Northeast Michigan Oral History and Historic Photograph Archive

Carl Henry Diary 1902

Henry, Carl R., Author
Media Type
Item Type
Daily diary written by Carl R. Henry at age 14.
Small pox epidemic; Alpena excursion train accident at Black River; paving downtown streets; Grant's Grocery Store burned; Huron Lumber Co. Mill burned; coal strike; building of Henry house on State St.; drownings at Whitefish Point; El Cajon Beach; Dewey Park; Market Square; CITY OF MACKINAW; WESTERN STATES; EASTERN STATES
Date of Publication
Personal Name(s)
McLean, Flora I ; Holmes, Marjorie ; Montrose, Frank ; Young, Marjorie ; Holmes, Gladys ; Kimball, Beatrice ; Dunlop, Margaret ; Broadwell, Laura ; Park ; Cobb, Joseph ; Loud, Colonel George ; Middlemas, Rev. ; Hastings, Blanche ; Young, Margaret ; McInnus, Hedley ; McKim, Don ; Parshall, Lena ; Hickey, Turner Paul ; Collins, May V. ; Rea, Elizabeth ; Whitney, Grace ; Ludington, Marion ; Bursteon, Fred ; Lucking, Dean ; Hart, Clara ; McHarg, John ; Potter ; Phillips, Ruby ; Coffener ; Dobson, William ; Folliet, Joe ; Valley, Jean ; Fraser, William ; Luce, Howard ; Rutledge, Vern ; Rice ; Richardson, Roy ; Lathan ; Daniels, Bruce ; McCloud, Lucy ; Rayburn, Margaret ; Willis, Frank ; Johnson, Nason ; McInnus, Carrol ; Prince ; Dixon, Jennie ; Hicks, Charles V. ; Young, Rush ; James, John ; Marcleska, Kate ; Kimball, Mrs. Fred A. ; Hicks, Allen ; Hopper, James ; Richardson ; Parshall, Adrian ; Victor, Mrs. Winthrop ; Alpern, Casper ; Davison, Dam ; Kimball, Andrew ; Irving, Russell ; Block, Joe ; Luce ; Crissman, Annie ; Dunlop, G. ; Crable, Bob ; Freer, Grant ; Nelson ; Steele, Charles F. ; Hunt, George A. ; Hicks, Percy ; Freer, Earle ; Comstock. William ; Bostwick, Elizabeth ; Daniels, Rev. ; Canfield, Irwin ; VanAuken
Corporate Name(s)
Fitzgerald Hall ; Vogel Minstrels ; Arthur W. Venners ; First Congregational Chruch ; Maltz Opera House ; Armory ; Steele & Denison Bicycle Shop ; Ramapoos Baseball Team ; Co,. D. Baseball Team ; Trinity Episcopal ; Russell B. Emmons ; Adam Ludewig ; Turnbull Field ; Hotel Bancroft ; Progress Hall ; Avery Mill ; Burston & Wettkopp ; Julius Sineberg Tailor ; Detroit Athletic Club ; Majetic Theatre ; Dr. Frothingham ; Cobden Hotel ; Potter's Dock ; Pierson & Son ; Wilber Farm ; Huron Lumber Co. ; Island mill ; Alpena Hoop & Lumber Co. ; Hopper's Drug Store ; Echo Publishing Co.
Matthew McCormack Collection
Language of Item
Geographic Coverage
  • Michigan, United States
    Latitude: 45.06168 Longitude: -83.43275
Matthew McCormack
Copyright Statement
Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
Copyright Date
Copyright Holder
The Estate of Carl Henry
Copyright Holder Contact Information
Matthew McCormack
Recommended Citation
Carl Henry Diaries, Matthew McCormack Collection, Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library
Terms of Use
Open to research; permission to publish required; original diary held by Matthew McCormack
Reproduction Notes
Permission required
Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library
Agency street/mail address:
211 N. First Ave.
Alpena, Michigan 49707
Full Text

Wed. Jan. 1, 1902

This is New Year’s day. The stores are all closed. I had the tooth ache last night and could not sleep. I saw the old year turn into the new. I got some blank approval sheets for stamps and printed my name on them this morning with the typewriter. Papa, Mama and I went for a sleigh ride in the morning. Guy has an iceboat ride on the bay in the afternoon. It is quite windy today. Cold

Thurs. Jan. 2, 1902

In the morning I brought up wood from the basement and played cards. In the afternoon I went to the dentists to have a tooth treated and must go again tomorrow at 1:30 in the afternoon. I went down to the office. Played indoor baseball with the other boys on Chisholm Street. Did the chores. Not very much ice left in the bay – wind blew it out. No skating in the bay now. Cold.

Fri. Jan. 3, 1902

Didn’t get up until 7:30 this morning. After breakfast I piled wood for a little while. I went to the dentist at half past one in the afternoon. He filled one tooth. I must come in again some time tomorrow morning. We are going to have a surprise party for Andrew Comstock at 7:30 this evening. The girls basket ball team will be here to. It snowed last night. This is the last day of our vacation. Windy and cold.

Sat. Jan. 4, 1902

We all had a good time at the party last evening. I got home at about half past eleven. In the morning I went to the dentist and again in the after noon but he didn’t do but only a very little. I went up to our hall to play indoor baseball, on Chisholm Street. Rush Young was with me most all say. There is a little ice again today in the bay. Cold

Sun. Jan. 5, 1902

Today is the first Sunday in the new year. We all went to church in the morning. Mama, Guy and I went to Sunday school. Mr. Hicks was over in the afternoon. Rush borrowed a book this afternoon. We had a lamb roast for dinner and peanut sandwiches for lunch. I read a book “Tony, the Hero” in the after noon. Guy is going to C.E. to –night. There is a little ice in the bay today. Cold

Mon. Jan. 6, 1902

School started again after a two week vacation. All went on as usual except that our history teacher, Miss Rayborn is absent on account of the sickness of her sister. I went to the dentist after school to have a tooth treated. I must go again tomorrow. I went down to the office and did some errands for papa. It snowed about two to three inches. Cold

Tues. Jan. 7, 1902

We elected the following officers at our club The Loyal Knights last evening:

Pres. Frank Willis

Vice “ Nason Johnston

Sec. Carrol McInnus

We now have thirty members – meet at the Cong. Church Monday from 7 to 9 P.M. Have a hall we rent etc. My teacher is not back yet. I saw a bear down town. Made a book shelf. It snowed after school and is snowing yet. There is no skating now. Cold.

Wed. Jan. 8, 1902

I played after school. I was going down to the dentists but I didn’t. Brought up some wood. Guy is going to Mr. Prince’s Bible class after supper there are about fifteen boys in it. I did the chores. Ain’t much news. It snowed last night. Pretty good sleighing now. Days getting longer. No skating except in the rinks. Cold.

Thurs. Jan. 9, 1902

We recited our history to Miss Dixon, Miss Rayborn being absent this morning. Rush Young and I played two games of chess last night. He won one and I the other game, John James, a man who escaped jail a few days ago has been capured. I played indoor baseball this after noon. Went on a few errands for papa after school. Sleighing is fair, but it will not last long as it is raining. Col.

Fri. Jan. 10, 1902

Papa went to AuSable on business this morning and we expect him back this evening. He is having his office cleaned this after noon. I went down town after school. Went to the dentist for a short time and must go again on 9:30 tomorrow. Guy and I expect to go to school a social at the Cong’l Church tonight. I wrote a letter to Ruby this noon. It is snowing now. Sleighing. Cold.

Sat. Jan. 11, 1902

I went to the social last night and had a good time. We had cocoa and wafers for refreshment. I was up to the dentist this morning. He filled two and in the afternoon he treated another. I practiced in the afternoon for a game of indoor with another team this evening. I got a pair of canvas shoes to play indoor baseball in. Snowed a good deal. Cold

Sun. Jan 12, 1902

Papa, Guy and I went to church. Guy and I went to Sunday School. Mama didn’t go on account of the very bad (…ing?). Papa went out in the afternoon, I am going to join the Christian Endeavor tonight as an associate member. Guy is going to be an active member. We lost at indoor baseball last night by 27-13. They made ten in the first inning. The snow has drifted badly. Cold.

Mon. Jan. 13, 1902

We had a grammar test this morning and a test in history in the afternoon. They were both quite hard. Guy and I piled wood after school. All was three foot tamarack. Grandma Henry left his morning for north to visit Aunt Julia and is. I joined the C.E. last night. Nason Johnston joined with me. The Loyal Knights meet again tonight. Cold.

Tues. Jan. 14, 1902

I got a certificate for one forth share in the carpet in the church shares, 50 cents. After school I took a chair over to a store to be seated and also bought a poster to put poster pictures on. Ice formed in the bay last night and there is good skating. There is nearly twelve inches of snow on the ground today. Cold. So long.

Wed. Jan. 15, 1902

I went up to the dentist after school for a few minutes, and then I went to the office and did a few errands for papa. Mama went for a short ride in the cutter and I went with her, I stood 96% on the arithematic test Friday and 95% in the grammar test. Rev. Otis is going to call tonight. The ice has all gone out of the bay today but the sleighing is good. Cold

Thurs. Jan. 16, 1902

Guy’s Youths Companion came today. Some pretty good stories in it. Mama is going to entertain some ladies tomorrow afternoon and she and I went down town after school after chickens and ice cream. Mr. Otis was over last evening. Guy went to Mr. Prince Bible class last night. There is fine sleighing. There is but little skating on the bay now. Cold.

Fri. Jan. 17, 1902

Mama entertained about twelve ladies from 3 to 6 P.M. this afternoon. Lunching at about five o’clock. Chicken salad, ice cream, etc. I went down town after school and did a few errands for papa. Guy and I are going to a Christian Endeavor social to-night after supper. Had a test in arithemitic this afternoon. The ice is all broken up today. Cold.

Sat. Jan. 18, 1902

I went to the dentist this morning at 9:00 A.M. and stayed until half past ten. He took the nerve out of one of my moulders and is going to crown it in two weeks, I was at the office this morning and id a few errands for papa. Guy and I piled three cords of three foot tamarack wood today. Was over to Rush Young in the afternoon and played chess. Snowed. Cold.

Sun. Jan. 19, 1902

We all went to church to here the new minister who is here on trial, a two week trial. Mama, Guy and I went to Sunday School. We had turkey for dinner. I wrote a letter to Ruby Phillips this afternoon. Papa left for Port Huron and St. Clair on business this afternoon. He will be gone nearly all this week. I transferred some stamps from my old to my new album this afternoon. C.E. to-night. Quite cold.

Mon. Jan. 20, 1902

We had a test in Grammar and one in History today. Our servant girl is going to get married in a couple weeks. She is going to leave tomorrow. Her name is Kate Marcleska. I went down town after school and worked around at the office. Papa got away last night all right. Mrs. Hicks is sick abed. The skating on the bay is pretty good. Ice boats are out. Cold.

Tues. Jan. 21, 1901

I wrote papa a letter last evening, So did mama. After school tonight I went down to the dentist and he cleaned my teeth for me. Then I went to the office and did a little work. Kate left today to get married. Cuba has a president again, his name is Estrada Palma. Not much news. Ice all in chunks. Sleighing good. Quite cold. C.R.H.

Wed. Jan. 22, 1902

Guy and I piled the three loads of two foot maple wood that came last night. We received a letter from papa from Mt Clemens. Mama went to Mrs. T.A. Kimball’s, who is entertaining at whist this afternoon. I didn’t go down town after school but Guy did. Guy is going to Mr. Prince’s Bible Class tonight. I slid down a tobogan after school. Lecture Tonight a Concert. Cold.

Thurs. Jan. 23, 1902

I got a letter from papa from Port Huron today. He is sick and may come home sooner than he expected. Mama went to the concert last evening and said she had a good time. Rush was over with me. Mama may go to a Knight Templar party tonight with Mr. Hicks. I got a letter and a stamp paper in today’s mail. It was warm but is getting colder. Mama went for ride. Cold.

Fri. Jan. 24, 1902

Mama received an unexpected telegram from papa, saying that he was coming home on this evening’s train and so mama and I went after him. Mama won first prise at whist last night – a china plate. May go to social tonight at the church. Guy is going on a sleigh ride party to night with Helen Hicks and a crowd. They go to about 18 miles from here. No skating. Cold.

Sat. Jan. 25, 1902

In the morning I brought up some wood for the kitchen stove. I got a haircut and a neck shave at the barbers this after noon. Guy got home at 4:45 a.m. this morning from the sleigh rise. I am going to a surprise party tonight on James Hopper. The boys (promised?) the ice-cream and the girls the cake I ordered 1 ½ gallons of icecream for them. I went to the social last night it was good. Cold.

Sun. Jan. 26, 1901

I went to the party at Jamie Hoppers last night and had a fine time. We danced and played games, had icecream and cake for refreshments. All of us went to church this morning, Guy and I went to Sunday school and we are going to C.E. Papa and Mama went for a ride. Papa got word that he won all of case. It snowed and drifted last night. Cold

Mon. Jan. 27, 1902

On account of this being the week of examinations in the high school I got out early and Guy didn’t have to go to school in the afternoon at all. I am going to the L.K. to drill tonight, I went to the office and on errands after school. Guy split wood for a little while this afternoon. Mama made some candy. The thermomter dropped 30° last night and it is very cold today.

Tues. Jan. 28, 1902

I piled wood after school but didn’t go down town. After supper I will either go to drill or to an indoor baseball game. I put a few pictures in my room today. This morning it was about seven degrees below zero – cold enough to freeze the hair off of a cast-iron dog. No more snow but excellent sleighing.

Wed. Jan. 29, 1902

The score of the ball game last night was:

Firemen 25

Policemen 23

Guy went. Guy and I are going to the 2nd annual High school Indoor Meet at the armory – basketball, jumping, races, etc. and Papa and mama are going to the oprea house to see “When we were twenty one” played. Guy didn’t have to go to school. Mama went to a party this afternoon. Fine skating. Cold.

Thurs. Jan, 30, 1902

We got home from the meet last night at about 11:00. I had a good time. Papa and mama got home at about the same time. Mama went to a party at Mrs. Richardson’s this after noon. No school for Guy. I stood 90% in the test in arithmetic. Guy went skating. The days are getting a good deal longer. Gut split some wood. Cold this morning but warmer now.

Fri. Jan. 31, 1902

After school I went out on the ice and then Guy and I hitched up the horse and Mama and I went for a ride. Guy has been ice-boating all day. He did not have any school Uncle Adrian Parshall of Wyoming sent Guy an old revolver as a relic. The city treasurer has skipted town, maybe he has taken money with him – they are investigating. Good ice but cold.

