Northeast Michigan Oral History and Historic Photograph Archive

Carl Henry Diary 1901

Henry, Carl R., Author
Media Type
Item Type
Daily diary written by Carl R. Henry at age 13.
Passenger steamer ALPENA
Date of Publication
Personal Name(s)
Henry Charles R. ; Henry, Florence ; Henry, Guy D. ; Hicks, Percy R. ; Crisman, Clark J. ; Hicks, Charles V. ; Burston, Fred ; Rutledge, Vern ; Hunt, George A. ; Spicer, Margaret ; Phillips, Will ; Prince ; Richardson, Roy ; Ebling ; Hitchcock, William ; Lucking, William ; Lucking, Dean ; McHarg, John ; Jeffries, Sam ; Fox, Hattie ; McKinnon ; McKean, Mary E. ; Otis ; Willis, Frank ; Green, Alger ; Young, Rush ; McInnis, Carrol ; Cameron, Dr. ; Dafoe, Lemuel G. ; McKinley, President William, Czolgosz, Leon ; Queen Victoria ; King Edward VII
Corporate Name(s)
Sandham, Thomas ; Maltz Opera House ; Hotel Colonial ; L.B. Dover Stamp Co. ; Trinity Episcopal Church ; First Congregational Church ; Vogel & Deming Minstrels ; Beck Brewery ; Fletcher Dam & Paper Mill ; Greenbaum Bros. ; Mystics (baseball team) ; Cobden Hotel ; Corbin & Bostwick
Matthew McCormack Collection
Language of Item
Geographic Coverage
  • Michigan, United States
    Latitude: 45.06168 Longitude: -83.43275
Matthew McCormack (great grandson of Carl Henry)
Copyright Statement
Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
Copyright Date
Copyright Holder
The Estate of Carl R. Henry
Copyright Holder Contact Information
Matthew McCormack
Recommended Citation
Carl Henry Diaries, Matthew McCormack Collection, Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library
Terms of Use
Open to research; permission to publish required; original diary held by Matthew McCormack
Reproduction Notes
Permission required.
Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library
Agency street/mail address:
211 N. First Ave.
Alpena, Michigan 49707
Full Text

Tues. Jan. 1, 1901

New century opened by blowing of whistles and ringing of bells. Snow 1 ½ inches think. Bay is freezing over. Very cold.

Wednesday 2

Bay is frozen over. Ice think enough for skating. Coldest day this season. Vacation getting shorter every day. All well.

Thursday 3

Sleighing rather poor. At the office. Papa changed Bell ‘phone for Mutual ‘phone in office. Cold.

Fri. Jan. 4, 1901

Note quite so cold. Guy went skating this afternoon. Papa has had the Mutual ‘phone placed in house and office. Freezing.

Saturday 5

Mild day. Bought material for shirt. Guy is lazy as ever. Guy went skating. Poor sleighing.

Sunday 6

Got mail. First Sunday in new century. Snowed 1 ½ inches. Served goose for dinner. Went to S.S. Guy & Mama went to (?)

Mon. Jan. 7, 1901

Vacation passed; went to school this morning. Ice has all gone out the bay. Sleighing not so bad. Play whist tonight. Remains of goose.

Tuesday 8

One year ago today (Amy?) came. It is melting this P.M. Took music box down to Lewis & Broads to get fixed. No sleighing.

Wednesday 9

No snow yet. Went down town after school. Cobden Hotel sold to Corbin & Bostwick. Papa send for (?). Not very cold

Thurs. Jan 10, 1901

Snowed last night. [Scored] 83 in a Geography test & 73 in a Language “. Ball game between Police & (clearks?) tonight.

Friday 11

Mama & Papa are going to the Lecture Coarse to-night – E.L. Baker will lecture on “Peaceful Valley.” No change in the weather.

Saturday 12

Played whist. I beat 8-3. Bought a news Sunday suit to-day – so did Guy. Snowed a good deal last night. Got some oysters for tomorrow.

Sun. Jan 13, 1901

Went to church. Read “Wrecked on Spider Island,” this P.M. Wrote to Ruby. Guy got mail. Weather about the same.

Monday 14

Snowed more to-day. Went down town to-night after school. Good packing. I feel as if I’d down like to knock somebody.

Tuesday 15

Ball game between Guards & Mystics to-night. Melting. No more snow. Down town after school

Wed., Jan 16, 1901

Went to supper in Cong’l church. Played crokinole with papa. Cold wind. Papa got gripp.

Thursday 17

Papa received 3 bbl. Of apples this morning. Snowed this after-noon. Rather cold. Popped pop-corn.

Friday 18

Getting colder. Two tests in arth. & geo. Today. Went down—town after school

Sat. Jan 19, 1901

Papa received his wambat Fur overcoat to day. Very-cold-below zero. Game has not come yet.

Sunday 20

Got mail this morning. Received a letter from Ruby this morning. Went to S.S. to-day. Warm

Monday 21

Test from Mr. Hunt. Papa went to Rogers City this morning. He has 11 cases of out of 19 cases. Getting colder.

Tues. Jan. 22, 1901

Queen died. [Victoria] Papa came back this noon from Rogers City. I have got the grip, but go to school. Sharp-little wind.

Wednesday 23

No school this morning; teacher not there. Cold. “Business Men’s Association Banquet” to night. Snowed this P.M. Papa is toastmaster.

Thursday 24

Papa went to Rogers City to attend court to day. Not very cold to-day. My grip better

Fri. Jan. 25, 1901

Papa not back yet. Tests in Geo & Arith this AM. New game has come. King Edward VII of Eng. Colder

Saturday 26

Papa came back from Roger City this A.M. I went to the mantinee this afternoon. Snowing – cold.

Sunday 27

Didn’t go to church or S.S. [Sunday School] this A.M. Guy got the mail. Rather Cold. Guy gone to C.E. [Christian Endeavor]

Mon. Jan 28, 1901

Papa went to court to-day. Am about well from the La Grippe. Snowed yesterday. Gray day|cold.

Tuesday 29

Guy has no more school this week. Ballgame between Mystics & Alpenas to-night. Pip (?) Hix [possibly Percy R. Hicks – age 16] came home. Rather cold – no skating.

Wednesday 30

A.H.S. Atheletic meet to-night. Guy’s in the Basket Ball Team. Mama went to a coffee this P.M.

Thurs. Jan 31, 1901

Last day of the month. Guy’s side beat in Basket Ball last night at the Armory. Papa not very well. It is rather cold. Guy & Vernon pilled [piled?] the hard wood.

Friday, Feb. 1

First day of February. Last day of the 2nd. quarter at school. Going to pile wood to-morrow. Papa is better to-day. Cold.

Saturday 2

Papa pretty well again. Piled wood all day. Has been a nice day. Had a to-boggan ride this afternoon. Not very cold to-day.

Sun. Feb. 3, 1901

I got mail this morning. Went to church & S.S. Papa not feeling well. Guy went to C.E. to-night. Rather cold. No snow.

Monday 4

First day in 3rd. quarter at school. Papa is better to-day. Guy has no school to-day. Had my hair cut after school. Cold out.

Tuesday 5

Got our cards at school to-day. Mama got new rug. Down town after school to-day. Nice day. Rather cold

Wed. Feb. 6, 1901

Got a new pair of rubbers. New scholar at school. Papa better. Went to down town this P.M. Skating on the bay. Cool – no snow.

Thursday 7

Delivered Guy’s papers to-night. He tried to beat me down! Had a test in school. Papa feeling pretty well. Good skating. Cold

Friday 8

Stood 100 in Arith. Test. Go to social at Cong. Church to-night. Papa better. Mama got a new picture. Snowed. Cold.

