Summer schedule: As finals are fast approaching, I encourage you to take a break and turn your thoughts toward summer. Look ahead to all t~e activities our area has to offer. Let this serve as your unofficial guide to activities within the area for the upcoming months: HUBBARD LAKE: Manjidiwin Days, to be held June 28-July 1. Manjidiwin means " a gathering of the people for a celebration." Activities are set at the Lions Park in Hubbard Lake. A teen dance opens the festival on Thursday evening with music by the RH Factor band, which will also provide · dancing and entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights. The event consists of arts and crafts, softball tournaments, a dunk ta_nk, a BBQ, concessions, a sunset run, bike races,. and much more. The triathalon will be held on Saturday mornmg. ALPENA: 4th of July celebration. Highlights_ will include the ·annugl parade, pony rides offered by the 4-H group, a Strawberry Ice Cream Social, a_ chicken BBQ, a Sand Castle Contest by 1:he Downtown Merchants Association, a volleyball tournament and music in the fine Arts Shell. ALPENA: Brown Trout Festival, July 14-22. This popular Lumberjack, Issue 8, May 9, 1990 pg. 7 nine-day fes_tiv~l is centered ar~und :-Vh~t is cons~dernd to be ·Storyteller shares tales in weekend performance the oldest fishmg tournament m Michigan. This year, the Sunrise Side will offer "Song of the Lakes" in the Fine Arts " ----------- Torrence achieved interested students should Shell on July 16, Jazz in the Park on July 1.7. Music will .~ by Jay McDonald national prominence after a contact the library for provided by Larson Brothers, and Amencan Gr~ase Wttl Jackie Torrence, one of 1977 festival held in reservations. per~orrn _for the. closing weekend. Othe_r e;vents t~dude a the best-known storytellers, Charlotte, N.C. where she Sonya Titus, instructor casmo mght, mmnow and turtle races, p1cmc on: thee gree111 will be performing and performed. This prompted for children's literature, (a .SO's night by WHSB, a kid's fishing tournamept, and ip;udi conducting a workshop at the an article about her in the required course for more. Alpena County Library this Wall Street Journal. perspective elementary OSSINEKE: Old Fashioned Days, August 3~4. E include an old-fashioned parade, a BBQ, arts and displays, along with . various games and confe.St\. "" dancing will be held both.nights. ALPENA: Ramblin' Rods Car Show, August H):..12. agenda includes Cruise and Dance at the Ripley .. Bi~ Friday night with jitterbug and the twist dan~e oo car show opens on Saturday at Mich-E-Kewis wit .. prizes awarded. Judging for the model car cont~st place on Sunday along with a poker nm. Thousro.1(lJs in prizes will be given away including a cruise toth¢B'a1'ta HARRISVILLE: Harmony Days, Sept. 1-2. 'the ,ia & crafts show is held every Labor Day weeke courthouie lawn. . It offers a wide variety of dis . ys anq., music by the Barbershop Quartet, Sweet Adelines, and inn~h more for your enjoyment. Other area events include: . Hubbard Lake WaJleye Challenge (May 9-10); Thunder Bay Canoe-Races (June 30-July 1 ); Sidewalk: Sales in Alpena (July 19-21); Royston Fest (July 28); ~icn:ic ~n the ·Green (eve~ Thursday during the Summer, begmnmg m July); V-J Day m Hillman (August 11); Rogers City Salmon Tournaments (August 11-12); Alpena County Fair (August 19-25); Posen: Potato Festival (Sept. 7-9). i --QBrab'uat.ton '1tcrcmon tis-- Thursday, May 17, 7pm at EAC. A reception will be held following commencement from 8:30pm-10:00pm at Jesse Besser Museum. All graduates, relatives, and friends are welcome to attend. week as the Library hosts its She now travels most of education students), highly 10th storytelling festival, the time giving public and recommended attendance at sponsored in part by the school performances, telling tbs worksho · and ublic Cheboygan Arts CoW1c · . re an 2 stcrrtes at pe onnance. Torrence feels her family feature characters like Soldier Titus stated, "I'm very heritage contributed greatly to Jack- and Brer Possum. She excited that someone of her storytelling abilities also has two award-winning Torrence's stature is corning since her uncles, aunts, TV shows to her credit, and to Alpena. It is a great grandparents, etc. all enjoy co-hosted with Sally opportunity for students, getting together and telling Struthers the prime-time TV especially future elementary stories. Torrence listened · program, "The Teller and the teachers, to see a 'master' and learned. Tale." storyteller at work. It should Torrence, overcoming a While in Alpena, Torrence be profitable, but also great chi 1 d hood speech will visit area schools telling fun!" impediment, began telling stories to all grade levels. On stories in 1972 when she had Thursday she will do a free to substitute for the public performance from volunteer storyteller at the 7prn-8prn at the county High Point Library. The library, and on Friday she children responded well and will conduct a storytelling Torrence found out, "I could workshop. Space is limited tell stories." for the workshop, so TBT closes out winter-spring season by Jay McDonald · Thunder Bay Theatre will close its winter-spring season with the comedy-mystery "I'll Be Back Before Midnight" running May 11-13 and May 17-20. Special discount tickets are available for students. One of the people starring in the production is Aurora Hubbard, . local actress who has appeared most recently in the .Alpena Civic Theatre production of "Vanities" and last weekend's ACC Foundation dinner/theatre. Hubbard considers theatre "my outlet...just a hobby ,'.'but her credits are extensive with appearances in other professional enterprises such as "Die Hard II" and the currently-running Keno commercial. Alan Lacross is another newcomer to TB T in this production; returning to his native town after 20 years on the west coast. LaCross' credits are in film, including "Die Hard II" in Alpena and "Ted" and "Horne Sweet Homeless" in Los Angeles. Laura Berry, a graduate of the theatre program at the University of Michigan, joined the TBT company this , spring and has appeared on stage in the children's show, "Magic II" and the children's -::i►. touring company production of Aesop's Fables. Completing the cast is Gary Sturm, associate director at TBT, who has, over the years, appeared in many TBT productions, such as "Applause" and "1776." "I"ll Be Back Before Midnight" has received rave reviews from critics in the United States and England. One reveiwer said, "a mystery thriller that really chills. I watched the second act through the fingers of my right hand ... see it, if you • dare!"