Sat. Feb. 1, 1902

This is the first Feb. I went down town for mama early this morning and was out on the ice all the rest of the morning. This after noon was on the ice and Rush was over. Mama went to Mrs. Victor’s this after noon. Guy is going to a party this evening at Alpern’s. Not very much news. Brought up wood. Good skating. Cold.

Sun. Feb. 2, 1902

There was a surprise party on me last night which was not entirely a surprise as I had found it out. Had a good time – ice cream and cake. Mama did not go to church or Sunday school today. Papa, Guy and I did. Papa stayed home in the after noon. Guy and I are going to Christian Endeavor this evening. It snowed about six inches. Cold.

Mon. Feb. 3, 1902

We received our examination cards for the 2nd. Quarter of the school – I was 17 points higher and 7 points lower than last quarter. Went below in Grammar and above in all else. Papa and Guy are going to the oprea “A Wise Guy” tonight. I am going to club. Mama has a lady to wash for her today. Guy got a knife. Cold.

Tues. Feb. 4, 1902

The eighth grade – my grade – expects to have a sleigh ride Friday or Saturday, I went down to the office after school and saw the hose cart go to a fire. Mama was out in the after noon. I am going to the church to-night. Mama is going to a party at Mrs. Hick’s and papa may go. It is getting a good deal colder.

Wed. Feb. 5, 1902

Went to the L.K. club last night and had a soda. Saw a fire in the store in a store window last night but before the companies reached it, they had put it out – just paper. A captain base ball club was beat the firemen 41-21 (very close). Guy is going to Mr. Prince’s tonight, I went down town after school. Quite cold.

Thurs. Feb. 6, 1902

I went up to the dentist after school and had my appointment changed from next Saturday until Feb. 22 – Washington’s birthday. Papa’s new desk has arrived – it’s a kuluku – a bird. Oak. I went to the office after school. I got a new hat and went to a shoe store to get some shoes which brought home, but didn’t pay for them. Good skating. Cold.

Fri. Feb. 7, 1902

We expect grandma to be here on the evening train from Tawas where she has been visiting Aunt Julia. Our sleigh ride party has been postponed for some time. I am in the drill at the church cantatta tonight. The missionary society met here today. Guy has got the grippe. It snowed about two inches last night. Cold.

Sat. Feb. 8, 1902

I piled wood in the morning. Grandma Henry came last night. I got another Christmas present – a picture from Ruby. I played in the snow in the morning and in the hay in the afternoon. Hide and seek. Went to the church cantatta last evening. No party tonight. I went up to the office. Guy’s got the grip. Cold.

Sun. Feb. 9, 1902

Last night at nine oclock, papa had a bad heart attact. He is about the same today. None of us went to church or Sunday school. I got the mail for papa and when I got home I went to the drug store to get some medicine for papa. I may go to the Christian Endeavor tonight. I am going to write Ruby a letter now. Cold.

Mon. Feb. 10, 1902

Papa is much better today – he went down to the office in the after noon. The spell lasted about 30 hours. Guy did not go down to school today because of the grip. I got a letter and a calendar by the morning mail. I went down town to the office after school and got two valentines. I went to Christian Endeavor last night. Cold.

Tues. Feb. 11, 1902

I returned some approved sheets to the Toledo Stamp Co. I went to the church drill last night – got home at 9:10 P.M. I read tonight after school. Fixed up my room. Hitched up the horse. Smallpox in town. I had an invitation to a sleigh-ride party for tonight, bit don’t think I go. Men are cutting ice on the bay. Snow quite deep. Cold.

Wed. Feb. 12, 1902

I got the mail for papa last night, Today is Lincoln’s birthday. I drove down to the office this noon after papa. Guy is working on the ledger for papa. A bank in Detroit has failed by the failure of Frank C. Andrews, the vice-president. Roosevelt’s son has pneumonia but is better. The cantatta at the church will be repeated this evening. Cold.

Thurs. Feb. 13, 1902

Teddy Roosevelt, Jr., out of danger, I went after papa at noon and I am going after him again to-night. Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. Grandma is still here. Ice is being cut off the bay now by the “ice men”. Mama and grandma went for a ride this afternoon. Read after school. Got the mail last night. Good sleighing. Cold.

Fri. Feb. 14, 1902

I went on a sleigh ride with a party of about twelve last night after supper. Had quite a bit of fun. Today is St. Valentines day and I got a comic one in school. Guy is better be he didn’t go to school today. Tonight he is going to a sophomore class banquet. A girl is coming tomorrow morning to work for mama. I went down town after school. Cold.

Sat. Feb. 15, 1902

I went down town for mama this morning and went to the office. At noon, papa and I hitched up and I drove papa to the office. In the afternoon I went out on the bay. Later I made an ice boat – about 2 feet. I got the mail last night. Guy didn’t go to the banquet last night but he is a little better today. Cold.

Sun. Feb. 16, 1902

Papa, Grandma and I all went to church. I went to Sunday school but it was so cold in the basement that we came right home. Mama and Guy came home. Some boys came to see Guy in the afternoon. Papa and Grandma went for a ride. I am going to Christian Endeavor at 6:00. It snowed a little in the afternoon. Cold.

Mon. Feb. 17, 1902

I finished my ice boat after school. The sails are quite large. Guy didn’t go to school today so John McHarg helped him in his lessons. We had a test in grammar and one in history today. Mrs. Hicks was over. A school examiner was in school today from Ann Arbor. It snowed a little last evening. Cold

Tues. Feb. 18, 1902

After school, I went down to the office and then went across the river to pay a bill at Malloy’s. I went to club last night. Guy went to school today – the first time scince last Thursday, There are now nine cases of smallpox in the city. Mama’s new girl is here – her name is Lucy McCloud. It snowed a little last night. Quite cold.

Wed. Feb. 19, 1902

Papa left in the train this morning for Tawas City to attend court. Mama was to leave on the evening train but she missed it. Guy is going to Mr. Princes bible class tonight. After school I went to play tag in an stone house not yet finished. I went down town to get a C.E. pin. Cold.

Thurs. Feb. 20, 1902

Mama did not go to Tawas as she expected. After school I didn’t go down town but instead I played tag in a new house. I got a letter yesterday. We expect papa home on the six o’clock train and Guy has driven to Chisholm Street after him. Mama and Grandma went down town in the afternoon shopping. It melted all day but is getting cold.

Fri. Feb. 21, 1902

I went to an indoor baseball game last night between Co D of Alpena and the Peninsulars of Bay City. Alpena won 18 to 12. This afternoon a mock trial was held in the high school. Papa acted as judge. Prisoners found guilty of embezzlement. I got home at 6 o’clock. Mama and grandma went. Had a test in the morning. Melted but getting cold.

Sat. Feb. 22, 1902

The first thing in the morning I piled wood and then went down town and played indoor base ball. This afternoon I went to the dentist to be “fitted” for a crown. This is Washington’s birthday. If he was alone he would be 170 years old. Guy play at the armory lost a game on indoor, score of 10-9. Cold

Sun. Feb. 23, 1902

Papa, Grandma, Guy and I went to church. Mama stayed home because she felt bad and to help get dinner. I went to church. Guy’s teacher was absent. Last night papa brought me home a dandy C.E. pin. Rush Young was over last evening. I read most of the after noon. Am going to C.E. tonight. It was shulghey out doors. Cold.

Mon. Feb. 24, 1902

Grand I went down town after school to the office. I then went to the dentist. He fitted the band for the crown and took an impression, I went to C.E. last night. Mama and Grandma went calling in the afternoon. Guy went to Davisons to practice indoor base ball. They play the Alpena Business College next Saturday. Prince Henry [Prince Henry of Prussia] arrive today in Washington. Cold.

Tues. Feb. 25, 1902

Our new chandilers came and the electrick light man put them up. He also put a light in my room. They all look fine. I went down town after school and cut my finger with my knife. Rush was over. Mam and grandma went to a greenhouse at about 5 o’clock. Guy hitched up and went after papa. Melted but is cold now.

Wed. Feb. 26, 1902

I went down town after school, first to the dentist who was unable to finish my tooth because he was out of gold. I then went to the office and helped papa. I ordered some ice cream for tonight – some boys are coming over. Guy is third base man on the High School indoor base ball team. Went to a shooting gallery. Some what warmer.

Thurs. Feb. 27, 1902

Five boys were over last night Rush Young, Nason Johnson, Andrew Kimball, Russel Irving, Joe Block and myself. We formed the E.D.C. the Elite Debating Club. The guards won last night 21-5. Guy caught all the time. After school Guy and I piled about a cord and a half of wet slabs. A man split wood for the kitchen. Mama and grandma went to Mrs. Luce’s. Cold.

Fri. Feb. 28, 1902

After school Rush came over and I helped him in his debate on electricity vs. steam. He and I are on the affirmative side. Papa got another dozen of tunes for the music box which he got Christmas. A man piled wood this after noon and morning. Mama and were over to Mrs. Crossmans. It rained last night and today. Cold.

Sat. Mar. 1, 1902

This is the first day of March. And it has rained all day. I piled wood early this morning – long wet slabs. In the morning I had a crown put on one of my teeth – a great big gold one. I cut my finger. Tonight I am going to an E.D.C banquet. I got a pair of rubbers. Cold.

Sun. Mar. 2, 1902

I had a fine time at the banquet last night, I took G. Dunlap. My side won in the debate on Electricity vs, Steam, I was for electricity. I was on the affirmative side and Joe Block and Andrew Kimball were on the negative side. We got home at 11 P.M. All except grandma went to church. Guy and I stayed to Sunday school. We are going to Christian Endeavor. Cold.

Mon. Mar. 3, 1902

After school I went down town and went to the dentist to have him hammer on the crown a little more. Mama let the girl go and and got another now about 50 years old. Grandma left for Aunt Julia’s where she will stop before she goes home on the morning train. Piled wood after school and Guy split. Snowed and is cold.

Tues. Mar. 4, 1902

Last night I went to the L.K. debating club and was one of the judges. We decided in favor of coal. The question was coal vs. gold. After school today I played indoor baseball out doors and anti-i-over. Guy plays a catcher on the A.H.S. team. They play the Co. D next Thursday. Had a history and grammar test yesterday. Cold.

Wed. Mar. 5, 1902

After school us we boys played indoor baseball outdoors. We played sides and me side won by a score of 9 to 6. I pitched and Rush catched on my side Grant Freer pitched and Bob Crable caught on the other side. I got an invitation to a C.E. social for Friday night. I was going to pile wood tonight bit did not. The weather is warmer.

Thurs. Mar. 6, 1902

After school tonight I played indoor baseball and then went to the dentist he cleaned my teeth and gave me the bill for his work. It was $15.50. $8 for the crown included. The A.H.S. and Co. D play indoor tonight. I am going with Nason Johnson. I was 97 in my average in spelling for the week. The streets are being cleaned.

Fri. Mar. 7, 1902

At the ball game last evening the Co. D team won by a score of 17 to 11. Davison (A.H.S.) struck out 9 and Nelson (CoD) 14 – good game got home at 10:45. Guy caught good, Played chalk corners after school and piled some hardwood slabs. Guy is going to take music lessons. Social at Cong’l Church tonight – Guy and I are going, Cold.

Sat. Mar. 8, 1902

In the morning, I piled a load of slabs in the basement. Last night I went to the social at the church and had a good time until 11 oclock when I came home I played indoor baseball in the morning and afternoon. I went down town with Rush. It snowed a little during the day. Cold.

Sun. Mar. 9, 1902

We all went to church this morning to hear a lady minister preach. Mama, Guy and I stayed to Sunday school. Papa and mama went tonight, Guy got papa’s mail this morning, Guy and I went to Christian Endeavor tonight. The topic was “Endurance.” The horse was lose in the barn this morning. It snowed about live inches. Cold.

Mon. Mar. 10, 1902

After school I took papa’s satchel down to the office for him. He is going to AuSable tonight at five oclock on business. I played a little while after school. The sophomore Basketball team had their pictures taken. I got a letter from the Toledo stamp company. Had a test in grammar today. The weather is moderate.

Tues. Mar. 11, 1902

Our side won at the debate last night at the L.K. club. Papa came home on the morning train. Guy met him at the Chisholm Street station. After school tonight I went down town and then I went to the wood pile and piled a load of wet four foot slabs. We had the first rain storm of season last night, It thundered and lightninged. Cold.

Wed. Mar. 12, 1902

Papa did not go to the office last night and Guy got the mail for him. Guy went to the library after that. After school I went down town and to the office by but papa had gone to the court house. Guy is going to Mr. Prince’s bible class after supper. It has rained nearly all day to day and the weather is very disagreeable and raw.

Thurs. Mar. 13, 1902

I went down and got a new wheel – a Tribune – it cost fifty dollars and I am paying for it myself – every cent. The frame is black – the rims dull blue, It is the prettiest and best week I ever saw. Gear – 80 frames. He, Mr. Steel, gave me $25 on my old wheel. We had a test in grammar from Mr. Hunt, the superintendent. I piled wood a little while after school. Cold.

Fri. Mar. 14, 1902

After supper last night I went down to Steels Bicycle Store and paid for my wheel. I paid $35 in hard cash. I borrowed $10 from papa to pay for it but I am going to pay for it in 1 year. We had the rest of our test and got out early this afternoon. I piled wood after school and played for a little while. Clear but cold today.

Sat. Mar. 15, 1902

After breakfast I piled wood for a couple of hours and then played baseball. Two schools are shut on account of smallpox and an epidemic is feared. I got the mail for papa last night and rode down town on papa my wheel. The E.D.C. meets here tonight and the question is wood vs. coal as fuel. It was clear this morning but cloudy tonight. Cold.

Sun. Mar. 16, 1902

The E.D.C. met here last night. I got the mail this morning for papa. We all went to church this morning to hear a new minister a professor of Olivet College. He was fine. We all went to Sunday school except papa. I read “The Right of Way” all the after noon – it is a good book. Guy and I went to C.E. Papa and mama went to church tonight. Windy.

Mon. Mar. 17, 1902

Papa went to AuSable on business this morning but we expect him back on the evening train. Guy has driven to the depot for him. This is St. Patrick’s Day and I am cover with green. After school I piled wood and then went downtown on an errand. I read a short time before supper. Papa is going to council. Cold.

Tues. Mar. 18, 1902

The schools all closed this morning until March 31 on account of the small-pox ephedemic. Everyone must stay in his yard. Papa got home last evening. Washington won last night at the L.K.D.C. in the Washington-Wellington debate. I was for Washington. 12 were present. The Port Huron & St. Clair Indoor teams play tonight & Co.D plays the winner tomorrow for state championship. Cold.

Wed. Mar. 19, 1902

The Ramapoos of Port Huron defeated the St. Clair team last night by a score of 6-9. Guy and I piled wood all the morning and got about two cords piled up. We then played ball until noon. After dinner I was vaccinated by Dr. Cameron on the left arm. Played ball after that again. Papa and mama are going to the church supper tonight and Guy to Mr. Princes. Cold.

