• • • : 8T. 18 • MISSOURI· l-8 aoun·no• PACIFIC e,:; est ::::S'::: S♦ R. L. POLK A 00. '8 Alfsen Albert 'H, agricultural implcmcuu., cor 3d and W Chisholm, bds 304 W Lewis. Allain Charles, lab F W Gilchrist, res 411 S 8th. Allan Chester, removed to East Tawas, Mich. Allan Wm L,' engr D & M Ry, res 134 E Dunl.,ar. Alice Harry, marble cutter A B Crow, bds 920 W Wash- ington av. Allen Charles, mill hd, res 411 S 8th. Allen Elizabeth (wid John), bds 433 Lockwood. Allen George W, lab Richardson Lumber Co, res 433 Lockwood. Allen John A, boom hd, res 225 Plains. Allen Thomas, woodsman, res 302 N 10th. Allen Wm, fi reman, res 726 Tawas. Allison Albert, driver, bds 120 E Oldfield. Alpena and Hillman Stage Linc, John Stewart propr, Union Hotel. ALPENA ARGUS (Weekly, Dem), John C Viall Propr, McDonald Blk, 120 N 2d av. Tel Mutual 153. ALPENA BANKING CO OF COMSTOCK BROS, A W Comstock Pres, Wm B Comstock Vice-Pres, P II Orcutt Cashier, 221 N 2d av. Tel Mutual 52. ALPENA BUSINESS COLLEGE, M L Vecnfliet Propr and Principal. s e cor ut and River. Tel Mu- tual. ALPENA CAPE AND RESTAURANT, F W Hay- ward Propr, 205 N 2d av. Tel Mutual. ALPENA CITY WATER CO, Wm H Johnson Pres, Wm E Hazell Sec, Andrew \V Comstock Treas, Johnson Blk. Tel Mutual 95. Alpena Water Works Pumping House, rear 1558 Trow- bridge rd. ALPENA CLOTHING CO, J K Cohen Propr, Cloth- ing, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Merchant Tailor- ing, Latest Imported Suitings Always on Hand, Comstock Blk, 217 N 2d av. ALPENA COUNTY ABSTRACT OFFICE, Wm T Slcator, Attorney, Propr, McDonald Blk, 114 E River. Alpena County Agricultural Society, James L Sanborn Pres, Walter S Richardson sec, James Bodwen treas, 1o6 N 2d av. • ' T - ALPENA CITY DUlECTORY. ss Alpena County Fair Grounds, w s S 11th opp Cavanaugh Alpena Free Kindergarten, 200 N 8th. Alpena County H ouse, Anthony Portwine supt, s s W Chisholm nr city limits. Alpena County Jail , o s W Chirholm bet 8th and 9th. ALPENA COUNTY SAVINGS BANK THE, P Culli- gan Pres, F C Holmes Vice-Pres, \V A Prince CaJh- ier, S 2d av s e cor E Chisholm. ALPENA ECHO PUBLISHING CO, Charles R Henry Pres, W B Comstock Vice-Pres, W B Doh!-On Sec, I L Dobson Treas, Publishers of "The Alpena Even- ing Echo,·• and "The Alpena Weekly Farmer," also Book and Job Printing, 118-122 E River. Tel Mut 6. Alpena Electric Light Co, Wm H Johnson pre!l, Wm F.. Hazele sec, Donald McRae trea , A E Couse supt, office Johnson blk, works n s W Oldfield w -,f N 9th. ALPENA EVENING ECHO THE, The Alpena Echo Publi hing Co Proprs, W B Dobson Editor and Mngr, 118-122 E River. Tel Mutu:il 6. · ,,HO'I 'EL,, RICHELIEU VV:M. P. DEVLIN, PROPAIBTOA. 113 S, 9th Street ALPENA MICH,