1 i 4- THE TtMBER-CRUISER, Friday, March 25, 1966 Lllmberjacks Bow Out In Bid For Nationa,I CroWn TOM RICHARDSON Richardson Na.med To All-Star Team Community College's 6 • 7 cen- ter Tom Richardson was nam- ed Saturday night to the all- tournament team at the National Junior College touroament at Hutchinson, Kan. Although Alpena was eliminat- ed in its first two games, Richard son poured in 44 points to lead all ACC scorers. Richardson al- so owns the single season scor- ing xecord for Community Col- lege with 517 points. Moverly, Mo., won the JC championship by defeating Ca- meron, Okla., 90 - 65, in the title game. Moberly had beaten Al- pena in the opening round. Green Berets Are Serving Far Lands '11he Army mos,t talked about, mysterious Special Forces, t h e men in the green berets, are op- erating on at least three conti- nents, plus the isl-and of Okina- wa. The exploits of the green berets. in Vietnam have be e·n celebrated in news storie.5, a book, and a popular song. The green bere.st was set up l>y President John F. Kennedy in 1961, by sending the first hand- ful to shore up the morals of the South Vietnami!Se. There w e r e only 1,800 green berets .in the entire army, now there are 10,· 000 of them serving the Armed Forces of the United States. ID Vietnam alone there are about 1,500 and oot of these 71 h a v e been killed s.mce the beginning of 1966. The or~al function of the Special Forces was to operate behind the enemy's lines to stop eommunicaitions ,and supply parts, but the green berets have ended u,p OOTrying on m a n y tasks and dangerous assign- ments. Don Fitch Picketts Pharmacy lor the best in prescriptions Lloyd Pickett B.S. Phone 356-1035 Alpena, Michigan h. C. C. basketball team, cheerleaders, chaperones, and Alpena radio and press depart for nationals aboard North Central plane. Alpena Beat.en By Moberly, Mo. 7~-69 ~nd Then Again By Caspe1r, Wy. 78-72 The Alpena Community College Lumberjacks w~re drop- ped from the National Junior College basketball tournament on a heart-breaking 78-72 defeat to Casper, Wyoming, last March 17. In that final game of the season, the favored Thunder- birds came out onto the floor red-hot while the Lumberjacks were ice-cold. By the 11:58 mark, the Thunderbirds were ahead 23-11. Throughout most of the second half, the Jacks were on the comeback trail and many fans here thought it was only a matter of time before Casper would lose heart and fold up. Spa!'king the Alpena drive was their bri1liall1't defensive guard Mike DeWyre, who w,a,s knock• ed mto the stands twice and once into th~ backbooro support. All three times it looked as if be would have to leave 1ihe game but DeWyre refused and ~tayed to complete wh,at w a s probably his best game of the year. Alpena outplayed the Thunder- · birds in the second hailf, ~ out- .scoring them 40-35. But in 1he end it Wta!S the veteran Ca~per cootmgent tournament poise that gave them the win. 'l11e Jacks pliayed then- hearts out alter the 43-32 first !half de- ficit and came baek to take the lead for 1he only time in the game with 4:45 remairuDg on a field goal by Gary Smith. Then, shortly a.flier, DeWyire stole a Oasper pass and went lin for wha:t looked like ia sure layup. But the shot was blocked from behind on a questionable pliay as Casper got the ball back iagain. The Thooderbfu-ds went down to score at the 4 minute mark to take the foad for good, "Too; was the turning point of the game," Alpet)a's Coach Jim Duteher reported. "If DeWyxe would, have made flhe la,yup, we would have gone ahead by three pointlS and could ireally have put the presswre on Casper." Aft.er ·taking die lead away from Alpena, OaS!per woot into a stalling offense forcing the Jacks to foul. Converting f r e e throws in those final minutes of play, ,the stubborn Wyoming QUin,tet kept the game out of reach for .Alpena. Gary Smith had hit on three from $6.44 to $10.99 This is a College Loafer Not as defined by an instructor, but at defined by some of his more casual students. Fit the students definition and your size - at the Downtown Shoe Mart 119 E. Chisholm Alpena consecutive 20 footers m the late drive whiJe Roy McNeely and Tom Riciharoson ° p)Jawed tough offense under the boards. Six sqpihomores were on the floor fo1' vhe maJ. time in l3ll Al- pena uniform. They were Too Doughty, Roy McNeely, Tom Richardson, Mike DeWyre, Gary Smith, and Ji,m McCormack. na's opening loss on tourna- ment jitt.ers. ~~ WP, played we only 1~ by n i n e points," Dutcher said after the - game. "If we would have play- ed anywhere near our normal game, we problable would still be seeking the national title." Dutcher said "our front court personnel (Roy McNeely, Tom MOBERLY, MO. Richardson and Jim McCormack All chances for ACC to dis- did a commendaible job but our play a nati1mal jun,ior college guards were unable to hit. So in championship trophy went out turn they started forcing their the window with the 78 - 69 loss jhots and we got into trouble." to Moberly, Mo. (the eventual The Greyhounds were able to winner). ~ play control ball, stl\lling out the Coacn Dutcher blamed Alpe- remaining minutes. JIMMIE GARANTS, TOYLAND Featuring COMPLETE RUBBER STAMP SERVICE & SUPPLIES 1226 Chisholm St. Alpena B~M.O.C. (Bald Men On Campus) who don't read-go home- ' But B.,M.O.C. (Big Men On Campus) who do read- <io to JERRY'S BARBER SHOP Jerry's has a full selection of the finest reading material - including Playboy -and there is no waiting. JERRY'S BARBER SHOP 612 N. Second Ave. -==<