"_) • • • · 8T. LOUl8 to ISSOURI .. ·l-B t ROUTS no■ PlCIAC RY. 8S ::::a:::=.~= R L. POl,K It C0.'8 POSTOFFICE. Located in Opera Hou c Block, 108-110 Water. Office hours from 7 a m to 7 :30 p m ; Sundays from 9 to 10 a m: register and fT'0ney order department from 8 a m to 6 p m. Lemuel G Oaf~. postmaatcr. Free delivery instituted January, 1891. Five carriers make, three deliveries and three collections per \\CCk day. No delivery Sundays. One delivery on holiday~. Deliv- eries at 7 a m, 9 :30 a m and 4 : 15 p m. Collections, 5 a m and 3:30 pm. Orders arc issued in sums of not more than $100. Larger amounts may be transmitted to the same person hy additional orders. Rates of orders to any part of t~ United States: For orders for sums not exceeding $2.50, J cents: over • $2.50 and not exceeding $5, 5 cents; o,er $5 and not ex- ceeding $10, 8 cents; over $10 and not exceeding $20, 10 cents; over $2o and not exceeding $30, 12 cent!l; over $30 and not exceeding $40, 15 cents; over $40 and not exceed- ing $50, J~ cents; over $50 and not exceeding $6o, 20 1 cents; over $6o and not exceeding $75, 25 cents; over $75 :tnd not exceeding $100, 30 cents . . Rates of Poat.age. The postage on letters to be forwarded in the ail:, to any part of the United States, Canada and Mexico Is two cents per ounce. • Postage to all countries included m the Universal Postal Union : For prepaid letters, five cents per half ounce;, for unpaid letters received, ten cents per hair ounce; for po tal cards, two cents each; for newspapers, if not over two ounces in weight, one cent each· for books or other printed matter, legal and commercial doc- uments, pamphlets, music, visiting cards, photographs, prospectuses, announcements and l'\Oticcs of various kinda, whether printed, engraved or lithographed, one cent per each weight of two ounces or fraction of two ounces ; samples of merchandise, ten cents for each eight ounces or fraction thereof, and parcel not to exceed {hat weight for Canada. James E. Field ,. Go.{ =~kn,nd '18 N. aECOND aT. 11,,11 .. ,, - ALl'l!lNA CITl DIRECTORY. 39 Regiatcred Lett.era. Valuable letters for any part of the United States and Ca da, and the Universal Poet.ii Union, will be reg- istered on application, or which a charge of eight cents (in addition to the postage) will be made. Postmaster-Lemuel G Dafoe. Asst Postmaster-Charles T Park. General Delivery Clerk-Miss Myrtle M Monroe. Money Order Clerk-Miss Edith BE Wagoner. Mailing Clerk-O'Brien J Walker. Carri~s-- o 1, Edward A Westrope: No 2, Thomas J Shell : No J, John J Corpus; No 4, Franklin H Nor- thrup; No 5, Otto Gjourd. Sub-Carrier-Joseph H Thompson. R F D No 1-John Havens, ~artier. POSTOFF CES IN ALPENA COUNTY. Alpena, Bolton, Cathro, Uafoc, Flander.-, Hobson. Hub- bard, Lake, Leer, Long Rapids, Orchard Hill. Ossi- neke :md \\.'alburg. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, HALLS, ETC. Alpena County House, s s W Chi holm nr city limits. Alpena Guards' Armory, Fitzgerald HalL Arbeiter Hall, s e cor N 2d av and Hucbcr Avery Terrace, 113-115-117 W Oldfield Bank Block, e <:or 2d and Water. Baptist Church, cor Lockwood and ;~d. Beck Block, 201-205 W Chisholm Beebe Block, cor Washington av and 2<1 Blackburn Block, e s N 2d bet Chisholm and River Bolton Block, N 2d av cor Fletcher Bostwick Block, n w cor 2d and !liver. Castle I !all, Whitney Blk, cor 2d and Chisholm. , Centennial Block, Washington av, 1s t and Chisholm. Central School, S 2d av bet Dunbar and White City Hall, s w cor 3d and River. Comstock Block, 217-221 N 2d. County Jail. in block bounded by Chisholm, River, 8th and 9th.