October 2000 Forestry, fishery alumni reminisce about their college days at ACC RICHELLE SIELAND Co-editor ACC's first alumni banquet reconnected students from the forestry and fishery programs. In the late 1960s, these were designed to immerse students in natural resources studies from the ideas and research of Dr. E.L. Dunckel. Jack Petoskey, former dean of ACC, was happy to be at the banquet. He stated some of the high hopes for these programs in the beginning and the shifts that influenced their end in 1984. The fisheries program helped to bring the chinook salmon to Lake Huron to generate a greater interest in sports fishing. It also brought the community together in the hopes of creating stewards for natural resources through those who came to study. ·The alumni members who at- tended the banquet brought a unique range of personality, memories and experiences. Mike Schinbeck brought plenty of pic- tures from his college "dorm" days to share with everyone. Most of these students ap- plied their outdoor skills in typi- cal college calamity. In the former ACC Dorms. tales of hanging dead deer out a third floor win- dow and crawdad cooking in the student kitchen had everyone laughing. Another humorous story was the "who shot Big Boy" incident for the opening of bow season. An unidentified student snuck down in the middle of the night before opening day and put an arrow in Big Boy on Chisholm Street as he spun around on the pedestal. The shooter was never reprimanded; instead he got a free lunch. But don't try these things during your education, kids. The alumni members used their knowledge gained from the fishery and forestry programs in other fields such as taxidermy, environmental science, surveying, and landscap- ing. But most are not involved in the fields of forestry or fishing as a career. They all enjoy their affinity for the out doors in their free time. Jacob Van Houten, a biology teacher at Delta College and Chris Weston, also known as "Mr. Twenty-Gauge" came right from the city geese hunt, camouflage and all. Weston worked briefly for the DNR and went on to operate his own fish- ery in Alanson until 1987. . J.C. Stender works in survey- ing and also serves on the board of Michigan Association of Environ- mental Professionals. He and Jake Grebel, another forestry alumni, have used surveying in their work. Mike Phillips, was involved in both programs and worked on an intern- ship for perch and bluegill. Roger Goss, superintendent for a window manufacturing company, enjoys hunting and raises beagles. Cecil Baird raises fish and is also a taxi- dermist. Instructor Jay Wright fought to keep the forestry program going at ACC. But low levels of enrollment, changes in administration and the job market during the '80s led to discontinuing the program. Other former instructors and key people in the program were Tom Mears, Dave Dierking, and the originator of the program, Dr. E.L. Dunckel. They were not present at the ban- quet but were credited for their par- ticipation and contributions. News The Polemic 3 Beri~\fit help:s former Ace·· stud-ent BY ROXANE SNYD~R, - Staff Writer A benefit party was h!!l~ for- the family of Raury Lef:aye on Sept. 23. The_money tb~t was raised will help to pay for the bead stone and other funeral expenses. Tickets were on sale for apP,_rpxi- mately a month_prior and _were available at The Court Yard, ~.J. 's Bar and Grill, and.other local res- taurants and taverns. There were about 200 people in attendance an_d _ap- proximately $2,500 was raised. The party was held at the hunting camp of William and Linda Heussner. It s_tarted at 2 p.,m,.-and featured a pig mast dinrn~i;-. ;En- tertainment included Karao}5e, the live band Wicked Willy, horse shoes and ongoing card tourna- ments. Several donated items were raffled off to raise additional funds. The family expressed thanks for the many people who donated their time an~ mo1:ey, espe,ei~ly Nat Salzinger ~n~ the band .... "It was nice to know .t)lat Raury had so many friends,"· said Photo by Richelle Sieland Laurie Heussner, his best frieµd. Raury was 29 when ~e pied Alumni from ACC's now-disbanded fishery and forestry program recently met to on June 23 of injuries sust_aiqed reminisce about their days at as students. They posed for a group photo in front in an automobile accident. He at- of Kaiser Paul pn ACC ampus. From left to right in the front row are Mike , tended ACC in tbe fall of 1991 Schinbeck and Jacob VanHauten. In the middle row, Cecil Baird, Roger Goss and 1992~ajoringjncorrec_ti~ns. and Mike Phillips. In the back row are J.C. Stender, Jake Grebel, Chris Weston, "He will be missed and q!