Thurs. Mar. 20, 1902

The Co. D. lost last evening by a score of 13 to 9 in a great game. None of us went. Today is Guy’s sixteenth birthday. He got a lot of presents. Guy and I played indoor baseball nearly all day (no school). I don’t feel very well. They made $35 at the church supper last evening. The weather is slightly warmer.

Fri. Mar. 21, 1902

Guy and I worked all of the morning. He split kitchen wood and I piled slab in the basement. Altho we are not supposed to leave the house or yard on account of the smallpox epidemic Guy and I and the other boys played indoor outdoor baseball most all the after noon. Papa as purchased the house and lot on State & Dunbar for $1200. He will move the old house and build a new one next year. Cold.

Sat. Mar. 22, 1902

Uncle Hart came to Alpena today on business and came up this afternoon to visit us. He leaves on the after noon train. Guy split kitchen wood and I piled slabs nearly all the morning. Guy was vaccinated this afternoon. Mama went down town this afternoon to do some shopping. Guy and I played indoor baseball. Cold.

Sun. Mar. 23, 1902

There was no church today as the new minister has not yet arrived. They was no Sunday school and there will be no C.E. on account of the smallpox epidemic. Guy and I bought a new indoor baseball yesterday but have not played with it yet. I wrote a letter to Ruby. Papa and Mama went for a drive this after noon. Cold.

Mon. Mar. 24, 1902

In the morning, Guy piled kitchen wood and I furnace wood for two hours and a half. We played indoor for quite awhile. In the afternoon I went over to Rush Young’s and helped him a little while then went to Freer’s and played until supper time. Not very any ice in the bay now. Cold.

Tues. Mar. 25, 1902

Guy and I both piled slabs all the morning until after 11: Mama and I then went for a drive across the river until noon. Neither Guy or I can go out of the yard unless we go with papa or mama in the buggy. Mama went calling in the after noon and Guy and I played indoor-outdoor most of the time. Cold.

Wed. Mar. 26, 1902

It is not likely that the quarnentine will be raised for about a week yet. Guy and I cleaned the barn good and clean this morning. After that mama and I went for a drive up the Dam road. Rush and I then went out for a rise. Guy and I played catch in the back yard. Piled a few slabs. Mama went to some kind of a church meeting. Somewhat colder.

Thurs. Mar. 27, 1902

Mama, Guy and I went out into the country this morning. Mama and Guy in the buggy and I on my wheel. Guy took a Kodak picture out there. Cleaned up the yard and Guy the garden this morning. Played cards and ball in the after noon. Guy split some wood. The weather is quite windy. Papa very busy. Cold.

Fri. Mar. 28, 1902

Four new cases of smallpox in town today. Guy and I went toward the Fletcher Dam this morning for a rise and in the after noon Earle Freer and I went in our buggy. Pip Hicks, Walker, Guy and I played casino in the afternoon. It rained. Papa gave mama some (10) tulips. Grandma sent papa two chicken today. Wet and cold.

Sat. Mar. 29, 1902

The Board of Health raised the smallpox quarantine on pupils and teachers this morning. Hurrah! And another week of solid vacation. Wa-poose! I changed my bell for another. Played in the afternoon. Not any news to speak of. Went for a ride with Rush. Guy is going to a party at Walker’s tonight. Cold.

Sun, Mar. 30, 1902

Guy go the mail. All of us went to the Trinity Episcopal church this morning. Today is Easter and we had an Easter dinner. There was no Sunday school on account of the epidemic. Guy went to the party last evening. Papa went down town to the office this afternoon. It rained quite a bit. Coldish.

Mon. Mar. 31, 1902

I received by mail and Easter card from Aunt Hattie this morning, A week of vacation started this morning. Worked and played cards all day. The vacation started by a very bad day – wet and cold. Papa very busy on a case. I helped a man in the garden this afternoon.

Tues. April 1, 1902

Today is April Fools. I stayed in the house until 10: A.M. and then went over to Comstalk’s [Comstock’s] barn and played indoor baseball until noon. After dinner I drove papa to the court house at 2 and after him at 5. Between time I went to Johnsons and played Caucusses tonight. Last night it snowed. Papa at court. Rush was over after supper last night. Cold.

Wed. April 2, 1902

The Democrats nominated O’Brien and Republicans Fletcher for mayor of Alpena.

For treasure -

Dem. – Hiser

Rep. – Crisman

For justice

Dem. – Devlyn

Rep. - McDonald

I went out for a ride in the morning. Papa won a case at court – Blackborn vs. Blackborn. Wet up to the Fair Grounds to play ball. Cold.

Thurs. April 3, 1902

I piled wood for a spell, then I played indoor baseball outdoors. After dinner I went up to the Fair Grounds and watched the High School team play outdoor ball. I took Guy’s wheel down to Blackborns’ and got it later – had the tire pasted on. Mama went to a missionery meeting. A little warmer but no to warm. KARLE HENRY

Fri. April 4, 1902

I went up to the Fair Grounds to play ball but didn’t and so I watched the High School play. I piled wood in the morning and played. Mama went out. The vacation is about ended. There is a party on Elizabeth Bostwick tonight. The weather is just beginning to clear up and today was a fine day.

Sat. April 5, 1902

I had a fine time at the party last night. Played all kinds of games. Had ice cream and cake for lunch and (reached?) home at 11: This morning I took 2 pictures with the camera. This afternoon rode around the racetrack seven time with out stopping. Papa in court but he has a very sore throat. It is quite windy. Cold.

Sun. April 6, 1902

We all went to church this morning but there was no Sunday school or C.E. on account of the smallpox epidemic. School has been postponed for another week so we have another weeks vacation. Papa was sick this afternoon but he is better now. I read “Jack Harkaway.” The weather is about the same but it rained.

Mon. April 7, 1902

This is election day. In our ward (the 1st) the candidates for alderman are Dinton (Dem) and Kimball (Rep). There is no school for a week. Guy split some wood. Guy got a picture of the Sophomore Basket Ball team, He is in it. I played cards and studied this after noon. Last night it snowed about two inches. Cold.

Tues. April 8, 1902

The Democrats won in all city offices. Small majorities but sure. First, Second and Fourth went Republican and the Third, Fifth and Sixth went Democrat. About 2350 votes were cast. I’m glad – Guy’s sad. Went down to the docks this morning and rode my wheel in the afternoon. It cleared up today and the weather is warmer.

Wed. April 9, 1902

I went to the meat marker for mama and then I piled wood outdoors and in the cellar. Helped mama and played. Mama started house cleaning this morning in Guy’s room. Went for a ride on the wheel and took the camera up town to be developed and finished. It is about the same as yesterday in the weather. Cold.

Thurs. April 10, 1902

Papa was taken very sick during the night last night but was better this morning. I played ball and took papa to the office in the morning. This afternoon O played in Crables barn and then I had my hair cut. I saw my camera proofs, I expect to go to a party on Rush and Marjorie Young tonight. Cold.

Fri. April 11, 1902

I had a fine time at the party on the Youngs last night. We got home at 11 P.M. Had ice cream & cake. Played Wink, Clap in, Postoffice and Drop the Pillow. Guy went on the Bonfire party out to Stoney Point. I expect this is the last day of our vacation. I piled wood and helped mama this morning I read this afternoon. It rained some. Cold.

Sat. April 12, 1902

I worked in the cellar in the morning and played indoor base ball in Comstalks [Comstock’s] barn, In the afternoon I played “stump” and at 5 o’clock we went down town and Guy and I each got a pair of shoes. A double murder in Detroit Thursday. [note: Detroit Free Press April 11, 1902 claimed Carrie M. Jennett murdered by Prof. J.M. Miller; George H. Heywood murdered by William M. Jones]. Guy is going out to a party on Edith Young after supper. It rained this afternoon. Cold.

Sun. April 13, 1902

We all went to church this morning. As the quarntine has been raised we went to Sunday school and are going for Christian Endeavor tonight. Papa and mama went to Port Huron on the evening train. Papa went on business and mama went with him. They will be back Wednesday or Thursday. Cleared up some. Cold.

Mon. April 14, 1902

School commenced this morning as usual after a four weeks vacation. I went up to the court house on an errand at the county clerks office after school. Then I played indoor-outdoor and cut my initials on Crables’ stoop. We have not heard from papa or mama so they must have reached there all right. Cold.

Tues. April 15, 1902

Guy and I got a letter from mama this morning; they are at Port Huron. After school I went up to the ball field on Forth Street. Guy got his music lesson. I went down to the dock to see the “Alpena” on its first trip this noon. I went to the office after some pencils before school. Stood 85 on Supt. Hunts’ grammar test. Cold.

Wed. April 16, 1902

We received a letter from mama and one from papa this morning. They intend to go to Detroit before they come home. I played outdoors last night and after school today I played outdoor baseball. Guy is going to Mr. Prince’s Bible class tonight. It is rather wind and cold.

Thurs. April 17, 1902

Papa and Mama returned from Port Huron on the morning train. Guy met them at Chisholm Street. After school I went to Venners and got my camera pictures (8). Mama brought me a cap from Detroit. Papa brought Guy a old gun revolver for a relic. It rained this moon at about 1: Cold.

Fri. April 18, 1902

After school I played ball on Lewis Street and First – scrub. We had a test in arithmetic this morning. IO went down town after school after some cream and some sardines for supper. The jury disagreed in papa’s Port Huron case. Papa had a cold in the gums. Cold

Sat. April 19, 1902

I played in Young’s barn all the morning, as it was raining. In the afternoon I went down to the greenhouse and played ball. I went over to the meat market and ordered the Sunday meat as Mama is sick with a cold. Guy is sick abed with a severe cold. It cleared up this afternoon. Cold.

Sun. April 20, 1902

Papa, Mama and I went to church this morning. Rev. Daniels preached. Mama and I stayed to Sunday school. Guy did not go out as he was sick with a cold. Papa and Guy went for a drive this afternoon. I am going to Christian Endeavor in a little while. (Ain’t no news – nothin’ doin’.) Cold.

Mon. April 21, 1902

After school I played ball and transferred some stamps from my old album into my new ones. I am on the debate at the L.K. tonight, I is resolved: that the army did more for the U.S. in the Revolution and 1812 Wars than the navy. I am on the affirmative side. The City-attorney is appointed tonight. Cold.

Tues. April 22, 1902

At the council last evening neither Papa (Dem) or Mr. Canfield was appointed City Attorney, but papa was permitted to hold over and unless some of the votes are changed he will hold until next year. I went down town after school for mama. I went to L.K. last night and our side won. I went to the office. Cold.

Wed. April 23, 1902

Vogels Minstrels paly here tonight in the Maltz Oprea House. Guy is going after he goes to Mr. Prince’s Bible class. The American Baseball season opens today. Detroit plays Chicago at Chicago. I played ball after school and then cleaned up the new lot for a little while. It has been very windy all day. Cold.

Thurs. April 24, 1902

After school I played baseball and worked. I then went down town and got some eggs for mama. (16₵) I bought a ball of cord and a nickle hard rubber ball to make a string ball with. I will make it tonight. Guy went out to the show last night and he said it was good. Cold.

Fri. April 25, 1902

A man put in the early vegetables this morning and yesterday, Guy is going to a High School social tonight after supper in the Fitzgerald Hall. I am going to church to C.E. business meeting. Detroit lost the first game of the season to Chicago by a score of 12-2. It rained this afternoon. Cold.

Sat. April 26, 1902

I went to the social last evening and Guy went to the High School dance. I cleaned up the new lot this morning in the rain. I played and went down town this after noon. Papa is very busy. It has rained steadily all day – Saturday & I could not play ball. Cold.

Det – 5 – 500

Chi – 0

Sun. April 27, 1902

It cleared up last night or before six this morning and Guy and I left for the dam at six oclock this morning and Guy got some pictures with a Kodak. Mr. VanAuken preached this morning & we all went except mama who is not feeling very well. Guy and I stayed to Sunday school and we are going to C.E. tonight. Papa went out. Cold

Det. 6 – 667

St. L. [St. Louis] 1

Mon. April 28, 1902

Nason Johnson, Jos. Block and I went down to Emmons and had a dozen pictures taken at fifty cents a dozen. All three of us were in the same picture. Papa is sick today. I watched boys played ball after school. We had a test in History this after noon. I am going to church tonight. Cold. No game

Tues. April 29, 1902

I went down with Rush Young’s (?) and on the way back we cut our initials in over a dozen different places. The new meat trust has raised the price about ten cents per pound. I went to a reception in the church parlors last night and got back at about ten oclock. It has been cloudy all day. Cold.

Det. 11 – 750

St. L. 3

Wed. April 30, 1902

Today is the last day of April. Guy drove papa to and from the office this morning and this afternoon, I got a new bit for the horse and papa got some oats for him. After school I played ball and talked and went down town. It it [got] some what colder today than yesterday.

Det. 0 – 656

St. L. 1

Thurs. May 1, 1902

After school I played in Comstock’s barnd and I played ball on Freer’s corner. The trout season opens today and mostly every man in town has gone fishing. Papa, not feeling very well, did not go as usual. I fixed up my April accounts last evening. The weather remains about the same. Cold.

Det. 4 – 671

Cleve. 1

Fri. May 2, 1902

We had a test in arithmetic this morning and one in grammar this afternoon. Guy and Frank Montrose are developing pictures in the bath room closet. I am going to the Bi-Monthly E.D.C. Banquet at Jos Blocks after supper. I went down to the office after school tonight Cold.

Det. 7 – 712

Cleve. 3

Sat. May 3, 1902

We had a fine time at the banquet last evening. Those who were there were: Russel Irving, Marjorie Holmer, Carle Henry, Marjorie Young, Nason Johnson, Gladys Holmes, Joe Block, Beatrice Kimball, Andrew Kimball, Margaret Dunlop, Rush Young, Laura Broadwell. We had salad, potatoes, sandwiches, coca, ice-cream, cake. I worked this morning and played this afternoon Cold.

Det. 6 – 730

Cleve. 6

Sun. May 4, 1902

The sophomores were defeated by the rest of the High School by a score of 17-10. We all went to church this morning. Rev. Daniels of Olivet College preached. The funeral of Mrs. Parks was held today. I got (three?) pictures of myself taken and traded them off. It rained this morning. Cold.

Det. 1 – 667.

Cleve. 2

Mon. May 5, 1902

The L.K. Baseball team was defeated by the Juveniles by a score of 15 to 14. Willis pitched and Block caught for the L.K. I played and after school tonight I went down town to the office. Guy played. Debate at the L.K. tonight. The City Attorney will be decided upon at the council tonight. Cold. No game.

