• • • aT UI IISSOURI { B . aom·no■ PACIFIC Rt est::::=!= R. 1.. POLK A C..'0.'8 Court House, in block bounded by 8th, Qth, Chisholm and Lockwood. Cra ford's Hall, cor W Chisholm and xoth. Culligan Block, 100-108 S 2d. ' Culligan Hall, 100-108 S 2d. Davison Block, cor .ld and Chisholm. De Roche's Hall, 417 W Chisholm. Elk's Temple, 205-207 N 2d av. Echo Block, 119-123 E Chisholm. Fitzgerald Hall, 119-127 W Chisholm. Fletcher Building, n w cor 1st and Water. Foresters' Hall, cor 3d and Chisholm. Fox Block, 114-116 E Chisholm. Germania Hall, N 2d av II c cor Hucber. Gillot Bloclc, cor Fletcher and Dock. Gjourd Block, 700-702 N tld av. Granite Hall, Culligan Block. llanovcr Block, 109-113 N 2d. Harshaw Block, 2d bet Chisholm and River. Henry Block, Water bet 1st and 2d. Holmes & Reynolds Block, 10Ho5 S 2d. Hose House No 1, cor River and 3d. Hose Housc~No 2, Fletcher bet N 2d av and McrchanL Jacques Cartier li;ill, 417 W Chisholm. Johnrowe Block, 1o6-1o8 N 2d. Johnson Block, 103-113 Water. Kotwicki Hall, 933 W Chisholm. K O T lu Temple, 11 s Lockwood bet 2d av and 3d. Longshoremcn's Hall, 157 Water. McDonald Block, River bet 1st and 2d. McDonald & Creighton Block, ,c,. Union Block. McRae Block, e II N 2d av nr Brid~c. Maltz's Opera House Block, cor 2d and Watci . Mason Block, 109-115 Water. Masonic Block, 115-119 S 2d. Masonic Hall, 115-119 S 2d. Minton Block, 203-207 N 2d. Myers Block, Water cor 2d. National Union Hall, cor 2d and Chisholm. New Davison Block, 113 E Chisholm. Odd Fellows' Temple, Centennial Block. Polk's LUMBER DIRECTORY A COMPLBTB B PITOIIB OP' T H B LUIIBBA TRADB AND K I N DRE D JNTB RESTS 0, UNI U.S. t - Hardw. are. B.R. YOUNS. 108-107 N . 2d. ALPENA CITY DIRECTORY. Opera House Block, e s 2d bet River and Wa!er Owens Block, ,po N 2d av. Polish Hall, SoJ Lockwood. Postofficc, 108-1 IO Water. Potter Block, 125-127 N 2d. ProgTCSS Hall, 110 W Chisholm. St Bernard's Hall, 324 W Chisholm St John's Hall, 203 W Chisholm. Union Labor Hall, 417 W Chisholm. Union Life Guards' Hall, 123 N 2d. Walkcen's Hall, 420-422 N 2d av. Whitney Bloclc, cor N 2d and Chisholm. Zicm Block, 111-113 W River. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. George A Hunt, superintendcnL Office, Central School. Hours, 8 to 9 a m and 4 to 5 p m. Central School-S 2d av bet Dunbar and White. Harold P Breitenbach, principal, mathematics, civica, book- keeping; Harry V Knight, sciences; Isabella McRae. •English, German; Clara M Willits, Latin, literature; Jennie M Dixon, mathematics; Margaret Rayburn, May V Collins, 8th grade; Helen S Bachman, Susie A Montague, 7th grade; Anna M Dafoe, Emily S Hilliard, Zoe Collins, Anna Thompson, 6th grade; Margaret Spicer, 5th grade. Lockwood School-S e cor Lewis and S 4th. Cora B McLain, prin ; Frances Garvey, Margaret Mackie, Edith Thompson, Ruth A McDonald, Agnes C Na- varre, teachers. Garfield School-Cor W Washington av and Bedford. Hattie S White, prin ; Ella M Gordon, Lillian M Oliver, Nellie Rice, Mabel R Edgar. Anna L Trask, teachers. Obed Smith-N 2d av. Elizabeth Mulvena, prin; Ger• trudc Hilliard, Rose Myers, Elizabeth Hagle, Mar- garet Doyle, Ruth M White, teachers. Jcfferson-W Oldfield cor Pine. Minnie Dixon, pntt. Sarah McDougall, Cora L Mcinnis, Augusta SchMp- Rin, teachers. • ----------- --------- Por Estimates on COOD PRINTINC · Write to R. L POLK PRINTINC CO., Limited es • e 7 • N WSST CONQRU S Sntlff, DffltOfT, MICH,