Northeast Michigan Oral History and Historic Photograph Archive

Alpena City Directory 1883, p. 13

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Alpena City Directory 1883 Don,t fail to· see Burston the Tailor. 24 B. L. roLK ,. co.'a city 16 Hteam lumber and ahingle mills, 1 ,team flour and gri11t mill, and I 11aw-mill operated by power obtained from t_be ri\ler. Two firms are employed in the wholeKale fish hu11ine,(11, buying the of all thll 11maller fl11hermon 011 the t:01111t, betildeA employing the tug, and fishbuat11 mentioned in an earlier portion of the 11ketch. There are in the city 10 church edi- tlce11, roµre~onting the Catholiu, Baptiat, Methodiat, Epiacopal, 2 Gl'rman Lutburau, Polish Catholic, Nor• wegian, Congregational, and Hebrew denomination11, anJ many nf thellll lmilrling~, notably the Vatbolio, l\letl111dillt 111111 Kpiscopal, new 111111 hand11ome. Lodgei1 of the Mait0nh:, Knight.II 'l'emplar, R. A., J. 0 . 0. F .. A. 0 . U. W., 0. A. R., K. of H., K. of M., Arbei~r Untel'!ltn1:t.r.ung,i Verein, I. 0. CJ. T., and R. T. of 'l'. Hocicti,•11. T~o t:ngine hom1e11, a handeome court hou11C, a jail, 6 public aud 2 private echool build- ingii, 2 theatres, 2 brt•werie11, 2 bank11 (the Alpena National Bank, and a 1,rivate institution), 12 hotel,, 6 drug 11tore11, :I hoot anJ Mhoe Mtol'tlll, two machine 11hop1 (with foundrieM attached), 1,esides rouaio ,tores, ' grocery anrl general 11tore8, meat market.a, barber 11hop11 1 bakeric11, furniture 11tores, hilliarrl saloons tailor shops and clothing 11torea, photograph galler'. iea, and a very thorough repre11entation of all the minor trade11 and bu11incs11 uccu1,ation1t. The city i11 well provided with 111c111ben, of the learned proft:11• 11ion11, lawyeni, phy11ici1m11, denti11te, architects, 11urvey• Ol'II, etc. The preM i11 repr-nwcl by a weekly and one monthly; the w1.-eklillll heing the Alpe,m Pio,iur, publi11hed by A. C. Tefft; the lV~kly Ar{l•M, J .C. Viall, 1.-ditor and pro1irititor; aml tho Micl,itJt.ti• Lubor ,fo,mml, puhli,olw•l Ly \Villia,11,. & Metcalfo; 1111 the11c Firemans Fund =~~¥::.'=~1il~ JI', Barlow & Oo., 4pD'8, Da...S- f . • j L. C. NEWTON, IL D., _ __ OPHTHALMIO SUBOiON .• Al,l'KSA CITY DIRECTORY. arc ably edited, bright a111i 11cw11y 11beet.11, and well dtllJl'rvc the MIi Ji port and patronagti they recci vc. The monthly i~ puhli11h1..J by tho Trinity Guild, and i11 ~JovoteJ excl1111ively tu rcligiou,i alfair11. · . Thu city wa,,.· incor11oratcd hy act of Lcgi11laturc No. 2-10, anti thti -amc was .iµprovccl March 29~h, I Ki I, the curflomtiun 1·ompriMing the following terri- tory:• Tho ,iouth·1"cilt qul\rter or 111.,ctiou 13, the ~uth hair or Mtlotiun,. 14, I ll an,I 10, the whole or 11CCtion11 21, 22 and 28, the wt,,tt half or 11ectjo11 24, and frac- tional Keet ionM 2a, 20 a,ul 2i, in townMhip :11, north or range 8 l' lllll. It wa,,. divided into tlm.-'C ward11, tho tl rMt and ..e,·ond IK!ing compo111.-d of all thti laud on the 110nth 11ide of Thunder Bay Rinir, and the third all that 011 the north 11id e of the river. The dividing lint• ht•t w1.-1.•11 t he tintt a111I 11econd ward~ wu :111 fullown: Vommcnciug a~ a l'oiut in the ~n,rtl of Thunrlt.•r Bay Uivt;r oppo11ite a linll l,ctwclln lota 7 and :Ii, in Mod, 8; th1•m·e along 11ai1l line to Third 11trlllll, thcm:u along tf,o centre of Thir,1 11trect to \Vu hing· tun avt•nuc, :ual Wt.'llt 011 .mid avenue to the centre of Thunclcr 11:ly Uh·er. The city wa,1 cntitJt-d to tit foilowing uftiet•n11 who wtire t.<• bti cl1.-ctcd by the 111iople : ~fayor, Coluptrollcr, Recortlcr. Treuurer, 2 Aldermen from each ward, a Ju&ticc11 of the peace, 1 S:t>:'.llrvi,;or from eacl1· ward, and 3 Coostableti. The fir11t eiection, which wrut held on the tint Monday of April, I Si I, rtlllnlttl<I in the return of the following ofticerH : Muyor-8cth I.,, Carpenter. Trtwmrer-A. L. P.ower. f,'u111ptroller-1Jonald McRae. Rt ,·,m/,ir-A. llo11p<'r. 26 a, -IU JI ,, ! m ~ ~ .,, m -· ii a "' i a CD -'C .- C, ~ -0 ~-C, f -::c m =-m ~ -p I School Books and Supplies -'L°r~ ~

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