. -·2 ) . , Tl-IE PolEMic Alpena candy distributor makes WSJ's front page t , ' ' py Jessica Rutan .. Staff Writer '. · >-"It's not every day that ... ,~ .,-, soj11eone from Alpena gets on the front page of the Wall Street ]otrrnal. However, this did ha.f pen on Oct. 29. . , .Bruce Steinke, candy disiibutor for Great North • Foods, was interviewed. in a story by Emily Nelson of the · \Vsj about a computer prob- )e~ 'candy-maker Hershey's ' ~as naving. · ; · · How was Steinke chosen · T6r this interview? Nelson said ·. tfyat' she was given a list of . ca,~1Y distributors in the United States. She tried to · contact. people from different parts of the country. "It was completely ran- dom that I called someone . from Alpena, Michigan," she explained. Nelson does reporting on large·corporations. When she heard about the Hershey's problem, she went to work in- terviewing distributors of thei_r products. Steinke was surprised when Nelson contacted him. "I was not expecting a call from the Wall Street Journal about the shipping problem," he said. "1 just had no idea how she chose Alpena." NEWS DECE~bER 7, 1999 CMU visit prepares ACC's transfer students By Jocelyn Haske Staff Writer Seven ACC students were abl6 to take a free trip t9 Cen- tral Michigan University on Nov. 15 thanks to theACC Stu- dent Support Services. Under the guidance of Monica Bushey, the students were able to meet with CMU admissions personnel and tour the campus. According to those who participated in the program, trnnsfeqing from a rural com- munity college to a university was going to.be very different. Participant Kerrie Miller finds the possibilities endless and the challenge little. Ac- . cording to Miller, it is all posi- At ACC, if you're struggling, the teacher knows it. They know your name and are willing to talk to you." t1ve. "I love college," Miller said. "I'd go the rest of my life if I could. That's why I want to be a teacher, a college in- structor." Larger classroom settings, lack of family contact, loss of parental guidance and loss of friends are sor,ne -of the chal- lenges Stacie Aoderson ex- presses. According to Ander- son, every student should get out of a rural area. I "I definitely think that to --Kim Roy be knowledgeable about the world, you have to experience it," she says. Accordi.ng to Linda Krentz, transferring is scary but exciting . "I've been working with my business for twenty-three · years and it's going ot be hard to drop it," she said. "It's like cutting both my arms off and not knowing how I am going to make it." Krentz is excited because transferring involves meeting · new people. "Anything challenging, I'm all for it," she said. Kim Roy is concerned about not receiving the one-on- one attention a community col- lege offers. "At ACC, if you're strug- gling, the teacher knows it," she, said. "They know your name and are willing to talk to you. I'm scared that when I get there, they won't be as friendly or as willing." Although transferring may be difficult, Roy is looking for- warcl. to the change because it involves independence. . "I'm very excited," she said. "I want to go. It means being on my own." : Henry retires from teaching to exand private law practice ... . ·•· ' . -J.~sJ! Helsel .Staff Writer .: . , , After 35 years of spreading knowledge to ACCstudents in .the )aw and government departments, Delysle L Henry is re- , _tiri!}~ teaching. Henry started his career at ACC as an instructor in 1959. ~ : .Ex~~pt for a brief break from 1961 to 1966, he has taught ever ~ t i . ..sin~e. Henry aquired his bachelor of arts degree from Eastern I ~ ! ·Nazarene College, Boston, in 1956, a master's degree from the ~ J Z i , . . _lini,versity of of Pennsylvania in 1958, a juris doctorate from ,.__.._='-·-~__. ...... .____.._ .... ___ _, r . th~ _\Jniversity of Baltimore in 1966 and post graduate work at Law Instructor Delysle Henry today (left) and during . Michigan State University. his college days. He retires this semester. ·. : . : , {\side from teaching, Henry is also a very succesful law- home phone number and saying, "Give me a call over the week- . . _yer: In fact, his reason for retiring is so he can concentrate on end if you have any questions, I will be glad to help." his expanding law fim. Henry's firm specializes in social secu- "Henry has been around here for some 30 years," said Dr. rity law and veterans' benefits. The firm will now expand to Curtis Davis, vice president of instruction, "It's going to be include personal injury law and workers' compensation law. different without him around here anymore. We will miss his Successful and kind are two words that could describe optimistic outlook and his cheerful presence. I know his. stu- Henry. I first met Henry when I toqk his business law class dents are going to miss him too." about a year and a half ago. I remember him giving me his Besideis being noted as ~great instructor, Henry has also ·i NIGERIA . Cont. from Page 1 r r . ·; ~ ;Mrs. Adewunmi said that Nigeria is one of the most p0pillous nations in Africa with more than 100 million people. T_he wealth of tt.e country cbtnes mainly from petroleum, \vhf-ch is in the hands of a few Ni'gerian leaders. • ' , ,1'During the army regime - (mihtary rule), colleges were ' . closed most of the year and stu- dents stayed home one to two years," she said . Adewunmi said she was pr:ivileged to be able to come to America and work,where her family later joined her. She