' Page 6 IC "IELPS ENGINES AUN .. . ' . O'l'HER ...... COOLER .. . ':.u1nER ••••• LONGER ... . ,., ient blends with es to give cont1nu Y cause eye irritat1o11.A¥0/dC01t ·o ughly after bandllq. In cue of .v ater for 11 mln11t••· Call• pity 1 r::llllliN GUARANTHO OR YOUR . " ',, ift'FUND£D ON PURCHASE • Cl OF ONE CAN FOR ONE YEAR ~-~~_,......,.,,,__...,.,. ___ _ OR PO RATION 25 Oak ton St. >o, Plaines, Ill. 60018 ~EW SECRET FORMULA I TREATMENT ADD TO OIL' THE POLEMIC We're surprised that they don't claim it cures cancer . The makers of STP Oil Treatment make it sound like a fountain of youth for old cars and a super tonic for new cars. They claim it does everything from protecting engine parts to reducing heat, noise, friction, and wear. They say it's the "racer's edge." Whatever that means. Well, here's what STP Oil Treatment really is. It's a can of thick goo that makes the oil it's added to thicker. But if you want a thicker oil, you can just buy a heavier grade of oil (like 40 or 50 weight) in the first place. Or if you want a "multi-viscos ity" oil (like lOW-30), you can just buy that, too. And save the expense of STP. For most cars under almost all driving conditions, the right motor oil is all you'll ever need for your car's crankcase. The very nicest thing we can say about STP Oil Treatment is that it's probably a waste of money. But there are less nice things, too. STP can change the proportions of chemical additives (detergent, anti-rust, etc.) already for- mulated in most motor oils, and it can make cold weather starts harder. Mercedes Benz even says it could invalidate their new car warranties. Many motor oil manufacturers, including Kendall, Quaker State, Pennzoil and Valvoline, advise you not to use additives like STP. Even Consumer Reports (July 1971) says you don't need STP. The makers of STP must have forgotten to mention all that. And what do you have on the other side? "The racer's edge." Whatever that means. A Public Interest Advertisement from the Center for Auto Safety 1223 Dupont Circle Bldg., Wash., D.C. 20036 Produced by Public Communication, Inc. Washington, D.C. ca> the PAPER WORKS N. Second Ave. \\'hirlpool PHONE (517) 354-2161 ROIi B&B SALES & SERVICE CO. BLACK & WHITE COLOR TV 2640 U.S. 23 SOUTH I \ ~ :;i a-I 10 ! ~~-I I - a u 1..1 P.O. BOX 314 ALPENA, MICH. 49707 Portable - Black & White and Color T.V.S Car Tape Players Visit our sound room for Stereo Components Speakers Ouad 8 Units Tape Decks and Recorders Headphones Phone 354-8011 Books + Art Supplies Owners: Bob & Ada Dickinson ------ ::::, . -: . . ,: ',~ \- ' ' . ' \ \' \ COLLEGE BOOKSTORE "Designed wit" t•e student in mind" Besser Technical Bui ld ing Open year 'Round· Eat In Or Out F 0 0 1) Breakfast Specials Lunch· Dinner Basket Dinners Chicken o Fish o Shrimp Al l Sandwiches French Fries Onion Rings FEATURING CONEY DOGS & CONEY BURGERS Open 7 Days - 7 A.M. To 10 P.M. Sunday 11 A.M. To 6 P.M. NORTH CONEY ISLAND Call Ahead For Fast Take-Out 354-2315 1974 2668 U.S. 23 South, Alpn. / Giant Way Plaza ARCADE BARBERSHOP ALPENA SHOPPING CENTER Layered - Haircuts Regular - Haircuts Monday - Closed Tuesday-Thursday 8:00-5:30 Friday - 8:00-8:00 Saturday - 8:00-5:00 Phone: 356-0132 ~Jfo~ 117 JY. 2-ncL d . Holly. By Orange Blossom An engagement nng with a Continental herirage. Eight diamonds clustered in starlight (or a simple solitaire. ii you prefer). Leaves ol 18K gold Just in lime lor love. LUO'S ...... HAMBURGER DRIVE-IN, STA TE ST