, Qctober 28, J987 natural area that ·could be developed into a beautiful landscape. The lawn and river front behind Van Lare Hall has a n~ed to be developed; some of the swamp like foliage could. be cleared away to open up a view of the river. The area should be promotional atmosphere for the <;ollege. Alpena is known for its waterways, and it is a shame to waste such a scenery on nothing but · geese. Photos and comments by Dwayne Haken Page 8 There is all this open area for students to enjoy the outdoors during their free , 1. time, but who wants to sit on goose droppings and look a "swamp" trees and weeds blocking the river? The open space may be used for picnicing, playing frisbee or just relaxing with some deep thought .F haps if the area was a little more. dev~loped, students would make use of this beautiful landscape. We all know there ' ,