Lumberiack. fr<:IJP R U~ .. n Yr>r,~ -- A Lumberjack, Issue 8, May 9, 1990 pg. 6 Ginny Titus instructs begipning dance class _ by Kim McClure . creative movement, liturgical dance, radio and television, Beginning in the fall and drama. semester, a new dance class, Titu.s performed entitled "Introduction to professionally for six years Dance" will be offered. The ✓ under the stage name "Ginny class will be taught on ·;Lee," throughout Thursday evenings from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and 6pm-8:45pm by Ginny Titus. West Virginia. The class introduces the She has been a dance '. student to beginning dance instructor for 20 years in ·principles in creative and . Pittsburgh and Alpena. Titus contemporary movement, ,. . was one of the ballet basics, and jazz • ' producer/directors of techniques. Thunder Bay Theatre from Titus has been a dancer 1979-1988. for 37 years. Her experience She was the,. includes tap1 b.allet, jazz, choreographer for 49. musi~als from 1978-present · at Thunder Bay Theatre, Alpena Civic Theatre, and Al_pena High School. She also directed and performed in TBT's school tours for Alpena, Alcona, Rogers City, and Posen Public Schools for 3 years, covering 25 schools per year. Titus is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she received her training. She has lived in Alpena for 14 years, is married, a mother of four, and a grandmother of one. "I am looking forward to . working with the students at ACC. For beginning· dancers, the course will provide an introduction to dance basics and a freedom of body movement. For a student with some experience, the class will provide technique and . contemporary training. I would encourage athletes and · · law enforcement students, in addition to drama students, to consider the course, as dance provides a non-violent release of stress and tension as well as development of coordination, strength, and stamina." Humanities requirement increased for freshmen by Jay McDonald . Beginning in the fall, all · incoming freshmen will be required to take eight hours of humanities credit in their degree program beyond the . six hours of freshman · composition. Previously, students could count the six hours of credit in freshman composition toward an eight hour required humanities credit. Classes available for selection to meet the req~ire-d eight hours are: art, music, theatre, speech, literature, philosophy, journalism,, dance, language and reason, and humanities. Humanities 242 and 243 meet the requirement/ but. if a student desires, he may select classes from other areas. In selecting from other .areas, the student needs classes in a minimum of two related areas such as · journalism-speech, philosophy-language and . reason, music-theatre in numerous combinations . . · This ch~nge · . in requirements brings AC~ in Tips for summer reading by Patricia Homola, ~est write1 which I have read in German · and Norwegian versions, and I'll never forget the time I one of Jane Austen's novels was asked during a job (probably PERSUASION) interview what works I for its wit and economy. would choose for an ideal I would try to choose English course. (The guy works whc;rein the characters had . just taken a . course in rise up from the pages and interviewing and was being live--more real and poignant 'creative'). I did what any than our own parents and red-blooded English teacher grandparents. Ideally, we'd would do: blanked out start with Homer's ILIAD, completely. · marvelling • ·. , at Achilles' But here at last I'd like to wonderful" ~eld, smiling try to answer his question. when He~~\., throws back I used to say my favorite his head ~4 laughs at his novel was the infant son,'who shrinks from nineteenth-century novel, his ,. father's war ,.,,. George Elitot's helment, crying at Hector's MIDDLEMARCH. I reread and' death. it every few years and even We'd end • with a own a vellum, two-volume contemporary American edition. It expresses what it novel, LOVE MEDICINE, is like to live in a small which reads . like the stories provincial, backwater you hear · around your town--to gradually lose all mother's kitchen table, and your unrealisitc, youthful which expresses what it's ideals. like to lose · your heritage Now I tend more toward without replacing it with poetry, and my favorite book another--our universal 20th must be Rainer Maria Rilke's century dilemma. THE BOOK OF HOURS. But on to the ideal English Must be getting old, because class. Six must-read's I also read fairy tales and last would be Hemingway's THE summer purchased three OLD MAN AND THE SEA, beautiful books of Russian Faulkner's "The Bear," fairytales. Fitzgerald's THE GREAT GATSBY, Chopin's THE AWAKENING, Wharton's ETHAN FROME, D.H., Lawrence's THE VIRGIN AND . THE GYPSY --all nearly perfect novels and very good reads. But if I wanted to have students gain an epic experience, I'd have them read Knut Hamsun's GROWTH OF THE SOIL or Tolstoy's · WAR AND PEACE or Hugo's LES MISERABLES or Mann's THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN. They'd probably have to read one Dickens or Gaskell novel, my favorite being · OUR MUTUAL FRIEND and I'd like to share with them Bronte's JANE EYRE, ATTENTION - HIRING! Government jobs - your area. $17,840 - $69,485. ' Call 1-602-838-8885 Ext R18475. line with requirements at other community colleges in the state. ACC was ranked near the · bottom when compared to humanities requirements at various community colleges. Terry Hall, Humanities department chair, feels that with the development of many new . courses in · the humanities area., meeting this requiremnt should present no major problem for students. With all the available courses, "it should be a smorgasboard. There are many courses to choose from that may introduce students to areas of learning and enjoyment that they can pursue throughout their lives." When you're ready for a change! R8GIS HAIRSTYLISTS $3.00 OFF . Regis shampoo, precision cut and style. Hairstyles personally designed to fit your lifestyle Free Consultations. no .. double " discounts -~JILLA'S DANCE STUDIO. 4-D 2ND STREET, INC. Jazz Tap Ballroom Aero Ballet "Poise a nd Confiden c e Achi eved Through Dance"