, • • • aT. LOUI to URI { B · ltOUTS PltOM IFIC RY. est=~:==· R. L. POJ...JC A C0.'8 Bleau Michael, inmate County House. Bleau Omar, carp, res So5 Cavapaugh. Bleau Sidney, lab Richard Collins. , Blemka John, lab, res 321 W Baldwin. Blimke Albert, lab Alpena Hiae and Leather Co, bds 201 Long Lake av. Bimke August, saloon, 201 Long Lake av, res same. Blimke Caroline (wid John), bds 221 Bismarck Blimke Edward, removed to Lansing, Mich. Blimke Gottlieb, I b, res 113 W Miller. Blimke Herman, helper Alpena Gas Light and Fuel Co, bds 221 Bismarck. Blimke Ida, bds 201 Long Lake av. Dlimke Joseph, setter Fletcher Paper Co. Blimke Paulina, bds 113 W Miller. Blimke Peter, lab, res 1134 1st. , Blimke Rudolph. butcher Templetons , n·s 115 E Lincoln Block Elsie, sturlcnt, bds 219 Fair av. Block John F, lab, res 210 Long Lake av. Block Louise (wid Frank), res 219 Fair av. Bloom Edward E foreman Alpena Portland Cement ' . Co, res 302 Alfred. Bloom Frederick, lab Alpena Portland Cement Co, bds J20 Saginaw. Bloom Helen, elk H Joachimsthal, bds J20 Saginaw. Bloom Henry, lab Richard Collins, bds 320 Saginaw. Bloom Lawrence, lab Alpena Portland Cement Co, bds John Bloom. . Bloom Minnie (wid Wm), res 320 Saginaw. Bloom Wm, lab, bds 320 Saginaw. Blumeno Charles (A F Kendziorski & Co), rms 8o8 W Chisholm. Board of Education, George A Hunt supt of Schools, Central School bldg. Bobolz Charles, Jab Northern Extract Co, res 120 Mill. Bobolz Gustav A, lab, res 123 E Alfred. Bochek Anna, domestic, b<a ·1025 W River. Bochek Anthony, lab, res 215 N 12th. Bochek John, lab, res 426 Minor. . Bochek Katherine (wid Casimir}, rea 1025 W Raver. Bochek Roney, bds 1025 W River. James E. field & Go.{ xuc1ai;~d t 19 N. elECOND eT. = I ' I ALPENA ClTY DlRECTORY. Boczek Frank, mill hd, res 232 Minor. Boddy James, tmstr, res 333 Tawas. Boddy Mrs Nancy, hair goods, 333 Tawas, res same. Boddy Wm, longshoreman, res 116 Charlotte. Boilore Elizabeth (wid Peter), bds 1011 W Chisholm. Boilore Jule T , meats, 1007 W Chisholm, res 1011 same Bolton B)ock, cor N 2d and Fletcher. Bolton Henry, res 502 N 2d av. Boman Andrew J, physician, 117 N 2d av, res 616 S 1st. Bomka Elizabeth M, bds Ferdinand J Bomlca. Bomka Ferdinand J, molder, res s w cor Clinton and Blair. Bomke Julius F, molder Lewis T Klinke. res cor Blair and Clinton. Bonaczyk Albert , lab Northern Extract Co, res 4J2 Minor. Bonczyk M:irtha, bds 432 Minor. Bond Hattie H , wait.er Exchange Hotel. Bonikowski Elizabeth, drcssmkr, bds 1:n5 Trowbridge road. Bonikowski Frank, clk A Rudolph & Co, bds 1215 Trowbridge fd. Bonikowski John, tailor Alpena Clothing Co, res 1215 Trowbridge rd. Bonikowski Stanislaus, apprentice Alpena Clothing Co, bds 1215 Mill. Bonker Wm, brakeman D & M Ry, res 611 W Chisholm BONNEVILLE ANTOINE E, Physician and Surgeon, 218 ..E Chisholm, res same. Both Phones. Booth Frank E, foreman Albert W Brown. bd.~ 210 S Bordman Elizabeth M, bds 30'/ E Crap>. Bordman George, lab Alpena Portland Cement Co, bds 'JO'/ E Crapo. Boardman John, lab, res 30'/ E Crapo. Bork, see also Burk. Bork Charles, res 721 W River. Bork Rudolph, cigarmkr M Horwitz. res 721 W River. Borland James, foreman, res 319 Plains. Borowski Anton, lab, bds 729 Long Lake av. Borowski Frank, lab, bds ;29 Long Lake av. Borowski Joh·n, lab, res 729 Long Lake av,