Alpena Community College 1998 Spring Semester UPDATE * PAGE 7 BiseieKee ae iekelessy ACC Class of 71 gradleads 4 national transcription groups ALPENA— When Alpena Community College computer information BIC Besser Technical: Center * CTR Center Building * EAC East Campus GRA Graphic Arts Building » NRC Natural Resources Center ¢ VLH Van Lare Hall CONTACT COURSE NO. TITLE CRHR SECT. INSTRUCTOR MEETING TIME DAYS BLDG/ROOM HOURS AUTOMOTIVE CONT'D ee] TAB SECTION 3143 AUTI25L LISTED instructor Mary Jane Thomson hears or reads an ACC ad saying ‘ACC is where you start ... few things so close can take ee so far” she thinks of her sister, Susan Pierce. AUT 125L AUTO ELEC ELCTR SYSII LAB 0.0 3143 ENGSTROM, 1:20P- 3:50, Mr BIC 113 6.00 Since graduating from ACC in 1971 with an associate in commerce ¥ om AUT 201 COMPUTERIZED ENGINE CIRLS 4.0 3145 ENGSTROM, 12:20P- 2:05 W CIR 122. 2.00 degree, Pierce has gone on to further ‘4**PREREQUISITE:; AUT124 OR INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION *** > s ‘*+REGISTER FOR LAB SECTION 3147 AUI2O1L LISTED" education and a successful career in “ CONTROLS IAB 0.0 3147 ENGSTROM, 2:10P- 5:55 W BIC 113. — 4.00 medical transcription. AUT 2011, COMP ENGINE : | 2x0B- 5: : a : In 1997, she became - AUT 202 ENG IS TUNEUP 6.0 3155 ENGSTROM, 12:20P- 1:15 THF CIR 122. 2.00 . ie #xQOREQUISITE: AUT122 (FUEL AND EMISSIONS SYSTEMS) president of the 9,000: member ***PREREQUISITE: AUT124 (ELECT AND ELECTRONICS SYST) American Association for Medical j Be ee ee aes Transcription (AAMT). In that role AUT 202L ENG PRF DIAGN TUNEUP LAB 0.0 3157 ENGSTROM, 1:20P- 5:15 THF BIC 113 — 8.00 she frequently criss-crosses the = country from her Herndon, Virginia, 4 home to the group’s California 4 eae headquarters, with frequent side ; BIO 114 INTRO BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE - 4.0 3180 HAUTAU, DE 9:05A-10:00 MMF. NRC 101 3.00 BIO 114 INTRO BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 4.0 3185 HAUTAU, DE 12:20P- 1:15 MWF NRC 101 ‘3.00 trips to state meetings. : 4 * ISTER FOR ONE BIOLI41 LAB LISTED BELOW*** When Thomson learned that Pierce ag BIO 114L INTRO BIO SCIENCE LAB Ge _would be visiting Alpena family a BIO 114L INTRO BIO SCI 0.0 3195 HAUTAU, DE 1:05P- 2:50 T NRC 110 2.00 . ‘ BIO 1141 INTRO BIO SCIENCE IAB 0,0 3200 HAVIAU, DE 10:10A-12:00 TH © NRC 110 2.00 members in October, she asked if her : BIO 114L INTRO BIO SCIENCE LAB 0.0 3205 HAUTAU, DE 1:25P- 3:15 7H NRC110 2.00 sister would give a guest lecture. The as en » gy BIO 201 HUMAN ANATOMY 4.0 3210 MILOSTAN, 10:10A-11:05 MAF NRC 214 3.00 response was an. enthusiastic “yes. pe eeer ae BIO114 OR EQUIVALENT *** vad really would like to return ***REGISTER FOR ONE BIO201L LAB SECT LISTED BELOW* oe to the 5 eRe: I BIO 201L HUMAN ANATOMY LAB 0.0 3215 MILOSTAN, 12:20P- 2:10 F NRC 112 2.00 SUSAN M. PIERCE, CMT, ART graduated from, as well as to the BIO 201L HUMAN ANATOMY LAB 0.0 3220 MILOSTAN, ‘2:30P- 4:20 F NRC 112 2.00 I grew up in,” she said. Pierce generously donated her time to do BIO 203 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 4.0 3225 MOGILL, JO 9:05A-10:00 MAF NRC 217. 