). Published By The Journalism Class of Alpena Community College Founded in 1952 Volume III, Number 9 Alpena, Michigan Wednesday, May 24, 1961 Mike Lund "In" As Student Council President DEAN'S COLOM I A few dlays ;ago m the :same ~ssue of .the iDatnoilt F11ee PII'ess I <00tiood a oOl1umn by J1ohin M,8111ln,mg ,aJ!lld aili- .s.o 1a,n .edibo.roail. wlmoh, aimoog dtiher ,thinlgtSI, poo'llited IOIUlt illhlall:, ltoo mairuy tian!€1.S, ll!hiere ,iis a wide~ lbeitween 'Wlhlalt pe!Olp1e :s:aiy t!hey wliH do, IWlhlait ibhey say they are, ,8111ld IWlhait 11lhey neail.ly 1are ia,rud idio. I ibe1iev,e I men- .t:1oned this liin ai ~forent OOillOOIJar tioo iin ,a 11>.rev1cms ·Ti!mlber Cruilsel'I :00lium1J1 ia y~ar or t'WIO ,ai~o. lit seietms ;bo me ,IJhait evemlbs rdf ltJhe 1aist f,ew months riJn &nmeirn,aitiooiail and na- itfuon,ail ,aiff.aiims, ,aind din :scxroe Locaili<ti<es on ithe LooaJ Jevie1, ihaMe rdemoniSbrlait- oo tlllat <Wle ,a,re oot yet ,SUIDficielllltilly :soiphiistilcait'ed ,to 1ook behimd ltfuie wo11ds ,alll!d the ajppelair:ain:ae ood rmaikie mn- jwd~enits ,on ibhe haisiis of 1bhe l'leaorid. W!e juidgie .t'he wiholLe 1builidi1111g by fue facade. lit ts· di1fifli~ cuilit for me to believe tilm buit I've 'hea!'ld !fJhait 1some iv:coor,s, e~e.ciailJ.y w,amen VlOlbeit'ISI, detlermilnie ithci:r 1'11o{pi-0al ~arnts, fi101wie11s amid cihooce m1 ibhe basi!s of ,the aainidi~ ~ee-s, iaoliorfu1} ,'biirids ,Olf 1piariaidmse, diaite',s giood [,oiDk<s 1Dr the !mind of and uooS'Ula1l ,sfuliJe1dis alll!d :speair:s halts ms wilfie wieams. rm, 1ooy iev,enlt .traJI1Jsfiorimed ,the IMaisCX!lilJC 'De,mlpi]Je iit 1seem:ii_.s :to me~ p~frootlliy o~aair-= illl!l:o !&l Excruoo, A._DII'P.i 29. Cfl<U@l€is- ;..---t!fmib., ll1 wie ,-:trl:r"tltf"ffliamawfi our ,ootered :tihrlis tz,Ol.l)iic.aJ pooa<Cl!i1se ip]iaice ial ,tlhiis ,tr®iblied :W~1d, w_e it!htiou~ bamboo <C!Ull'lbaiiJns. 1iaib1es !Il11ll1S1t ibeaome mDre ,sOl)lhwsbilcaited lil!l ,w,e,r,e ooorteroo -rwtilth 1P1neiaw}es, oo- OUil' judglm.enJ!Js. We mush rnalre OOlli\llts, ]irrnes ,aJ!IJd ocang;es. 'l1he !Wlblaitev,e,r exipoodiltUl'le <iis 1J11ecessary r ,clldf !Of ,a South Sieia 1sllialll!d hlllt ihoo,g 1n moniey aind itailiemit to fimid or diis- ov,er fue orclheshl"a Olli the ~~age, C!O'Ver <t'he ibrue mealll!imig. Altllhlouglh 'the lfocail. ,noilnt ,Oif :lihe !l1oom. I'm foclilned 'to imaike a wihriffi)i'lllg The Ar,]1ss Woodwamd IOioohieistr,a !boy of te1evii;sile1n, I w,onder iif ithe mamy ihJOU!l's ipoo,ple de'V'ote to wialtahi<n<g ,telev,1sioo has airnyllihim1g ,t<o do wiiith <OUJr :seiem!iill/g read1n~ss ,to 'accieipt ,the imake-ibeliev.e fur tlhe rea[. Cenllain[y, 1C1owlie,ge ,sbu:doolts lainid, I ,tih:iilllk tllliis ts ,no d:Oltllbt true of 'OU~ awn ·slruideinlt:JS, .ais a pairt of fue madmilty ltfhey get fuirun ltlhle-.iir ooll<ege e:xiper.ien,ce, 1ha'V1e ilie,airn,ed !to wirtlhhoLd ju,dgmemlt 11.1111,tJiil arr.I the If.ids are in ,and 1cerltaii111il,y they ihavie Jieanmed ,to 10lok befrllinid :tih,e 'WlOlids, ltihe dlemeain,cn- iaJrud the >fia- ;oade. :n1Qlb onJ:y enih,anced fue Eimtica tiheme wi1th appr,OJI)Ti<aibe Illl\lfil'C ill· :be:rsper,sed 1aimong 1more ,da!lllceaible pie0€,s, hi.lit addeid l\10 b'he brlhl1J.11ain1t ,c,()!too,s =witlr 1:ihieilr i~giht7rea ':tti~eoo j,aickebs. One of ,tlheilr most IPOjplllliar rn1mbe11s <wais "Saiims ,gJO M(JJ11C1hwn,g In" ,for wMch ,they st~ped crown Olff itlhe staige aind ,0I11t10 1bhe dance ,f1oor. Omy ,filv;e oOUJ!)l,e.s braived the 1errrtiire dai!llae wlMah ,1asbe,d for aip-, :pmximaitely 15 m1nuites. Fiaou1lity adviilsaris .fior ,the raffiai<r ------ I 'WOllfilid like to OOIIlll_'->1Jimerut rthe Student Co\lllllcrli1, :Sltooenit gJU:ides ood 1bhe ,Sl,Ple•aikers ,ait ltihe 1C1onivooa1tm ood allil. other students wiho [Partici- See l>EAN, Page 3 These, .end the 111ew officers are to be congratulated by the student body. Faser !Products new factory Oli Long Lake Ave. Need Basic Skills Alipenla Comrniud1lilty Cool~ge ,aain lbeslt 'fui1fiilil ltlhe lllleeds: of <01.l!r md\llst- riy ;bb,rou~ a ;gJOod lrllbenal ,airts ,CUJr • ,niJau1um. The ,COl!licen1br:aJbed dev,el- ,qpm ent ,of ,b aisic 1skillilis riJn, mait:hema~ ' 'ti<cs ,and E•ngJilsh is very dmporl!Jaint. We aJ11e lookimig, 1£or 1eun1p,1Joiy,ee,s wi1tlh menta:l :filexii.lbiiJJiity. T<llldfiiv.ildilllai~s 'WIOO oa111 make :tihJe ir,~glhit dec1sirorus mder :P11essure iir.onn main:aigeimen,t, all!d 'Wino ;0a111 ,ailiso lhaindLe ,ge;neiral ,situa- tions uru-e.1Jaibed Ito lfueiir 1partilauiliaJ!" ·i:ijreanaility. Our 11ndU1str:y OIJ:€JI'IS ~iles fur men ialllid wiomen tn Engi,neer!iin,g Offi,ce and Mana~emenit fi.,elds. •, M,ns. Stem,z;el. Ge1ne,r al ,cihaj11ma,n wiais Paitti 'Maiy. Womil!l1g Ulllider her as die,wrab]o,n ,cbJa1lrun1ain !\Vias Ml;l!cieibta ·ilime,s, ~assi,sbeid lby Linda P,anilla, Su,e Caimpbe1Q, ,ain,d Ma,ry P1hi!1liil)s. Art1sts weire Gweni Kaw!D1sk't, Ray ~iin,sel., Roger Bauer, alll<l Da'V!e Hiaimjpton. Kar:e,n Be,n@llaiu,ser w<11s i,n ,chair,ge of ;o;,okets ~ prog,rairns 1~d J:o,am1 Lllibe:s ,airirl Tio.m KclLy, co- 1dh,airme-n of tiiakeit 19aJle.s, were .aiided ,by '11am LeC1aiiir, Main Boi~ ·~ore, :S u:e <OaillllPbeilil:, l3llld EilOOD Ohr.:zJan. 