Sat. Feb. 9, 1901

Papa got a new picture. Snowed. Went down town both this A.M. & P.M. Went to social at Cong. Church last night. Cold.

Sunday 10

Went to church & S.S. this A.M. Guy got mail. Ate two suppers – Hicks & home. Reading The Runaway Brig. No snow to-day. Cold but not to cold.

Monday 11

Papa went to Harrisville this morning to attend curcit court. Had nose bleed. Party given by Mamma, Papa and others tomorrow. Cold. No snow

Tues. Feb. 12, 1901

Going to K.P. party to-night. Mr. C.R. Henry, C.J. Crissman, C.V. Hicks & wives give it. Papa coming home to-night. No skating. Cold.

Wednesday 12

Didn’t get home until 1 A.M. this morning. Tomorrow is Valentine day. Papa came home last night. No skating. No snow. Very cold.

Thursday 14

Valentines day. Didn’t buy any but got some just the same. Mama very tired. Cold. 4° below.

Fri. Feb. 15, 1901

Big fire yesterday. I got another valentine (from Ruby) this morning – makes 4. Papa got some hay & straw. No snow – nor skating. Cold.

Saturday 16

Played indoor baseball this morning. Down town this afternoon & to the court house. Papa went riding. Cold.

Sunday 17

Went to church & S.S. & got the mail. Hitched up this after-noon. Thawed a little. Cold.

Mon. Feb. 18, 1901

Took Fred Burston’s papers for him to-night. Papa went to Tawas this morning & came home tonight. Cold

Tuesday 19

Ther. 23° Wea. Cold

Am reading Harkaway at Oxford II now. Am going to Captain Princes to-night to some bible class. Little snow. 23° Cold.

Wednesday 20

Went down town after school & got a copy book. Mama’s back is lame. Test in school today. No skating or snow. Cold.

Thurs. Feb. 21, 1901

Papa went to Tawas this morning and came back this evening. No school to-morrow. No snow. No skating. Very cold.

Friday 22

Washingtons birthday. Went to banquet at Cong’l church to-night and did’t get home until 12:30. Papa spoke a little piece. Cold. Very Cold.

Saturday 23

Guy & Vernon Rutledge split and I piled wood all day – each get 50 [cents] from papa. Papa go a new (?). Cold

Sun. Feb. 24, 1901

I didn’t go to church or S.S. to-day on account of ear ache. Mama got a letter from grandpa saying he fell on the ice. Very cold.

Monday 25

Bought a new pair of pants at Sandhams. Mamma & I went down town after school. No snow – No skating – No swimming. Thawed. Cold.

Tuesday 26

Papa & Mama went out riding this after-noon. I had write a composition. Guy got his moccasins. Cold.

Wed. Feb. 27, 1901

Had a test in language this morning. Papa gave me a pad. Helped him after school. He got some tamarack wood. No snow. Cold

Thursday 28

Finished the exam. We started yesterday. Went down town after school. Mama is sick. No snow or skating. Cold

Friday, Mar. 1

Mamma is clerking at the Womans Exchange today. Guy got back from a sleighride party at 4 A.M. Cold

Sat. Mar. 2, 1901

I got mail this morning. Papa and Guy went to church. Fearful blizzard raging. Worst in years. Horse broke trough {through} his stall. Cold. Caught 3 rats

Sunday 3

No school all day to-day. My teacher is sick with the grip. Received some stamps (approval sheet) this A.M. mail. Papa at court house. Cold

Monday 4

No school this morning & Supt. Hunt taught this afternoon. Got some stamps in mail this morning. Papa pretty well. Cold

Tues. Mar. 5, 1901

Papa and Mama are going to a concert to-night at the Oprea House. Our teacher came back this P.M. I am going to a bible class to-night. Cold

Wednesday 6

Sorted the stamps over that I got in the mail yesterday. Supt. Hunt taught us this morning. No skating, or snow. Cold/

Thursday 7

Papa went to AuSable this morning and came back this evening. New teacher in school until my teacher gets well. Cold

Fri. Mar. 8, 1901

I am preparing some approval sheets in stamps. Went down town after school. A little snow to-day. No skating. Cold.

Saturday 9

Worked all this morning cleaning the walks and piling wood. Went down town this afternoon. Snowed last night. Papa better. Cold

Sunday 10

Papa, Mama and I went to church today. Guy went after the mail. Blew a blizzard this afternoon. Popped corn. Cold

Mon. Mar 11, 1901

Our teacher is back yet and a substitute (Miss Spicer) taught us. Am buying & selling stamps. Papa at court today. Windy but it is cold.

Tuesday 12

Fine day. Mama went on a sleighride party. Papa tried case in curcit court. Melted all day. No snow. Cold

Wednesday 13

Terrible blizzard. Papa attending court today. Got some new stamps. Our teacher taken sick again and so we have Spicer again. Cold

Thurs. Mar. 14, 1901

Papa still attending court to-day. I went after him with the horse after school to-night. Snow drifts all over about 6 ft. high. Cold.

Friday 15

Papa is still attending court to-day. Going to a play in the Oprea House Block to-night. Rather cold with a little more snow to-day. Cold.

Saturday 16

Papa won the case he tried yesterday. I piled wood this morning. Play this afternoon. No more snow yet but cold.

Sun. Mar. 17, 1901

I got the mail this morning. Papa, Mama and Guy went to church & I to Sunday school this morning. Looked at my stamps this after-noon. Cold

Monday 18

Papa started to court again to-day for another week. Our teacher is still sick. Mama pretty tired. Guy will be 15 Wednesday. Cold

Tuesday 19

Blizzard – Big one. Papa in court again today. Guys birthday to-morrow – be 15 years. My mail has not come yet. Uncle Will Phillips here from Lachine (?), Mich. Cold

Wed. Mar. 20, 1901

I am going to Mr. Prince’s bible class to-night. This is Guys 15th birthday. Got lots of presents. Mama at church. Uncle will still here. Cold

Thursday 21

More snow. Got some stamps from C.H. Mikeel (?). Also a stamp with my name on, as is on the front page, in the mail. Papa sick this after-noon. Cold.

Friday 22

Papa about the same. No mail but a letter. Scocial at Con’g Ch. Uncle Will is here yet, maybe for a couple weeks. Cold

Sat. Mar. 23, 1901

Papa attending court to-day & I went with with him. Got a letter this morning. Mama went to a party this afternoon. Piled wood. Cold.

Sunday 24 Monday 25

Our teacher will not be back to school until after the Easter vacation. I didn’t get any mail to-day. Water has flooded the streets. (?)

Monday 25 Sunday 24

Guy got the mail to-day & is going to a party tomorrow night. We all went to church yesterd to-day. Cold.

Tues. Mar. 26, 1901

Papa went to AuSable on this afternoons train. Mamma a little sick. Guy & I cleaned off the walks this morning. Uncle Will still here. Cold.

Wednesday 27

Papa came back from AuSable on this mornings train. Guy brought papas old typewriter from the office to-day. Melted. No mail for me. Cold. Mama went to church

Thursday 28

Uncle Will still in town but has left our house and gone to the hotel Colonial. Went down town after school. Cold.

Fri. Mar. 20, 1901

I got a lot mor stamps in the mail this morning. Play pig-ring marbles at school. Took papas wheel down to (Sterls?) to-day. Mama not home. Cold.

Saturday 30

I took my wheel down to Mr. Hicks store this morning to get cleaned – (?). Papa pretty buzy. Uncle Will in town yet. Cold

Sunday 31

I got the mail this A.M. We all went to church. All but Papa went to Sunday school. A very fine day. Cold

Mon. April 1, 1901

Got some mail this morning from the L.B. Dover Stamp Co. Rode bicycle down town after school tonight. Our teacher back. This is Aprils Fools Day. Cold.

