~ ' -~··'"i • ll¥i\ t 9; ------------------------------------------------------ lJ '\:::, ' ,,,,,, ,,~ BY KENT LACOMBE STAFFWRm:R Since its founding in 1952, Alpena Commu- nity College has offered both students and faculty an atmosphere for educational growth and learn- ing, say three members of the faculty who look back fondly on their years as students of this institution. Among the things that seemed to run paral- lel between these remembrances was a recognition of change. This change seems to have taken place in not only the outward appearance· of the college itself, but in what it has to offer to the student. a a east end of Van Lare Hall, were the ruins of a meat packing plant. I can remember that my brother had worked there at one time, but when ACC came here there was just a foundation. " School activities were very different in ACC's early years. "The dances that were held were held at what was Bingham School," says Witt. "It was an elementary school. The activities were more fragmented. Graduation was held at Ella White Elementary School. " Titus adds, "There was a very active theatre group, who put on one or two plays a year. The school paper back then was like a poor high school paper. It was approved by the administration of the college." Speech instructor Keith Titus remembers, "You had to have two years of language to fulfill your school re- quirement. " "People aren't · any different today than they were then, " His- tory instructor Richard Matteson believes. "I think we have the same feelings and aspirations for ourselves. I think the technology has changed." Many times in my life when I look back at the things that made me feel good, If eel good about ACC. When recalling his days with the col- lege newspaper, Witt explains, " I don't be- lieve we published it as often as it is now. We had it printed at a place in Hillman and actually went down there and set the type by hand, and then the paper got printed." LSSU GRADUATES SECOND CLASS OF ACC BSNs -The second class of nurses to graduate from the cooperative bachelor's degree in nursing program between ACC and Lake Superior State University were honored recently at an LSSU reception in NRC 450 hosted by Dr. Mae Markstrom, Dean of the LSSU School of Health and Human Services, and LSSU Regional Center Director Mary Jason. The new BSNs include: (seated, left to right) Melody Curley of Oscoda, Connie Stepanski of Alpena, Judy Stump of Lachine, and Suzanne Gilkey, Diane Knopf, and Mary Damery, all of Alpena; and (standing, left to right) Karen Dzuiba of Tawas, Gil LaCross and Jane Modrzynski, both of Alpena, Dr. Markstrom, and Linda Canfield and Denise Cook, also both of Alpena. (ACC Office of Instructors of the Public Information Photo). · Matteson remem- bers a very different ~Don Witt time who stood out in memory include Myron David Ore, a sociology instructor whom Titus describes Fields ol biology explored- college atmosphere. " I BY JULIE SMIGELSKI attended Alpena Com- as " ... very popular CoNFRJBrmNG WRmR munity College at the old Thunder Bay High with the students . " · School. At that time, of course, they had special Both Titus and Witt share fond remembrances If Introduction to Field Bi- rooms s~t aside, but we would just generally in- of Raymond Laurey, a speech and humanities ology with Deb Hautau-Milostan termingle with the high school students. I was in instructor who always seemed to have a lot of is offered again next summer. at the second graduating class, and my brother was exciting personal experiences to share with his ACC, consider yourself lucky if in the first graduating class. " class. you can secure a seat in the "I was in the first class to graduate from the In summing up his feelings about his years class. new building: Van Lare Hall," says Titus. "I as an ACC student, Matteson says, "I have been This is not a class for the think we were a more closely knit group. A large around a lot of community colleges in the years lazy! This is action! You can percentage of the students were from Alpena and, since I became an instructor, and quite frankly, look forward to hiking for miles, being a smaller total group, you just knew every- we take a back seat to no one. In my case I had canoeing, and identifying birds, body better. I think there was a lot more already gone away to school, had not been par- beasts and fish. You will sift In a mere six weeks, you will be transformed into a Field Biologist! Then you can take your family and friends on a trip to Island Park (across from Al- pena General Hospital) and show off your skills in identifying plants, insects, birds, and mam- mals. You might even be able to show them where the big snakes are, although we never found any in our class, and we were really looking. One last thing. Don't be surprised if you find yourself looking into a microscope try- ing to identify the eye pattern of an Orb Weaver and suddenly re- alize that you're looking at a spider. Spiders have eight eyes! cohesiveness than I see happening now." ticularly successful, and I needed a second chance. through a bubbling brook, walk - 12087 U.S. 23 South· Ossineke, Ml 49766 · (517) 471-5517 In fact, when Van Lare Hall originally Alpena Community College gave me that chance. " on bogs, and slosh through opened, not only was it a considerably smaller "Many times in my life when I look back at marshes. You' ll learn that snakes building, but its landscape was significantly dif- the things that made me feel good, I feel good are our friends; which is not to ferent. Director of Facilities Management Witt about ACC," concludes Witt. "Without ACC, I say that all of our friends are comments, "Where the historical site is, at the wouldn't have a college degree right now." snakes . r--------------------------------------------~ I I I ----3 r..-~ I : , __ Winner recewes _ : : _ a $20. gilt certiAcate _ : : 1 ~ from Camelot Music!...-----.,,.. : . I I I On the right are two baby pictures of ACC I : faculty members. If you can identify them -----------.------------.: . I both, you'll beeligibletowina$20.00 gift I I certificate from Camelot Music, in the I : Alpena Mall. To enter your guess, simply : 1 write it down on a piece of paper and I I submit it to The Polemic by dropping it off I I in our office, in room 110 of BTC. Your I I . dd I 1 entry must contain your name, a ress, 1 I phone number and the names of the two I I faculty members. (Here's a hint: The per- I : son on the left is in the math department, : I and the person on the right is in the English 1 I department.) Good luck! 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