: au eed ~ Nia The results include work stations for 20 students and PAGE 16 « Alpena Community College 1998 Spring Semester UPDATE ALPENA COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION MATCHES PRIVATE DONATIONS Major renovations moving ACC drafting and design program ‘beyond T-square technology’ THE OLD AND THE NEW — One by one, the old drafting tables were removed last summer (above, left) by Rich Grochowski of the ACC maintenance staff. New when Besser Technical Center opened in 1963, they had served long and well. In order to give greater emphasis to the computer technology now involved in mechanical and architectural drafting and design, a major investment was ‘made to renovate and ole on all student monitors:(above, right) comes from ramen technical and occupational programs current with ~ technology and the needs of employers is one of the most challenging and expensive aspects of budgeting and planning at Alpena Community College. Overthe met eve oyenee for cele the dratung and design th riculum DY aoe areai ‘E whose donations helped transform the drafting and design technology facilities-were invited by the ACC Foundation to see the results at an informal reception in November. : Names of the following contributors to the 1997 drafting & design technology lab renovation project are displayed near the door on a special “Beyond T-Square Technology” plaque. ACC Foundation MEARS/HDD, Inc. Marcellus Technology Fund Rosebush, Michigan Autodesk ‘ Omni Metalcraft Corp. : San Rafael, California lpena Commercial Equipment Co. Presque Isle Corp. Traverse City © = - Alpena _ DeVere Const ion Co. Systech Environmental Corp. Alpena Alpena Dr. Mary ‘Ann Heidemann W. G. Benjey, Inc. Rogers City Alpena . Robert Kenyon, Jr. Wayne Wire Cloth Petoes Ine. a Hillman — Hillma | _ Lafarge Corp. Alpena Plant Grant and = Werth = =<. Alpena : Alpena Wilcox/Hendricks _ Alpena — | without having to spend time in a class covering what they already know. the video-switching system; the first installed at ACC. It allows the instructor to project — any andis an adv ininstructionaltechnology beyond an overhead computer projection system. Instructor Kathy Dapprich said that tables were included in the new student computer work stations because learning “4 manual fundamentals gives portant foundation for understanding and | problem- solving in computer aided de: . For | progra “tae Alpena Campus, (517) 356-9021 Ext. 224. (ACC pioios by Carlene e Praykuck) a computer lab with s the : instructor Kathy Dappric! kn am a thi sarin vw was meee 0: the computer technology now involved in this career area. It was time: to finish the move beyond T-squaretechnology. With good regional and national employment opportunities, the - investment needed to upgrade the program made sense, but the pricetag for comprehensive electrical work, cabling, lighting, furnishings, computers, printers and software exceeded $90,000. To accomplish the ambitious goal, cooperative efforts in public and private funding were required. Donations of over $23,000 from individuals and businesses with an interest in this field were matched by the Alpena Community College — Foundation and added to funding from the federal Perkins Vocational oct and the ACC budget. In addition to the obvious benefits, the vengienos is having a positiv ripple effect. Students in the pre-engineering and machine tool technology programs are also able to use the computers and specialized software. This takes pressure off other computer labs which must carry software for and — serve students in business information systems, science and math courses. Dapprich is also pleased that the upgrade will add AutoCAD to thi curriculum. This: program is popular in the work place and will join CADKEY in ACC courses. “We are fully renovating the curriculum to match the state of the ar facility,” she said. “A goal of the revision is. to.make courses mor accessible with one- and two-credit offerings.” These make it easier t articulate with high school programs and allow people to upgrade skil The new curriculum is expected to take effect with the 1998 Fall Semester. Dapprich is also proposing that the name of the program b changed to “Computer-Aided Drafting and Design Technology.” Upoz approval by the ACC Curriculum Committee, program proposals go to ACC President Donald Newport for final approval. Z :