Tuesday 2

Papa buzy. Yesterday was election day. The Republicans got everything – which made me mad. Pillow sale to-morrow. Cold

Wednesday 3

Mamma is clerking at a pillow sale to-day for the Cong’l Church. Papa got a new typewriting chair. Cold.

Thurs. April 4, 1901

Mama taken sick this morning. Cleared $70 yesterday at the pillow sale. No school tomorrow – Good Friday. Papa buzy. Cold

Friday 5

To-day is Good Friday and there is no school. Am reading Fred Fearnot. Mama pretty sick to-day. Got flowers, candy etc. Cold.

Saturday 6

Mama still sick though better. Guy sick also – came as mama was. He got a new necktie. I took his papers. Cold.

Sun. April 7, 1901

Today is Easter. Went to Trinity Church & Cong’l S.S. to-day & got the mail. Mama and Guy both better. Papa went downtown today

Monday 8

Papa went to Rogers City to-day on business. I took Guys papers for him to-night. Mama & Guy are both better. Cold

Tuesday 9

Papa came back back from Rogers City this morning. Went up into the labratory to-day at school. Cold.

Wed. April 10, 1901

Mamma better. Am going to the Bible class at Mr. Princes to-night. We went up into the labratory to-day again. Took Guys papers. Papa buzy. Cold

Thursday 11

Bought some stamps from Roy Richardson. Papa got a new fish pole from Mr. Ebling. Mama & Guy better, took Guys papers. Cold

Friday 12

Took Guys papers again for the last time. Am to get my wheel to-morrow. Papa tried a case. Cold.

Sat. April 13, 1901

No mail. I am sick with the grippe – or something else. Men are papering the hall to-day. Mama went down town. Papa buzy. Cold.

Sunday 14

I’m sick abed to-day & so did not go to Sunday school. Mama and papa went to church. Guy got papa’s mail. Cold

Monday 15

Am still sick abed though better. Papa got a headache. Guy played baseball. Warmer. Cold.

Tues. April 16, 1901

Mama cleaning house. No school this week, it being the Easter vacation week. I’m up & dressed this week to-day but not outdoors. Cold.

Wednesday 17

Uncle Will Phillips is still in town. Was a damp, rainy day. Bible class at Mr. Princes tonight. Mama still cleaning house. Cold.

Thursday 18

Mama cleaning house in line of laying carpets. Snowed last night. Papa went to party last night. Cold.

Fri. April 19, 1901

Went down town to-day for the first time scince I was sick. Mama got a new carpet with papas money & ordered more. Cold

Saturday 20

Bummed around all day. Mama still house cleaning. Pap got 34 lbs. of maple sugar the other day. Went on errends. Cold wind

Sunday 21

Mama didn’t go to ch. Vacation ended. Must go to school again to-morrow. Went after the mail & went to S.S. to-day. Cold.

Mon. April 22, 1901

Mama going to show. End of third quarter. Went down town after school. Got some new stamps. Got nearly 1100 now. House cleaning. Cold.

Tuesday 23

Lecture at the Maltz Oprea House to-night. I was sick to-day but went to school. Wheel not done yet. Mam cleaning house. Cold

Wednesday 24

Am out of school on account of sickness for the first time this year. Papa gave me some perfumery. Cold.

Thurs. April 25, 1901

Am out of school again to-day. Got my wheel to-day. It is red & cleaned & looks like new. Got letter. Papa buzy. Cold.

Friday 26

Am sick abed to-day. Got a stiff knee & in the neck. Papa went to (Squable?) on after noon train. Read (Eben?) Holden. Cold.

Saturday 27

Papa returned from AuSable this morning. Am better to-day. First ball game 1901. Detroit 14 Milwaukey 13. Fine (?). Cold

Sun. April 28, 1901

Guy got mail. Papa & Guy went to church latter to Sunday school. Mama went for a ride. Detroit 6 Milwaukee 5. Still sick. Cold [Note: “1,000” on side of entry… numbers continue on to side of daily entries…believed to be something relating to baseball games]

Monday 29

Didn’t go to school again to0day. Got rheumatix [rheumatic fever]. Papa is going fishing to-morrow. Detroit 13 Milwaukee 9. Cloudy. Cold. 1,000

Tuesday 30

Papa left this morning on train for a fishing excursion, be back Thursday. Am better to-day. Detroit 12 Milwaikee 11. Cold. 1,000

Wed. May 1, 1901

Buffalo Exposition or Pan-American opened to-day. Papa not home yet, Out of schools. Detroit 3 Chicago 2. Warm. Cold. 1,000

Thursday 2

Nice day. Went down town for first time scince I was sick. Didn’t go to school. Papa not home yet. Detroit 2 Chicago 4. Cold. 887

Friday 3

Nice day. Went to school to-day for first time in a couple weeks. Papa came home with lots of fish. Cold.

Detroit 9 Chicago 19. 714

Sat. May 4, 1901

Am better. Painted the buggy. Went to Ball game this afternoon. The A.H.S. won by 18 to 4. Mam went to party. Cold. Detroit 8 Chicago 5. 750

Sunday 5

Went to Long Lake to-day for first time in the 20th Century. Papa, Mama & Guy went to. Went to Church and S.S. Cold. Detroit 6 Cleveland 3. 778

Monday 6

Went to school to-day & down town after school. Mam sick. Raked garden. Cold. Detroit 4 Cleveland 11. 700

Tues. May 7, 1901

Papa elected City Attorney by 1 vote. He went to Black River & returned. Got a Pan Am stamp. Cold. Detroit 10 Cleveland 3. 727

Wednesday 8

Papa went to Lansing this morning to attend supreme court. I am going to Mr. Princes Bible Class. Cold. Detroit 5 Cleveland 4. 750

Thursday 9

Got the full set of Pan Am stamps. Papa not home yet but we got a letter from him. Cold. Detroit 9 Milwaukee 2. 769

Fri. May 10, 1901

Alpena [passenger vessel] came in to-day. First time in 1901. Got a letter from papa. He is goind to Detroit before he comes home. Went down town after school & mailed letter. Cold. No game – rain.

Saturday 11

Went to ball game to-day. Two H.S. teams played. Got letter from Papa. Isn’t coming home to-night. Cold. Detroit 6 Milwaukee 7. 774

Sunday 12

Papa got home this morning. Didn’t got to church of S.S. Reading Slow and Sure. Cold. Detroit 7 Milwaukee 6. 733

Mon. May 13, 1901

Went down town after school and got a couple tablets. Got a new suit yesterday. Papa tried a case. Cold. Detroit 9 Chicago 4. 750

Tuesday 14

Papa tried 2 cases to-day. Went down town after school. Uncle Will in town yet. Cold. Detroit 7 Chicago 5. 769

Wednesday 15

Papa went to AuSable to-night. Am going to Mr. Princes Bible class. Cold. Detroit 8 Chicago 7. 778

Thurs. May 16, 1901

Papa is coming home tonight. Mrs. President McKinley most dead, she cannot live. Rainy. Cold. Detroit 2 Chicago 2 Chicago 6. 736

Friday 17

I am going to a church social to-night. Planted garden. Built wire fence. Base Ball every night until dark. Saw Uncle Will. Cold. No game. 736

Saturday 18

Went to a ball game this after noon. Got a new hat, a hair cut and a soda. Worked for Papa. Cold. Detroit 5 Cleveland 2. 750

Sun. May 19, 1901

Went to church & Sunday-school and got mail. Went on bicycle ride in the afternoon. Got some mail. Cold. Detroit 6 Cleveland 4r. 762

Monday 20

Papa not feeling well. Went down town after school. Sent for some stamps. Got up at 5:15 A.M. Rainy. Cold. Detroit 7 Cleveland 9. 729

Tuesday 21

We go a new carpet for the back parlor. It is red & green. Papa better. Took Guy’s papers. Cold. Detroit 2 Cleveland 11. 696

Wed. May 22, 1901

Uncle Will went away for good to-day on the boat. Didn’t get any mail. Papa buzy. Mama put up curtains. Cold. Detroit 13 Cleveland 1

Thursday 23

I got 1000 stamps in the mail this morning. Papa lost his case in supreme court. Went down town after school. Cold. No game.

