. . TEL MUTUAL ee. CEJTHIIAL ILDCl, ... IIJ.114 .............. . O.,CMeMIII ... Ant..._ R. L. POLK A C0.'8 Baltruszewicz Isadore, lab, res 320 Dawson. Bank Block, s c cor N 2d and Water. Bannasch August, carp J M Johnston & Son, res 122 W Lincoln. Bannasch Emil, lab, bds 122 W Lincoln. Bannasch Hattie E, bds 122 W Lincoln. Baptist Church, cor Lockwood and 3d. Barber Edward, lab Fletcher .Paper Co, res 2o8 E Camp- bell. Barber Eustace, lab, res 208 E Campbell. Bargarum Joseph, lab Richardson Lumber Co. Barker Charles, mill tndr AJpcna Portland Cement Co, bds Globe Hotel. Barker Frederick J , bkpr Gebh3rd, Morrow & Co, res 405 S 4th. Barker Mrs Hannah, bds 6oo Long Lake av. Barker John, constable, res 111 W Clark. Barker Wm, farmer, res 929 W WashingtQn av. Barlow Bert, mach, bds Hotel Richelieu. Barlow Rev Frederick M, bds 202 W Chisholm. Barnier Damos, res 1005 Mill. Barr Janet (wid John), bds u9 State. Barratt Amelia, bds 325 Sable. Barratt ~rge, bds 325 Sable. BARRATT JOHN, Agent American Expre s Co and Dealer in Cigars and Tobaccos; also Steamship Agt and Lire Ins, 112 Water, Both Tels; res 325 Sable, Tel Mutual 330. ~rrett John P, engr Alpena Portland Cement Co, bds 633 W Milter. Barrett Patrick H , foreman, res 633 W Miller. Barrett Robert E, mach hd Fletcher Paper Co, bds 214 W Oldfield. Barrett Robert J, foreman Fletcher Paper Co, res 214 W Oldfield. Barrett Robert P, boom hd, bds 633 W Miller. Barrett R Ann, bds 633 W Miller. Barrett Walter S, filer, bds 214 W Oldfield. Barrett Wm B, broom hd, bds 633 W Miller. Barrett Wm S. band saw filer Fletcher Paper Co, res 519 W Oldfield. James E. Field & Co, 119 N . SECOND ST, WALL PAPER.. • ' 57 } Michigan Laundry. ALPltNA C[TT DJREC'l'ORT. 63 ------------------~-Barron Frederick C, elk Kelley & McDonald, bds 248 W Washington av. BARRY BROS Uamea and John R), We Carry a Com- plete Linc or Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 129 W Chisholm. Barry James (Barry Bros), res 126 W Chisholm. Barry John R (Barry Bros), res 412 S 8th. Darry Thomas. bds 516 W Chisholm, Bartlett Laura F (Heyer & Bartlett), rms 316 S 2d a". Bartlett Rev Seth G, pastor Free Methodist Church, res 510 Sagin:iw. flartlomey John, lab, res 522 Minor. Bartlomey Joseph, lab, res 414 Minor. Bartlomey Mary (wid Matthew), bds 422 Minor. Bartrom John, lab F W Gilchrist, res 225 Minor. Barwick Elizabeth (wid Nelson; aged 97), died August 16, 19()2. ' Bassett Henry, fisherman, bds 31 1 Holton. Bates Eber, electrician, res 107 E Bosley. Baum Martin, lab Fletcher Paper Co, res 317 N 10th. Baur Gilbert ,lab, res 621 S 9th. Baxter Clayton, woodsman, res 315 N 9th. Baxter \Vm L. shir1gle weaver, res 1019 E 1st. Beach Alice J (wid Jacob R). res 111 Lockwood. Beach Harlow G, removed to Los Ang~les, Cal. Beach Wen orth D, lab Alpena Portland Cement Co. res 530 Mill. Beal Ernest F, mach, res 415 W Oldfield. Beal Martha A (wid Windsor), bds 419 W Oldfield. Beal Wm A, collr Singer Mnrg Co. Beal Wm A, c_ngr, res 1036 W Chisholm. Beamish John T, agt International Corre~pondcnce ' chools. hd 2 Lockwood. Bean Rurt, lab, res 20 '.\I ill. Beane Stephen, lab AIJ>4:na Portland Cement Co, res 720 Mill. Beardslee J\t urlin J, bill elk, res 1220 W Chisholm. Beaton Daniel, restaurant, 205 N 2d av, res 525 W Miller Beaton Donald, lab, res 212 Ripley. Beaton Ethel I, bds 525 W Miller. Beaudoin .. ee also Bowden.