3.00 ree Ain tet MSE oo ose ieee eo an evening workshop for ACC students in medical terminology, coding and BIO 203 ‘HUMAN PREREQ: H. ‘STER office procedures classes. She also gave a half-day continuing education of classes ti Alpena Campus schedul on Page 8... “BIO 203% HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY LAB 0.0 3: TEL, JO 10:10A-1: 2.00 transcriptionist (ot), Pierce is employed as ester of quality management - BIO/203L HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY LAB 0.0 3250 MILOSTAN, 2:30P- 4:20 W NRC 108 2.00 by HealthScribe, Inc. She earned a second associate's degree in Maryland i in ; : NRC 2123.00 1987, and completed her bachelor of sci in business ad g sae oS eee mo Squat at Strayer College in Virginia in 1997. In each case, Pierce said, her Alpena ; ae Community College credits transferred. By meeting common program E BIO 203L HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY LAB 0.0 3260 MOGILL, dO 7:35P- 9:25 TH ‘NRC_108 2.00 Ws this saved her both time and money. See cas ca poe ee Her start at ACC more than 25 years ago has taken Susan Pierce far — = noe Acie oe tiene see 2 in education and professional advancement, not to mention travel distance! 7 BIO 211L° GENERAL ‘ZOon0cY TAB 0° 0° 3270 HAUTAU"DE~3:35P-. 5215.7. _ ‘ . : Fi oq BIO 211L GENERAL ZOOLOGY LAB 6.03275 HAUIAY, DE 4:00-5:50 TH Alpena Community-Coltege: Invites Third-Party Comments ‘ BIO 227. MICROBIOLOGY 4.03280 MILOSTAN, 2:30P- 3:50 TTH NRC 101 3.00 Alpena Community — is saselsng comments about the College SE ae Pe tere eee from the publicin p 1 periodi uation by its regional BE BIO ae MICROBIOLOGY LAB 0.0 7:25 MA ONRC 108’ 3.00 accrediting agency. BIO 2271 MICROBIOLOGY LAB 0.0 3290 MOSILL, JO 9:35A-20:55 1TH NRC-108 3.00 The College-will undergo a comprehensive Sig eon visit Nee sate 227L- MICROBIOLOGY LAB 0.03295 MILOSTAN, 12:30P- 1:50 TTH NRC 108 00 os 11, 1998, bya team . the C Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges oe BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Schools. Alpena Community College has been accredited by the E BIS 100 _ COMPUTER KEYBOARDING 1.03300 STAFF 5:30P- 7:25 MH VIN 114 2.00 Commission since 1963. The team will review the ability of the Sa ie College to meet the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation and E BIS 101 ‘KEYBOARD SKILLBUILDING 1.0 3310 STAFF 5:30P- 7:25 MA ‘VLH: 114 2.00 General Institutional Requirements. ee The public is invited to submit ts regarding the Colleg Se to the following address: ee ee a ee ee BE se —_ on Alpena Community College of High ‘TRANSCRI! at FRANTZ, ME 6:00P- 8:55 TTH VLH 122 6.00 os BISI60, C1Si53 Es oe 5 cor Central tte of Colleges and Schools ‘MED OFFICE COMPUIER APPL 1.0 3335 PUIKAMER, 5:30P- 7:15 M VIH 122 2.00 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400 a ane MED OFFICE INS BILLING 3.0 3340 PUTKAMER, 7:30P- 8:55 MH VLH_117 3.00 Chicago, IL 60602 **DREREQUISITE: BISI63 *** Comments must address substantive matters related to a6 _ BIS 230 BUSINESS OFFICE PROCEDURE 3.0 3345 BUCHNER, B 9:05A-10:55 TTH VIN 122 4,00 quality of the institution or its academic programs. Comments must be _ in writing and signed. Comments cannot be treated as confidential, _ } All comments must be received by February 6, 1998 =o