Tues. May 6, 1902

After school I went down town and got some things for mama. I got a couple of brackets at Cohens and made a shelf which I put in my room. Pap was appointed city attorney for another year and got 10 out of 12 votes cast in a republican council. Only one other democrat got an appointment. Cold. No game.

Wed. May 7, 1902

After school I went down town after the pictures I had taken some time ago I then played and went down to a new boat house that is being built. Guy went to play ball after school. Duke had a fight with another dog. Mama has a new hat or rather an old one made over. Cold.

Det 2 – 600

St. L. 4

Thurs. May 8, 1902

Before school this morning I went down town after some radish and been seed. I got another package of radish seed just before supper. We boys are practicing for a minstrel show to be held next Saturday in Comstock’s barn. Guy played ball after school It rained and then cleared up. Cold.

Det. 3 – 545

St. L. 5

Fri. May 9, 1902

After school I practiced for the Great Minstrel Show. Cast – 15. Seats 1 & 2 cents. “A Thorobread Tramp” is to be played in the Oprea house tonight. I am going to a social at the church by C.E. The High School is building a tenis court for themselves. We have the garden nearly in. Cold.

Det. 2 – 500

St. L. 3

Sat. May 10, 1902

At the Minstrel Show this afternoon we cleared $1.25 – Big success 100 attended. We are going to repeat it tonight at 3 & 5 cents. Guy went to a dance last night and he played ball this after noon. I went to the social last evening and got home at half past ten. Cold.

Det. 10 – 538 – 10 in.

Chi. 9

Sun. May 11, 1902

Last night we took in $1.00 more at out minstrel show. About fifty came. We lighted the barn up by eight or ten lanterns. Pap and mama went for a ride after dinner. We all went to church. Rev. Daniels preached. We all went to Sunday school but papa. We are going to Christian Endeavors. Cold.

Det. 5 – 571

Chi. 4

Mon. May 12, 1902

The Eighth Grade received their cards for the third quarter today. I have to make eight points in order to pass. I went down town after school and did some errands for papa, went to the printing office and to Mr. Cobbs office. Cleaned my wheel and had it trued. Cold.

Det. 7 – 597

Chi. 3

Tue. May 13, 1902

We expect to repeat our minstrel show in the Old Progress hall, River Street on Saturday. Guy took his music lesson and developed some pictures .I put up a fence played and went down town after school for mama. Mama is sick, I went to L.K. last evening.

Det. 3 – 625

Cleve. 2

Wed. May 14, 1902

Nason Johnson, Rush Young and I went in for the first swim of the season tonight after school down to the bay. Gee Whiz! But maybe it was cold – and the air to. I got the rest of my pictures after school at Emmons. The tulips and other bulbs are in blossom. Cold.

Det. 6 – 647

Cleve. 4

Thurs. May 15, 1902

I helped plant some cucumbers after school. We have got the garden nearly all in now. Guy went to Mr. Prince’s Bible Class last night. I cleaned up papa’s new yard. Guy played ball. There was a great big earthquake new Central /American a short time ago. The letters is up. Cold.

Det 3 – 600

Cleve 23

Fri. May 16, 1902

We had a test in arithmetic and one in grammar this morning and afternoon in school. I have a couple high school pictures which Guy gave to me, I played around the bay after school but didn’t go in swimming, I went down town on errands for mama. Cold.

Det. 19 – 632

Cleve. 11

Sat. May 17, 1902

I played ball this morning and our side lost by a score of 21 to 11. I made four (4) of our 11 runs. I took in wood for the basement, Guy played ball this afternoon and played around the docks, took Hick’s wheelborrow home and worked. Papa has the garden all in. Cold.

Det. 0 – 600

Chi. 1

Sun. May 18, 1902

Papa, Mama and Guy went to church and mama, Guy and I went to Sunday School. I went down to the train to meet (Joe?) Follett who came up from AuSable on the excursion from Bay City. I knew him in AuSable. Guy and I went to Christian Endeavor. I fed the horse & got the mail. Cold. No game.

Mon. May 19, 1902

After school I trimed and put on to cards nineteen Kodak pictures which Guy took with the camera. Paper-hanger papered the dining room and are papering the kitchen and pantry now. Papa purchased a vacant lot between Crable’s and Williams on State street to put the old house on. Wet. Cold.

Det. 4 – 632 – 10

Bal. [Baltimore] 2

Tues. May 20, 1902

Papa went to Rogers City on the 7 A.M. train and we expect him back on the 2 P.M. train tomorrow afternoon. He went on business. I played until 5 oclock and then Mama and I went out for a ride and got some flowers. The men have finished papering the kitchen and pantry. Cold.

Det. 1 – 591

Bal. 3

Wed. May 21, 1902

After school I played over to Comstock’s barn and around the bay. Loud has carried Alpena Co. in his race for nomination to congress of this district getting 8 delegates. Papa came home last night from Rogers City with the tooth ache (in the heel). I developed some pictures this morning. Cold.

Det. 3 – 609

Bal. 2

Thurs. May 22, 1902

After school I had my second swim of the season in the bay. Avery’s Mill burned to the ground last evening. The loss is $20,000. Guy developed some pictures after school. Papa and mama went out into the woods after some ferns for the front yard. Cold.

Det. 0 – 587

Balt. 6

Fri. May 23, 1902

After school we practiced in Comstock barn and Guy and I transplanted about fifty sunflowers. Guy may go to a high school after supper. I expect to go to a Christian Endeavor social tonight. We had a test in arithmetic and one in grammar today. Cold. No game.

Sat. May 24, 1902

Guy and I under the supervision of mama, cleaned the basement this morning. After dinner we repeated our minstrel show which we presented a couple of weeks ago. We played it in the new Progress hall and took in about four dollars. The High school won 12-10 from the P.V. Grants at baseball. Cold.

Sun. May 25, 1902

Rev. (Obeneuar?) the chaplain of the Conn. Prison occupied the pulpit today and all of us went to church. Mama, Guy and I went to Sunday school. Guy and Mama went for a ride, papa went down town, and I went for a walk and to church this afternoon to C.E. Cold.

Mon. May 26, 1902

We had a test in grammar from Superintendent Hunt this morning and a history test from the history teacher this afternoon. Guy mowed the lawn after school and I transferred sunflowers and planted onions after school. We have some little kittens five weeks old on top the furnace Cold.

Det. 6 – 547

Phila. 8

Tues. May 27, 1902

I was elected president of the L.K. last night, Russell Irving vice-president and Jamie Hopper vice secretary for the next three month. There is a $1.00 excursion to Bay City tomorrow. The A.H.S. base ball team expect to go to play the Bay City H.S. B.B. team. I worked in the garden after school. Cold. No game.

Wed. May 28, 1902

Col. George Loud of AuSable was nominated over Tip Alpin of Bay City as republican canidate for congress – 10th district today. I planted sunflowers this after noon after school. There was a coffee here this afternoon. Guy goes to Mr. Princes tonight. Cold.

Det. 4 – 538

Phila – 11

Thurs. May 29, 1902

We finished a four day’s grammar test from Supt. Hunt this morning, The Bay City High School defeated the A.H.S. by a score of 17-6 yesterday at Bay City. The A.H.S. orchaester [orchestra] give an entertainment at the High School bilding [building] tonight. Mama and Papa set out some greanimums [geraniums] today. Last day of school this week. Cold.

Det. 4 – 519 Phil. 6

Fri. May 30, 1902

This is memorial day and there are excercises at the cemetery. In the morning I went to the race track and saw the A.H.S. defeated by the P.V.S. by 17-15. The city team played the AuSable in the afternoon. I was topped in the seventh inning by the owner of the ball fiels. AuSable 5 – Alpena 1. I am going to a party. Cold.

Det. 10 Boston 5

Det. 0 - 517 Boston 12

Sat. May 31, 1902

Today is the last day of May, I went to the party at Nason Johnson’s last night. I took Marjorie Young, We got home at 10:30. Some one punctured my back tire in my wheel today. I got it fixed at Steeles. Mama went for a ride, afterwards I took the horse out. Cold.

Det. 13 – 533

Boston 7

Sun. June 1, 1902

There were no services in the Congregational Church this morning, therefore we went to the Presbyterian Church – Rev. Middlemas. Mama, Guy and I went to Sunday school. Papa and I got the mail and we went for a ride this morning. Uncle Will Phillips has been in town for about a week. Wet. No game.

Mon. June 2, 1902

There are now but four weeks of school counting this week. There are realy only three because the last week does not count. After school I had my fourth third swim of the season. We went in at the Fletcher dock or fourth pier. Papa has a 1902 pass on the D. and C. line on which he and mama can go from St. Ignas to Cleveland. Cold.

Det. 4 Bos 2 517

Tues. June 3, 1902

After school I went down to Stoney Point with the other boys and went in for a (4th) swim. There is a Mexican Circus in town. Papa and Mama went out to a small lake to fish this afternoon, They got back at about six oclock. It rained this afternoon – Cold.

Det. 0 – 500

Wash. 2

Wed. June 4, 1902

We had the first half of an arithmetic examination from Supt. Hunt this morning. After school I went down to the dock and saw the Alpena. Guy is going to Mr. Prince’s Bible Class after supper. The lilac’s are in bloom. The pea’s are up four inches. Cold.

Det. 6 485

Washing. 13

Thurs. June 5, 1902

Peace between Great Brition and the Boers has been restored. It lasted for Ot. 10, 1899to May 31, 1902. After school I went down to the office for papa and did some errands for him. Hitched the horse up for mama and unhitched him. I went for a ride. Cold.

Det. 3. Wash, 5 – 417

Fri, June 6, 1902

The High School lawn social has been poseponed from tonight until a week from tonight on account of rain. I expect to go to a Christian Endeavor social with Margaret Young. Guy is going too. Our hired girl, Mrs. Crawford, has gone off for a week’s vacation. Cold. No game.

Sat. June 7, 1902

I went to the church social last evening and got home at 10:00 P.M. Guy and I intended to go to Hillman this morning but didn’t to serve a paper for papa. It happened that a minor could not serve it. I expect to go to another social after supper with Marjorie Young. I had a swim today. Cold.

Det. 9 – 490

Phil. 1

Sun. June 8, 1902

I went [to] the Sophmore class social on Mr. Hicks’ lawn last evening Rev. James of Toledo preached today. All of us except mama went. An excursion train accident occurred this morning. It was an Alpena train and the rails spread at Black River. Three or four will die and many injured. Cold.

Det. 2 – 472

Phil. 3

[Note: See Alpena Evening News, June 9, 1902. Train wreck story starts on bottom of page 3 and continues back to page 2. Article refers to a June 8 (Sunday) extra addition that first reported wreck.]

Mon. June 9, 1902

Papa went down to Black River this morning on a special train and got back at noon, He is attorney for the Railroad Company. He brought back some souvenirs for us. We had a history test this afternoon from Miss Rayborne. Guy has a new four dollar tennis racket papa got for him. I am to weed the garden now. Cold.

Det. 10 – 487

Phili. 5

Tues. June 10, 1902

I went to surprise party on Blanche Hastings last evening and got home at 11:20 P.M. I took Margaret Young. We had a fine time. Played games, danced and musical. Served Ice cream, cake, sweet meats. Papa got me a tenis racket today a $3.00 Vantage and a ball. It is a beauty. Went for ride with mama. Cold.

Det. 8 - 500

Phili. 4

Wed. June 11, 1902

I went down town after school and went to the office but found that papa was at the court house. I then came home and played tennis with John McHarg. Afterward Guy and Hedley McInnus came and we all palyed Guy traded a picture of his (stone?) for a forty cent tennis ball to a dealer. Cold.

Det. 5 – 513

Balti. 2

Thurs. June 12, 1902

Guy went to Mr. Princes Bible class last evening. Don McKim and I played tennis until 8:30. The 8th grade had the last half of Supt. Hunt’s history test arithmetic test this morning and we got out early. I expect to go to a party at Beatrice Kimballs’ tonight – a birthday party. It rained. Det. 3 – 500. Balti. 9. 8 in. 20-20

Fri. June 13, 1902

I went down town and had my bicycle bell fixed and then played. I had a fine time at the party on Beatrice Kimball last night. It was a birthday party. I got home at 11:15. We played cards. I was tie for the greatest number of points. I took Margaret Young. I went down town for mama. Cold. Wet.

Sat. June 14, 1902

I worked for mama all morning. Oiling wood, errands etc. In the afternoon, I went across the river to Don McKim’s on Miller Street and we went down to the tennis grounds & played tennis. Mrs. Crawford, the hired woman, got back today after a vacation, Papa is busy in court on a railroad case. Cold.

Det. 2 – 470

Balti. 9

Sun. June 15, 1902

We all went th to church this morning and heard Rev. Janes of Cleveland preach. In the afternoon Guy and I took papa to the train. He is going to Detroit and coming home next Tuesday. Guy and I went to Christian Endeavor. Cold.

Det. 11 – 488

Wash. 2

Mon. June 16, 1902

Papa reached Detroit alright. Only a week and a half more of school before the summer vacation. I went down to the office after school and got some sling shot rubbers. I went over and saw Andrew Comstock who broke his ankle last week. Windy.

Det. 4 – 477

Wash. 6

Tues. June 17, 1902

I went to L.K. club last evening. Papa got back from Detroit this morning on the boat and Aunt Lena Parshall of Ann Arbor came with him. He brought me a paddle & she a picture. I was in for a swim back of an ice house tonight. I went to the office. Cold.

Det. 4 – 489

Wash. 0

Wed. June 18, 1902

I stood 89% in the recent arithmetic examination from Supt. Hunt. Principal T.P. [Turner Paul] Hickey of H.S. resigned to accept a similar position at Adrian. Mama is making me a new blue and red & white shirt. I put some pictures up in my room after school then I went down town for mama. The horse cut his leg in pasture. Wet. Cold.

Det. 4 – 500

Wash. 1

Thurs. June 19, 1902

Guy has a ride in Mr. Prince’s launch this morning before breakfast. I received a slip today recommending me to the English course in the High School for the next four years. I prefer the Latin course. I had a good swim after school. Mama and Aunt Lena went to a party this afternoon. Papa is in court. Cold.

Det. 1 – 489. Boston 4

Fri. June 20, 1902

We had a test in arithmetic from Miss Dixon this morning and I got out early. We had a test in grammar from Miss Collins also one in spelling this afternoon. There is a Christian Endeavor business meeting tonight. I got a photograph of Margaret Young, Elizabeth Rea, Grace Whitney & Marion Ludington today. Cold.Det. 3 500

Bos. 0

Tie with St. L. 16 games this season.