Friday 24

No school this morning on account of teacher being ill. Still cleaning house. Cold. Detroit 5 Boston 9. 680

Sat. May 25, 1901

Went to a ball game this afternoon. Helped mama clean & lay a carpet. Papa treated me to a soda. Cold. Detroit 2 Boston 4. 654

Sunday 26

Went to church (M.E.) [Methodist Episcopal] & Cong. S.S. this afternoon. We went for a ride this after noon. Cold. Detroit 3 Boston 0. 667

Monday 27

Got 2 letters to-day & after school went down town. Got some stamps. Clear. Cold. Detroit 5 Washington 6. 643

Tues. May 28, 1901

I sold some stamps to-day. Went down town after school to-night. Uncle Hart of Detroit is in town. Cold. No game cold – wet.

Wednesday 29

Mama got some curtains for the parlor. Rainy. Went down town after school. Cold. Detroit 4 Washington 8. 621

Thursday 30

To-day is Memorial day but it has rained all day. No school to-day. Was down to the office. Cold. No game.

Fri. May 31, 1901

Went down town after school. This is the last day in May. A.H.S musical concert to be given to-night. Mama, I & Guy going. Cold. No game.

Saturday, June 1

First of June. Guy Papa & I are going to Vogel & Deming’s Minstrels tonight. (Best?0 on earth. Rainy. Cold. Detroit 7 Baltimore 9 Detroit 4 Baltimore 1. 613

Sunday 2

Went to church and S.S. in morning. Papa spoke this after noon. Went for drive. To Det. 9 to 0. Cold. Detroit 5 Baltimore 5

Mon. June 3, 1901

Only 16 more days of school. Guy and I raked & cut the lawn today. I helped Guy with his papers. Cold. Detroit 1 Baltimore 3

Tuesday 4

We had a Language test by Supt. Hunt to-day. It took 4 hrs. Went down-town after school. Cold. Detroit 8 Philadelphia 11

Wednesday 5

A church social here today. Am going to Mr. Princes Bible class tonight. Cold. Detroit 1 Philadelphia 2

Thurs. June 6, 1901

I got a present from Mr. Hitchcock who is at the Pan. Am. He sent me some (Jap.?) stamps. Made 8.16 yesterday. Had some ice cream. Cold. Detroit 9 Philadelphia 1

Friday 7

Went down town after school. Papas got a 1901 Geseteer [gazetteer]. It is about as cold as March. Rainy. Cold. Detroit 3 Philadelphia 2

Saturday 8

Was a nice day & played ball this after noon. Papa treated me to a soda. Cold. No game.

Sun. June 9, 1901

Went after mail and went to church & S.S. Visited Col. Hitchcocks rooms this after noon. He gave me some stamps. Cold. No game.

Monday 10

Stood 84 % on test. To Guys papers & earned quarter. Papa went to Harrisville on business. Cold. Detroit 1 Philadelphia 6. 584

Tuesday 11

Papa came home from Harrisville today. I was elected chairman of the T. B. Club. Helped Guy. No game, Cold

Wed., June 12, 1901

Got some mail. Am going to Mr. Princes to-night. Mama & Papa going to party. Guy to be a waiter. Play ball. Cold Detroit 5 Philadelphia 4 (10th in). 590

Thursday 13

Only a few more days of school. Mama is making me a new shirt. Papa was toastmaster. Cold. Detroit 4 Philadelphia 1. 600

Friday 14

I am going to a C.E. [Christian Education?] scocial to-night. Hottest day this year. Went down town after school. Cold Detroit 2 Boston 4

Sat. June 15, 1901

I have got a new pair of shoes. Helped Guy with his papers. Cut lawn, Papa in court. Pertty hot. Cold. Detroit 11 Boston 6. 595

Sunday 16

Guy got the mail. We all went to church. Mama and papa went for a drive. Guy went to C.E. Cold. Detroit 7 Boston 16. 581

Monday 17

Papa goes to council meeting. Mama & Papa going out to supper. I going to club. Only a few more days of school. Cold. Detroit 5 Boston 12. 568

Tues. June 18, 1901

Papa went to Tawas. Selected president over Frank Willis by 16 to 8 in our club. Helped Guy with his papers. Saw Uncle Will. Cold. No game at Boston

Wednesday 19

Am going to Mr. Princes tonight. Supper in Con’g Ch. Papa coming home. Got some mail. Cold. Detroit 9 Washington 2. 578

Thursday 20

Papa went back to Tawas. Am going in for swim. Had test to-day. Didn’t get any mail. Cold. Detroit 10 Washington 6. 587

Fri. June 21, 1901

I got a pistol & cartriges (blank). Papa & Mama going riding. Last Friday of school. Went in for swim. Cold. Detroit 2 Washington 7. 574

Saturday 22

Cleaned buggy. Went in for a swim, Papa & Mama going for ride. Yesterday was the longest day in the year. Cold. Detroit 7 Washington 8. 561

Sunday 23

I got the mail. Papa, Mama, Guy and myself all went to church. Mama & Papa went for a drive. Cold. Detroit 3 Baltimore 4. 551

Mon. June 24, 1901

Am going to the meeting. Beginning of last week of school. Hurrah! Had another (goss fat?) swim. High waves. Cold. Detroit 2 Baltimore 10. 540

Tuesday 25

I’m going to Mr. Princes. I went in for a swim. Papa and guy went fishing at Long Lake. Caught Bass. Cold.

Dest – 99 No game

Wednesday 26

Brought our books some. Went down to the boat. Had a good swim in Thunder Bay. Cold. Detroit 8 Baltimore 17

Thurs. June 27, 1901

Wrote a 180 ft. essay. Played croquet. Going for swim after supper. Had a glass of soda water. Last day of school. Papa about cooked. 97°. Cold. Detroit 2 Baltimore 4. 519

Friday 28

I got my certificate, I passed into the eighth grade. Guy sophomore (10 grade). Had swims. Piled wood. Warm. Cold. No game.

