e .. OLK'S .... " ......... ......... .., ....... ........................ u. ... ...... ..., .... a. ................... ... RIJUTllll 1 .., ..... • ... ,. at, ..,, ....., .. .• 10 R. L. POLK 6 C0.'8 Seventh South, from Chisholm sou of 2d. Sheridan, from 3d south to city limits, 2 east of Franklin. Sherman av, from Palm north to Johnson, t east or Flower av. Sixth North, from Chisholm north to W River, 4 west of 2d. Sixth South, from Chisholm south to Washington av, 4 west of 2d. State, from Chisholm southwest to city limits, parallel with Thunder Bay shore. Superior, from Garden west to city limits, 2 south of Washington av. Tawas, from Wa11hington av near 3d, northwest to 12th, between Sable and Saginaw. Taylor, from Long Lake av east to Huron, 1 110uth of Monroe. Tenth North, from Chisholm north to the river. 8 west of 2d. Tenth South, from Chisholm south to city limits, 8 west of 2d. Third North, from Chisholm north to the ri,•er, I west of 2d. T hird South. from Chisholm south to city limits, 1 west of 2d. . Thirteenth North, from Chisholm north to Minor, 11 west of 2d. Thirteenth South, from Chisholm south to Lockwood, tr west of 2d. Trowbridge Road, from cor Mill and Bo,lcy, northc:a.st to city limits. Tuttle, from Washingt.On av northwest to 11th, between Farmer and Cavanaugh. Twelfth North, from Chisholm north to Minor, 10 west of 2d. Twelfth South, from Chisholm south to Tawas, to west of 2d. . Vine, from R R track west, 5 south of Washington av. Walnut from Oldfield northeast to Long Lake av, be- tw~en Btteh .and Brid,e. Wuhington av Eut, east from S 2d to ~i•~ot!". Washington av West, west from S 2d to e1ty hm,u. ... u.e o ST. PlOL, llllllPOLIS, ~ Et BIKk Billi ud Paellc Cout. • . , .. S. A. WRINKLE, 715 S. NINTH. Mutual ToL 9. F\JflNITVflll sioraii: AI..J>ENA C ITY l>IRECTORY. 21 Water, from 2d east to Thunder Bay !:-hore, 2 north of Chisholm. White East, from 2d cast to 1st, between Hitchcock and Dunbar. White West, from 2d west to 3d, between Hitchcock amt Dunbar. · Wisner Ea.st, from 2d east to State, between Blair ·and Bingham. Wisner West, from 2d west, between Blair and Bingham. Woodward av, from mill pond north to city limits. 2 west of Flower av. . WARD BOUNDARIES. The First ward compri.'lcs all that part of the ·city included in the following boundaries : Commencing at a point in the center or Thunder Bay river and the center of Second street , ,hcnre along the center of Second street • to a point where it intersects the quarter line of section 27 in said city ; thenc~ west along said quarter line to the west line of section 28; thence south on west line of sec• tion 28 to the southwest comer of said section 28 ~ thence cast on south line of sections 28 and n to the shore of Thunder Bay ; thence along the shore of Thunder Bay to center of Thundu Bay river; thence up the center of Thunder Bay river to the place of beginning. The Second ward includes all that part of said city within the following bo1t11daries : Commencing at a point in the center of Thunder Bay river and Second s treet; thmce along the center of Second street to a point where it intersects the quarter line of section 27: thence west along said quarter line to the we1ol line of section :z8 ; thence north on the west line of section 28 to the northwest comer of section :z8 ; thence ea.st along the north line of ection 28 to a point in the center of Thun- der Bay river where the center of uid river intersects the north line of section 28; thence along the center of said river to a point where the center of river intersecu with section line between scaions r, and 28; thmce ea t along said section line to the nortwest comer of north• eaat q~er or northeast quarter of section 28·: thmce CHI~~~!~~~ .!!!:!~J~