Sat. June 21, 1902

I went out in the woods this morning and got some boughs for the garden. Afterwards I worked. I the afternoon I worked and played. I went to the C.E. business meeting last night. I was at Burston’s taylor shop today. I saw Uncle Will this P.M. Cold

Sun. June 22, 1902

We had a history test from Supt. Hunt Papa, Mama, Aunt Lena and I went to the Cong’l Church and Guy went to the Episcopal Church this morning. Guy, Mama and I went to Sunday school. I went for a walk with Margaret Young this afternoon. Went to Christian Endeavor. Cold nit.

Mon. June 23, 1902

We had a history test from Supt. Hunt this afternoon and I got out at half past two and went down to Burston’s taylor ship to see Fred Burston. Uncle Will left on the City of Mackinaw this afternoon for south. He is coming back. I was down to the dock. Cold.

Tues. June 24, 1902

I stood 80% in Supt. Hunt’s history test. We had a spelling test from Miss Collins today in which I stood 95%. It rained this morning. Guy went to school to take a German exam this A.M. It was the only exam he had to take. There is a high school lawn social tonight on the High School lawn.

Wed. June 25, 1902

The Sophmore class (’04, Guy’s class) went to Huron Beach on a picnic today but it has rained steadily all day. Tute taught me to play “Yankee Doodle” on the piano this morning. I went to the tailor shop after school. I got out of school early both this morning and afternoon. Raining.

Thurs. June 26, 1902

I went to school this morning for the last time until September except to get our cards tomorrow morning. I went out into the woods two miles past the county house this afternoon after daisys and I got six very large bunches. The High School commencement tonight. I went to a party on Russell Irving last night. Chilly

Fri. June 27, 1902

We got our certificated today and I didn’t pass into the High School. I got a new belt for only missing ½ of a day. Guy passed in everything and is now a junior. I went to class exercises last night at Oprea House in the gallery. Cold.

Sat. June 28, 1902

Men have been moved the house papa bought and they will have it moved by the first of next week. I went to commencement last evening at the Baptist Church. I worked and went on errands this morning and this afternoon I went to Long Lake in the buggy with Nason Johnson.

Sun. June 29, 1902

I went over to Andrews’ last night. This morning I did the chores and for the mail. Papa, Mama, Guy, Aunt Lena and I went to church this morning. Mama, Guy and I went to Sunday school. Papa and Tute went for a ride this afternoon. I am going to C.E. now. C

Mon. June 30, 1902

In the morning I played a little bit. I cleaned the carriage and I cleaned my wheel besides getting some kindling wood. I watched the boys played tennis this afternoon saw the boat come in and went in for a swim. Had a soda.

Tues. July 1, 1902

First of July. I went out to an Episcopal Church picnic on my bicycle today and had a “hot time” – swim, boat-ride. Sodas, lunch etc. Went at eight and got back at six. I went to L.K. club last night. Guy took his weekly music lesson today.

Wed. July 2, 1902

I worked in the garden this morning weeding and replanting radish seeds. This afternoon I read the magazine stories and made a place to sleep on July 3-4 in Nason Johnson’s barn. I was at the office it rained this afternoon. Toot & mama going to Mackinaw tonight.

Thurs. July 3, 1902

Mama, Aunt Lena and Guy left for Mackinac this morning. The boat should have left at 3:30 A.M. but it was four hours late. I played most all day and made preperations to sleep in Johnson’s barn tonight – stuff to eat, drink, etc. Papa gave me fifty cents of 4th of July money.

Fri. July 4, 1902

Today is the 4th of July and night six of us “slept” in the barn. But instead of sleeping we played rough house, had pillow or blanket fights until 3 A.M. when we went out. Mama, Toot & Guy got back allright. All the sleep I’ve had for since night before last was a little this afternoon.

Sat. July 5, 1902

I went down town last evening and went to bed at 10 P.M. I was in for a swim this morning for nearly an hour. Guy and I cut and raked the lawn this afternoon with the mercury at 90°. My wheel is being dixed at Steels. Guy and I had a swim.

Sun. July 6, 1902

Rev. Lathan is to be our future pastor. He preached today at the childrens day exercises. We all went to church but there was no Sunday school. Temperature at 90° all day. Went to C.E. Mama & Toot went for a ride. Had ice cream.

Mon. July 7, 1902

Guy and I cleaned up the lot that papa’s house was on this morning – or rather we worked on it all the morning. I had the jeweler cut my name on my racket. Guy did to. We played tenis – two sets and Guy won both 6-4 6-3 games. Went to boat. 89°

Tues. July 8, 1902

I and Guy cleaned up the old yard again this morning and now it looks quite respectable. Guy won a set at tenis and I am 3 Guy 1 on an other. Miss Brand is staying to supper a guest of Aunt Lena. Mama sent me down town on errands. 90°

Wed. July 9, 1902

Left for Detroit.

Papa, Mama, Aunt Lena, Guy and I left on the afternoon boat, City of Alpena for Detroit where we will visit Mr. Lucking for a week. I went throught half fare staterooms number 85 and 87. I worked this morning and went on errands, helped mama pack, etc. Papa and I at supper “in the dining hall below. “ Cloudy.

Thurs. July 10, 1902

4:45 A.M. got up.

5:00 left Port Huron

6:00 left St. Clair

9:00 Reached Detroit

Met by Dean and Mrs. Lucking where we are staying. Played croquet. 1:00 P.M. went out to dinner. To 3:30 Folks slept. At 3:30 we went over to the D.A.C. (Detroit Atheletic Club) and went thru gym & bowled. 6:15 supper. Went to Wild West Show (see back of book). Rest all went out to. 11 P.M. Bed.

Fri. July 11, 1902

8:00 A.M. Breakfast. 9:15 Papa, Guy and I went down town and went through the new post-office, a couple banks, in some stores and on the roof of the Majestic building, 15 stories high. Were in Dr. J.V. Whites office. Went thru Cheney glove factory where 4800 pairs of gloves are made per week. Went to Mr. Lucking’s office and D.A.C. In P.M., Guy, Dean and I went to Ave new theater. 7:45 went to Aunt Emmas’ and for a ride on my wheel. Will Lucking came home from a weeks visit.

Sat. July 12, 1902

8:15 A.M. Breakfast at Furgason’s were we go out to meals. After breakfast Papa, Mama and I went over to Dr. Frothingham, oculist, and he treated and tested my eyes for glasses. It took him until noon. In afternoon went for streetcar ride, bicycle ride and down town where I got a new suit of cloths at Traverse also a neck tie and suspenders. After supper went to Serenic Park. Off Jeff. Ave. Went on roller toboggan and midway preformances. Had watermelon before going to bed. Bed at 10:30.

Sun. July 13, 1902

Breakfast at 8:30. Big folks went to church, we kids stayed home. Guy, Dean and I went out to water works and park in the afternoon Pap and mama went calling on the Harts’ and the Foxes. After supper we all went for a ride to the Log Cabin out Woodward on street car. Went to bed after a watermelon feast at 10 P.M. Been very warm all day.

Mon. July 14, 1902

Got up at 7:50 and after breakfast I went over to Dr. Frothingham’s and had him order me a pair of far sighted glasses and a pair of reading in gold filled frames at $3 each. Examination $5 – Total $11. Papa and I then went to laundry, hotel and P.O. for mail and dock to order room, we also went in several stores for novelties etc. In afternoon we all went across river in ferry to Belle Isle and got back at noon supper time. Papa and Mr. L. went to see Pains fireworks tonight. Fierce storm in afternoon. Went to bed at about half past nine.

Tues. July 15, 1902

After an eight o’clock breakfast I went over to Auntie Harts’ for a little while. I went down got a picture and some candy and took a street car ride. I n afternoon went to D.A.C. grounds bowled on the green and played ping-pong. Papa went home on 5:30 P.M. train and Mama and Clara Hart go Friday on boat. After supper we all went to see “Pain’s Pompeii” It was fine and the fireworks were magnificent. Went to bed at about 11:30.

Wed. July 16, 1902

After breakfast we came home and played ball for a while. Then we played “63” a game at cards. Guy and Dean each won 3 games, I won 2 and Dean’s cousin lost all four. After lunch we boys went to the Wonderland museum and Temple Theater, vaudeville. Mama went the Foxes for supper and visited Mrs. Dodds. I went to Aunt Emmas and Aunt Hatties after supper. Last day in Detroit for about three or four weeks.

Thurs. July 17, 1902

Left for Ann Arbor.

Guy and I left Detroit for Ann Arbor on the 9:30 train. Mama saw us off. We reached Ann Arbor at 11:40 A.M. and walked out to Grandpa Parshall’s. Gracious but its hot. I wrote a letter to papa. Guy and I have some books to read on the farm. They are getting in the hay. I fed the chickens some corn after cupper. Had some warm milk and cake. Very hot.

Fri. July 18, 1902

Got up at 6:30. It rained last night so the men could not get the hay in today. Guy got a letter for papa, also some postal cards. Grandpa took a load of potatoes to town in the morning and a load in the afternoon. The men and Guy dug potatoes. It rained all the afternoon, I read and got the eggs and wood for Aunt Lena. Pork 3 times a day.

Sat. July 19, 1902

Did not get up until half past seven. I wrote a postal card to papa this morning. It rained nearly all day. I went down town with Aunt Lena in the afternoon for the first time since I have been here. Had a soda and some candy. Guy dug potatoes. I read a good share of the day. Didn’t get a letter from home, Mama got home at 11 P.M. last night with Clara Hart.

Sun. July 20, 1902

Had breakfast at half past seven. It rained again today nearly all day, I wrote a four page letter to papa and mama and Guy write two pages. Had a spring chicken for dinner. Read stories a good share of the day. At half past six I gathered the eggs. Guy attempted to milk. Did not got to church, Sunday school or C.E. WET.

Mon. July 21, 1902

I got up at half past seven, had some rice and a glass of milk for breakfast. I made a pair of ping-pong rackets of wood. It rained as usual nearly all day, I read quite a while. In the afternoon, I helped Guy pick some potatoes. Got a letter and a lot of “Echoes”.

Tues. July 22, 1902

Helped pick some potatoes for grandad to take to market. Guy and I then picked a bushel and a half of apples. In afternoon I picked them over. We received a letter from mama. It was a fine day until five o’clock when it rained very hard. The men got up one load of hay.

Wed. July 23, 1902

I did not get up until eight o’clock. Guy write a card home and we got a letter from mama. Guy works regularly for grandad now. In afternoon I went down town with Root and got a ping-pong ball and made a net when I got home. I gathered the eggs afterwards.

Thurs. July 24, 1902

Got up late. Wrote a letter to mama. Received two and a half letters. Guy got one and a half and we got a lot of papers. I hauled potatoes in rig in morning. Fair in morning but we had a thunder storm in afternoon. Aunt Lena made some taffy. Went to bed at 8 o’clock. Read.

Fri. July 25, 1902

I got up a half past seven, had breakfast, wrote a postal card home and then hitched the mare to the wagon and hauled and washed a load of potatoes from the patch. Grandpa helped me a little. It rained a little in the afternoon. Aunt Lena and Guy went to town in afternoon, I gathered eggs. Went to bed early.

Sat. July 26, 1902

Hauled potatoes and read in the morning. Got letter from papa and Grandma Henry. She said to come to Ridgeway Monday noon. She will have Donna meet us a Saline. I walked to town and back in the afternoon and wrote cards to Mama and Papa. Had soda. Guy worked all day. I picked apples.

Sun. July 27, 1902

It was nice o’clock before I was dressed. I read a few minutes and then (dro..?) to horse up for church. Aunt Lena went and I and we nearly got caught in the rain. I read and slept in the afternoon. It has rained every day since the first day we came, I gathered the eggs. Only a dozen.

Mon. July 28, 1902

I got up early and I had a six o’clock breakfast so I could get packed to go to Grandma Henrys’. We reached Ypsilanti at 10:15 and Saline at 11:25. Donna was to [meet] me but we missed each other for 32 hours when she drove us out to Grandmas. Had some fun today. Rained as usual a little.

Tues. July 29, 1902

I got up at half past seven. Donna and Ruby took their German lesson in the morning. In the afternoon Donna and Guy went to (?) for Aunt Ada. Aunt Ada is sick today. I got some candy and peanuts at the store. Had some apples. There was no mail. Rained.

Wed. July 30, 1902

Today is the first day in a dog’s age it has not rained. It is a fine day, I got up at half past seven and had breakfast. Stayed around the house all day. Aunt Ada is about the same and the doctor is coming. Guy got 3 and I got two letters and a package of papers by the mail from papa and mama.

Thurs. July 31, 1902

I got up at 7:30. Donna and I went (Cones?) four miles with the horse for grandma. We had fine time swiping apples and grub. After dinner Ruby and I watered the horse and got the cows out of the wheat. Ruby and I went through her box of “curiosities” and she gave me some pictures. Guy and I got a letter, Aunt Ada has the malaria fever. Rained in afternoon. Saw Uncle Charley.

Fri. Aug. 1, 1902

After an eight o’clock breakfast I played and read until noon. I got a letter from papa saying I could go to Buffalo next week. Ruby and I watered the horse twice. Mayor Booth came up in afternoon, Guy and Donna went to Cone at half past four for Grandma, Aunt Ada is about the same.

Sat. Aug. 2, 1902

At half past eight Donna and Guy went to Ridgeway. Guy saw Dean Lucking and they asked up over; we refused but Dean may come over tomorrow. Guy and I went over to Papa’s farm and went all over it, including woods. We went over to Aunt Mary’s. Aunt Ada is better today. We got some papers from home – no letter. FAIR

Sun. Aug. 3, 1902

Aunt Ada is was very sick last night but after the doctor left at half one, she felt better. Didn’t go to church. In afternoon Dean L. came over from Ridgeway stayed a while and visited. I rode back with him to Ridgeway and saw Mr. & Mrs. Lucking. I came home with the rest who went over after mail.

Mon. Aug. 4, 1902

I got up early for the first time since my arrival with the rest. We packed and Donna drove us over to Saline but our car not being there she drove us clear to Ann Arbor. We walked into town in time for dinner. There was quite a pile of mail awaiting us here. Guy started to work. Had frogs legs for supper.

Tues. Aug. 5, 1902

I got up at eight o’clock, as usual. At eleven o’clock I hitched up and drive to the depot for mama. I had to wait for two hours but at least she came. She and Clara Hart left Alpena last night. No mail. Men are reaping. Grandpa went to town three times.

Mon. Aug. 6, 1902

Got up early and helped mama pack for Buffalo. I cracked some nuts for lunch. I are a little at eleven and then walked down town for laundry and shoe skins. Mama and I left on the quarter to one electric car for Detroit. We saw the Harts’ and Foxes – at half past three we got tickets on the D & B Line boats for Buffalow. Stateroom No 23. We are on the boat “Western States.” It’s a beaut. Nicest I ever saw. We have brought a lunch for two days. Hendersons’ of Detroit are on board.

