VOL. X, No. 4 ALPENA, MICHIGAN 49707 Monday, December 18, 1967 ·CO-EDS VIE ·FOR SNOWBALL '67 CROWN Snowball Queen Candidates: Left to right, back row - Leanne Smith, Peggy Muszynski, Linda Gould, Jane Witkowski, Cherryl Allen, Nora Minchew, Sue Heine. Front row - Edith Basel, Lind-a Mulka, Fatemeh Shir-Mohammad, and Sue Doyle. Budget Committee ACC Attends The Snack Bar Is Formed At A.C.C. MASG Conference To Be Moved Soon Under the advice of Mr. Ritter, the Student Govern- ment has formed a Budget Committee for Student Activities. The chairman of the Committee is Rick Hamilton, Treasurer ofthe Student Government and the secretary is Donna Froberg, Vice President of the Student Government. The committee consists of representatives of every active organization of Alp- ena Community College. It's purpose is to set up a feasible budget for each organization for the following year. At the present, to get money for an activity the procedure is to pass activity through the Student Government with an itemized budget for the particullar activity. (Continued on Page 5) Three members of the A.C.C. Student Govern- ment, Don McLennan, Rick Hamilton, and Terry Cadieux, attended the first meeting of thenewlyorgan- ized Michigan Association of Student Governments, held at Michigan State University on Novem- ber 10, 11, and 12. Attending the confer- ence were members of the Student Government from colleges throughout the state. Discussion groups were formed to try to work out solutions to similar problems each school has. Some of the problems included bud- gets, acti.vities, and stu- dent participation. The main topic of dis- cussion was about student (Continued on Page 6) The Snack Bar will be moved from the lounge in Central Hall to the Student Center sometime after the first of the year. To replace it, vending machines will be placed in the Smoker. This action has not been officially announced yet, but it is certain to hap- pen. Mr. Ron Harr, Food Service Director, told me that this idea, contrary to one rumor, was not his. I was also told that the act- ion was suggested by the Student Government, which is not correct. The idea was in fact initiated by school officials. The Stu- dent Government is the one who thought of putting in vending machines when the "Bar" is moved. (Continued on Page 6) Snowball 167, a combination semilormal and bullet, is being sponsored by the sophomore class. The dance will take place Tuesdayevening,December 19, at the Grove. Students will dance from 9:00 to 1:00 to the music of the New Bossmen. Ten girls selected by the Alpena Community College social and administrative groups will vie for the title of Snowball '67 queen. They are sophomores: Jane Witkow- ski, Linda Gould, Sue Doyle, Edie Basel, and Cherryl Allen; and freshmen: LeAnn Smith, Fatemeh Shermoham- mad, Peggy Muszynski, Nora Minchew, and Sue Hein~. Four of the sophomore representatives are from Al- pena. They are, Jane Witkowski, sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa; Linda Gould, representing the Sophomore class; Sue Doyle, backed by the Yearbook; and Cherryl Allen, sponsored by the Timber-Cruiser. From 'Hillman Edie , Basel will represent the Sailboat Club. The remaining five co-eds · are freshmen. Representing Circle K, Fatemeh Shermo- hammad is from Iran. The Young Republicans a r e sponsoring Peggy Muszyn- ski from Alpena. Fraternity sponsored Sue Heine is from Lewiston. In addition, both the freshman class and cheerleader's representa- tive, LeAnn Smith and Nora Minchew respectively, are from Oscoda. Election will be by ballot. The Queen will be announc- ed at the dance and crown- ed by Dean Van Lare. Tickets for this event are now on sale at $5.00 per couple. Rumors Wrong As E.I.P. Continues There has been a rumor lately, reasonably founded, indicating the Elementary Intern Program of Michi- gan State University might close down its operation in Alpena because ,of lack of students. This program, cooperative with Alpena Community College has been an important avenue for continued teacher pre- paration of A.C.C. stu- (Continued from Page 6) Stork Arrives At ACC Hatchery Since November 10, when 93,184 Chinook salmon eggs arrived at Alpena Community College, ap- proximately all eggs have hatched. About two weeks after hatching, the salmon fry will lose their egg sacks and will have to be fed. The feed- which comes in two sizes, starter, and number one, has been shipped from the Glencoe Mills in Min- nesota. The. water supply to the incubators is now being he~ted to a temperature of between 50 degrees F ., and 54 degrees F. The total egg loss at the present time is approximately 1,000 eggs. Dr. Dunckel stated that the students' participation in the watch program at the hatchery has helped a great deal in , the problem of keeping a constant check on the water temperature. The students check and re- cord the temperature of the water each half hour and also do other chores at the hatchery. Chinook Salmon Outclasses Coho