MISSOURI ••• J-Bost·:r.n::o: PACIFIC RY. l II :::== B. 1. POLK A co.·a Union Life Guarda. Army Council Officers-Charles H Reynolds, Pres an'1 Maj-Gen ; Robert H Rayburn, Vice-Pres and MaJ• Gen ; John Barratt, Adjt-Gen; Will A Prince, Pay- master-~n ; James H Kerr, Quartermal'ter-Gcn. Joseph W Fitzgerald, Judge Advocate ; John L Ilass- ingthwaite, lnspr-Gen ; Duncan A Cameron, Sur- 1con-Gen. Custer Post, No 2-Meets every Wednesday evening In Union Life Guards' Hall. J C Runnels, Capt; Julius Sinaberg, Adjt. LABOR UNIONS. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen-Meets second and fourth Sundays of each month in St John's Hall. Arthur Wilson, P res; Wm E Maharg, Vice-Pres: Fred Burdeno, Sec; Thomas Koiner, Treas. Cigarmakers' Union-Meets in Union Life Guards' Hall first Thursday in month. Charles W Berdan, Pres; Joseph Kierst, Sec; Otto Polinski, Treas. Rorscsh~rs• National Protective Association of the United States-Meets on the first Friday of each month at De Roche's Hall, 417 W Chisholm. Thomas Wilson, Pres; Amos Huot, Vice-Pres; Andrew Mc- Laren, Sec; Michael Smith, Treas. Longshoremcn's Union-Meets in Longshoremen's Hall. Edward McClutchey, Pres ; Andrew McDonald, Sec; Alexander Dickson, Treas. Masons' and Bricklayers' Unfon-Meets in Owen Block, 410 N 2d av. Michael Foley, Sec. State Brewers' Union, Branch No 11-Meets in Hall 0\'cr 111 W River. Emil F Genkerle. Pres: Gustaf ~eu- mann, Sec. STEAMBOAT LINES. Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Co. Dock foot of n,t. Wm D Hitchcock, agent. Thomson L!Jle-Dock rear of 123 Water. Albert Male, agmt. Polk's LUMBER DIRECTORY A COMPLETg BPJTOIIB P THB LUIIBBR TRADB AND KINDRBD JNTBRBSTS of tlM U.S. l Cbas. mcKtnztt, 11 u.:iv0EFiv~ 136 WE.ST CHISHOLM. ~ MIITVAL TCL 389 ALPENA CITY DIRECTORY. 49 TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. Western Union Telegraph Co-102 Water. Clarence E Case Mngr. TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Alpena Mutual Benefit Telephone Co-Johnson Blk. Charles H Reynolds, Pres; John Monaghan, Sec; Wm H Johnson, Treas; Horace Cavanaugh;Mngr. Michigan Telephone Co-201 N 2d av. Harry C John- ston, Mngr. UNITED STATES OFFICES. United States Commissiontt, Frank D Scott, 1-4 Opera House Blk. United States Customs, J S Moffat, Deputy Collector, Opera House Blk. United States Weather Bureau, 351 Dock. Fenton H Duff, Observer. United States Board Examining Surgt'Ons. James Ea- kins, M D, Pres; A Letourneau, M D, Sec; Arthur Wilkinson, M D, Treas. Meets 10 a m, first and third Wednesdays of each month, at 156 Washing- ton av. United States Fish Hatchery, 227 Water. WATER WORKS. Alpena City Water Co (steam, electric and water power plants}, Thunder Bay Shore at Broadwell street (electric and steam) ; Thunder Bay River at the dam (water), office Johnson Blk. 0~ 'O"::t'J:ON. Pay no money lo adnuca ID ltJnerant Dlrec:&ory Can~ We are led to meoLloo tbla from I.be raci Llw certalJl•panJea ban t--ico fnudu- l~1ly ualog our publlcaLlooa aa 1pcdmeaa, and by I.hat meaoa coll«tlnc mooe71 lo ad"raDCO. 8,fon npill1 n ord«, ,utbaJ ,t biu llu-of R.L. POLK £, co. pn,,ud lbmoa. We uk DO payment UDIJI I.be wotk la llell•ered, and our eollcltol'I haYe ltrlct. ordel'I ooc. to &.Ike PIJ'IDC!Dt ror cllber adnrllaemen1.1 or aui.cripuoos. R L. POLK .t CO WHEN =~-.:.&~%~:':~':; COMPANY, IM,, ea W. CONQltUa aT.,HTWOIT,MICH., .... UTIM.Affa • •