Thurs. Aug. 7, 1902

Farmers picnic in Alpena.

We reached Buffalo at 7 A.M. Buffalo time or 8 Detroit time. We came directly to Froats, 391 Delaware Ave and left our satchell. We then went to the Niagara Falls on the trolley car. It is a grand place. We stayed there until 2 o’clock taking in Horseshoe & American Falls & Whirlpool Rapids and the city. We came back, went for street car ride past where the Pan-Am was and came back to engage room at Froats for tonight.

Fri. Aug. 8, 1902

Had breakfast at Froats. Mr. Froats and I took wheel’s and went about city. I saw the place where Pres. McKinley was shot and went thru the Pan-Am grounds now being wrecked. I went in a library and chief church. At 3 o’clock we came down to the dick and took our room on the “Eastern States” where we not are. It is quite rough. We don’t know anyone on board. Stateroom No. 123.

Sat. Aug.9, 1902

Left home a month ago today.

We reached Detroit from Buffalo on the Eastern States at eight o’clock. Mama and I then went around town shoping until noon when we went up to Aunt Emmas’ for dinner. She gave us a lunch. King Edward of England was coronated today. At five o’clock in the afternoon we left for old Alpena on the “City of Mackinaw.” We couldn’t get a room until after the Boat left Detroit. Quite a few on board we no. Stateroom No. 17.

Sun. Aug. 10, 1902

Got Back.

We reached home this morning at 10:30 A.M. on the boat. Papa was at church and Mr. McKinnon met us. When papa came back from church we went to the Cobden Hotel for dinner because Mrs. Crawford has jumped and there was nothing in the house. U.S. Senator McMillan of Michigan died at 4 this morning of heart disease. I went to C.E. Took bath. Saw a few of the boys. Garden full of weeds. Rained.

Mon. Aug. 11, 1902

It is quite cold this morning. I got up at 7 and after breakfast I started cleaning the back yard. In the afternoon I cut part of the lawn which has not been cut for six weeks. I cleaned up and put up pictures in my room. There will be no L.K. until Sept. 1st. I went last night.

Tues. Aug. 12, 1902

I had breakfast at half past seven. I began weeding right after breakfast in the garden. I went down to the boat with Nason and Rush. In the afternoon we three boys had a “banquet” in Rushes’ barn. School starts three weeks from today, Men are paving down town streets. Went down to the office.

Wed. Aug. 13, 1902

After breakfast I weeded the garden for some time. Went after meat for mama and took some flowers down to papa. We got a letter from Guy. Mama and I, and I went for ride. The house papa is having fixed is having a roof & porch put on. There is a Methodist Church excursion at Harrisville today.

Thurs. Aug. 14, 1902

After breakfast I clipped the grass all around the house with the grass sheers. The lawn cutter would not work so I took it down to the shop and got it after diner. Nason Johnson and I played ping-pong and went for a ride in buggy. Was over to his house after supper.

Fri. Aug. 15, 1902

I worked all of the morning on the lawn. I got a postal card from Guy. He is going to Grandmas again on Saturday. I had a dandy swim this afternoon at Potter’s dock. Mama went to Elcohone [El Cajon] Beach. I went down to the office after supper. Senator McMillan buried today.

Sat. Aug. 16, 1902

After breakfast I cut the lawn and brought up wood, weeded the garden and did errands until noon. After dinner I played with Nason Johnson at his place and here. Got a letter from Guy. After supper I went down town for Mama and played at Nason’s for a short time.

Sun. Aug. 17, 1902

We all went to church in the morning papa and mama in the evening. Mama and I went to Sunday school. We went to the Hotel Cobden and had a swell dinner. Mama lost her handkerchief. I went to Christian Endeavor. No mail from Guy. Papa got the mail.

Mon. Aug. 18, 1902

I weeded the garden and took some flowers down to the office for papa. I played in morning and in afternoon, I read “Bull Hampton” a fine love story. Mama went to an afternoon party at Mrs. Holmes and I had to get supper for papa. No L.K. tonight.

Tues. Aug. 19, 1902

In the morning mama and I took the horse and went down to the boast. The Cornwilles’ went north and we saw them, I played around the house dock. Papa went the AuSable on morning train and came back on the afternoon one. Went over to Nasons’ after I had supper.

Wed. Aug. 20, 1902

Right after breakfast I went down to the church to go on the Sunday School picnic. It rained some and the sun was not out at all. Had a little fun out there – eating. I hat had a fine time playing “rough-house” on the road. Had a letter from Guy. He will be home tomorrow morning.

Thurs. Aug. 21, 1902

Guy got home at 2:30 this morning from Detroit on the boat. He brought me a wax dog & cat for my room. I went on errands and played. Papa very buzy on the D.&M. R.R. cases [note: see train wreck June 8]. Rush Young was over after supper. Marjorie is away on a visit. Mama went to prayer meeting.

Fri. Aug. 22, 1902

This is mama’s birthday. Guy and I worked steady all day bringing wood over from the house to here. Mama got some silverware at a jewelery auction. Fred Burston and I played ping-pong after supper. Guy went to Long Lake after supper with John McHarg.

Sat. Aug. 23, 1902

I intended to get up and go for a boat ride in Mr. Princes launch but got up to late. Guy and I worked nearly all day bringing lumber and lath from the place. I went to a jewelry auction after supper. Will Lucking came on the midnight boat from the north where he has been.

Sun. Aug. 24, 1902

I have a bad cold this morning and did not go to church. Rest all went but I. Guy and I went to Sunday school. I wrote a letter to Ruby Phillips. Went for a ride. So did Guy & Will. We went to Christian Endeavor. Papa went to church tonight.

Mon. Aug. 25, 1902

We worked for a while in the morning. In afternoon we picked about four bushel of apples. Aunt Julia, Uncle George & Fern came on afternoon boat from Mackinac. After supper we all left for Grand Lake at Coffeners. It is about twenty miles north of Alpena and we reached

Tues. Aug,. 26, 1902

there at 12:02 this (Tuesday) morning. In morning we went fishing. I caught five rock bass and some perch. Didn’t catch anything in afternoon. I built a dock. Nason Johnson is here with us. We are at a nice cottage by ourselves not at the hotel. Went to lighthouse.

Wed. Aug. 27, 1902

By leaving Grand Lake at seven this morning we reached Alpena at noon. Nason rode in with us. I went on errands for mama. I had a soda and played in afternoon. Miss Brand was over after supper. I went to bed early. Mama has no girl yet.

Thurs. Aug. 28, 1902

In morning Guy, I & Will piled shingles until 10:30. School has been postponed a week. Uncle George, Fern and I went to the Fletcher dam in the afternoon and went through the paper-mill or rather pulp mill. Guy & Will went down town in morning, Got a pail.

Fri. Aug. 29, 1902

Guy and I hauled some shingles in the morning. Men are making the cement walks in front of papa’s two places. The Cornwilles went home to Tawas City on the 4:25 P.M. train. Papa & Uncle George went to the show “Legally Dead” last night. Guy & Will went to a party at Comforts.

Sat. Aug. 30, 1902

Guy and I worked steady until 11:30 bringing shingles over from the other place. Got a hair cut and was at the library in the afternoon. Played. Papa, Guy, Will & I went to show “A Royal Slave” at the oprea house. It was the best show I’ve every been to.

Sun. Aug. 31, 1902

Got home at 12:15 A.M. Sunday morning. Will Lucking left on the D&C boat for home having been here just a week. We all went to church this morning. All by Papa went to Sunday school. Roast duck or dinner. Grant’s grocery store burned to the ground at noon. I read after dinner. Papa went to church tonight. Guy & I went to C.E.

Mon. Sept. 1, 1902

Today is Labor Day Holiday. Guy and I worked all the morning hauling wood and shingles from the other place in a wagon. It rained in the afternoon for a little while. I went to a ball game. Score: Alpena – 10 AuSable – 9 at Market Square. Went to Dewey Park.

Tues. Sept. 2, 1902

Guy and I worked hard all of the morning in hauling shingles. I hitched up and went after a woman to wash. Did not do much in the afternoon. Papa has ordered the paint for the other place. It will need three coats of paint. Fixed up my room.

Wed. Sept. 3, 1902

I hauled some hay from Mr. Dobsons’ after breakfast. Then it rained for the rest of the morning until 11. Piled shingles. I went to a party at progress hall after dinner. There were 30 there. Papa went to a party at Fletchers’. Mayor O’Brien nominated for congress by Democrats.

Thurs. Sept. 4, 1902

Hitched up and went to the dock for the paint for the house but it didn’t come. Guy and I hauled hay from Mr. Dobsons. Worked over to the house bringing over chips all the afternoon. Guy slpit up a fence over there. Rained and was cold early this morning. Duran, Dem. (?) for Gov. of Mich very sick.

Fri. Sept. 5, 1902

Men came to paint the house. Mr. Pierson & Son of AuSable are going it. Guy and I worked all say at the other house hauling stuff over picking apples and plums, etc. Guy broke a glass in the book case. I went on several errands. Got an I.O.O.F. [Independent Order of Odd Fellows] badge. Mama went to social.

Sat. Sept. 6, 1902

Guy and I went to the dock for the paint for the house right after breakfast. There were 75 galons. We worked in the morning at the other place. I got a new necktie and played in the afternoon. Papa ordered the paper for the other house.

Sun. Sept. 7, 1902

We all went to church and all of us except papa went to Sunday school. All of us went to the Cobden for dinner. Papa got the mail. He went down town after dinner. Guy and I went to Christian Endeavor. Last day before school commences. Rather Cold.

Mon. Sept. 8, 1902

School started at the usual time 8:30. I went in the commercial room, Miss Rayborn teacher. I got my books togather and some tablets, pencils etc. No work in the morning buy there was in the afternoon. Basement refitted – new steam furnace & closets. Played after school.

Tues. Sept. 9, 1902

School began in earnest this morning. I have a seat to myself – double seats. Cousin, Mr. & Mrs. Hart of Detroit arrived on the boast for a visit. The house has the first coat of paint on. It rained nearly all day. Durand will run for governor (dem.), he is better.

Wed. Sept. 10, 1902

The men are painting the roof of the other place. School is a cinch this year. I went for a ride after school with Rush Young and went around the race track at the fair-grounds. I took the woman who is working here home. Guy went to Will A. Prince’s Bible class.

Thurs. Sept. 11, 1902

Uncle Hart went to Cheboyagan on the early train on business. Mama and Aunt Emma went to a pat party at Mrs. Dobsons in the afternoon. I got another button for my collection at Bostwicks. I went to Nasons after supper until half past eight.

Fri. Sept. 12, 1902

I went down town before school and got some stringers and a fan for my room. I also got some monograms after school at Greens. Went on errands for mama. Mama cut the Queen prise at Mrs. Dobsons yesterday.

Sat. Sept. 13, 1902

Guy and I worked all the morning at the corner lot. Hitched up the horse and went after the wallpaper for the house. Auntie Hart made me some neckties and papa and guy each one. Papa busy in court. Rained off and on all day. I fixed up my room. Mama got a girl today.

Sun. Sept. 14, 1902

Papa got the mail. Papa, Guy, Uncle Hart and I went to church. Guy and I went to church and Sunday School and a 6:00 Christian Endeavor. Mr. & Mrs. Hart went for a ride in afternoon. Papa went to the office in the afternoon. Dinner at home day.

Mon. Sept. 15, 1902

Uncle Hart left for Tawas this morning for a few days on business. Aunt Emma is here. First regular week of school has commenced. We have a lot of pears from the Wilber farm. I to [took] a man to the station and he gave me a quarter for it. Mama & Emma went for a drive. Got a badge for my room.

Tues. Sept. 16, 1902

Didn’t have to study from 10 to 11 and so I read stories in the library until recess. Aunt Emma and Mama went for a ride in the afternoon. I leveled gravel at the other house after school. Guy played football on 4th Street. Papa went to council last night. Mama & Emma went to Mrs. Hicks’.

Wed. Sept. 17, 1902

Uncle Hart returned this morning from East Tawas. They had intended going home on the boat this afternoon but did not, it being so rough. I leveled gravel after school. Guy played rugby on forth street. Papa buzy. Other house nearly painted on outside. Mama was down town.

Thurs. Sept. 18, 1902

The Harts left for home this morning by train. Mama went to Onaway to see the street fair. A party of ladies are going as guests of Mrs. Straton. The mantle came and they are papering at the other house. I went for a ride after school.

Fri. Sept. 19, 1902

Had a test in arithmetic this morning. Mama got home from Onaway at 1 A.M. this morning, she had a fine time. The ceiling of the rooms of the other house have been papered. I expect to go to a Christian Endeavor social at the church this evening.

Sat. Sept. 20, 1902

Guy and I went to the social last night and got home at 11: P.M. We worked all the morning and played this afternoon Guy played rugby and I went out to Freers pasture and roasted some corn and potatoes on a bon fire. Men papering at the other house. Papa has been at the court house.

Sun. Sept. 21, 1902

Pres. Roosevelt arrived in Detroit this morning for two days. Nason Johnson and Jos. Block went to Detroit. Guy was elected captain of the A.H.S. football or rugby team. We all went to church and Sunday school. Papa went to church tonight. Guy and I went to C.E. tonight.

Mon. Sept. 22, 1902

Electric light fixtures placed on other house today. Guy played football after school. I made a sidewalk and went on errands after school. No mail for me. Had a test in History after school. Not much news. Papa very buzy at the office. State fair started this morning.

Tues. Sept. 23, 1902

Played out doors last night after supper. Guy wad over to Perceys’ after supper last night. Aunt Emma sent me some stamps. I took mama for a ride after school and built some more sidewalk. Papering nearly done at other house. Rained this morning.

Wed. Sept. 24, 1902

Guy went over to Frank Scotts, the football coach, for signals. There is a show in the oprea house tonight but I don’t think I will go. I went down town after school tonight, went to the office. Finished my sidewalk. Guy played football.

Thurs. Sept. 25, 1902

Guy went to Mr. Prince’s Bible Class last night. Men are putting up the mantel at the other house, 411 State. After school O made a seat and after supper covered it so as to resemble a shirt waist box and seat for my room. Nason Johnson got home last night. Was down to the office after school.

Fri. Sept. 26, 1902

Guy practiced football after school. I tried to sell tickets for the game tomorrow but I only sold one. Had a test in history and one in grammar after this morning. Saw Fred Burston at his fathers tailor shop. Papering finished & mantel nearly done at other place.

Sat. Sept. 27, 1902

Went to a corn roast at the bay last night and roasted some corn and potatoes at Freers pasture this afternoon morning. Men have nearly finished soding [sodding?] at the other place. We all went to the football game A.H.S. vs. Port Huron High School. Score was 0 – 0 ties. Very good game.