Saturday 29

Guy building stand for 4th. Papa got some hay. I piled some wood. Swim. Hot. Cold. Detroit 4 Milwaukee 3. 528

Sun. June 30, 1901

We all went to church. Children’s Day. Last of June. Went to S.S. Papa & Mama went for drive this P.M. Cold. Detroit 5 Milwaukey 0. 537

Monday, July 1

Uncle Will went away for good. Thermometer registered 99° in the shade. Going to meeting. Went of errands for mama. Cold. Detroit 5 Milwaukey 0. 546

Tuesday 2

Went down town five times. Painted croquet red & yellow. Went on errands. Read book. 90°. Cold. Detroit 2 Chicago 4. 536

Wed. July 3, 1901

Getting ready for to-morrow. Hurrah! I have a gun and 350 blank catriches. Mr. Princes tonight. Detroit in 4th place. No game. Cold

Thursday 4

Glorious fourth! Big parade, races, swimming, life saving feat & naval display on the bay. Guy kept a stand. Cold. Detroit 2 Chicago 3. 529

Friday 5

Slow day. Slept out the 4th night in barn. Got up at 2: A.M. Rained. I helped Guy with papers. Cold. Detroit 7 Milwaukee 5 (16 in)

Sat. July 6, 1901

Piled wood. Went on errands for Mama & Papa. Not much fun, Luckings coming soon. Cold. Detroit 5 Milwaukee 1 Detroit 7 Milwaukee 8 (10). 533

Sunday 7

We all went to church. Mama, Guy & I went to S.S. I got mail. Chilly. Papa & Mama went for drive with Boy / Roy ? this after noon, Cold. Detroit 4 Chicago 8. 520

Monday 8

Papa & Guy went to Atlanta, Montmorency Co., Mich. I took his papers. Weeded garden. Cold. Detroit 6 Chicago 5 (11). 532

Tues. July 9, 1901

Took Guy papers again. Papa telephoned to us today. Did chores. Swim. Soda. Royal Knights last night. Cold. Detroit 8 Chicago 3. 540

Wednesday 10

Papa & Guy came home. I worked in office. Got a belt. Letter from Luckings. Took (papa?) soda. Cold. Rainy. No game

Thursday 11

Had sodas. Swim. Worked in office. Papa having it fixed up. Papa & Mama went for a drive. Papers. Cold. Detroit 11 Cleveland 1. 547

Fri. July 12, 1901

Had a 16 mile ride to Long Lake. Fred Burston went with me. Had dinner there. Took papers. At Office. Got load of hay. Cold. Detroit 7 Cleveland 4. 554

Saturday 13

Didn’t get trough papers till 6:01 P.M. Took 105/ Man killed in cement works. Soda, swim, buggy painted & fixed. Cold. Detroit 1 Cleveland 6. 545

Sunday 14

All but Mama went to church, Guy & I went to S.S. Guy to C.E. I got mail. Went to show last night. Cold. Detroit 2 Cleveland 5. 537

Mon. July 15, 1901

I beat 2 out of 3 games of croquet from H. Luce. Guy took papers. Papas office nearly done. Swim, soda, Ellsworth. 87°. Cold. Detroit 19 Cleveland 12. 544

Tuesday 16

Beat Pip Hicks at croquet 2 out of 2 games. Had a 1 hr swim this A.M. Loyal Knights last evening. Cold Detroit 5 Cleveland 0. 551

Wednesday 17

Had supper at Miss Kelleys. AuSable & Alpena (played?) tennis. Swim, Soda. Folks went for a drive this evening, Cold. No game.

Thurs. July 18, 1901

Down town 7 times. Beck Brewery burned last night, (stones / stores?) loss is $25,000.00. Helped Guy with papers. Had haircut Swim in bay. 85°. Cold. Detroit 5 Washington 7 (10 in). 543

Friday 19

Had swims. Cooler today. Downtown 3 times. Played croquet. Wrote to Uncle Will & Aunt Lena. Guy not feeling well today. Cold. Detroit 4 Washington 3. 549

Saturday 20

Papa got a new settee. I got a new pair sox & a $1.00 hat today. Mama got new had also. Cold. Detroit 6 Washington 8. 542

Sun. July 21, 1901

Went to church & S.S. Got mail. Hickes & us went to Long Lake after dinner & had supper out at Adrian House. Cold. Detroit 7 Washington 3. 548

Monday 22

Helped papa at office. Piled wood. Had (goss?) fat swim. Loyal Knights to-night. Sent for some pictures today. Cold. Detroit 8 Boston 6. 554

Tuesday 23

Went down to the boat this A.M. Wrote letter. Weeded garden. Had swim, Soda. Warm about 80°. Cold. Detroit 3 Boston 4. 547

Wed. July 24, 1901

Papa & I went to AuSable this morning and returned tonight on train. Saw old home & boys. Mr. Princes Bible class tonight. Cold. Detroit 6 Boston 5 (2 in). 552

Thursday 25

Rainy. Mowed the lawn this morning. Went down town in evening & read in P.M. Papa sick this noon. Mam making me a shirt. Cold. No game.

Friday 26

Went to court house with papa. Went down town. Boy killed. Papa buzy. Mama made calls. Cold. Detroit 5 Philadelphia 12. 545

Sat. July 27, 1901

Rainy. Had a swim. Waves 5 feet over my head. Went down town. Papering Washington Ave. Papa buzy. Letter today. Cold. Detroit 4 Philadelphia 3. 552.

Sunday 8

We all went to church. Mama, Guy & I to S.S. & Guy to C.E. I got mail. Papa went down town after a fried chicken dinner. Rainy. Cold. No game.

Monday 29

Helped papa in office. Loyal Knights to-night. Put my punching bag up. Cleared up. Cold. Detroit 1 Baltimore 0. 557

Tues. July 30, 1901

82° Mr. & Mrs. Lucking, Will & Dean came to-day from Detroit. Papa & Mr. L. went to Long Lake, Guy, Will, Dean, & I went for swim. Cold. Detroit 6 Baltimore 4. 563

Wednesday 31

75 to 80°. Cloudy. Mr. L, Dean, Papa & I went out to the cement works. It is great. Swim, soda. Played croquet, I broke a window. Play ball. Windy. Cold. Detroit 5 Baltimore 10. 556

Thursday, Aug. 1

All 8 of us went to Huron Beach. Had swim & boat ride. We, Guy & I, sleep down stairs now. Cold. No game.

Fri. Aug.2, 1901

It rained so that we could go nowhere today. Played croquet. Played Whist & Hearts in afternoon. No swim or soda. Cold. Detroit 0 Chicago 2. 548

Saturday 3

We all went to the Fletcher Dam to-day. Went through their paper mill. Had swim. About 70°. Cold. Detroit 0 Chicago 4.

Sunday 4

All 8 of us went to church but not to S.S. Papa got mail. Had soda. No swim. About 79°. Cold. Detroit 0 Chicago 7. 536

Mon. Aug. 5, 1901

Guy went to the Pan American Expo to-day. John McHarg with him. Didn’t go to L.K. (Loyal Knights). Had a fire, swim, soda. Cold. Detroit 8 Chicago 6. 541

Tuesday 6

The Luckings went to Mackinaw this morning on the boat. Fire. Papa buzy. Played croquet. Cold. Detroit 3 Milwaukee 4 Detroit 4 Milwaukee 11. 529

Wednesday 7

Mama left on the Alpena to-day for Buffalo the Pan Am. after Guy. Papa & I all alone. Cold. Detroit 4 Milwaukee 19. 520

Thurs. Aug. 8, 1901

Papa & I went to (naway?) this morning & came back this after noon, Card from Guy. Cold. Detroit 8 Milwaukee 4. 528

Friday 9

I got a letter from Mama. Papa from Guy. I wrote each of them. Bad day. Rained all day. Cold. Detroit 9 Chicago 3. 533

Saturday 10

Got letter & cards from Guy. Rained to-day also. Read Jack Hark… in Australia. Cold. Detroit 8 Chicago 18. 527

Sun. Aug. 11, 1901

Det. 10 Chic. 10

Papa & I went to church but not S.S. Had our dinner at Mr. Hicks. Went through the jail. Wrote mama. Fire. Cold. Detroit 12 Chicago 1. 533

Monday 12

Went to boat. Rained. Played ball. Went down town. Had a swim. Letter from Mamma. Cold. Detroit 3 Milwaukee 4. 527

Tuesday 13

Papa & I went to Tawas City this morning & came back this evening. Good time. Rainy. Cold. Detroit 16 Milwaukee 5. 583

Wed. Aug. 14, 1901

I left this evening on the City of Alpena for Detroit. Had (fun?) on boat. Calm. Papa pretty lonesome. Rained in morning. Cold. Detroit 4 Milwaukee 6. 527

Thursday 15

Arrived in Detroit at 8:30 A.M. & met Guy & Mama at docks. We came at once to Ann Arbor to Grandpas. Got a watch chain from Mama. Wrote papa 2. Cold. No game

Friday 16

Walked to town this morning. Walke Had ride on (?). Wrote to papa. Me & she got a letter I got a picture. Cold.