'N.lia,r:iia,n Pr.ie.UJr 'Wlas riJn; ,Clhlair,ge ;Ci ,refoe:shrnel!llts and Sally Niedbala heaided the clean-ru11> oo.mm1ttee. -Kiwen BoogihiaJU,ser • ICaiseis :of ltomato jud1ce," Slays Ml'IS. Doiruna LaPii,rne, !in ,ne[Pl:y :to ,the q,uestton "Whalt do Y,OIU ,sei]i], most?" She 1s :!llot w,illi1i!rng to ,spOOUJ1ate ais 'bo -the reason for ltih!ils dieviell!OiP'merut, 1blllt ve-.nr1JUJoos to g;uess rtih,a,t mallfo c1.1Jps ,aind anailitis follow ooitlhler dliOse- ly. Thi<s :has been MT.st LaiP.ilrne.'s first yieiair "helhliJllld 1fhe bar" o'f A. C. C.':s Two boys, two girls of n.ext sophomore class elected to Student Council Olli Wedl!liesrdaiy, May 17, 1961, 1the membeu:is !Of llhie lfuiesbimlain roLaiss cleoteid ,tlhie !Slbudieinit ,OOIUJlliaill. P:resi'- dent iaind itibinee ,sibudienlt 1t1etl)resoota- -tiive1s fior tfue 1961-62 ,scfuooo yieair. P.etiti!oos were iln: 10i<rowaihloo ,and iP~aJ~a<11da for 1~e11y001Je 1P1aiced ;thJrloiug,hOllllt 1the :hailllis ,f.OII" (Jillie week he!fiore 1Jhie 'h:iigihl~gihm,g ,eJJeatiro, 'Wliit!h ,two ,ca111diJclia1be:s !iOII' it!he p.reffi'- 1demcy, aJI11d :six fior '!'e!Pl'ese111,baltiivies din 11lhe allllll!Il<in;g. A do,sie mce 1lmoug;hit :Milkie "Max" LUJnid to it!he ·,to.p, 1and 'I'leipr:e1sie!Illtaitive,s ,wie,re ®Olsen ,to he DeITT,n6s Scihootz, Sue G3lllll)he!ll, 1aiI11d Sai1l.y Nwe.diballia,. 'Milke iJs IIJhe ,s01n ,of Mr. ,aJllld 1M.11s. ·See MIKE, !Page .2 -~----- - .. ----- Awards Convocation ~ Sewr>aJ. sbu,dem•·~ a:~ illv ue curr- ~ ,gtt;aibutl aibed .foc ,beim,g ,the ,recijpilootls of mucli,;d<21S1e•rned a,WJa,rds ,at itihe allllllllJal .a,waird<.:i co111i\llOC1a1tirn11 :hie1d F1r&diay, M;ay 19. G,ein,enal ,cha,iirman ,of 1Jhie alfm w,as Ne:d Ba,sbaw. The 1C10IJ1V<ocaitilon OIP'€!llleid Wli.lih 1alllll101U<n,cerrn oobs iby Deain Vain Laire. Am, addne1ss to :the Slbu,die1n.lbs ,wias ;g!i,ve,n, by M,r. Orr. The Hrist ,aiw,aridlsi t,o · ibe [Pl1e1Senlted we11e those for ,aith1e1blic .aJcllrieve- mernt. A w,air,dJs. fo01 haisme!tibartl went t·o G1ariry Gu<llide11s100, T,oon 'Mi:ller, Boo J,aihrnSlon, Ray Mo0111e ('llleX!t yeiar',s lbeaim ,eiaiptaiiln), Jdlm Zyble, See ~WARDS, ,iPage 2 J>o,ooge, iand iSlh:e: plairns to 11',etwrn ;ne~t .faJJ.. "BoMl, s,tuden,ts and £a.c- 1uilty ih!aiv,e ibee111 W1001Jdier'fu1 ,to IW10T'k wJJt'h," she &aiid 1ainrd she VlOl1aes ll1JO OOIIl!Pladn,ts, !S!aiy.ilrugi thiait "e.~y- 11ihinJg' s been f1!Ille." Sh<e <ils itlh:e IIllOltlher of bee ,c,hiilid- 1'iell; Bill 18, MiJkie 17, ;and :OOlrunie, 7. J