Sun. Sept. 28, 1902

We all went to church and Sunday School. Papa got the mail. Mrs. Hicks was over to dinner. Papa worked in the afternoon. Guy and I went to C.E. (2nd anniversary of intermediate (?). I saw Nason at S.S. and C.E. Guy studied. Had a soda. Read in the afternoon.

Mon. Sept. 29, 1902

I wrote a letter this morning. After school this afternoon I watched the High School Foot Ball team practice in the Turnbull Field. Papa is busy getting up some supreme court briefs and bill of exceptions. I was down town after school and went to the office just before supper.

Tues. Sept. 30, 1902

Michigan won from Albion 88 to 0 last Saturday. Some boys were over last night for a while. Durands brother will run for governor on the Dem. Ticker. R.A. Alger appointed U.S. Senator by Gov. Bliss. Went down town after school with Rush Young. It rained. First day of county fair.

Wed. Oct. 1, 1902

First of October and it is cold but fair. Guy practiced football for the A.H.S. vs the Saginaw teams for Saturday. I went to see a fire last night right after supper. The Huron Lumber Co. mill burned to the ground. Loss $30,000 with $14,000 insurance. I saw it all burn – known as the Island Mill. [note : See Alpena Evening News October 1, 1902; Alpena Hoop and Lumber Co. Plant…burned to ground]

Thurs. Oct. 2, 1902

Had arithmetic test in the morning, School let out this noon for a day and a half vacation for the fair. We all went separately, in the afternoon. We have a family ticket – No. 65. Horse races and bicycles races were good. Over 900 exibits at fair. I got lots of advertisements.

Fri. Oct. 3, 1902

Guy and I worked all of the morning at the other place. I drove mama to Mrs. Potters and down town. In afternoon we went to the fair last day saw house & bicycle races, ball games exhibits, etc. I saw fireworks at fair last night. Papa left on afternoon train for AuSable on business.

Sat. Oct. 4, 1902

I made a megaphone in the morning and used it at the foot-ball game in the afternoon. Alpena played against Saginaw. A.H.S. – 24 S.H.S. – 0. Alpena won. Guy made two touchdowns (10). Papa came home on the afternoon train. Mama went away on midnight boat.

Sun. Oct. 5, 1902

Mama and Mrs. W.H. Potter left on a ten day’s trip to Boston, Mass., Oberlin, Ohio and other places. Michigan won yesterday from (Ch…?) 46 to 6. WE all, Papa, Guy & I went to church & S.S. Guy and I are going to C.E. Had dinner at home. Papa was over to Mr. Dobsons & Mr. Hicks.

Mon. Oct. 6, 1902

Papa went to AuSable on morning train on business for the Louds’ and he came back on the evening train, He has left for council meeting now. Guy and I both played football after school at different places. I went to the station for papa at six o’clock. Guy went to John McHargs’ after supper.

Tues. Oct. 7, 1902

I got a new cap at Davisons. Guy played football after school. Papa and I went to AuSable on the afternoon train reaching there at 7 o’clock train stopping at the Elliott House. Papa had business with Loud’s. I say [saw] several of the boys – Joe Folliet, Jean Valley (old chore boy) & others.

Wed. Oct. 8, 1902

Papa and I left on the 4 A.M. train back to Alpena reaching here at 7 in time for breakfast. I thus didn’t miss any school. After school today I played football on Johnson’s team. We won by a score of 24 to 23. Guy practiced for the Bay City game next Saturday.

Thurs. Oct. 9, 1902

I wrote to mama at Adam’s Hotel, Boston last night after supper. Michigan won from M.A.C. [Michigan Agricultural College] by a score 119 to nothing. 20 touchdowns. 19 goul kicks. Guy and I played football after school. I played center and guard on Johnsons team. We won by 23 to nothing. I got a wistle by mail this morning.

Fri. Oct. 10, 1902

I went to the office last night and helped papa until ten o’clock. Had two test in school today. After supper some boys were over to see Guy and I went over to Nasons where we made up our football line up viz – Center, Johnson, R.G. Henry, L.G. Irving, R.T. Fraser, L.T. Bucanan. R.E. Culligan, L.E. Green, R.H. Hastings, L.H. McRae, Quarter Kimball, F.B. Block, Subs Young, Daniels.

Sat. Oct. 11, 1902

All the morning except a few minutes when I played football, Guy and I worked on the lawn at the other house. Watering it – fixing it. It rained in the afternoon and we could not play football so we played in a big barn on 1st St. I went down town and id some marketing.

Sun. Oct. 12, 1902

Went down to the office with papa last night and wrote mama. We all went to church. Guy and I stayed to Sunday school. I got mail. Papa, Guy and I went to the Hotel Cobden for dinner. It has rained all day. Papa went out this afternoon. John McHarg was over.

Mon. Oct. 13, 1902

Heard from mama, she has left Boston by now. I got a new pair of shoes at Masters today. Guy got some new pants. Papa is buzy preparing a supreme court breif. The coal Strike is thought to be nearly ended. I went down town after school and got some poster pictures and went to the office.

Tues. Oct. 14, 1902

Left for Lansing.

I was elected president of the L.K. last night. Jos. Block vice president, Andrew Kimball, secretary. Win Fraser, treasurer. Got a letter from mama this morning. Papa and I left on the afternoon train for Lansing. We are now on the train and nearly to Bay City. We will stay over night at Saginaw. I have a trip pass. Later – changed cars at Bay City at…

Wed. Oct. 15, 1902

Lived in Alpena 4 years.

…10 o’clock and reached Saginaw at 10:30. The Louds and we all put up at the “Hotel Bancroft.” Got up at 6:30 and went around town a little. At ten o’clock we took the M.C. train for Lansing which we reached at 1:30 this afternoon, had dinner at Owasso. And Went all through the capital at Lansing. Went to Howard Luces’ after supper and stayed until midnight.

Thurs. Oct. 16, 1902

Went around town until 10 when I went to the Capitol and heard papa argue a suit in the Supreme court. In the afternoon Howard Luce and I went around town for a street car ride, etc. we then went to capitol and went up as high as possible in the dome. Intended to go to the M.A.C. [Michigan Agricultural College] but was to buzy and didn’t have time. Saw Mr. Lucking. We left on the 5:30 train for Bay City.

Fri. Oct. 17, 1902

Reached Bay City at 8:40 last night and took the D.&M. sleeper for Alpena. We reached here at half past six tonight this morning, Went to school after missing two days. After supper I went to an E.S.C. banquet at Andrew Kimball’s with Margaret Young. Stayed until eleven nearly playing ping pong, card etc.

Sat. Oct. 18, 1902

Mama came home at four o’clock this morning from Boston, Oberlin and other places having been gone two weeks from tonight. She and Mrs. Potter had a fine time. Mama brought us all fine presents. After dinner today I played football at 4th street. The H.S. won y a score of 11 to 6.

Sun. Oct. 19, 1902

I got the mail at the post office for papa. We all went to church this morning. Mama, Guy & I went to S. School. I transfered stamps from my old to my new album this afternoon. Papa and mama went for a drive this afternoon and went to church this evening. Guy and I went to Christian Endeavor.

Mon. Oct. 20, 1902

Papa went to Millersburg on the 7:45 train on business and got home at about 2:30 this afternoon. Had a test in History this afternoon. I got out at about three o’clock. Went out in the woods with Grant Freer and Rush after school and we got 2 poles to make a shanty with. Men have begun the excavation at the other house.

Tues. Oct. 21, 1902

I went to L.K. meeting last night, papa went to council meeting and mama and Guy went to hear Col. Loud & Congressman W.A. Smith speak at the oprea house. I made a shanty after school or rather a very small start on one this afternoon. The coal strike is about settled. Men working at the other lot.

Wed. Oct. 22, 1902

Papa is sick abed today with toncilitus [tonsillitis]. His throat is very sore. He came home from the office this noon and went right to bed. I worked on our shanty after school. We have the foundation nearly done. Guy goes to Mr. Princes tonight. Excavation at other house nearly done.

Thurs. Oct. 23, 1902

I got the mail last night and this morning. Papa is still sick very sick with throat troubles. Has been in bed all day. I had a soda last night. After school I played football at fourth street. I played tackle & center. Potter referred [refereed]. Our club pins are here. They are purple & white form of flag and letters E.S.C. on them.

Fri. Oct. 24, 1902

Papa is not quite so well today. The doctor (Dr. Cameron) says he has quincy [quinsy or peritonsillar abscess (bacterial infection)]. Had a test in arithmetic today from Miss Dixon. After school I went to the office and with Miss McLean’s help did up fifteen copies of the souvenir edition of the Echo (16 pages & containing 170 engravings) & sent them to our friends.

Sat. Oct. 25, 1902

Papa no better today. I went down town for him and went to the office, drug store, grocery store, meat market and on other errands. I threw in some wood. In the afternoon I played rugby foot-ball at Turnbulls field. We had two hours of hot practice. Went after the mail for papa.

Sun. Oct. 26, 1902

Papa’s throat is not quite so bad today. I went after the mail. Later I went for some medicine at Hopper’s Drug Store. Guy went to church in the morning. Guy and I went to church S.S. in the morning. Nason was over this afternoon. Quite a few people came to see papa. John McHarg came over. Mrs. Hicks visited mama. Went to C.E.

Mon. Oct. 27, 1902

Guy and I went to Christian Endeavor last night. Papa was able to sit up a little today. After school went up to the office and to the jewelery store for papa. Then I went to Nason’s to practice but we did not have a ball so we could not play. Had a little fun. I went after the mail for papa morning and night.

Tues. Oct. 28, 1902

Papa is better today and he was driven to the office both morning and afternoon. I went for the mail last night. Went to a meeting of the L.K. at Cong’l Church last. After school I practiced football for an hour and a half at Turnbull’s field on State Street. Our team averages 115 pounds.

Wed. Oct. 29, 1902

I went down town for papa. After school we had football practice. It was quite poor. I went down town with the horse for mama. Guy and I went to a chicken pie supper at the Congregational Church. Nason Johnson and some other boys were there. I got the mail for papa.

Thurs. Oct. 30, 1902

I drove papa to the office this morning and this noon and went for him. It rained off and on all day. After school I played football at the field. Whole team nearly was out. The foundation at the other house will be commenced soon. I got a C.E. badge from Rev. Spense, Cambridge, Mass.

Fri. Oct. 31, 1902

Tonight is hollow’een but I don’t think I will go out because I did go out last night and had a lot of fun. The annual banquet of the Christian Endeavor will be held at Cong’l Church tonight. Guy and I may go. I practiced foot-ball after school. Rather a poor practice. Had a test in arithmetic.

Sat. Nov. 1, 1902

Got home at 11:30 last night. Corner stone of the new house laid today. Guy and I worked all the morning – bringing in wood, watering the young trees at other places, helping mama etc. Mama made me some pads for my sweater. Played foot ball all the afternoon. Drove papa to the office.

Sun. Nov. 2, 1902

W. of M. 6; Wisconsin 0 at Chicago yesterday greatest game of season. I got the mail last night and this morning. We all went to church. Papa and mama and we went for a ride this afternoon. Mama, Guy & I went to S.S. Guy went out this afternoon. Guy and I went to Sunday Schoo C.E.

Mon. Nov. 3, 1902

Went to C.E. last night. I went across the river for mama before school this morning. Had a test in history from Miss Rayborn this afternoon. Six men working on foundation at other place today. Stone being drawn. Pr Guy and I practiced foot ball after school for about an hour. I built a fire.

Tues. Nov. 4, 1902

I went to L.K. last night for a little while. After school I practiced foot ball at 4th street field. Our team bucked against the High School. Today is election and all returns are all close. I built the furnace fire up and helped mama around the house.

Wed. Nov. 5, 1902

The Republicans got nearly everything yesterday tho mostly by reduced majority. Maybury (Dem.) relected mayor in Detroit. Mr. Lucking (Dem.) elected congressman. Loud (Rep.) elected County ticket elected, Republicans, Disastrous! Hope for better next time. I was down town last night, Down to the office after school

Thurs. Nov. 6, 1902

Bliss ran 30,000 behind his ticker for governor (rep.) but won. Mr. Lucking got 3,000 majority. It rained today. Guy practices football after school. High School played the Onaway team (180 ilbs) tomorrow. I got a new pair of pants. I had to get long ones and have them cut off at knees. I got the mail for papa last night.

Fri. Nov. 7, 1902

Papa and Mama drove to Cathro (9 miles from here) this morning. We are getting the stone for the new house there. The High School went to Onaway this morning to play the team there. The score was A.H.S. 10- Onaway 0. Aster school I practiced foot ball for our game tomorrow. Mama went to Mrs. Lesters.

Sat. Nov. 8, 1902

Guy got home from Onaway at 3 this afternoon. The Onaway team weighted 20 or 30 lbs. more than the A.H.S. but we won. I worked in the morning on the wood, Went down town. In afternoon our team won from Housers by a score of 10 to 0. Good crowd out to see it. I went to an E.S.C. meeting at Rushes last night.

Sun. Nov. 9, 1902

I was elected president at E.S.C. meeting Friday. We all went to church this morning. I got the mail this morning. All of us except papa went to Sunday school. No electric lights or Christian Endeavor tonight. At other house this afternoon. Rather warm.

Mon. Nov. 10, 1902

I went to church with papa last night at Presbyterian ?Church. We got our cards for 1st quarter today. My highest was 94 % and my lowest 82%. After school I went over to the library instead of playing football. No electric lights tonight. Foundation at other house is up to the grade line. L.K. club after supper.

Tues. Nov. 11, 1902

I got the mail last night. No club on account of lights. I got a library card this morning. The number is 2645. It rained after school and I went down town for mama. Went to the office. The work on the boulder stone at the other house has been begun.

Wed. Nov. 12, 1902

Nason Johnson and I went to the ball game at Armory last night. Elks is K. of C. The Knights of Columbus won 6 to 3. Was over to other house. Papa went to AuSable this morning on the 7 o’clock train and we expect him home tonight. Three boys were drowned here last Sunday at Whitefish Point. [note: see Alpena News, Nov. 10, 1902; George Millard (40), Anthony Monser (17), Alec Cyr (16); boat capsized]. I went down town for mama before school.

Thurs. Nov. 13, 1902

I went after papa last night and met him at Chisholm Street. I went down town before school for mama to the a drug store. After school I went to the office with Bruce Daniels we carried down an express box to him. I got a mask, white one at Ludwigs’. Did the chores. Rained today.

Fri. Nov. 14, 1902

I went over to Nason Johnsons’ last night to get out football signals. Papa was elected president of the Echo Publishing Co. I had a test in arithmetic this morning. After school I practiced foot ball for a little while but it rained at a quarter to five and is raining yet. Mama over to Mrs. Hicks’.