Sat. Aug. 17, 1901

Mama left today for Alpena to papa. She went on the boat. Guy & I saw her off. Had some peaches. Wrote Letter. Got letter. Cold

Sunday 18

Didn’t go to church. Stayed at Grandpa Parshalls all day. Read. It rained a little today. No Letter. Cold. Detroit 5 Washington 1

Monday 19

Went to town twice second time I walked. It rained. We went to Aunt Annas & saw her. Got & wrote letter. Cold

Tues. Aug. 20, 1901

Left at 6:30 A.M. for Grandma Henrys. Took the buggy. Got there at 10. Saw Donna & Ruby. Cold. Rain. Detroit 2 Washington 0

Wednesday 21

Left Grandmas for Grandpas & got here at 6:15. Got some letters & wrote card & letters. Came over in 5 hours. Cold.

Thursday 22

Today is mamas birthday. We had some musk & water melons. Went to town. Wrote a card & a letter. Cold.

Fri. Aug. 23, 1901

Guy got letter. Went to town in afternoon with Loot & Guy and ordered a spoon for Mama. Cost 1.50. Got ready for thashers who came at 6 P.M. Cold

Saturday 24

Worked all morning thashing. Thrashed 678 bushells. Fifteen fellows worked. Got spoon in after noon. Its pretty. Walked home. Cold.

Sunday 25

S(t)ayed home all day. Ate melons, peaches, pears, plums, apples. Saw Sam Jeffries. Going to write letter. Cold

Mon. Aug 26, 1901

Went to museum but found it unopen. Thrashed a little in the morning. Went to town & had soda. Had swim. Had Picked apples. Cold

Tuesday 27

Helped Aunt Lena wash clothes. Hitched up & went to town in the afternoon. Telephoned to Detroit while there. Cold

Wednesday 28

Picked pears all morning. Left at 1:45 for Detroit reached here 4:00. Had two rides on roller coaster. Cold

Thurs. Aug. 29, 1901

Went down town in morning. Went to Detroit Oprea House is evening. Saw Ball Game between Detroit & Boston. Det. won 5-3. Got a letter. Cold

Friday 30

Came over to Aunt Hattie Foxes in morning. Rained. Went to ball game in after noon. Boston won 5-4. Went to Avenue Theater. Cold

Saturday 31

Went down town in morning. Had dinner at Aunt Hatties. Left for home on the Mackinaw at 5:30 P.M. Bad trip. Cold

Sun. Sept. 1, 1901

Arrived at Alpena 11:10 an hour late. Was sick. Papa & Mama met us at boat. Had good dinner. Read all the after noon. Cold

Monday 2

To-day is Labor Day. All the (?) were at Long Lake. Didn’t feel well so I didn’t go. Wrote a letter to Ruby in evening. Papa went to council. Cold

Tuesday 3

Today is the first day of school this year. I’ve two teachers, 8th grade. Was at the office. Got new books. Cold

Wed. Sept. 4, 1901

Papa went on the evening boat to Detroit on business. He didn’t feel well. Rest of us took ride. Mr. Princes tonight. Det won 2. School. Cold

Thursday 5

Broke my glasses & had to get a new lens. Pocket book stolen but I will get it back. Bob Cra… took it. Changed room & teachers Rayburn for Collins. Cold

Friday 6

Pres. McKinley shot 3 times at Pan. Amer. Expo. Anarchy has 5 brothers in Alpena. Papa came home from Det. Cold

Sat. Sept. 7, 1901

Papa taken sudden by sick. Was in office and sick there. No school. McKinley assassin born in Alpena. Much cooler. Cold

Sunday 8

Didn’t go to church or S.S. Papa much better to-day. Had about 25 callers. Boat very late. Rough. Papa setting up. Cold

Monday 9

Papa much better Election at L.K. Lodge to-night. Got a dozen pencils for 3 ₵. Went down town after school. Cold

Tues. Sept. 10, 1901

Went down town after school. McKinley will live. Shot by Leon Czrelaug [Czolgosz] of Alpena. Papa better, I was elected vice-president 12 to 0 at L.K. last evening. Cold

Wednesday 11

(?)-Football. Not very much news besides that Mc.K. is better. Cleaned out my drawer. Got mail. Papa looks better. School dull. Fairly warm. Cold

Thursday 12

Rained pretty hard today. Stood 94 in test. History hard. Played card after school. Went to the office. Cold

Fri. Sept. 13, 1901

McKinley had a sinking spell & is life is again in danger. Papa & Mama went for ride. Test in arith. Guy played rugby. Cold

Saturday 14

McKinley died at 2:15 this morning on account of the sinking spell. Papa worse today. Guy played football. Swim. Cold

Sunday 15

Mama & I went to church. I went to C.S. & Guy to C.E. I went after mail. Papa is better to-day. Read. Cold

Mon. Sept. 16, 1901

Went to a wreck after school. Also went to the justice court to hear papa win a case about horses. Papa not quite so well. Test in history and in grammar. Cold.

Tuesday 17

I went down town after school although it rained. Cold bath. Went to depot for receipt for papa. Pigs=feet for supper. 85 in test. Cold

Wednesday 18

Mr. Spence spoke to-day at school. 500 pupils in the corridors. Papa, Mama & I went to fair after school & saw baloon assention, horse races, etc. Cold

Thurs. Sept. 19, 1901

No school. Went to fair again twice. Saw pig circus or trained pigs, a ballon assention and heard papa and others speak at grand stand, Cold

Friday 20

No school. Went to fair in afternoon. Balloon. Guy played football at fair. His side won 21-0. Horse races also. Rained in the morning. Cold

Saturday 21

Built a white-rat cage in the morning and am going to get my rats to-night. Went down town. Pulled sum flowers. Cold.

Sun. Sept 22, 1901

I w We all went to church & Guy & I went to S.S. Papa got mail. Papa and Mama went for a ride. Got my 2 white rats. Papa down town. Cold

Monday 23

L.K. Club tonight. Played foot-ball after school. Mama canned a bushel of pears. Papa not very well. Fixed my rat cage. Boat late. Cold

Tuesday 24

87% in test in spelling. Mama & I went after school for a ride. Papa has a new city directory yesterday. Det is 546. Guy football. Cold

Wed. Sept. 25, 1901

Pulled weeds in the garden for an hour and a half. Crolgocz [Czolgosz] sentenced to the electric chair. President Roosevelt now in chair. Det. Won double header. Cold

Thursday 26

Rained in the morning but cleared up in the after noon. Mama & Papa went for a ride at 4:15 P.M. White rats doing well. Guy football. Cold

Friday 27

Mama sick, Guy and I pulled sunflowers and weeds from 5 to 6. Guy played football. We had test in arithmetic. Cold

Sat. Sept. 28, 1901

Fine day. No school. In the after noon I went way out to the woods after shiny clubs. Worked in the garden a long time helped papa. Cold

Sunday 29

I got the mail. We all went to church & all but papa went to S.S. Papa went down town in after noon. I read all P.M. Cold

Monday 30

L.K. to-night. Papa is sick to-night. Had 2 tests. Mama went for ride. Base ball season is over. Cold

Tues. Oct 1, 1901

I went down town after school & got a door key for the house. Got some mail today. Guy went to s show last evening. It rained off & on. Cold

Wednesday 2

Fried oysters for supper. Went down town after school. Papa is pretty buzy. Mama got some new shoes. Got some stamps. Cold

Thursday 3

Columbia won the 2nd race today. Got kind a cold about supper & had a heave frost tonight. Went to office. Cold

Fri. Oct. 4, 1901

Got 41 bu. of oats. Columbia won the 3rd race & therefore hold the cup. I got some flannels. Mama went to church. Guy played foot ball after school. Cold.

