• • • aT. LOUla to IISSOURI { B ROUTS no■ PACIFIC RY.~ est =:ton.:.= R. L. POLX A C0.'8 Borowski John jr, lab, bd11 729 Lonk Lake av. Borst Edward, lab Alpena Portland Cement Co. Bosinski Theophile, lab, res 525 Sable. Boslaman John, pcdler, res 212 N 10th. Bostwick Block, n w cor N 2d and River. Bostwick Earl R, lab, bds 530 Mills. BOSTWICK JOHN T, Drugs, Druggists' Sundries, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Etc, $Qda Fountain in Connection, 201 N 2d av, res 182 State. Both Tels. BOSTWICK MARK C (Mo-Pin Kil-Ti Mnfg Co), res 251 S 2d av. Botsford G Arthur, bkkpr, bd!> 239 E Campbell. Botsford ¥red A, lumberman, res 239 E Campbell. Botsford Garfield A, bkkpr, res 813 Mill. Botsford G Arthur. bkkpr Mich Alkali Co's Crushing Plant, res 1623 Trowbridge rd. Rotsford Ella, teacher, bds 239 E Campbell. Bouchuck Joseph, beam hd Alpena Hide and Leather Co. Boulton Wm, market gardener, 1557 Trowbridge rd, rms McDonald blk. Bourdage Philip, fisherman, res 6o3 S 9th. . Boutin Eusebe, lab F W Gilchrist, res 313 W Miller. Boutin Michael, res 338 Tawas. Boutin Robert, brakeman D & M Ry, res 816 W Wash- ington rv. Boutin Timothy, elk Uudde & Tollson, ,es 324 Tawu. Bovry ~lary (wid Jean). res 733 W River. Bodwen, see also Bt.audoin. BOWDEN JAMES, Clothing, to6 N 2d av, res S29 W Chisholm. Bowen Denni11 L, blksmith, 201 N 9th, bds same. Bowen John E, foreman D & M Ry, res t 1o6 W Chis- holm. Bowen Mary, dressmaker, bds 201 N 9th. Bowen Theodore F, lab, res 201 N 9th. Bowen T Frank jr, bartndr E L McDonald, Ms 2109 N 9th. Bowler Johanna (wid Patrick), bds 903 Sable. Boynton Eldon W, tanner C Moench & Sons Co, res~ Minor. Polk's LUMBER DIRECTORY ~ A COMPLBTS SPITOMS OP THB LUMBER • TR.ADS AND KINDRS.D lNTSRBSTS I • I ..... B R Y HARDWARE, o R . . oung, 115-111 ,. zd. • • .ALPJl)NA CITY DI.RECTORY. Brabant Beatrice E, milliner, bds 223 S 3d. Brabant Charles C, filer, bds 223 S 3d. Brabant Lulu C, tailor B E Arbour, bds 223 S 3d. Brabant Melissa J (wid Anthony), bds 223 S 3d. Brabant Robert H, filer, res 223 S 3d. 7J Brackinreed Adrian M, lab, bds Jo6 Elizabeth. Brackinrecd. Elsie, domestic 923 S 8th. BRACKINREED NOBLE M, Justice of the Peace, - Holm & Reynolds Blk, S 2d av, res Jo6 Eliubeth. Bradbury Henry A, lab, res 140 Clinton. \ Bradford Cecil G (Corbin & Bradford), res s e cor 1st and Chisholm. Bradford Ht'len (wid George D) , rts s w cor 1st and Chisholm. Brand Beatrice, tailor, bds 929 W Chisholm. Brand Mrs Emma, res 131 E Dunbar. Brand Florence B, music tchr, 131 E Dunbar, bds same. Brand Violet, bds 929 W Chisholm. Brand Wm C, news agt, bds 131 E Dunbac. Brandimore John, foreman Eales Bros & Co, res Wes- sel rd. Brandt August, lab Richardson Lumber Co, res 515 S 9th. Brandt Charles, lab, bds 116 W Washington. Brandymore David, lab, bds 1 r 209 W Fletcher. Branigan Wm H , electrician, bds 8o1 N 2d av. Bravick Thomas , lab F W Gilchrist, res 302 W Clark. l3recn Thomas, watchman F W Gifch~ ses -113 l,.ont Lake av. Breen Thomas H , barber, bds 113 Long Lake av. Brehnt Max, I.lb, bds Hotel Richelieu. Brcight Charles, shingle weaver Eales Bros & Co. bds 109 Minor. Brcight Herman, shingle weaver Ealcs Bros & Co, bds 109 Minor. Breiner Clara, bds 130 W Baldwin. Brcnier George, res 130 W Baldwin. Breitenbach Harold P, prin Central School. Breitkreuz Adolph, longshorem:rn, re~ 109 Minor. B~itkreuz Annie, bds 109 Minor. Breitkreuz Charles F, lab, bd IOCJ ~linor. For Estimates on COOD PRINTINC Write to R. L POLK PRINTINQ CO., Limited U • eT • ee WS.ST CONQ.US STltUTe DITltOIT, MICH.