Sat. Nov. 15, 1902

Guy and I worked all the morning piling wood and throwing it in the cellar. In the afternoon our football team played Housers’, again, at the fair grounds. It was a regular game, referee, umpire etc. They won by a score of six to nothing. Got a chunk of venison from Mr. Parks.

Sun. Nov. 16, 1902

We all went to church this morning. All of us except papa stayed to Sunday school. Papa went down town this afternoon. We initated Grant Freer last night. Guy got the mail. Was at other lot with papa before church. The foundation is nearly completed. It is rather chilly.

Mon. Nov. 17, 1902

Guy and I went to C.E. last night. Today is my birthday, I am fifteen years old. I got lots of presents – candy collar box, comb, ornamets for my room. After school I played foot ball at Rushes. Was over to the other house. Papa sold the horse “Boy” to Mr. R. Dobson of Ackron, Ohio, last week.

Tues. Nov. 18, 1902

Papa gave me a pair of gloves and an umbrella a box of candy yesterday. Went to a meeting of the L.K. last night. Only got one licking yesterday – from Guy & Mama. Played for a while after school. Was at other place – chimney started and up to first floor – nearly. Guy practiced after school.

Wed. Nov. 19, 1902

Sold horse.

After school, I hitched up and took some hay to the boat and then came home and unhitched. The I took the horse, Boy, & led him down to the boat (City of Mackinaw) to be taken to Cleveland where Papa has sold him to Mr. Dobson of Ackron, Ohio. Got some oats for him. Guy practiced football after school. Woman been here all afternoon helping mama.

Thurs. Nov. 20, 1902

Papa subscribed for the “Saturday Evening Post” for me last night. After school I went to Steels with my wheel to get it fixed. Mr. Steel let me take an other till it is fixed. Then I went out in the country after stone for the other place. I brought up a few pieces for papa.

Fri. Nov. 21, 1902

After school I went over to the Turnbull field and referred [refereed] a game of football. Had some fun. Had a test in arithmetic and one in grammar. Guy practiced football. For the Port Huron game Thanksgiving. I went down town for some oysters for mama just before supper.

Sat. Nov. 22, 1902

Guy and I worked on the wood until half past eleven – putting it in the cellar and piling it. It rained, snowed and hailed, off and on, all day, I saw a game of foot ball this afternoon. Kids. I got my first long pant suit this afternoon. 3 piece, blue, wool $10.00 at Davisons. I went to a church entertainment last.

Sun. Nov. 23, 1902

I went to a dancing school last night. Mrs. Rice teaches it. In Progress Hall. I went with Nason Johnson. Wore long pants. I got the mail. We all went to church and Sunday school. I read this afternoon & Guy went for a walk with V. Rutlege. Mama and Papa were at other place.

Mon. Nov. 24, 1902

Went to C.E. last night. Was over at the other place. The carpenters have got the first floor nearly laid and work on the stone work was commenced today. After school I was over to B. Daniels for a while. I brought up some wood for mama. A.H.S. will not play Port Huron as was expected. P.H. won’t take ‘em down.

Tues. Nov. 25, 1902

Went to the dancing assembly last night for the 2nd time. It was held in the Armory annex. About 30 were there. I am reading “The Sign of the Four.” After school I went down town for mama and got some oysters and sausage & sweet potatoes. Went up in the office. A large number of men working at the other place.

Wed. Nov, 26, 1902

Left for Ann Arbor

In the afternoon the 8th grade went into the High School Room and listened to a debate and to Thanksgiving exercises. Got out at 3 o’clock. Came right home and packed for Ann Arbor. At five Papa, Guy and I left on the sleeper for Detroit. Mama stayed home this time. At 10 P.M. we reached Bay City. Percy Hicks came down with us and the Louds got on at AuSable. Went to bed at 10:30.

Thurs. Nov. 27, 1902

Reached Detroit at about at about 8 o’clock. Had a lunch and left for Ann Arbor at 9:15. Reached here at 11:00. Went to see some Alpena boys. Papa went to grandpas at one. We (Guy & I) had no dinner. At one papa met us at the Cook Hotel and we went up to Ferry Field to see Michigan and Minnesota Foot Ball game. Michigan won 23 to 6. Great game. 15,000 in grounds. Decided Western Championship. Papa went back to Detroit.

Fri. Nov. 28, 1902

Visited with grandpa and Aunt Lena last night. This morning we left on the 11:30 electric car for Ypsilanti. Saw the Phillipes 214 Miles Street. Took the next car for Detroit. Reached here at 2:30 and went around town for a while. Met Papa at the Wayne Hotel at 3:30 and went up to his room 130. At 5:40 we left the Union Station on the Pere Marquette train for Saginaw. Took…

Sat. Nov. 29, 1902

…a sleeper to Bay City and reached Alpena at 7 this morning. Everything all right. Miss Pack and the Loud Boys of AuSable came up. Guy and I worked this morning getting wood for the furnace. We played part of the afternoon Guy was at the Armory and Library. I was at Bruce Daniels reading.

Sun. Nov. 30, 1902

I went to dancing assembly last. Guy got the mail this morning. Pap, Mama and Guy went to church this morning. I did not feel well and stayed home. I went to Sunday school. Papa went over to Mr. Hicks this afternoon. Mama took a nap Guy and I went to C.E.

Mon. Dec. 1, 1902

Had an exam in history this afternoon. After school had first outdoor game in indoor baseball. Played on Lewis Street until five o’clock when I went to the office and did some errands for mama. Took papa’s coat to the tailors this morning and got it tonight at Sinabergs [note: Julius Sineberg, tailor, 111 N. 2nd Ave.]. Cold.

Tues. Dec. 2, 1902

I went to dancing school last night. 25 were there. The D.D. Club (Fraternity H.S.) meets here every Monday night. Papa went to council and mama to the church last night. After school I played indoor baseball out doors. Nason J. & Roy Richardson were up Mama went to church meeting this P.M.

Wed. Dec. 3, 1902

We had the first real snow storm of the season last night and this morning. Nason Johnson was over last night for a while. The rest of the family besides me went to church. I played for a while after school and then went down town for mama after some cream. Buchanan shot Frank Rousseau here yesterday. [note: see Alpena Evening News, December 2, 1902; accidently shot by Fred Buchanan]. Cold.

Thurs. Dec. 4, 1902

I went over to Nason Johnsons’ for a while last evening. Guy and papa went to the lecture. Took the ashes out of the furnace this morning before breakfast. No wood in the cellar except some boards and shingles. After school stayed home and started a paper (Eighth Grade paper “The Central Post”).

Fri. Dec. 5, 1902

Over to Nason’s again last night. Mama went to the lecture and Guy to a dance. Papa went to a Echo business meeting. We had a test in arithmetic this morning. After school I went over to Bruce Daniels’ and read and played. I got a letter from the “American Boy”. Snow pretty deep.

Sat. Dec. 6, 1902

Guy and I worked most of the morning at the wood. A load came this afternoon I was over to Nason’s most of the afternoon playing in the attic. November was the warmest Nov. in 31 years – when the weather bureau was established. It snowed about 3 inches today.

Sun. Dec. 7, 1902

I went to dancing assembly at the armory last night. We all went to church this morning Mama, Guy & I staid to Sunday school. Guy got the mail. Fried chicken for dinner. I wrote a letter and played read this afternoon. Guy went for a walk and Papa went out. Guy and I went to Christian Endeavor.

Mon. Dec. 8, 1902

There was no school this morning as the fire had not “gone” good. It was warm enough this afternoon. I piled slabs for an hour this morning. After school I went down town for mama. Got my hair trimed. Fixed the cellar door. Papa tried a suit at the courthouse for the city today. Cold.

Tues. Dec. 9, 1902

We had part of the sessions in Supt. Hunt’s office – other room being used by 9th grade. After school I read a while and went over to Bruce’s until half past five. “Tom” Reed [Thomas Brackett Reed] died Sunday – a Maine republican statesman. Mama at the church all the afternoon. Papa still busy in court.

Wed. Dec. 10, 1902

I went over to Bruce’s last night for a while. Co. D. won 5 to 2 of K.C. last night. Nelson Co. D. struck out 22 – record – time 1:12 – record for Armory. After school I went down to the church and helped. Church fair and supper was tonight. After supper, Nason and I played catch in the Oprea House hall.

Thurs. Dec. 11, 1902

Papa won his case of Conolly vs. City of Alpena for $10,000 – sidewalk case. Papa for the city. I went down town after school for mama. Got a box to ship Fanny’s (Hart) wedding present in. Went up to the office and saw papa. Snowed quite a bit after school and is colder today.

Fri. Dec. 12, 1902

I went over to Nason’s last night and we went around town inviting boys & girls to my party tonight. Jury disagreed in papa’s case yesterday. Had a test in arithmetic this morning. I went down to the office and after score cards & paper napkins after school. Guy is going on a sleigh-ride party to Long Lake tonight.

Sat. Dec. 13, 1902

I had a party of 12 over last night until about half past ten. We played pedro and ping pong until luncheon – ice cream and cake. I was at the armory watching the High School teams play indoor until noon. Was at Nasons’ until five this afternoon playing in the attic. Went down town for mama.

Sun. Dec. 14, 1902

Papa, Guy and I went to church this morning, Mama, Guy and I went to Sunday school. I got the mail. I read “The Judge’s Cave” most of the afternoon Guy went at about 5. It is pretty cold. I went to Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Papa went to church tonight.

Mon. Dec. 15, 1902

Went to C.E. last night. Papa went to church. Ten days until Xmas. We had a test in history. I went down town for mama after school and send a money order for her. Went up in the office but papa was in court on Doctors vs D.&M. R.R. case. Very windy.

Tues. Dec. 16, 1902

I was over to Bruce Daniels until half past nine last night. Papa did not come home to supper – storming – last night. He got his supper at the hotel and then went to council. Mama went to Mrs. Lathans’. After school tonight Rush and I played indoor baseball in the hall.

Wed. Dec. 17, 1902

I got the mail for papa last night. Bruce came over after supper and we played ball and talked until nine o’clock. I went down town after school and got a tablet, some cider and some groceries. Guy is business manager of the high school paper.

Thurs. Dec. 18, 1902

Papa is in court on an insurance case today After school I went down to the office and got some change. Then I went to Ludwigs and got a doll and some toys for the Easts. I got a (hat?) box for grandma. I went over to Bruces and we played cards for a while. Rather a nice day.

Fri. Dec. 19, 1902

Last day of school this year. We don’t have to go back again until Jan. 5, 1903. We have the teachers spoons. I was over to Bruces last night for while. Guy was at a (niota?) club dance. Mama went f=down town this after school noon. School let out at three. I went down town for candy for the Easts. We are getting their box ready.

Sat. Dec. 20, 1902

Rush Young was over last night and we played cards until nine. Howard Luce is here to spend his Xmas vacation from Lansing. I worked all the morning – packed and sent Grandma’s Xmas box – took out ashes from furnace, etc. I played over to Bruce Daniel’s cellar this afternoon.

Sun. Dec. 21, 1902

Shortest day of the year today. I started to the second course at the dancing school last night. Papa, Mama, Guy and I went to church this morning. Mama, Guy and I stayed to Sunday school. I read all of the afternoon except when papa and I went over to the other places. I went to C.E.

Mon. Dec. 22, 1902

This is the first day of the two weeks vacation. I put sand around some young trees and went down town for papa. Later I went down for some Xmas presents. I got Guy’s. I played for a while and was down town this afternoon. I went up to the office and saw papa before supper.

Tues. Dec. 23, 1902

I was at dancing school until 9 last night. Guy has a job with W.H. Davison (Gent’s furnishings) today. I have been peddling bills for Adam Ludwig (Book store) all day both sides of the river from 9 this morning until 5 this afternoon. Was at the office and went on errand for papa.

Wed. Dec. 24, 1902

I got up at half past seven and helped mama. Guy went to Mr. Davison’s to work. I got papa’s and Marjorie’s Christmas presents. Millie Wagoner left for home at one for 10 days. In the afternoon I went down town with 3 boxes. 1 for Grandpa and 2 for the Cornvilles. Papa is at court.

Thurs. Dec. 25, 1902

Merry Christmas. I got up at 6 and Guy and I went thru our stockings. I got a bust, pillow, pictures, books (3), necktie and pin, sealing wax, fan stamp, powder, fish, had, card, and diary for 1903. 21 from the family, 1 from Miss McLean, 1 from Miss Oliver. Guy got suit, pictures, stud, clothes, etc. Papa, jewelry, tie, brushes, gloves, thermometer etc. Mama, fork, pocketbook, spoon, cut glass waterbottle & glasses etc. Had roast pig at Mr. Hicks. No outside express.

Fri. Dec. 26, 1902

In all, we have all rec’d over ninety presents. We got a box from Aunt Lena today, travelling companion for papa, pillow for mama, U. of M. banner for me and a U. of M. calendar for Guy. I was home reading “Behind the Line” in the morning and “Jack Harkaway.” I played ping pong and cards in the afternoon. Church (tree?) tonight. Snowed.

Sat. Dec. 27, 1902

I got a box of cheap candy at the church last night. It was a rather poor entertainment. We got a letter for from the Cornvilles’. They got our boxes all right. I got a pair of mitts this morning and made a shelf in my room. Nason Johnson was over this afternoon and we played cards and ping-pong. Mama went down town.

Sun. Dec. 28, 1902

I staid at dancing assembly until 10:30 last night. Guy staid until 12. We all went to church. Mama, Guy and I stayed to Sunday school. I got a picture of Ruby for a Xmas present framed – make 25 in all. Papa got the mail and he went over to Mr. Victors this afternoon. We all had dinner at the Cobden.

Mon. Dec. 29, 1902

I went to C.E. last night. Papa left on the morning train for Tawas to attend court. He may come back tonight. I worked part of the morning and part of the time at Nason Johnsons. We played cards and ping-pong all of the afternoon nearly. I read “Harkaway in Greece II”. This is papa’s birthday. He is 46 years old.

Tues. Dec. 30, 1902

Papa came back last night and brought me a bottle of perfume and hankkerchief from Fern. She sent Guy a muffler. I was over to Nason’s this morning. We played and went around town this afternoon. I went to the tailors’ for papa. The D.D. Club (Guy) went for a sleigh ride to Long Lake this afternoon.

Wed. Dec. 31, 1902

Nason was over for a while last night. We got three loads of wood today, $1.50 short dry tamarack. $8.00 short dry maple. $14.00 long tamarack. I was down town this morning. This afternoon I was over to Nasons and we drank two quarts of cider. There is a party there tonight. Last day of 1902 finish of 2nd diary.


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