' IISSOURJ .••• J .. Bast-~T:: PACIFIC RY~. l " =d nt8 = R. L. POLK .a CO.'B Beaudoin Joseph E, wood dealer, bds 425 W Miller. Beaudoin Zephirin H, carp, res 425 W Miller. Beaulieu John, carp, res 423 S 7th. Beaulieu Seymour, helper, bds 423 S 7th. Beck Anna, bds Union Hotel. Beck Block, 201-205 W Chisholm. Beck Clara J, trq,, Beck Malting and Brewing Co, bcls 123 N 1st. Beck Frank jr, agt Beck Malting and Brewing Co, res n w cor 1st and E Chisholm. BECK FRANK A, Propr Union Hotel, Junction, W Washington and 2d avs. Tel Mut 113. (Sec page 53.) Beck John, pres and genl mngr Beck Malting and Brew- ing Co, res 123 N 1st. Beck Mabel M, sec Beck Malting and Brewing Co. bds 123 N Ill. BECK MALTING AND BREWING CO (Capital $100,000) , John Beck Pres and Gcnl MngT, Mabel M Beck Sec, Clara J Beck Treas, Mnfrs Silver Foam Lager Beer, Bohemian Export and all Carbonated Drinks, Office. Brewery and Vaults, w s tst bet Washington av and E River. Both Phones. Bedard Anna, sorter, bds 6o-; S 8th. Bedard Edward J, tailor C Rietzer, bds 6o6 S 8th. Bedard Leonida, bds 6cY; S 8th. Redard Marie E, tailoress C Rjetzer, bds 6o6 S 8th. Bedard Nazaire. lab, res 6o7 S 8th. Bedard Prudent, lab Richardson Lumber Co, res 6o6 S 8th. BEDFORD MARSHALL N ( M N Bedford & Co), Bookkeeper Frank W Gilchrist, res 131 E Fletcher. Bedford M Mariam, bds 131 E Fletcher. BEDFORD M N & CO (Marshall"N Bed ford, F rank \V Gilchrist) , Forwarding and Commis ion Merchants. W ood and Coal Dealers, Dock foot FJetcher. Ilorh Tels. Dedra Anna (wid John), btls 818 Sable. Bedra John, lab, re 818 Sable. Bcdra Valentine, lab Richardson Lumber Co, re-i R25 Sable. Dccbc lllock, cor E Washington and S 2d av~ Polk's LUMBER DIRECTORY A COMPLETB BPITOMB OF THS: LUMBER T RADB AND KINDRBD JNTBRllSTS OI tJ,e U.S. • Foran UP-TO-DATE •'TURNOUT .. CHARLES McKENz1{fiJvERY, ~~.~~'t~.! ALPENA CITY DIRECTORY. 65 Beebe Harry J , bkkpr Alpt na Banking Co of Comstock Bros, bds 218 S 2d av. Beebe Henry, real estate, res 218 S 2d. Beebe Wm C, elk C E Wilcox. Bceg ~gnes P, bds 920 S 3d. Beeg Clara E, bds 920 S 3d . Deeg Ernest. P , apprentice, bds 920 S 3d. Deeg Herman G, tinsmith, res 920 S 3d. BEEKMAN _JOHN G, Sec AJpena Roller Flouring Mill • and Justice or the Peace, 109 E Chisholm, Tel Mut 155 ; res 126 E Dunbar, T eJ Mutual. Beckman John P, bkkpr Luce & Hitchcock, r~ 120 E Dunbar. Bcgold Samuel, fisherman, res J 16 W Mirrc. Behling Charles , lab, res 1023 S 2d av. Behning Edward, lab, res 201 Minor. Behning Frank J, painter, res 201 Minor. Behnke Emil, sto ne cutter A B Crow, bds 921 S 4th Behnke Frederick, lab, bds 924 S 4th. Behnke Gottlieb, lab, res 921 S 4th. Behnke John, lab, bds 921 S 4th. Behnke Minnie, student, bds 921 S 4th. Behring Frederick, lab Rkhard Collins. Bejaul Jennie, domestic 411 S 8th. Beland Ellen, bds 216 W Fletcher. Beland Emma B, ltls 216 W Fletcher. Beland Luciana, bds 216 W Fletcher. Beland Michael, longshoreman, res 216 W Fletcher. Beland Minnie (wid Nelson) , res 216 W Fletcher. Beland Virginia, bds 216 W Fletcher. Belanger Alphonse, lab, bds 313 S 4th. Belanger Josephine K, bds 716 Lockwood. Belanger Katherine, bds 313 S, 4th. Belanger Leon, papermaker, res 327 W Fletcher. Belanger Middah, lab, bds 313 S 4th. Belanger Victoria (wid Dieudonne), res 313 S 4th. Belanger Virginia, seamstress, bds 716 Lockwood. Belanger Wm H, appr D & M Ry, bds 716 Lockwood. Belanger Wm P, carp D & M Ry, 716 Lockwood. Belknap Pearl, bds 413 Tawas. Belknap llaJ.Rb H, appr Lewis T Kline, bds 413 Tawu. R. L. POLK PRINTING CO., Limited IIIE 1111-IIIIE 0ITIL0IUEL Dctrit, m. l I