- Jay Wright and Jack Petoskey. membered by many," frienq Julie Turske said. Leaving an abusive partner requires financial and emotional support: ABUSE, . Continued from Page 1 sive husbands who did not allow Nicole Brown Simpson was up against was a very big deal. For the first time, America could hear forthemselves the terrorthat mil- lions of women live with every day. For most women, their cries go unheard. A large percentage of women who are in abusive relationships will stay in the relationship. Why do you. suppose that is? Many women are emotionally depen- dent on their husbands. They have never relied on themselves; they left their parents' home and went directly to a husband who took care of them. Many women have become isolated from friends and families. Some of this isolation may have been forced on them by posses- them any freedom. Some of the iso- 1 ati on may be self imposed by women who are ashamed of the vis- ible signs of abuse, who do not want to have to explain anything to fam- ily or friends. Many violent part- ners hide their behavior and appear pleasant and sociable in public, which often leads the abused to be- lieve that if they did tell, no one would believe them. · Many women are raised to be- lieve that a successful marriage de- pends on them, so when abuse oc- curs they believe that it is their fault, that they must have done something wrong. In their mind, they deserve it. No one deserves to be beaten, for any reason. But the abused think that if they only try harder, do bet- ter next time, then things will be OK. DOWNTOWN ALPENA 356 2288 123 N. SECOND AVE. - i!Lti -UV6~!Uti- it~VICf NEW & USED COMPUTERS AND ·SUPPLIES MAJOR COMl'UTER GEEKS ANYTHING COMPUTER RELATED Many abused women are alcohol or drug dependent. They put on the false front spo- ken of in the beginning of this article. They wear a mask. Their self-esteem has been eroded; their hopes, goals and dreams are all forgotten . When they hear long enough what a bad person they are, they eventually believe it. "The idea of becoming a public spectacle is very fright- ening for a woman, so she leads people to believe that everything is fine," said Diane . Guigar, a social worker and substance abuse counselor at Shelter, Inc. of Alpena. "A beaten woman feels like a fail- ure, so she stays quiet." She leaves the mask on, and continues playing the game of pretend. Abuse usually comes in cycles. During the non-abu- sive time, the husband may keep some of the promises he made after the last episode. Generally he does feel re- morse and vows that it will never happen again. She still loves him and believes what he says about change, so she stays. But nothing changes. "Most women who leave abusive relationships need some sort of outside intervention," Guigar said. "A battered woman loses her ability to predict what is helpful and haimful in her life." The abused person has no instinct left because of the pain inflicted on her in what appears to be random situations. A beat- ing may occur one time, but a week later for the same action, nothing happens. When a woman no longer controls her own life and does not know what to expect. she then becomes helpless, helpless to stop it and helpless to move on. She stays, and the cycle continues. When women do escape and try to make something of their tom lives, they are often reminded of the past. Many women are left with physical scars on their body so that every time they look in the mirror, every time they get un- dressed, they are reminded of the hopelessness, the confusion and the pain. These physical scars will THE BATTERING CYC'-E Stage One: Growing Tensions · Abuser monitors and controls victim . Jealousy escalates Abuser belittles victim Abuser accuses victim of unaccept ~ble behavior Stage Two: Explosions of Violence Actual physical and sexual abuse : Increased verbal abuse Threats to kill Abuser destroys victim's belongings Abuser threatens to harm others if the victim leaves Stage Three: Honeymoon Phase Abuser promjses to change behavior · Abuser apologizes f9rthe assault' Abuser buys gifts, gives compliments Victim feels a sense of security · never go away, just as the emo- tional scars may never go away. If you know of suspect that someone is being abused, tell the victim that it is not their fault. Let them know that there are alter- natives. There is help available, there are choices, and there is hope. But most of all, let them 133 N. State St. Alpena, Ml 49707 know that you care and that you believe them and that you know abuse hurts. Listen to them; the power of a secret is lost when it is told. Please get involved. It is your bu.,siness. A woman in an abusive relation.ship is in very real dangeroflosing her life. You may be her only hope. · 356-0021 At the Harborside Mall 10 % off winter sweaters with student·ID • ' · •