate nurses. Board President Roger Bauer presented both tetirees-to-be with a Certificate of Appreciation. The Board also approved a memorandum which teflects understandings that have evolved over the years regarding the long standing and mutually beneficial relationship with Wurtsmith Air Force Base. It provides for delivery of educational services at the base for a five-year period, effective December 1 of this year. The two other action items were a resolution supporting observance at ACC of National Community College Month in February of 1990 and setting January 29, 4pm for a special joint workshop with the Alpena Public Harvey Hanson School Board of Education to discuss "topics of mutual interest." Since it was a combined November and December Pictured here is Jim Donajkowski receiving a Resolution of Pictured here is Carol Hart receiving a Resolution of Appreciation from Board Chairman Roger Bauer. meeting, financial reports for both October and November were received. Revenues and expenditures are "on target" with projections as 42 percent of the fiscal year has been completed. In final information items Dr. Newport reported that the Foundation Board has identified five new trustees - Trustees were reminded that the Foundation annual fund drive is underway; -indicated that the "warranty concept" will be presented for a first reading at the next meeting and that work is being done on an articulation agreement with local public schools. Mary Christmas Inside: pg.2 Titus Speaks Against MX pg.3 Business & Industry pg Clubs & Organizations pg5 Entertainment P8.6 Opinions pg.7 Advertising pg.8 Sports