JI{ N IA (Besser grant, cont.from pg. I) Community colleges enroll larger proportions of older students than higher education as a whole. At ACC, the average age of our students is 19, nationwide it is 28. Well-known community college alumni include actress Pam Dawber (Oakland Community College), former astronaut James McDivitt (Jackson Community College), singer John Cougar Mellencamp (Vicennes Community College in· Indiana), professional football coach Bill Walsh (College of San Mateo in California), and CC), and athlete turned broadcaster O.J. Simpson (City College of San Francisco). Community college revenues are derived mainly from local or state governments, with great variations by state. State support ranged from 81 % in Nevada to 25% in Kansas. At ACC, state funding pTovides about 46% of-tne budget. Local reveneues to support community college operation account for 59% of the total funds in Kansas and for less than 1 % in Kentucky. Local support in other states falls in between those two points, with Michigan's average at 21 %. At ACC, only about 16% of revenue is generated by -local taxes. Why do students enroll in community college? A national survey revealed the following statistics: 36% are preparing for transfer to a four-year institution; 34% are acquiring skills needed for a new occupation; 16% are acquiring skills needed for a current occupation; 15% are fulfilling a personal interest; 4% are improving basic English, reading, or math skills. (Some gave two or more reasons--percentages do not equal 100). Of all first year college freshmen nationwide, 55% enroll m community colleges. Community, technical, and junior colleges, as defined by the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, are reg-i0n-al+y ace-redi te d post secondary institutions at which the associate degree is the highest credential awarded. The number of such institutions has grown from 553 in 193 7 to more than 1,200 today. We need to space, barrier-free access, space including 41,000 be a comprehensive and facilities for community square feet in new community college equipped services. A combination of construction and 5,000 to serve our adult, state and local matching square feet in renovated area. community- based and funding may now allow New facilities would commuting clientele," Bauer us to address these and other house: pointed out. well-defined needs,"Newport -the ACC Library The new construction suggested. -four customized trammg would be between BTC The tentative development classrooms and labs and NRC. schedule calls for identifying -a 400-seat demonstration Renovated space would the remaining 25 percent in and performance theater be in those two buildings and local funding by late spring, -student life and support also in the Health Science finalizing schematic design activities Center. Estimated cost by early summer and -a food service and includes site work, working aggressively to hospitality training center construction, renovation, and secure state approval of -nursing classroom and lab equipping facilities involved. funding by early fall. -an expanded industrial Newport stressed that no If all goes as proposed, training millage funds would be used the new and renovated center to finance a new building. facilities would be occupied -lifelong learning support "Operational millage is just midway through 1992, services that- it provides funds for just in time for ACC's 40th -exhibit and display area instructional and support anniversary as Northeast -common mechanical, . services, which includes Michigan's only institution of circulation and lavatory areas building maintenance," he higher learning. Renovated space would said. "But we hav~ been The $4.9 million "student/ house: sadly lacking in capital community/ business/ -food service and hospitality resources to meet the demand lea~ning resourc~s center" training activity for improved instructional, proJect at ACC mvolves a -thre~ classrooms and library' and student life . total of f16,Q00 sq_uare .:feet 9f-. \offices- . . . , ~ ' ;,. ... ..,_ .... ..., .. Lumberjack, Issue 5, February 8, 1990 pg. 7 ACC in Brief A Quiet Place to Write "The Writing Place," ACC's new writing lab for students, is now open! If you need help with your English papers or need a quiet place to write, drop in anytime between lpm-3pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The writing lab is located in VLH 105 and staffed by Terry Hall and Keiker Doyle. Request Forms Out for Spring Graduates If you are completing degree requirements this semester, be sure to submit a graduation request form to Campus Services, VLH 107. Forms are available in VLH 107; deadline is Feb. 16. The fee is $4. · Besser Male Chorus Seeks New Members Any male student or staff member interested in singing in a male chorus, please contact Dr. Moreau at Ext. 311 concerning membership in the Besser Male Chorus. Representatives to Attend Leadership Conference Twelve Student Senate p.nd Lumberjack representatives will attend a leadership conference at Mott Community College on Feb. 16-17. The conference will emphasize political structure& · and leadership skills .. ACC Adopts Quality Assurance Guarantee ACC now offers a one-year "warranty" period tollowmg graduation with a "C" or better average. During this time, a student who is found deficient in one area of coursework by a transferring institution or employer will be allowed to retake the course at no charge. VLH to Have New Look 'A'CC s :Board of Trustees lias aut onzed design and bidding on a $400,000 project to include interior remodeling, replacement of exterior windows, and installation of a new boiler in VLH. The three-part project is one of the major enhancements provided by the funds from May's successful millage. -physical plant services -common · circulation, mechanical and lavatory areas Completion of the project would benefit ACC and the community at large in a number of ways, including the following: College -Compliance with North Central Association accrediting requirements for library services, expanding library/ media/ research capabilities by 100 percent and relocating those services to a highly visible, accessible and secured location -provide barrier-free access to high demand space -initiate a hospitality management training program -unify the campus and provide weather protectid access to 85 percent of all instructional activities -add needed general ·classroom areas -provide quality "student life" space for commuter students -separate maintenance and d~livery services from general campus activities Community -provide dedicated, quality space for meetings, workshops,seminars in flexibly-designed space for small to large groups -increase capability for customized training services for business and industry -off er expanded graduate as well as undergraduate programming -affirm an attractive college presence story courtesy of the Office of Public Information :r