Polemic © Wednesday, March 27, 1996 By Hoty Mace Be TAFF WRITER On February 27, at the A-ESD building, the Al- ena JayTeens hosted "Ascent oung women to interact with men in the community tho exemplify leadership and itizenship. Alpena Community Col- ge freshman, Sara Sabourin, as chairperson of the event. iso involved in the planning rere ACC freshmen Jennifer agnon and Holly Mace, and Ipena High School seniors arrie Brzezinski, Meredith ‘oolman, Sara Speaks and leather Roy. Guest speakers for the anne LaFleche-Gallagher of “Thunder Bay Manufacturing (TBM). Music was provided “by Jamie Patterson. Also in attendance were the 16 State of Michigan Jun- r Miss Contestants. Leadership," a seminar for’ The evening began with a welcome by Kelly Bushey, JayTeen Director, who intro- duced Jennifer Gagnon, JayTeen President. Jennifer gave a brief overview of the JayTeens and what they represent. "The JayTeens enables the young people of our community to step out and find their talents and abilities and then develop them. That is exactly what the JayTeens has done for me," she explained. She went on to explain how the three focal points of the JayTeens -- leadership, community service, and citi- zenship -- are all intertwined in the JayTeen creed, which reads: "We believe that faith in God gives purpose and mean- ing to human life; that the brotherhood of man tran- scends the sovereignty of the nations; that economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; that government should be of laws SUCCESS in their lives, explained Kelly Bushey. i Kelly went on to explain that balcony people are those work of life.” _ People that have offered ad- Jennifer ended her vice and support, and speech by introducing chair- b. people are those leader, Sara Sabourin, who that discourage others by say- then introduced Mayo Camille Nerkowski. f these encouraging words: "In conclusion, and goi back to what Helen Keller sai about opportunity, 'When on door of happiness closes, an- all the opportunities that ar in this great big beautifu world.” The first interactive table topic, “Balcony People,” fol- lowed Mayor Nerkowski's speech. Everyone has both balcony and basement people ings such as "You'll never ount to anything," or "You ven though balcony people be forgotten. — JayTeen Marketing Di- ector, Carrie Brzezinski anufacturing and, also, resident of Jesse Besser Mu- eum, : Joanne's speech focused fon steps to becoming a leader “and obstacles she had to face. it "Don't undervalue the “importance of your educa- tion," Joanne advised. "What ou ate learning today is es- tial. What you will learn Photo courtesy of the Jay Teens of Alpena Jay Teen President, Jennifer Gagnon, and Mayor Camille Nerkowski relax after their presentations at the "Ascent to Leadership" seminar on February 27. tomorrow is also essential. We can stand up here and talk to you about leadership, but none of it will mean anything if you don't go right from here and learn more." The next interactive table topic, "Rungs on a Ladder," tied in with Joanne's speech. Imagine a ladder with many rungs. Each rung represents an obstacle that a person has overcome to get where he/she is right now. The last of the interactive table topics, "Turtle on a Fencepost," concluded the evening. Question: When you seé a turtle on a fencepost what do you automatically know? Answer: Someone had to put it there. 7 What this means is that someone or something helped you get where you are; whether it's your parents, friends, religious beliefs, or simply belief in yourself. i PE ET RET EE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 2 MONEY MATTERS 26 Polemic Distribution 27 28 29 30 if ACC OPENS SPECIAL a FINAL DAY TO DROP CLASSES ‘B ENROLLMENT FOR NEW , Single Parent Support Group FALL FRESHMEN MOUNT ST. HELENS VLH 104 2:30-3:30 © Me 4 _. MONDAY WEDNESDAY SDAY: FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY STARTOF ACC SUMMER 1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 3| _ EASTERIBREAK 4| EASTER BREAK 5 6 7 & EARLY FALL SESSION REGISTRATION Single Parent Support Group VLH 104 2:30-3:30 ; WOODFIRING WOODFIRING WOODFIRING WOODFIRING WOODFIRING GOOD FRIDAY EASTER SUNDAY EASTER BREAK 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 Single Parent Support Group VLH 104 2:30-3:30 ; INCOME TAXDAY 15 16 17| — Bodyanomind 18 19 20 21 TB GREAT EXP TBT GREAT EXP TBTGREATEXP | TBT GREAT EXP Single Parent Support Group i VLH 104 2:30-3:30 22, 23 24 26 ah 28 i 1B TBT GREAT EXP TBT GREAT EXP TBT GREAT EXP, T GREAT EXP TBTGREATEXP | TBTGREATEXP Single Parent Support Group VLH 104 2:30-3:30 29 C80 i\ a ies g il, e ES © MONDAY | TUESDAY WEDNESDAY _ THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Polemic Distribution 1 , & 2 3 4 5 h Single Parent Support Group VLH 104 2:30-3:30 6 q pooxsuyeack 8) § sookabysack 9 10 11 12 HSC BOOK BUY BACK 3 Fl . GRADUATION MALS FINALS FINALS 9 BOOK BUY BACK BOOK BUY BACK Single Parent Support Group 4 VLH 104 2:30-3:30 4