April 28, 1970 (Continued from Page One) College President Jack Petoskey res- r.onded to these two requests by saying, You knoyv Ladies and Gentlemen, a College just ddesn't exist, it evolves; it learns to grow. It slowly goes through the evolvement stage. This is perhaps the most important thing that we should think about." Concerning student-faculty,· grievan~ Petoskey' said. "It's easy for us to put a a parking lot out there if we don't want to give our money to the facility . It's just that simple." Questioning the capability of the faculty to assist in developing educational programs, Petoskey said, "Is our faculty capable of developing programs in every area, such as nursing? Such as aquatic sciences? Such as environmental sciences?" Questioning the ability of students to grasp the fur'ldamentals of economics. PetosKey said, .. What is the ·administrative work? This gentleman (referring to Jim) says that it doesn't amount to very much. But I 'II tell you what. If he shared my salary, we probably both wouldn't be able to make a living or feed our children. At this point I'm sure he doesn't under- stand that. I don't believe the young man is married." Defending the administrative position, PP.toskey said, "We are not as naive to think that we don't know what is going OIJ in our own schools. We may not pfesent all of your views, but some- where there has to be a consensus of the mind. This is the administrative process." The Board has taken the requests under advisement for further considera- tion and has promised an answer at the next regular monthly board meeting, scheduled for April 28. James Bartz TURKEY SHOOT The Natural fh1source L;lub will spon- sor a Turkey-Shoot on Saturday, May 2nd. The shoot will take place on a range located in the basement of the Alpena Armory. Time of the event will be from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The entry fee is $.50 per shot and there is no limit to the amount of time a person can shoot. The type of firearms that be used is restricted to .22 caliber with open sights. Cash prizes or gift certificates for the same amount which are redeem- able at local food stores will be awarded to the best shooter in each round. Any person or persons who are interested in participating are rermnded to bring their own gun . Free coffee and donuts will be served throughout the event. THE POLEMIC MASTERS SHOES Downtown, Alpena Open Monday & Friday till ? p.m. $18.99 Brown George Boot WESTENBARGER ~ g'J~~ PAGE 7 101 N. SECOND AVE. PHONE 354-8606 ALPENA, MICHIGAN GIFTS, COSMETICS, AND GREETING CARDS SPECIALIZING IN ALL NEEDS FOR THE COLLEGIATE LUDS CHEESEBURGER 30C