~~•r.•• 8T Ul8 to IISSOURL {~B aoun·no■ PICIRC.RY_. est ~A:m:.:= R. L. POLK A C0.'8 ALPENA EVENING NEWS, Pioneer and News Print- ing Co Publrs and Proprs, IOC)-111 E Chisholm. Both Tels. Alpena Excelsior Co, W F Denison pres, George A Shannon sec and treas, Johnson nr city limits. ALPENA GAS LIGHT AND FUEL CO, T N Holliday Supt, Works 730 State, Office 117 Water. Tel Mut. Alpena Guard's Armory, Fitzgerald blk, 119-127 W Chisholm. Alpena Hide and Leather Co, Bradford Taber pres, Wm B Taber sec and treas, Johnson nr city limits. ALPENA HOOP AND LUMBER CO (John W Eales, Charles W Trask) , Mnfrs Lumber, Bed Slats and Small Dimension Stock in Various Woods and Shingles, W River and 7th. Tel Mutual. Alpena Hospital and Sanitarium, A E Bonneville, A B, M D, Ph D, mngr and chief surgeon, 218 E Chis- holm. Tel Mich 340-3r. ALPENA INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Lewis T Kline Propr, 112-128 W River. Tel Mutuad 174- (Sec page 5.) ' ALPENA IRON WORKS, Charles B Warren Propr, Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists ; Plafo and Compound Marine and Stationary Steam Engines; Stationary and Marine Gasoline Engines: Plows, Harrows, Furnaces, Heavy Heating Stoves ; Gen- eral Engineers' Brass Goods and Supplies, Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys, Oldfield cor Merchant, n s River. Mut Phone. (Sec page 3·) Alpena Land Improvement Co, John Monaghan pres, Michael O'Brien sec, John C Comfort treas, Com- stock blk. Alpena Lif?ht House, mouth of Thunder Bay river. ALPENA LIME WORKS, Richard Collins Propr, 151 Wa~r. Tel Mut. (Sec page 8 .. ) ALPENA MATTRESS WORKS, F O Prince Mngr, Mattre!ll!cs Manufactured and Renovated, 134 W Chisholm. Tel Mutual. Alpena Monument Works, Amos B Crow propr, 212 W \Vashington av. Polk's LUMBER DIRECTORY A COMPLBTB BPITOKB OP THB J:.UMBER TRADB AND KINDRED INTBRBSTS • • - B R Y STOVES, TIN and COPPER WA.RE, • • oung, 1015-107 N. ao. ALPENA CITY DIRECTORY. S7 ' ALPENA MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO, Charles H Reynold Pres, John Monaghan Sec, Wm H John• son Treas, Horace Cavanagh Mngr, Johnson blk. ALPENA NATIONAL BANK, Frank W Gilchrist. Pres, Wm H Johnson Vice-Pres, John C Comfort Cashier, 212 N 2d av, Tel Mutual ; Open Saturday Evenings 7 to 8. (See front cover and page 2.) Alpena Pafot Co, S A Freer propr, 121 E Chisholm. ALPENA PIONEER THE ,(Weekly), Pioneer and News Printing Co Publrs and Proprs, IOC)-111 E Chisholm. Both Tels. ALPENA PORTLAND CEMENT CO THE (Incor- porated August, 1899, Capital $500,000), Herman Besser Pres and Auditor, Charles H Reynolds Vicc- Prcs, John Monaghan Sec, W H Johnson Treas, J H Cobb Attorney, Office Fletcher Bldg cor 1st and Water. Tel Mut and Long Distance Mich. Alpena Public Library, Emily E Oliver librarian, Cent- ral School, e s S 2d av bet White and Dunbar. Alpena Roller Flouring Mill, w s 9th nr Washington a,,. Alpena Slat and Crating Co, W F Denison pres, George A Shannon sec and treas, Johnson nr limits. Alcpna Tea Co (Levi L Hurley), 110 S 2d av. ALPENA WEEKLY FARMER THE, The Alpena Echo Publishing Co Propr, W B Dobson Editor and Mngr, 118-122 E River. Tel Mutual 6. Alpesia Woolen Mill Co, Alfred N Estes pres, Lester V Skillings sec and treas, e s N 10th nr railroacl bridge. Alpern Casper (Alpern & Co) , res 1o8 E Dunbar. Alpern Fannie, bds 1o8 E Dunbar. Alpern Margaret, tchr Franklin School, bds 1o8 E Dun- bar. Alpern Max, elk, bds 1o8 E Dunbar. Alpern Millie, bkkpr Alpern & Co, bds 1o8 E Dunbar. Alpern Morris (Alpern & Co), bds 1o8 E Dunbar. Alpern & Co (Casper and Morris Alpern), fish dealers, N 2d av nr bridge. Alpine Adolph, sawyer F W Gilchrist. Alstram Bernard, lab F W Gilchrist, re 119 E Norwe- gian. Altland Milton J , elk Fletcher Paper Co, bds 112 Hitch- \ cock. • l lODERN PRINTINI PLANT ::=.. The R. L POLK PIINTIN& CO., Ltd., Detroit, lich.