Page 4 THE POLEMIC April 25, 1973 Pictured above are John and Ann, folksingers from Ann Arbor who appeared at The Cave. "The Cave" Becomes a Reality by Sue Reynolds It's been over a month that ACC's coffeehouse, The Cave, has been in opera- tion. It's been "a dream come true" for the small but determined group of stu- dents who worked to make that dream a reality . Chairmen of the coffeehouse are Judy White and Craig Kus. We talked with Judy about her feelings on the success of the coffeehouse. "I'm happy to say that the audiences have been very appreciative of the atmos- phere and the entertainers at the coffee- house," said Judy. "I find that many peo- ple who come to the coffeehouse had un- derestimated it; many of them say they didn't think we could do as good a job as we've done." "We've had many problems along the way," continued Judy. "The main one since we've been open is simply making the coffeehouse known." The coffeehouse is open on Fridays and Saturdays, 8:00 - 1 :00 . Located in the basement of the student center, it con- sists of two main rooms. The candlelight atmosphere is great ... one is reminded of the lyrics, "I get a peaceful, easy feeling" when describing the atmosphere at The Cave. There's plenty of food on hand to sat- isfy even the largest of appetites. One can purchase coffee, several kinds of tea, soft drinks, pizzas, Fabbrini sandwiches, chips, pretzels, and candy. Entertainment is provided by musi- cians from other cities and the Alpena area. Judy stressed that the performers' pay depends on the door receipts; a base pay is guaranteed, but this is increased ac- cording to the amount received at the Continued next column door . The admission is $1.00 for ACC students and $1.25 for non-students ... a minimal price to pay for good enter- tainment. Judy and Craig want to thank the stu- dents who were able to give their time and effort toward the construction of the cof- feehouse. "They were willing to get in- volved in the project and accomplish something worthwhile for themselves and the school," they agreed. "We also want to thank our interested school officials who contributed much time and advice in helping us coristruct and plan correctly. Special thanks go to Mr. Carter, Mr . Bai- lor, Mrs . Taylor, Mr. Ilsley, Mr. Coggins, Mr. Olmstead, and the many others who had ideas which helped us along." Judy and Craig also extend a special thanks to the various local businesses which co-operated in the purchasing of needed items, especially: Peterson's Furn- iture Workshop, South Shore Builders, Tempo, McCrory 's, E.J. Kus Upholstery, Alpena Candy and Cigar Company, Mont- gomery Wards, Sherwin-Williams, Alpena Builders' Supply, Mike's Hardware, Alpena Printing Studio, Alpena Music Center, and Adam's Bookstore. CMU to Close Streets (CPS) -- Central Michigan University is planning to close all major campus streets to vehicular traffic. An agreement between the city of Mount Pleasant and the university will result in a changeover to a pedestrian- oriented campus during the next five years. Although no exact figure has been dis- closed, officials estimate $1.5 million will be required. Construction should begin this summer on the first stage of the project. SPORT . E · TENTS - PACKS - FOOD .... Camping & Back packing qmp .. • •• • Much _ Much - More! DENO'S PIZZA We Deliver Pizza, Beer & Wine PHONE: 4-8412 o'" .... 6-2424 ~ --. ----~-----;;;;;----:;;::;:::;--_-_,_-;··-::;,;,,;-.;:;;_---.;.;~.~ ~ • '( ' 1'. . ~ . I 7fR.1P 1l0 011~ . l I I I Serving Liquor - Beer - Wine and Light Food - open everyday - !/ . 307 W. Chisholm S1 ' ' . . .: ,.. . . '. . . . R.A. Selection in Progress Continued from page two well they conduct themselves in the group; whether they are self-oriented or group oriented, for example. These are only a few of the things that are considered when selecting the R.A.'s. After it is determined who is to be the new R .A.'s, letters are sent to these people. The new R.A.'s attend their sixth meeting. In this meeting, selections of assistant R .A.'s take place. The assistants are cho- sen by Mr. Allbritten. The assistnat need not be one who has applied for an R .A. position. GEBHARDT-MORROW LUMBER & SUPPLY ALPENA, MICHIGAN When it is determined who the assist- ants will be, they are notified and then the R.A.'s, Assistant R.A.'s, and Mr. All- britten hold their seventh meeting. In this meeting they discuss the upcoming school year. Now that you know what is involved in becoming an R.A., you can see that it is not easy . Great time and thought is put into the selection of R .A.'s and their assistants. I hope everyone will join with me in wishing all the prospective candi- dates good luck in their R.A. job. --· the PAPER WORKS N. Second Ave. Phone 354-8011 Boois + Art Harry's Haberdashery 100 N. Second Ave. Q1alit1+ f as•i•• Always ~ Sweaters