eoLl'S ................... ., .., .... ................................... ..................... Lllalf ......... -..utWI ............. at, 1111 I dllo • '• • a. x.. POLK • co:a Altman Carl, res 516 N 2d av. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO, John Barratt Agent, 112 N Water. Tels Mich 65, Mutual 182. AMERICAN HOUSE, Henry J Twite Propr, Newly Refitted and Furnished, Rates $1.00 per Day, 127 W Fletcher. Tel J\lut. (Sec page 7.) Ammcrsdorfer Emma, bds 114 E Lincoln. Ammcrsdorfcr Frederick, mach hd, bds 114 E Lincoln. AmmcrsdorTcr Mary, bds 114 E Lincoln. Ammcrsdorfer Matthias, policeman, res 114 E Lincoln. Ammersdorfcr Minnie, bds 114 E Lincoln. Amy Wm H, caretaker Fair Grounds, res same. Anderson Alfred W, gent contr, res 102 Fair av. Anderson Anna, student, bds 225 W Clark. Anderson Anna M, bds 1208 W Washington av. Anderson Anthony,forcman, res 116 W Lake. Anderson Arthur, lab, bds 116 W Lake. Anderson Charles, lab, res 1208 W Washington av. Anderson Charles, lab, res 625 Long Lake av. Anderson Charles A, bartndr P F Devereaux, res 1017 W Chisholm. Anderson Charles J , lab, res 303 W Mirrc. Anderson Christian, lab, res s e cor Vine and Addison. Anderson Christian, lab, res 225 W Clark. Anderson Christopher, lab Alpena Hoop and Lumber Co. Anderson Frank, lab Churchill Lumber Co, bds 102 Fair avenue. Anderson Hannah, domestic 134 W Norwegian. Anderson Hilda, bds 225 W Clark. ANDERSON JOHN G, City Comptroller, 106 W Chb- holm, Hoth Tels; res 703 S 8th. Anderson Julia, laundress Balken's Laundry, bds 11 :i \V Lake. Anderson Katie, bde 225 \V Clark. Anderson Mac, bds 102 Fair av. Anderson rilartha, student, bds 225 W Clark. Anderson l\lary, dome. tic 170 S 1s t. Ancler on ~lary, b<ls Christian Ander!ooon. Anderson Simmons, lab, bds 102 Fair a.,,. Anderson Simmons, lab, res 314 S 9th. • • • • - Polk's LUMBER DIRECTORY.-~ A CONPLBTB BPITOMS OF' THB LUMBBR TRA.DB AND KJNDRBD JNTBRBSTS. ALPENA CITT DIRECTORY. 59 Anderson Swan, beam hd Alpena Hide and Leather Co, res 1004 W Was~ington av. Andreas Frank, lab, res 830 Lockwood. Andrews Henry B, tmstr, res 315 Tuttle. Andrews Mark, lab, res 123 N 14th. Andrews Stella, domestic 210 S 8th. • Andriss John, cigarmkr Red Star Cigar Co, bds 830 Lockwood. Andrus Alice E (wid Wm B) (Independent Ice Co), res 213 W Dunbar. Anker Elizabeth J (wid Samuel) , bds 125 W Clark. Anning Cecil H, hostler, bds 124 W White. Arbeiter Hall,- s e cor N 2d and Hueber. Arbeiter Understuetzung's Vcrein , Arbeiter Hall. Arbour Bridget E (wid Israel), tailor, 412 S 5th, res same. Arbour Israel (aged 53) , died Jan 28, 19()2. Arbour James, lab Fletcher Paper Co, hds 412 S 5th. Arbrot John. lab F W Gilchrist. ARGUS THE (weekly, Dem), J C Viall Propr and Editor, McDonald Blk, 1210 N 2d av. Tel Mutual. Arie] Annie, removed to Cle-vcland, Ohio. Ariel Lillian, domestic 114 W Norwegian. Aris Edwin W, lab, bds 6og Sable. Aris Emma M, stude.nt, bds 009 Sable. Aris Frederick J, electrician, bds 009 Sable. Aris Henry E, molder Alpena Iron Wks, bds 009 Sable. Aris Reuben S, carp, res 009 Sable. Aris Violet M, teacher, bds 009 Sable. Arman John, lineman Alpena Electric Light Co, res 522 \V Oldfield. Armour Packing Co of Kansas City, Mo, George Mona- ghan agt, JJ 1 N Water. Armstrong John M, asst cngr City Water Works, re:, 1525 Trowbridge rd. Arndt Joseph, lab, res 243 E Campbell. Arndt Mary J , tailoress, bds 243 E Campbell. Arpin Adolphus, sawyer, res J 13 E Clark. Arpin May R, cutter. bds 113 E Clark . • Arpin Olla, sorter, bds 113 E Clark. GRAND TRUNK Fi Niagara falls, Toronto, Montrea~ RAILWAY SYSTEM Canada, Portland and the Ent