Saturday 5

I played foot ball & so did Guy. Brought in wood and worked in the garden. Went down town and did errands. Papa & Mama went for ride. Cold

Sunday 6

We all went to church and all but papa went to S.S. Guy went to C.E. Papa, Mama and I went for a ride in afternoon, I read in afternoon. Cold

Mon. Oct. 7, 1901

Had a test in grammar and one in history. Didn’t go down town after school. Rats getting along all right. Mam getting a speech ready. Cold

Tuesday 8

Annual meeting of the Cong. Church tonight. I went down town and got a key. Duke went with me. It was a nice day. Cold

Wednesday 9

I went down town & got a fish tonight. May [go] to the oprea house & see [Santanelli], the mesmerizer, tonight. I got a stamp (papa?) Cold

Thurs. Oct. 10, 1901

I got some linen from the laundry. Papa went to court. We saw a hypnotist at the oprea last night, Guy played football after school. Cold

Friday 11

Guy is going to a C.E. banquet this evening. Papa lost his case in court to-day. Had test in arithmetic. Guy played football. Got some Sat. Even. Posts. Cold

Saturday 12

I went to [Santanelli] the hypnotist again today. Uncle Will Phillips is in town again. I got hair cut. It rained steady. Cold.

Sun. Oct. 13, 1901

We all went to church and all but papa went to S.S. Guy is going to C.E. Went for a ride this afternoon It is a nice day but wet. Cold.

Monday 14

I am taking subscriptions for the Sat. Even. Post & Ladies Home Journal. Got 2 applications for L.K. tonight. Selling football tickets. Rained steady. Cold.

Tuesday 15

Today the 10th (our) district will elect a congressman to succeed Crump. Alpin = Rep. Jackson = Dem. Jackson is my man. Went down town. Cold.

Wed., Oct. 16, 1901

I went to a supper at the Con’g Church and fell dislocating my wrist and breaking a bone. Dr. Cameron is going to fix it. Alpin elected. Cold.

Thursday 17

I didn’t go to school in the morning but Dr. Cameron put my hand in a plaster cast. Alpin elected by 800 a difference of 8000 votes as Crump got 8000. Cold

Friday 18

My arm is better but inconvenience in school. The Bay City foot-ball team are coming tonight to Alpena to play the our foot-ball team tomorrow. Cold

Sat. Oct. 19, 1901

The Bay City team won 16-0. Good game. Dafoe made postmaster, I got new over-coat today $8.00. Arm is quite heavy. Read most all morning. Cold

Sunday 20

All but I went to church & S.S. but Papa & I. We went for a ride in afternoon. Sent back stamps. Guy & I are going to C.E. tonight. Clear. (?) Cold

Monday 21

I got a puzzle & pin free at Hick’s. L.K. this evening. Had two tests in school in history & grammar. Got some stamps. Council. Cold.

Tues. Oct. 22, 1901

Papa and Mama went to Tawas City on the evening train. In the morning they will go to Wilber. Gor some yeast cakes. Went down town. Cold.

Wednesday 23

Mama & Papa came back on the evening train. Got a bushel of grapes. They / Guy went to papas farm. I went down town. Got three letters in mail. Cold

Thursday 24

Papa left for AuSable on business on the afternoon train. Dr. Cameron took off the plaster cast. Hand still swollen. Clear. Cold

Fri. Oct. 25, 1901

Uncle Hart coming on evening train. Guy practiced foot-ball. Mama got bad toothache. Had test in arithmetic. My hand is better. Clear. Cold

Saturday 26

The Port Huron defeated the Alpena Foot Ball tea, this after noon score = 12-6. Good game. Got a letter. Saw Uncle Hart. My hand is better. Cold

Sunday 27

All went to church but myself. Went to S.S. Uncle Hart was up to dinner. Guy C.E. Papa went out this after noon. Cold.

Mon. Oct. 28, 1901

Mama & Uncle drove to Long Rapids & back today. Fixed my rat cage. Got a new subscription for Ladies Home Journal today. L.K. this evening. Test. Cold

Tuesday 29

Uncle left on morning boat for Cheboygan. I earned ten cents today by working for papa in office and around. Mr. McKinnon split wood. Guy football, Mama called. Cold

Wednesday 30

I got some mail. Guy split wood. Went for buggy ride and got some oysters, Went down town. Wrist getting along all right. Warm (?). Cold

Thurs. Oct. 31, 1901

Tonight is Hollowein [Halloween] am going out and have some fun. Guy isn’t going out. Last day of October. Yesterday was the warmest day this month. Cold

Friday, Nov. 1

Had heaps of fun last night got home at 10. Got a letter today. Went down town and got a cash book. I got my punching bag fixed. Got a drawing book. Cold

Saturday 2

Split wood & made kindling all the morning. Cleaned my stamp drawer. Went to court house for papa. Played. Cold.

Sun. Nov. 3, 1901

We all went to church and we all went to S.S. except Papa. He went down town in the after noon. Guy is going to the C.E. to-night. Read. Cold

Monday 4

Had tests in History and Grammar today. I may go to hear a Japanese lecture tonight. Am making myself an “office.” It snowed a little today not much. Cold

Tuesday 5

Papa went to AuSable on morning train and we expect him back on evening train. Went to lecture last night. Guy practiced football. Cold.

Wed. Nov. 6, 1901

Papa and Mama left on the afternoon train for Detroit be gone till Sunday. I am going to a concert at the Oprea House to-night. Guy going to Mr. Princes. Cold

Thursday 7

I am very lonesome alone with Guy. Guy going to church tonight. Good concert last night. Went down town after school. Made a “chest” out of cigar boxes. Cold

Friday 8

The foot-ball team intended to go to Alma but didn’t. Got a postal from papa. Down town after school. Gave my rats to Grant Freer. Cold

Sat. Nov. 9, 1901

Got letter from Mama. Fred Burston came over to supper. Helped to clean the office. Made a chest. Played in the P.M. Worked. Cold

Sunday 10

Didn’t go to church but went to S.S. Guy is going to C.E. No letter from folks. Read. Boys came over. Looked at my stamps. Cold.

Monday 11

Papa reached home this morning on the train but mama did not come. Got two bales of straw. Got my card 1st quarter. Cold

Tues. Nov. 12, 1901

Went down town after school got some bacon and onions for supper. Guy practiced football. Didn’t get any letter. Eating the candy papa got us. Cold

Wednesday 13

Having the garden spaded. Got a tablet for school at Adams. Played football at school and broke fence. Got a letter from Stamp Co. Cold

Thursday 14

Snowed a little bit. I put out some bulbs. Didn’t go downtown. Guy played football. Got a letter from mama. Cold

Fri. Nov. 15, 1901

We expect mama tonight. We have got a great supper – goose, ice cream, grapes, oysters etc. Guy & the football team left on the A.M. train to play a game at Lansing. Cold

Saturday 16

In first half of Mich-Chicago game Mich 11 Chicago 0. No news from Lansing. Cake sale for benefit of football team. Went down town twice. Cold.