said it was also a great oppor- tunity for her to snare her faith in Christ in another country and for her children to get a . good education. ..... r ALPENA PRINT MASTER© cfor Your CJ3uslness ~eds. Or cfo.r @tat Specla[ Occasion, C\Ve Can C)?rovlde @tese Servkes cfor You. :: :~ ~;'Bl_\Siness Cards - . Ry~. R~es :: ··. ·· BusinessForms Gift Certificates Self-Inking Stamps :: ::, C~lorCopies Invitations ThankYouCards :: ::: Color Inks Laminating TypingService :'. ::: FaxService Menus AndMore!!! u ,I ·· ., % CU C)? t &}Tl t C)? [ c)I uch 6)0 Your qdeas Ph:(517)356-6178 2567 US 23 South Fax: (517) 354-3465 Alpena, Ml 49707 eats ... . , :You can eatn '..9150 to 9200 per month Delivering The Alpena News -morning edition :Monday thn.J Saturday. . :Most routes take I · -: :iess than an hour. ' I I I For more information I ,, .~all ... 354-5428 ,1 ' ~• l• JI 1· 11 .~ , .. - 130 Park Place • Alpena In May, Nigeria elected a I who do not know English. But new president. His riame is you'll always find somebody Olesegun Obasanjo, and, ac- to interpret, no matter how re- cording to Adewunmi, he has mote the village is." There are several different . been making strong action to rebuild Nigeria. cultures in Nigeria depending "Our major languages in where in the country you go. Nigeria are Igbo, Yoruba and The beliefs, however, re- Hansa," Adewunmi said. "We _ main the same. Generally, par- have 250-300 dialects and ur . ents are valued and a great re- national language is English If sponsibility is expected from you should decide to go to Ni- them. Elderly people are well geria and English is your onlv respected and children take language, probably there care of their parents in their old would be a probkm because age. There are no nursing there are uneducated people homes. Adoption is not com- --.,.· ACC College ID . Discount Ute your ID card when you purchate a medium or large pizza and get a free tingle order of breadstick!. Open every day at 11:00 a.m. for lunch Carry-out / Dine-in / or Delivery U.S. 23 Highway 23 South Alpena, Michigan 49707 ( S17) 3S6-66SS received several other honors, including a letter from Sen. Carl Levin commending him for his unanimous Who's Who selec- tions which include: ♦ Who's Who of Practicing Attorneys; · ♦ Who's Who in American Law; ♦ Who's Who in the World; ♦ Who's Who in the Midwest; ♦ International Who's Who of Intellectuals of the World; ♦ Who's Who Men of Achievment; ♦ Who's Who in Finance and Industry; and ♦ Who's Who in the field of Law and Education . With pages of accomplishments behind him, Henry says his greatest feelings come from helping others be able to lead a better life with education for his students and happiness for his clients . "I get satisfaction from helping my clients get through the system by getting them the legal rights they deserve and seeing the change it makes in them," he said. "Their perspective on life is so much better when they are able to pay their bills." Henry says he will miss the people and the students most. "Teaching has truly been an enjoyable experience and I w~ll always 1. ok at it as an enjoyable exper~ence." mon in Nigeria. If a family is poor and cannot afford to send their children to school, some- one or the community will help to take care . qf the children. Most likely that child will be . living in their parents' home .and that particular person or · the community will supportthe child. Basically the. climate is warm, with hot weather in most parts of Nigeria. Occa- sionally, flakes of snow will fall in the north, though this is very rare. There is much hu- midity in the west and lots of rainfall in most parts of the country except the north, which is dry. The primary re- ligions of Nigeria are Chris- tianity, Islam, and traditional African religions. Extended family relation- ships are still enc~rnraged. Marriage is a family issue and consent of parents is a factor! It means that the two families have to meet and give consent for the · wedding. This has proven to be effective, Because the divorce rate is not high in Nigeria. The majority of chil- dren live with their parents until they get marrie~, even af- ter graduating from college. It is fascinating to learn about different cultures and meet people who want to learn about yours. THE PolEMic CoNrnibuToRs Co-EdiToR .. ..•••.•..•••••.• •. . .•. . .• .. •••••. .•••..• •. •••••••••...•.••••. ••. : •..• HEidi SkusE Co-EdiroR' .......... ... .. ... . ...... .. .. ....... .... .. ......... ..... . ............... AMy WAlloT SpoRTS EdiroR . ........ ........ .................. ........... ... .. ............... HEidi SkusE WRiTERS .............. LORA . BAUER, CkRiS BEdloRd, SEON C~RkE, MAGGiE CARPS, MEliSA ColoN, CATkERiNE GilMET, JocElyN HAskE, Josk HEl.sd, JEssicA RuTAN, KATE Splin, AMy WAilor, MdiNdA YAX AdvisoR ............................. ............... , ...................... . DoN MAcMAsTER Advis~R ............ ........... ...... ......... ........ . .... ...... .......... oillEEN STEiNMAN Ifil. PolEMic is. publiskEd MoNrkly ANd is disrnlbuTEd fREE of ckARqE. OpiNioNs EXpRESSEd ARE smicrly TkosE of rkE wRiTERS. TkE PolEMic wdcoMES All siqNEd coNmibuTioNs Alrkouqk wE RESERVE rkE RiGHT ro Edh OR REjECT MATERiAI. OuEsrioNs, CONCERNS, OR coNmiburioNS CAN bE dRoppEd off AT rkE PolEMic ollicE iN BESSER T EcliNicAI CENTER OR CAIi us AT }16, 9021 Exr. 264 . MAil CORREspoNdENCES ro: TkE ~ AlpENA CoMMUNiT)' .CollEGE, 666 JokNsoN Sr., AlpENA, Ml 4'll07.