Sunday 17

My Birthday. Lansing 68 – Alpena 0. Team got home this morning. Mama & papa went for ride. This is my 14th birthday lots of presents. Cold

Mon. Nov. 18, 1901

Got a pocket book from Papa and Guy yesterday and a shirt from mama. L.K. tonight. Council. Two tests at school today. Went downtown after school. Melting. Cold

Tuesday 19

I got a pair of nit gloves from mama. Guy got a sock hat. No gas – lights out all over town & in the office. Electric lights in the house. Mild. Cold

Wednesday 20

Mama’s suit came this morning. Went down town after school. Got papas pants. Test. Guy goes to Mr. Princes. Just five weeks to Xmas. Cold

Thurs. Nov. 21, 1901

I’ve got a cold. Guy’s rib is better. Mama is going her fall housecleaning. She went for a ride. Guy has a sock hat. Nothing doing. Cold

Friday 22

Papa went to Black River this morning but we expect him back on evening train. Had test in arithmetic at school. Home after school. Cold

Saturday 23

Papa returned last night. Went on errands in the morning and did not do very much in afternoon Got a letter & stamps. Cold

Sun. Nov. 24, 1901

We all went to church and Sunday School this morning. I got a “Scotts Standard Stamp Catalogue” by mail this morning. Wrote a letter on typewriter to Ruby. Cold

Monday 25

Papa went to Detroit on the morning train on Maccabee business. Had two tests in school. L.K. to-night. Brought up some wood Send letter stamps. Cold

Tuesday 26

We expect papa home on this evening’s train. Guy got a green sweater with a A on it. The (?). Went down town after school. Cold

Wed. Nov. 27, 1901

Aunt Julia, Uncle George and Fern came up from Tawas City on train to spend Thanksgiving. Papa at court. Last time boat came in. Guy at Mr. Princes. Cold

Thursday 28

Today is Thanksgiving. Had a 12 pound turkey grandma sent us. Uncle George, Papa and Guy & I went to football game two teams from High School. Cold

Friday 29

No school. Uncle George went home. Our club will play a game of Indoor Baseball tomorrow at Armory, I’m on the team. Piled wood. Cold

Sat. Nov. 30, 1901

Other side beat us in Indoor Baseball – score 16-15 close. Practiced in morning. Worked. Went down town. Last day of vacation. Bad wreck on railway. Cold

Sunday, Dec. 1

Aunt Julia left on afternoon train for Tawas. We all went to church and all but papa to S.S. Papa went down town. Ice cream for dinner. Cold

Monday 2

Election of officers at L.K. to=night. Papa has to go to council to-night. I got five $1 Documentary Revenue Stamps [U.S. Revenue Documentary]. Went down town. Cold.

Tues. Dec. 3, 1901

Went down town after school and went on errands for papa. Church getting ready for the annual church fair. Elected Joe Block captain last night. Freezing. Cold.

Wednesday 4

Congregational Church fair and supper to-night. We are all going. Traded stamps. Went down town and went on errands for papa. He won two suits in supreme court. Cold

Thursday 5

Miss McLean my last year’s teacher is dead [Mary E. McLean b Nov. 29, 1869, d Dec. 4, 1901 in Nebraska, age 33]. Piled wood after school. Went down town after school to the L.K. club rooms. Papa at court. Cold

Fri. Dec. 6, 1901

Last day of school this week. Piled wood for an hour and a half after school. Am going down town now. Mama at missionary society to-day. Cold

Saturday 7

I got a letter. Piled short kitchen wood all morning. Got two barrels of apples from Harrisville today. Guy’s suit came. Had hair cut. Played indoor baseball all afternoon. Cold

Sunday 8

Melting. We all went to church and all but papa went to Sunday School. Guy goes to C.E. I got a letter. New minister – Mr. Otis. Cold

Mon. Dec. 9, 1901

No school today on account of the funeral of Miss McLean. Went to court house for and with papa. Played indoor baseball. Quite a bit of snow today. Cold

Tuesday 10

Papa and mama went to Tawas City this morning. L.K. last night. New storm windows on three upstairs windows. Got some mail. Played in our hall tonight. Cold

Wednesday 11

Papa and Mama came home from Tawas City in morning. They are going to a church supper tonight. Guy played basketball. Indoor ball I played. Cold

Thurs. Dec. 12, 1901

Went down town after school and helped papa at the office. Practiced indoor baseball. Snowing today. Isn’t much news. Basketball for Guy. Cold

Friday 13

Had storm windows put on front upstairs room. Had a test in arithmetic. Went down town after school. It has rained steadily all day. No skating to speak of. Cold

Saturday 14

Worked in morning. Played indoor ball in afternoon and our side won 18-13 played until dark. Went down town. Snowed. Cold

Sun. Dec. 15, 1901

We all went to church and all but papa to Sunday School. It was below zero last night. Got a letter. Popped some corn in after noon. Papa went down town. Cold

Monday 16

Got some of my Xmas presents. Had a test from Mr. Hunt and got out early. There is a little good skating today. Went down town after school tonight. Snow. Cold

Tuesday 17

Went down town after school and played indoor baseball. Guy went skating. Three more days of school to the vacation. Had a test in Grammar. Cold

Wed. Dec. 18, 1901

Piled tamarack wood after school. I got a letter this morning. Just one week to Xmas. We are all but mama going to a lecture at Oprea House tonight. Cold

Thursday 19

Practiced indoor baseball after school. I got some mail this morning. Went to lecture last night, on liquid air etc., good. Papa got some wood. Cold

Friday 20

I want down town and did a little more of my Xmas shopping after school. Last day of school for a two week’s vacation got out early. The skating is fine. Cold

Sat. Dec. 21, 1901

Went down town and did some more shopping. Guy got a job as clerk in Greenbaum store. Played Indoor Baseball. Yesterday was the shortest day of the year. Sent box away. Cold

Sunday 22

We all went to church and all but papa went to Sunday School. Papa and Mama went for a ride. Strung some popcorn in the after noon. I got the mail. Cold

Monday 23

Had a lot of fun. (?) Young and I went after Xmas trees and went about four miles. Sent a box of presents to Grandpa and Aunt Lena. Cold

Tues. Dec. 24, 1901

Had a bicycle ride on the ice today. I decorated the Xmas tree. Rats ate up all the popcorn I strung. But strung more. Went down town today. Cold

Wednesday 25

Today is Xmas. (?). I got a two volumn stamp album, books, umbrella, slippers, knife and lots. Had a turkey. Mama got a neck pice mink. Guy ring. Papa tools and lots of other things. Cold

Thursday 26

Read a book I got yesterday. Went down town and did some errands for papa. Got two letters. Worked on stamps. Brought up wood. Cold

Fri. Dec. 27, 1901

I am going to a Xmas Sunday school supper in the church tonight. Got a letter from Ruby . Hooked rides on express (?) with other boys. Cold

Saturday 28

Papa got a new cutter. I sorted apples in the morning and read and played indoor baseball in the afternoon. Did a errands for papa. Cold

Sunday 29

Today is papa’s 45th birthday. We all went to church and Sunday school. Papa, Mama and I went for a ride in the new cutter. Cold

Mon. Dec. 30, 1901

Played indoor baseball in the morning. Went to the dentists in the after noon. Worked for mama. Went up to the office to see papa. Cold

Tuesday 31

Last day of this year. I had two teeth pulled and four filled at Dr. Shuperts this afternoon. Went accross river for papa on errand. Cold

McKinley shot on 4 p.m. Friday Sept. 6, 1901 by Leon Czolgocz and died Saturday Sept 13 at 2:30 a.m. Shot in Temple of Music. Pan-/Am from May to Nov. at Buffalo N.Y.

L.K. [Loyal Knights]

June 1

Carl Henry – President

Frank Willis – Vice “

Alger Green – Secretary

Sept 1

Rush Young – President

Carl Henry – Vice “

Carrol McInnus – Secretary

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